Holding the Tavern Front -RP

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AuthorTopic: Holding the Tavern Front -RP
Member # 3479
Profile #150
OOC: Well, don't blame me for not knowing the anatomy of a Dark Wyrm. I thought Wyrm, which is a dragon, which has arms. Also, the monks will remain animated until destroyed.
IC: Vincent had stunned the Geraldians into paralyzed horror. Vincent ordered the undead monks to attack the now very frightened Geraldians, who started running up the stairs from the despicable things. They never made it to the second flight of stairs. Body parts came rolling down the stairs as Vincent watched the cellar entrance. He decided it was time to completely finish off the Wyrm. Vincent held out his hands towards the chopped up corpse, as though warming his hands by a fire. The various chunks and heaps of flesh from the Wyrm very slowly became insubstantial, then turned into thick, black fog that billowed toward Vincent. It flowed into his hands. Vincent turned toward the other warriors and exhaled a very large breath, completely black. As his eyes turned back to green, he fell to his knees hunched over. Blood started dripping down Vincent's head, from his nose and mouth, and down his arms.
"I need some help."
He then fell face foreward to the ground.

-"Well, double dumbass on you!"
-William Shatner, Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Posts: 51 | Registered: Tuesday, September 23 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #151
[ooc] Grisly.

The people gathered in the common room were stunned at what was happening around them. The stairs were now a mess of gore that dripped blood into a large pool at the bottom. Kris, having woken just in time to see soldiers in his own uniform massacred by undead monks, sat with his back to a table leg, a blank look of horror on his face. Aarow was blessedly unconscious. Neris cowered against Kris, eyes squeezed shut, silent tears running down her face. At that moment she neither knew nor cared who held her, desperately needing the security and comfort provided by the arm he had instinctively placed around her shoulders.

The healer snapped out of his trance when Vincent spoke. His steps were leaden as he forced himself to Vincent's side. He was almost glad he had no energy left to cast a healing spell, unwilling to let himself be tainted by such dark magic. His revulsion battled against the healer's compulsion to heal any wounded being.

"Well?" Gerald asked impatiently.

The First mage shrugged, at a loss as to why the ten scouts had not reported back. "Perhaps the exit point is not where we had hoped. We could send another lot through."

"Or you could go through yourself and make sure it's safe," Gerald snapped.

The mage hesitated.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
Member # 1877
Profile #152
OOC: Il try to get an entrace that is ad spectacular as posible.
IC: Telaree watched the ground fly past under him, Sauron was fast indeed, if his inner fire had not been lost in Atlantis, he would be really powerfull, and because of their little underwater adventure, Tel (Telarees nic) had to wait for two weeks before Sauron could breath flames. Bad. Annyway, the smell of battle was tempting on Tel, and he set course for it. Sauron roared, and hes great dragon wings flapped faster, "scrooch!" the sound that came as Sauron touched down on the bloody grass, Tel led him inn to the stabels and entered the inn. "Hoy! annybody in need for a mercenary from the northlands he said as he opened the door, severall people gasped at hes shining armor and katana, and his chinese trowing starrs, but he also had a helmet from the north! "Well?"
OOC:Telaree is a warrior from a distant place, all his weapons is colected from various adventures.

[ Sunday, November 09, 2003 12:10: Message edited by: Sauron T Deciever ]


Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #153
I'm going to need a new trench coat after this, Shadow Wolf noted as he finished off the Wyrm, weaving Silentstriker through the Wyrm as if the act was meant to have grace and finesse. In contrast, his coat was quite the gory mess.

"Excuse me for a moment," the blademaster said as he went off to wash his coat, disgustedly picking little Wyrm parts off his overcoat.

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 1877
Profile #154
IC: Tel saw that most of the people was busy treating their wounds and stuff, and the feeling of the room was gruff annyway. He could hear a lot of noise in the cerllar , so he decided he would just take a little peek inn, what he saw made him wanna puke.
OOC: You can ask for help if you want to

[ Monday, November 10, 2003 01:25: Message edited by: Sauron T Deciever ]


Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
Member # 1877
Profile #155
OOC: I am REALLY sorry for double posting, but i understood that the intro of Tel wasnt too great, so here is a full Description:

Name: Telaree, name he uses: just Tel
Look: Blonde short hair, steel blue eyes, pretty muscular but not more than a norma guard, skin are a little tanned
Bio: Born in the lands of the empire, he was sent down to Avernum\Exile when his parents died of a plague, the empire did not know where to put him, so they sent him to Avernum\Exile. He was one of the people in the first surface teams who was sent from Avernum (You got it now?). now he live a life of a merc, bountyhunter, trader, adventurer and explorer.
Armor: Full empire scale armor, Northern helmet (Looks like a typical "Russian high hatt" but with a helmet underneath, Chain boots, and enchanted gloves that give him ability to see in the dark.
Weapons: A great magic katana that glow red when enemies are near, sturdy shortbow and a quiver full of mithril arrows, and some chinese throwing stars.
Note: All weapons collected from various adventures.
Mood: Always (Almost) optimistic and happy, can control his anger when people attack him.
Special abs: Has some mage blood in himself, so he knows telepathy and magical barrier, and he has a flying dragon named Sauron, witch has lost his fire abillities temporary because of an adventure in Atlantis.

( :( I am sorry! :( )


Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #156
OOC: you don't need to that serious about double posting, if you need to do it just do it. no need to say sorry/apologize 50 million times.

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #157
OOC: Sorry for not posting for so long... my dad doesn't approve much of me going on the internet for so long, at least when he's at the house. Well, at least we can get the story moving. I'm planning to wrap up the story after... maybe 2 or 3 more RP days. (Basically, however many days it passes during the RP.) So yeah. And thanks, Aarrow Swift for giving us the 'Pagely Report'! =)


Rasil pulled out his dagger from the now very dead wrym. It was amazing how it looked; there was almost nothing of it left, as the same with what the Geraldians were like. He was rather amazed he managed to find his dagger, as he bound it back to his wrist. He couldn't help but look at Schostas as he finally started to calm down: His robe showing the late Queen's insignia explained his allegience to the land of Serenity.

Kris couldn't help but feel curious. He walked slowly up to Schostas, who was sitting down on a stool. "I couldn't help but notice," Kris started, "that you have an insignia of the late Queen on your robes... perhaps you can tell me why?" Neris clung to his side, still shivering. Kris was waiting for an answer, horror still in eyes, but defiant in getting an explanation.

Outside, the sun was sinking. A little more rest would come for the next day...

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
-Random Quote
Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #158
OOC: I will give as good an explanation for Schostas as I can.

IC: Schostas was finally calming down after going into his chaotic rage. He had various small wounds on him that were healing themselves, and the blue aurora was still around his body. It seemed permanent and his robes were putting everyone on edge. He felt that now would be a good time for an explanation.

Schostas: "Well, it seems my secret is out now so I better come clean with all of you. When Queen Granst divided the kingdom, she set up a private army of fighters of her own that she kept in case of war between the brothers. The private army was not made known to either of them and they never knew about it. At least that's what she thought. I was one of the elite to be made a mage-fighter for her and she gave each of us a robe like this with some protection spells interwoven into it.

This protective cloak is muffled by the use of another cloak over top of it, which is why only a dim aurora could be seen around my body at night. You can see the aurora of protection around me now and saw how it works while I was fighting the Dark Wyrm and getting acid all over myself.

And as for my reputation as a killer, every now and then she would send us out on a mission to rid the land of various creatures that were attacking it and she believed they were created by one of the brothers, if not both. I was one of the best at killing these creatures. It was when returning from one of these missions that I learned that she had died and for some odd reason, the rest of her private army had vanished overnight, leaving only a few others and me.

I discovered that she had not died naturally. When I saw her body on the day of the funeral, it was clear to me that she was the victim of a poisoning. It was all hunched up and she had a strange grin on her face. It was clear that she had been killed by strychnine poison. I was determined to live by my vow of protection and avenge her death.

I changed my identity and started wearing the red cloak, you saw earlier, and the other private army men still around did much the same and blended into society much as I did. I was the only one though, who did not reject his destiny to destroy the evil kingdom.

I later found out that one of the two kingdoms had been plotting against her and was responsible for her death. And later I discovered that her private army had been wiped out in a nearby land. I had been told a traitor in the army had told the evil brother about them and he had sent out assassins to kill them. I figured the best thing to do was bide my time doing odd quests and earning myself a reputation as a killer without the use of my magic for many years until an opportunity to get my revenge presented itself.

It had been so long since I last cast a spell that I was surprised when I did so well after trying it again only a few days ago when this battle had started. I decided that now was the best time to get my revenge on that kingdom. Now is the time of survival of the true good kingdom. This battle will be judgment day for the evil one."

Kris: "And which kingdom was responsible for all those evil things?"

Schostas: "I am sorry to say that it was the kingdom you were serving under. Gerald's Kingdom, which is not the Kingdom of Truth. It is the Kingdom of lies, evil, and betrayal. You got out just in time, soldier. Now is the time of victory for us. Let's make a plan. Maybe we should contact Lance's kingdom and tell him the truth and everything he needs to know."

OOC: Ok. Someone else take over for a while. Sorry about the length.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #159
[ooc] I dislike the idea of there being a 'good' and an 'evil' kingdom. Things are seldom so clean-cut. And please, no more people simply walking into the tavern and offering assistance. After the monks, I think the defenders would be a little more strict in keeping others out, not to mention the difficulty in passing through enemy lines. [/ooc]

Kris frowned, trying to sort out the confusion in his mind after Schostas' tale. He shook his head adamantly. "I don't believe it!" he said. "My king would not do such a thing."

Schostas looked at him a little sadly. "Whatever you may wish, it is the truth."

"No!" Kris insisted. "King Gerald loved his mother, and so did Lance. I served under him for years, I know him. He would never have-" He stopped suddenly, and Schostas could see realisation cross his face. Realisation, and anger. "The witch," he muttered quietly.

"What is it?" Schostas leaned forward, eager for more information on that which now consumed his life.

"Not King Gerald, never King Gerald," Kris said heavily. "But his wife."

"Queen Sophia?"

"Aye, Queen Sophia." He spoke her name with distaste. "Lady of the Old Court, she is, and up to her neck in all its twisted politics. I can well believe her capable of doing this deed and hiding it from my king."

The bartender took a pause from washing down the blood-soaked stairs and looked Telaree up and down, measuring him. "Aye," he said. "I could do with all t' help I can get. But sit down an' I'll get ye sommat t' eat."

He passed out good-sized hot meals for all the defenders, waving away any offers of payment. As he set one down before Kris he hesitated, seeing that Neris had fallen asleep in his lap. "Listen 'ere, Geraldian," the bartender said. "My girl's taken a likin' t' ye, but don't think I don't recognise ye. Any harm comes t' Neris, an' ye'll wish ye had stayed with Gerald for yer execution."

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #160
OOC: You are right Prem. But, it is exactly how I said it. I was leaving it up to the other RPers to decide the details. I thought my post was a little too broad. I didn't like it either. It was the best I could think of at such short notice. I don't know why, but I find the Lance side to be more interesting. The Gerald side just seems to be somewhat boring. We have to make a decision soon as to whom the winning side will be and I am leaning towards the Lancians. What is everyone else's position?

IC: Schostas helped carry the unconscious dryads to some upstairs beds and helped to burn the remains of the monks and the Dark Wyrm. He could smell a final battle brewing in the air, and knew it wouldn't be long until the main battle commenced. While lost in thought, Schostas sits down at a table next to Kris. Then he suddenly remembers something, and Kris takes notice.

Kris: "What is it noble warrior? What were you thinking about?"

Schostas: "Well...I was thinking about the day of the funeral. I recall seeing some strange woman dressed all in black with a heavy black veil covering her features. She was standing beside King Gerald who was on one side of the street, while King Lance was with his wife on the other side. I figured that the veiled figure was Gerald's wife and I just remembered something else. It was hard to see through the veil, but I could have sworn that she had an evil grin on her face.

But that doesn't explain why many of my fellow army men fled the kingdom overnight. Nor why they were all killed in a neighboring land the following day. I just can't see the connection of what Gerald's wife had to do with it. Maybe it did have something to do with Lance's kingdom, but I am still leaning towards Gerald's wife. Do you have a theory, Kris?"

Kris sits in thought for a while. Meanwhile, the summoned creatures continue to linger around the inn and the bartender gives the order to have them fed. Arrow and Vincent have been taken to beds upstairs for healing and rest and Shadow Wolf is sitting at the counter eating a meal.

OOC: Ok. Take it from there Prem.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Member # 1877
Profile #161
IC: Tel thanked for the meat, "Tel, just call me Tel" he said in a relaxed voice, but not as relaxed as before. The blood and people had made him think a little bit before he walked straight in to a house, what if they attakced him? But these people seemed like reasonable people.
He asked a soldier about what this mess realy was about. When he knew everything that was to know, he went to sleep.
OOC: Actually the "Just walking right inn and offering help" thing, is part of Tel`s personality. Remember "He could smell battle", he likes battle. But his entrace was kinda cool, right?

[ Tuesday, November 11, 2003 09:33: Message edited by: Sauron T Deciever ]


Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #162
Rasil was pacing about the inn, looking for anyone to help out when the bartender bumped into him. Rasil felt a piece of paper slip into his pocket as they apologized, and knew the bump was on purpose. He sat down with Schostas and Kris, Neris sleeping beside. Opening the note, Rasil began to read out loud what it said: "Rasil, Schostas, Aarrow Swift, Vincent, and Shadow Wolf: Look after the newcomer, and makes sure he does not get into trouble. He doesn't know how dangerous this place could really become, and I still don't trust him. His name is Tel. Ps: There is a dragon I have never seen before just sitting by the inn. Please check on this."

Kris and Schostas looked at Rasil, as they evesdropped on his reading when they heard Schostas's name. Shadow Wolf had already disappeared, probably hearing what the note said already, and went off to work.

The sky darkened further. Lance looked out of his tent to see the last of the setting sun, and shed a small tear. He held a small family portrait in his hand, with Geralds face scratched out with anger. I won't die until you have been erased, you and your whole cursed family... your whole kingdom! A couple of soldiers passed by, laughing and drinking to good health.

Across the other side of the inn, Gerald paced relentlessly around camp. He was in the worst of moods, as a letter had just arrived, telling of his wife's disappearance. She was missing, and no one knew where she went, much less knowing which direction she was heading. She was only there for my pleasure anyhow, Gerald though. If at all, she should be glad I ever married her in the first place! The nerve of her just leaving me... A soldier offered Gerald something to drink before retiring. Gerald swiped it and drunk the whole thing. Tossing it aside, he walked back to his tent, angered still at the letter and the futile attempts of gaining the inn.

OOC: The Middle Passing does not have any stables. Let me explain why. Due to the nasty crime that always gets tagged with an inn, the innkeeper/bartender needed something much safer than stables, as a thief could just cut the cord and run off with what they pleased. So he constructed the walls, where the caravans can enter and leave their stuff there. The only way for a theif to get out is by opening the gate or dropping from a high distance off the wall, and the gate makes enough noise for anyone inside to notice. And the gate doesn't opened very quickly. So yeah, that's directed towards Tel, who put his dragon in the stables... which really don't exist.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
-Random Quote
Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Member # 1877
Profile #163
IC: Tel could not sleep, he instead read a book, and wondered if it was so smart to be here. Well, he could not leave anyway so he just had to fight.
OOC: Ok, Tel put his dragon at a relative safe place.


Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
Member # 3479
Profile #164
OOC: I'd say it's a little late to join in this one, Sauron.
IC: Vincent awoke in the room he had somewhat claimed. His body was covered in dried blood, and he ached across his entire frame. His crusted equipment was piled in the corner. There were crude bandages all over his chest, arms, and legs. The healer had done a quite shabby job. Understandable, he thought. A pan of water had been left in his room, so he cleaned himself and his equipment as best he can. When he came to the bottom of the stairs, the entire room became instantly silent. As he walked to the door, someone, he didn't see who, slipped him a piece of paper.
"At least I don't need to stay in there." Vincent was off to check on the dragon.

-"Well, double dumbass on you!"
-William Shatner, Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Posts: 51 | Registered: Tuesday, September 23 2003 07:00
Member # 1877
Profile #165
OOC: Well im in annyway, and this is my first RP, so please bear with me.
IC: Finaly, Tel decided to go check on Sauron, he could not take more of the boring book, and he was stuffed with energy annyway.
He saw another guy full of bandages walk down the stairs, (T)"Many people cant sleep"(T) Tel thougt.
OOC: Just a sugestion, but the (T) may mean he is broadcasting it with thelepaty? Just throw it away if you dont like it, its JUST a sugestion.


Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 1723
Profile #166
OOC: Okay, nothing has really happened in the last few posts. It's getting a little boring. Oh, and unless someone convinces Aarrow otherwise, he'll maintain the the inn should be independent and neither side should be able to claim it.

IC: Aarrow jerked out of a fitful sleep. Confused, he looked around to find he was in his room, upstairs in the inn. Someone had left a candle lit on the nightstand, and the scraps that remained of his armor lay on the floor. Testing his joints and muscles, everything seemed to working fine, though the memory of the pain was fresh in his mind. Unable to sleep, he left his room and went to the commons. The clock read 3 o'clock, but few people had gone to their rooms to sleep, and several were not sleeping at all. Like all the others, he got a chance to read the innkeeper's note. He read the last part four or five times.

"A DRAGON?!?!?!" he roared.

Those dozing in the bar snapped awake to see Aarrow, armorless and equipped with only his bow and half-empty quiver, march out the front door with a clear purpose.

OOC: In case it needed explaining, Aarrow has a vendetta against dragons.

"... and approximately one sea turtle."
Posts: 277 | Registered: Tuesday, August 13 2002 07:00
Member # 1877
Profile #167
OOC: Hey! Some of the summoned creatures earlier were dragons, you either have an vendetta towards me too for joining late, or you are confused, or you have some mystic thing going on!
IC: Tel walked outside and toward the place where Sauron was, he saw a man peeking around the corner, "Dont wory, its my dragon, he attack only when attacked. He is a nice dragon annyway."
OOC: Please dont KILL him!


Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #168
Rasil looked rather blankly. He saw a large dragon sitting there comfortably beside the inn, just like the innkeeper said. The dragon was around 20 feet big, with green scales, and a tail that would probably shread anything in two. The head had two horns on the forehead that curved back, and inbetween, the usual spines down the center of the back. He had his wings over him, as though they were blankets. His giant mass shivered a little amid how warm it was. Rasil noticed the newcomer walking by the dragon. It was time to greet him.

"Hey there!" Rasil cried from a distance. Tel looked back.

Aarrow looked from around the wall, arrow poised and ready, while Vincent came out of the tavern door.

OOC: Tel, as a general RP rule, don't make your posts very short. Try to have a little more stuff happen within your posts. And sorry if thats not how your dragon looks like, but Rasil had to see something.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
-Random Quote
Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #169
After doing his best to clean his overcoat and not being able to clean the stench of Wyrm blood and guts, Shadow Wolf decided to just send it back up to Din and the Dimensional Flier, and have him teleport a new identical one down.

Having read the note, Shadow Wolf put on his coat went outside. Sure enough, there was a dragon outside. Damn, I was hoping they were wrong, the blademaster said to himself.

"Yo," he greeted.

"Hi, I'm Tel... and you don't look like a warrior," the newcomer said, seeing Shadow Wolf's lack of heavy plate armour. "Can you teach me any spells?"

Frustrated at the comment from the highly stereotypical man, Shadow Wolf drew Silentstriker and weaved the blade around in front of his face - almost too fast for Tel to track the movement. "A mage cannot do what I just did," he replied...

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 1877
Profile #170
OOC: I try to get my posts longer, and its a good description on the dragon annyway.
Tel explained to the Rasil how he got the dragon, and told him about their adventures together.
"Huh!", Tels Confident and happy look got thiner, his katana glowed in a weak red colour!
He got his bow up quick, and searched his mind.
There, he sensed that the "Bad" person was... There at the exact moment Arrow popped out of the corner, Tel had his bow ready!
Tel stared Arrow in the eyes.
Both bows ready to fire.
"Dont move a muscle", Tel breathed,
"Not you either", Arrow said, smiling.
Tel searched his mind again.
"Why do you hate them", Tel said silently,
"What!", snapped Arrow,
"The dragons", Arrow looked like he hessitated a secound, but only a secound.
"Step aside", Arrow said loud.
"No!", Tel snapped.
Arrow began to walk towards Sauron.
"NO!", "Tel sudently screamed, he faced Sauron, streched out his arms, at the same moment Arrow fired. "ARRRRR", Tel fired a energy beam toward Sauron, a magical barrier formed around Sauron, the arow exploded on contact "FLY!", Tel screamed...And Sauron flew away. "I wil find you later", he said as he walked silently a towards the common.
Arrow, i hope you dont get mad, Arrows next reaction is up to himself ;) .

EDIT: Shadow Wolf, thank you for saying almost too fast instead of too fast. Remember, Tel is a adventurer who has traveled a lot annyway, so he is also a good warrior.

[ Wednesday, November 12, 2003 08:41: Message edited by: Sauron T Deciever ]


Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
Member # 3479
Profile #171
OOC: So, the Lancian remnant army has been peacefully sitting outside the ruined wall, letting us build up a counter-attack? We should finish them off, or at least have them do something (they ARE still out there, right?).
IC: Vincent wasn't exactly happy about having company outside. He had planned on moving the zombified monks out of the cellar, but not in view of everyone. After the fiasco with the dragon, a plate-cased man rode up to the inn gate, with the insignia of the Lancians, but with a white flag flying high from a wooden baton sticking out from a leather thong on the side of the horse. He rode up to the gate and motioned to Vincent, who happened to be closest. Without saying a word, he handed a wax-sealed envelope to Vincent. He then bolted away as fast as he could.
"What?" Vincent said out loud as he read the note. A few people outside turned around. Vincent held out the letter at arm's length to everyone outside, then showed it to everyone in the common area.
People of the Middle Passing,
We, the servants of the rightful King Lance, know of your recent problems with the horrible and unjust ursurper Gerald. We ask of you to join us, and let us use the Middle Passing as a stepping stone for our final, overwhelming offensive against the foul Geraldians. We also kindly ask of any assistance your brave warriors could provide in this crusade of right. After the inevitable success of the campaign, Marmadas the innkeeper and all decendants thereof would be given a healthy stipend for the duration of their natural lives. Also, the Middle passing would be free of all taxes for as long as it stands, regardless of ownership. Once again, the great and merciful King Lance humbly asks the good folk and grand warriors of the Middle Passing to assist him in removing malicious King Gerald once and for all. A herald will be sent in one day's time to gain an answer.

-"Well, double dumbass on you!"
-William Shatner, Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Posts: 51 | Registered: Tuesday, September 23 2003 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #172
"I like the wording," Shadow Wolf chuckled. "We can expect a similar letter to arrive from the Geraldians."

"So what would be the best course of action?" Schostas asked.

"We wait and defend. Trust me, when you've had experience in multiple wars, you will know that, more often than not, these words are trickery."

A messenger from the Geraldians became visible in the distance, almost as if on cue...

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 1723
Profile #173
OOC: There weren't any actual dragons among the summoned creatures. That was a little anticlimactic the way that was handled. I would have liked for you to wait for me to post. (Tommy, yours was fine) I wouldn't have killed your dragon, I'm not that kind of RPer.

IC: Aarrow spit, pacing angrily. There was now another hole in the wall of his room. The new piece of leather armor he had found in the storeroom was a little too small, and that annoyance only fueled his burning anger.

Dammit! They let the beast escape right in front of me!

While in the storeroom, he had managed to find some of the stronger liquer to refill his flask, and from that he took a draw. It wasn't quite strong enough for his liking, but it was the best that could be done. He paced miserably, not sure of what to do with his pent-up frustration.

"When will humans learn that dragons are vermins on this earth, good only for destruction?"

The memory of those shimmering blue scales filled his mind's eye. Safire. The burning trees, his village destroyed. His mother gone. A second image, this time of brilliant red scales. Rubi. Another village, not his own, but innocents being burned down all the same. Nadia's brother, dying in the flames.

It's all because of those damn dragons! Just wait. It may seem friendly now, but just wait.

Looking out the window, Aarrow saw a mounted Geraldian bearing a white flag hand an envelope to Vincent. The double cross both kingdoms were planning was obvious.

We can never take those two at their words. My mission here is clear now. I must destroy these kingdoms and kill that dragon. He grabbed his equipment and went downstairs to reveal his plans to those he trusted.

"... and approximately one sea turtle."
Posts: 277 | Registered: Tuesday, August 13 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #174
Rasil left the scene afterwards. It was, without a doubt, strange to see a dragon helping a human, or a dragon at all for that matter. They were heard only in legend, to the best of his knowledge, and every legend they were evil in. He quickened his pace back into the inn.

He was yanked down into the cellar by an unseen force, gasping for breath and trying to scream for help all the way. When he was finally let go, Rasil turned around quickly while drawing his dagger, and almost dug into Aarrow. He stopped before an injury could occur.

"Wha... Huh? Aarrow! Why did you go and practically strang-" He was cut short by Aarrow's hand being raised. Aarrow gave a short nod, and Vincent appeared with Shadow Wolf. Schostas was walking down the staircase down into the cellar. Aarrow had something important to say, and he wanted only his friends to hear it...

OOC: Hope thats good for you, Aarrow. You might be able to tell what you needed now.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
-Random Quote
Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
