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Other RPGs in General
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #7
Next to Spiderweb, Blizzard is my favorite game company (PC and Mac). Diablo II is probably my favorite non-Spiderweb RPG. Of course, it is completely linear, but the action moves along nicely and it's an all around good game. If you like that stuff, anyway. There's also World of Warcraft, if you like MMO's and have money to burn. I was quite the Blizzard fanatic once, before I was caught in the great Spiderweb, from which there is no escape. :P

"We were meant to live for so much more. Have we lost ourselves?" - Switchfoot
My poetry
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Man or God in General
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #178
Originally written by Synergy:

Your extra-Biblical explanation for why Peter and the other 11 apostles taught a mixed gospel of works, while Paul taught one solely of grace (as well as universal salvation and restoration) is a retroactive apologetic explanation for why God can’t divinely inspire a coherent, unified message of salvation in His own Bible. I don’t buy it. The gospels are significantly different. Peter and Paul were at controversy with one another. The Church was divided upon itself from day one. And you expect me to think that many years later, consensus is sufficient to rightly divide truth?

The apostles' audiences had very different problems that they needed to address. As such, different letters would obviously have different focus points.

I could probably find answers to all your technical questions on "contradiction," but if you're looking for answers on that (which you may or may not be) i would recommend a book called "Bible Difficulties." I can't remember the author, but you could find it if you wanted to. After all, I'm not much of a Bible scholar. I'm just a 10th grader with a decent education.

I never have. I love the Bible and love to quote many worthy things from it. I just don’t assume it is weighted equally or that its understanding saw past the capacity of its own day. I don’t believe it was ever intended or needed to be a Divine Textbook for all time and place, and that the evidence of itself makes this clear.

Okay then. Yes, some people definitely take it too far, quoting Scripture left and right whatever the context is. Sometimes it's downright ridiculous. :P

You’re right, my heart has been changed, and I am thrilled about it. It continues to change daily. This is the nature of God...neverending unfolding and growth. It’s fantastic. I highly recommend it.

I suppose many people with argue with you on that, but since I like to have an open mind on many issues the Church divides on, I have to agree with you in a way. It is a wonderful thing to grow in your faith.

It instead drove me to seek something much much more, and God has not given me stones when I asked for bread. I appreciate your concern for my peril.

Maybe I have misunderstood you after all. However, I would encourage you to at least look at the character of various denominations before giving up on Christianity. We have a place for you somewhere, if you are willing to look for it. God bless your spiritual journey! :)

- Taliesin (a.k.a. Drayk-ula, Khyryk's Brother)

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Radiance & Vampiric Touch in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #2
Radiance is bonus damage that applies when you're fighting Undead, such as shades. Vampiric Touch raises your chance of draining some life from your target when you use weapons, even wands. As such, it is most useful for warriors/serviles/shocktroopers.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Man or God in General
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #166
Originally written by Synergy:

Well, the fact that the four gospels disagree on various basic facts and numbers show that something somewhere is not genuine/true/accurately recollected or remembered/was made up/somehow otherwise faked or approximated.

Sorry if I was unclear, but I was looking for specific examples.

I see. So might makes right, and majority opinion implies reliability. I have no such faith in consensus, even if it did exist.

The reason those false books were discredited immediately was because the church already had a canon by the time they appeared. Bear in mind that (look this up if you don't believe me) the acknowledged canon was all finished before 100 AD, and the earliest possible date for the New Testament apocrypha is about a hundred years later. It's not like the Council of Nicaea was working from scratch, you know. (Again, look up the history before critizing that!) The only debated books that were removed were Old Testament Apocrypha written in the intertestamental period, which were still considered useful and the church was encouraged to read them, interestingly enough. The debated books that were kept were either debated for authenticity, like the anonymous Hebrews, or (rarely) on teaching, such as James. James was challenged by those people who thought works were unnecessary for salvation. However, it was written to assert the importance of living a godly life to back up your faith ("faith without works is dead"), whereas Paul wrote to an audience who considered good works to be the central aspect of salvation. If you're not sure what I mean, please ask me. I mentioned it because it is a commonly cited "contradiction."

It is difficult for someone who discredits the whole Bible to distinguish between what the Bible is, and what it is not. This being so, I am most likely wasting my time. But, as I told Jame2, only God can change hearts. And he can, too. I won't speculate on why you left the church, because I'm sure you had your reasons. After all, everyone is a sinner and has problems, no matter how good they are. I will pray for you too, and I don't mean that in a self-righteous way.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Geneforge 3 - Problems and Lankan in Geneforge Series
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #17
The canister triggered for me too, but fortunately I didn't kill Lankan. Killing the guards on the way out got me some nice experience, and didn't anger anyone. So that was nice.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Tips on solo Celt? in Nethergate
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #4
Sweet. I thought I had seen that link somewhere before, but I couldn't remember where. Thanks!

Since my "real name" is Taliesin (a druid), I figured I might as well play Nethergate. *jumps* What are those voices? Could they be from the Otherworld???

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Tips on solo Celt? in Nethergate
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #3
Sweet. I thought I had seen that link somewhere before, but I couldn't remember where. Thanks!

Since my "real name" is Taliesin (a druid), I figured I might as well play Nethergate. *jumps* What are those voices? Could they be from the Otherworld???

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Tips on solo Celt? in Nethergate
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #2
Sweet. I thought I had seen that link somewhere before, but I couldn't remember where. Thanks!

Since my "real name" is Taliesin (a druid), I figured I might as well play Nethergate. *jumps* What are those voices? Could they be from the Otherworld???

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Tips on solo Celt? in Nethergate
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #0
I am planning to play Nethergate:Resurrection as a singleton Celt. However, I have never played Nethergate before. Any tips on what to focus on at first?

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Man or God in General
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #150
Originally written by Synergy:

How exactly did anyone know this, and how do you know that they knew? The consensus is that most of the writings of the NT except, possibly, for Paul's letters, were written by people whose names are not on the book.

The only book I can think of that that applies to is Hebrews. If you research the history of the Council of Nicaea you will find that the various "canons" in almost every case were almost identical with the canon they settled on. Only a small handful of books were debated at all by the vast majority of people at the time, which, I believe,is your definition of consensus.

As opposed to just how silly some of the fake stuff is in the books that were retained?

Care to give some examples?

Again, I'd sure like to know how you think you know that. Considering my opinion of majority opinion, I'd be especially interested to see what the chosen agents of an institutionalized Church-state deemed too dangerous or unGodly or frivolous to make it into the "official canon."

As I have already stated, there was less confusion on this issue back then than you would like to think. The big exception that comes to mind is the canon of Marcion, who threw out almost everything in the entire Bible, keeping only most of Paul's epistles and some of the Gospel of Luke.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Man or God in General
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #149
Originally written by Synergy:

This thread is to discuss God and man and the Bible...not a place to proseletyze and regurgitate scriptures to remind everyone how wicked and foolish they are according to David or James. If you're going to inflict Scripture upon us, please have something intelligent and pertinent to the discussion to say for yourself.


I must admit our friend Synergy has a point, Nicholiah. Please present a case and then use Scripture to support it.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Man or God in General
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #144
Originally written by Jame2:

Think about this: way back in the 300s or 400s, the Council of Nicaea (or Nicea) got together and decided that the Bible would have certain books, and would not have other books. They did this in order to propagate their own version of Christianity and to suppress as many other versions as they could.
I beg to differ on that point. The Council of Nicaea was simply meant to give an official statement of which books (almost) everyone already knew were written by real apostles. They did this to stand against people - some present, some future - that would try to add other teachings to the Bible to undermine it. Example: Islam and Mormonism both claim inspiration by an "angel." Galatians 1:8 states: "But even if we, or and angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed."

Additionally, if you have ever looked at those "other books" of the Bible, I think you would realize just how silly some of the fake stuff is. And by the way, most of those "other books" were never accepted as scriptural by ANYONE.

I realize that you will probably laugh at what I'm saying, but that's OK. If you choose not to believe, nobody's forcing you to. God gives us all a free choice, and I can't change your mind by myself. Only He can change hearts. I will pray for you though, and those like you.

No hard feelings. :)

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Do you name your creations? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #24
Originally written by Student of Trinity:

Originally written by Dikiyoba:

I always name my creations. (Incidentally, I always try to keep them alive throughout the entire game, too.) On my last complete playthrough, I had Wildfyre the fyora, Frostbyte the cryoa, Foamy the roamer, Fyrestorm the drayk, Blyzzard the cryodrayk, Lyghtning the kyshakk, and Global Warming the drakon.

Dikiyoba only chose Global Warming because Dikiyoba was at a loss for another name that fit the pattern. Any suggestions?

Global wyrming.

Hahahahaha! That's a good one. My pet drakon is now named Global Wyrming. Thanks, SoT!

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Episode 4: Spiderweb Reloaded. Something like that anyway. in General
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #122
I have become a vampire, as my screen name reflects. *EDIT: My screen name at the time was Drayk-ula.

Do not mess with me anymore, if you ever did. I know where you live.

Actually I just use a life-stealing sword. Not too scary. Especially since I'm a lifecrafter. I can still sick my drayks on you, though. But I'm nice to people who are nice to me. ;)

I dare you to click that link.

[ Sunday, September 23, 2007 08:46: Message edited by: Drayk-ula ]

Love is the movement.
My poetry
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Do you name your creations? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #12
Originally written by Azarr:

Sometimes, if they were created to destroy some specific enemy I give them a name.
For instance, I shaped some rotghroth and named them Golem Slayers once. Then I rampaged and killed eleven golems in about ten minutes. But that was in Geneforge 3. :D

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Khyryk's Catacombs in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #12
Well, that depends. The knife is Tek's Spectral Dirk, which provides great damage protection and resistances. It doesn't deal a whole lot of punishment though - it's really a defense weapon. My first G4 character already had the puresteel soulblade by the time he got back there, so I never used the Dirk.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
How Did You Find Spiderweb? in General
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #52
I discovered Geneforge 1 and 2 through WildGames, which generally suck but sometimes they have decent games from other companies. I got Geneforge 4 when it came out, and immediately surrendered my sanity to the fluffy turtles. I just find Spiderweb games so much more intelligent than my previous game addiction, Blizzard. I love the open plots and interactivity, as opposed to the rigid linearity of games like Diablo.

Also I just finished reading that ridiculous "Attack of the Noobs" story by Dikiyoba. Loved it, but it took a few hours to read.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Khyryk's Catacombs in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #7
True - elemental cloak would probably do just fine.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Khyryk's Catacombs in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #5
Especially look for the one in Northforge, as you will need it to access the Black Key that Litalia stole from Monarch.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
quick question in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #3
i never capitalize anything generally. but if it annoys ppl (haha)...

I mean, I don't want to annoy people.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
quick question in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #2
oh thanks. i figured it was something so blatantly obvious that i was totally missing it. i'll try that out right away.

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
quick question in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #0
i cant figure out how to shape an ornk. i know its useless, but i went to some trouble to get that canister. :confused:

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Geneforge IV Survey in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #12
1. What is your favorite with-the-shapers character?

2. What is your favorite Rebel Character?

3. What faction do you agree with most?
in between Trakovites and Shapers. i agree with Khyryk almost perfectly.

4. What is your favorite spell?
Mass Energize, by far.

5. What is your favorite creation?
Drayks! (too bad they're only from canisters) also Wingbolts/Unstable Firebolts in G4

6. How would you rate this game from 1-10?
hmm... about 9.5

"I intend to find out who has the most treasure, kill them, take it, and repeat the process."
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
G5 wishlist. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #118
Originally written by CrouchingOwl:

One thing I think might do well in Geneforge 5 is some sort of limited in battle mode shaping.
As a devoted shaper/lifecrafter, the inability to Shape in combat mode has always bugged me. I think it should be just like normal Shaping as far as what you can do, and use say 5 AP. Sound reasonable?

On another topic, I need more Trakovite options! At least G4 added something to that effect. I hope G5 does at least as much, preferably a lot more.

Khyryk is my hero!!!

Love is the movement.
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
