Best weapon for a Shaper focusing on Creations?
Author | Topic: Best weapon for a Shaper focusing on Creations? |
Member # 2245
written Saturday, May 5 2007 19:35
I'm having a little trouble deciding which weapon is best for a Shaper who focuses of mainly on creations. The options include: - Captain's Shiv: 4-16, +4% armor, +2 Blessing Magic, +8 creation armor, +1 creation dexterity - Living Knife: 4-16, +4% armor, +1 Creation Strength, +1 Creation Dexterity - Guardian Claymore: 11-55 Damage, +2 strength, +2 Quick Action, +2 Creation Strength - Thirsting Knife: 7-28 Damage, +8 Vampiric Touch, +5 Fire Res, +2 Creation Strength, +1 Creation Dexterity. [ Saturday, May 05, 2007 19:36: Message edited by: Suspicious Vlish ] Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 13 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=SccIzNGryHSW"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=SccIzNGryHSW"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
written Saturday, May 5 2007 20:20
It depends upon what you do with your shaper. Captain's shiv is nice for the blessing magic boost until you have it naturally and you can always swap it. Guardian claymore is nice for the strength +2 for you since it allows for more equipment without becoming encumbered. Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00 |
Member # 869
written Saturday, May 5 2007 21:05
Since creation strength bonuses from items are apparently broken, use the Captain's Shiv unless you need the strength boost for yourself. -------------------- The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure! Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2245
written Saturday, May 5 2007 23:42
Is the creation armour the Captain's Shiv bestows worthwhile? It doesn't seem like a significant amount. Then again, something is better than nothing... -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2245
written Sunday, May 6 2007 03:30
Thuryl: quote:Are you sure that that applies to the Windows version? Because in my version, my Creations receive a strength boost when I equip the Guardian Claymore... -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Sunday, May 6 2007 04:07
The brokenness reportedly applies to actually factoring in the strength bonus to damage, not to displaying the strength bonus. All versions display it. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
written Sunday, May 6 2007 10:30
None of those things actually. Allow me to be the odd vlish out. Load up on dexterity boosting items and stock up on batons. A couple of shots with a reaper baton can make a real difference in how a battle turns out. -------------------- If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish. Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish. Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2245
written Friday, May 11 2007 03:21
DV: quote:??? Did you read my original post? I'm asking which weapon would be best for a Shaper focusing on creating powerful creations. If the claim about the strength boost bug is indeed correct, then it's clear that the Captain's Shiv if by far the best weapon for a 'deadweight' Shaper. Which is fantastic, given that it's found rather early in the game. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
written Friday, May 11 2007 06:23
quote:I guess you have never taken the time to read on my missile reports and why missile using shapers can dramatically increase the kill speed and survivability of their creations. Or even realise why submission batons and Ghlaaks and why both are so powerful together. There is a powerful synergy between missile use and creations, and being able to direct the flow of battle and damage spread. Ancilliary effects and what not. Your loss. My apologies. Just keep doing whatever it is your doing and please ignore my advice. You wouldn't like this whole "thinking outside of the box thing". -------------------- If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish. Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish. Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 7143
written Friday, May 11 2007 10:26
Too many vlish, had to reread the two names. -------------------- "After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one." - Cato the Elder (234-149 BC) "The mind, if it exists, is nothing but an unfortunate after effect of the brain process." -Kripke "One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly." -Friedich Nietzche Posts: 333 | Registered: Saturday, May 20 2006 07:00 |
Member # 2245
written Saturday, May 12 2007 15:22
DV: quote:You thick headed dunce! This has nothing whatsoever to do with me failing to think 'outside the box'. The problem is that you lack the skills to adequately comprehend literature. Go away and get a first grade education, and then maybe you'll have something worthwhile to say. Until then, you're just another village idiot (on the same par as ET), whose opinion is worth diddly squat. [ Saturday, May 12, 2007 15:26: Message edited by: Suspicious Vlish ] -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
written Saturday, May 12 2007 15:37
Don't do that again. Consider this thread locked. There was no call to be uncivil. -------------------- If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish. Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish. Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00 |