Holding the Tavern Front -RP
Author | Topic: Holding the Tavern Front -RP |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
written Saturday, December 13 2003 11:42
Rasil awoke to the smell of more roast duck and the sounds of music. His eyes fluttered open as he gave a rather optimistic yawn. Slowly getting up, he looked out over the paraphet and saw something rather different that was he expected. The battlefield was transformed into a playground almost. In the middle of the place lay a large ring for the duel, with wooden platforms lined along the ring for spectators. All around the field, colored tents with colorful banners were placed everywhere, with jesters, merchants, and other riff-raff within every niche. It was almost a festival, with the major event being the duel. The theif raced down the wall toward the inn, to tell everyone of the news... Sauron flapped his wings down onto the ground of the inn, intent to tell his friend Tel of the Queen that was hiding in the mountains. Ri'Kinsdal had awaited for this moment, all the time he was here. This was his only and last mission to do, and then he would die happy. OOC:The duel is soon to come at hand. Many things will happen... -------------------- "Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity." -Random Quote Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Saturday, December 13 2003 12:04
Through the windows Shadow Wolf could see the crowds forming outside. Stopping this unnecessary duel will not be hard. After all, he just needed a way to unite the two brothers, and here was the perfect chance. Immediately, the blademaster exited through the remains of the front doors, and headed to blend into the crowd... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
written Saturday, December 13 2003 18:05
Neris rushes through her morning chores with impatience born of excitement. Once they are done, she slips out of the inn, to wander amongst the bright tents and breathe in the festival air. The large presence of soldiers and the tension between the factions do not bother her - she has eyes and ears only for the jesters and the occasional bard. -------------------- From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green. Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, December 15 2003 07:57
OOC: I am assuming that at least five hours have gone by as most people would be unable to open their eyes after having fewer hours of sleep than that after the complete exhaustion of the previous day. So, mine will take place around 11:00 a.m. IC: Schostas had been sleeping peacefully without the slightest indication to anyone else that he was asleep. His many years of careful deployment of this trick have paid off well, as no one around him, save perhaps one, knew he was actually asleep. He sensed that someone had scanned everyone's mind earlier in the morning to see who all was awake and despite being asleep, his magical sensors told him who that person was. It was Shadow Wolf, so he had to be careful, as Shadow Wolf could possibly know his secret. But he didn't seem to be the type to tell others, so he put it in the back of his mind. Schostas continues to sleep in this way until someone taps him on his shoulder. He ever so cautiously comes out of his slumber and nonchalantly turns in the direction of the shoulder tapping as if he has not been asleep at all. It is the bartender. Schostas: "Yes? Did you want something?" Bartender: "Ye may want t' be gettin' up. Th' duel area is bein' prepared. Ye bette’ be havin’ some food. Ye need t' be energized t' fight." Schostas: "Oh, very well. I am somewhat hungry. What's to eat?" Bartender: "Anythin'. Just ye name it." Schostas: "The usual would be just fine. But, I think I will try the poached sole for once as well." Bartender: "Comin' right up, sir." The bartender comes back ten minutes later with some poached sole, fried mushrooms, spiced chicken, and a bottle of Mogen David wine. It takes Schostas a good twenty minutes, but he eventually finishes it all. He gives the bartender 3 sixpences and he in return expresses his gratitude most heartily. Schostas then goes outside to see the construction of the duel ring and instantly frowns when he sees what all is being put up. He sees Shadow Wolf practicing, or what he thinks might be practicing and walks up to him. Schostas: "Can you believe this? When I thought duel, I wasn't expecting both kingdom's to come here to watch as spectators. This isn't right. I don't want to duel as a form of entertainment to the others. I came here for a serious fight for the right to restore the kingdom to the Queen's honor. Instead, I find myself in the company of buffoons who want to provide bloody entertainment to spectators. What can we do to stop this Shadow Wolf? I refuse to fight for the sake of fun for blood-thirsty heathens." Shadow Wolf: "You don't have to worry. I have a plan in place for trying to get the two brothers to amend their differences. And if they continue to refuse, I will do all in my power to help restore the late Queen's old kingdom. However, we have a different problem to deal with at the same time. The witch..." Schostas: "...Yes, I know all about it. Gerald's wife is a powerful witch that will stop at nothing to have the kingdom all to herself. We can't let that happen or all of this land will be doomed to hell. Nothing good can survive under the power of an evil witch. But I fear we will see her show her face soon enough, as the duel will start in a matter of hours. I had better prepare meanwhile just in case. I hope your plan works. I am not the type to fight as a spectacle to others. I plan to surprise the brothers with the Queen's robes I have on under these red robes and take them off-guard. You remember them well, don't you?" Shadow Wolf: "I fear I shall not forget for a while. We'll meet later discuss the plan." Schostas: "Very well. Until then, great warrior." Schostas nods to him and turns towards the inn to find an open area to practice. After finding one, he then starts testing his magic skills and batteries for any flaws or problems. Then he moves on to his fighting skills with his black long sword, biding his time in patience for the correct time to talk to Shadow Wolf later. [ Thursday, December 18, 2003 09:20: Message edited by: Sherlock Holmes - MSW ] -------------------- Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1877
written Monday, December 15 2003 09:34
OOC: Ok, I hit the numlock button with a mistake, and destroyed a post i had worked for about 30 minuttes with, so I just got to let out my rage for a couple of hours before I can post again, dammit. -------------------- MDNZZZ ZMMMBIS WBLOONZ 33111-CRUSADER-4849 Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Monday, December 15 2003 14:44
OOC (not that I even have a character in this RP): Just to be generally annoying and maybe marginally helpful - I advise you to use a text editor to make your IC posts, esp. if they're long. I myself have a keylogger installed that instantly logs all I type. Meaning no matter how many times I delete the text by accident, what I typed is in the logfile. It's useful. :) [ Monday, December 15, 2003 14:45: Message edited by: Arancaytar ] -------------------- "And all should cry, Beware, Beware! His Flashing eyes, his Floating hair!" S. T. Coleridge --- "It is as if everyone had lost their sense Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey. --- Quote of the Week: "I have a high opinion of myself, which makes up for my total lack of intelligence." Anon. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
written Tuesday, December 16 2003 12:04
OOC: Due to the inactivity, I'll just continue on, and yes, MSW, that would be a correct time. The leaders are not ready yet, they will be after some other stuff happens. IC: Rasil knew the perfect idea for such a festival: Stealing. He swiped away some gold from one merchant, a nice looking rod from another, and sold that same rod to a passerby. Rasil even stole someone's instrument. However, his gold was stolen by another pickpocket, which he didn't realize until the man was long gone. Giving a slight sigh, he entered the crowd once again to try to break even. --------------------------- Tel slowly walked out of the inn, when he heard the commotion. He turned, as everything nearly went in slow motion, to see Sauron on the dirt, ropes binding his whole body down with steaks protuding from the ground. Hawkmen surrounded the struggling dragon, as Ri'Kinsdal came out from behind. He leaped onto Sauron, and yelled out to the other hawkmen, who began to cheer. Schostas had heard the commotion, and so had Shadow Wolf. Things slowled even further, as Tel's heart beat faster than lighting. He ran toward the cheering crowd. Schostas was already ahead of him, wielding his blade and running much faster. Ri'Kinsdal drew a blade, and held it up high while standing on the dragon's body. His wings spread out wide, he began to drive the sword down, giving a triumphant yell. All the hawkmen screamed in happiness. Time froze. Tel broke a sweat. --------------------------- OOC: Yes, this is a very nasty situation. Either someone can save the dragon, or he's gone forever, and yes, Ri'Kinsdal will more than likely die for this. Hey, so will all the hawkmen, but their vengance is on Sauron, and no one else. Sorry, Tel, for controlling you at that point, but I couldn't think of any other way to bring it out. -------------------- "Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity." -Random Quote Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
written Wednesday, December 17 2003 02:25
Neris happily meanders through the crowd, nibbling on a large stick of bread a grizzled old Lancian sergeant had given her. The minstrels had caught her attention for a long time, and she had spent many minutes caught up in their songs. Now, though, she is beginning to tire, for even the excitement of the fair and the approaching duel cannot stave off the effects of staying up for most of the preceding night. There are no other children around - no parent is so foolish as to bring a child to a fair that could explode any moment from the tension beneath the merry surface - and Neris is feeling lost in a crowd of bigger people. The sound of cheering reaches her ears. Curious, she approaches a thick knot of people all looking at something and tries to peer around them. But they are too tall and many, and she can't see anything. Neris slips through the crowd with practice born in the tavern, weaving her way into the centre as the cheers reach fever pitch. At last she breaks through to the edge, and she can see. Neris gasps. Without thinking, she starts running towards the hawkmen and the bound dragon. She doesn't know what to do, only knowing that she has to stop one beautiful creature from destroying another... -------------------- From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green. Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Wednesday, December 17 2003 18:20
OOC: Ok. Schostas to save the day. IC: As he is practicing, Schostas notices the cheering crowd and can see that they have tied down the dragon. The hawkmen are standing around the dragon while a strange man stands on top of it waving a sword in the air, ready to drive it home. Schostas can no longer bear the almost evil blood lust that has overtaken the crowd and decides that he must try to put an end to it. His eyes fill with anger as his chaotic rage begins to take over. He begins running towards the dragon with his black long sword and notices that Tel is a distance behind him running towards it as well. Tel is too far away to help however, so Schostas puts all his energy and concentration into speeding up his movements with his rage. He mutters a major haste spell and speeds up significantly. Then he sees the man on the dragon turn the sword downwards and then proceed to thrust the sword down towards the dragon beneath him. Schostas fills completely with rage and thinks these words to himself. Schostas: "How dare they attack a defenseless creature!!!!!? I will have no more of this!!!!!" What happens in the next few moments cannot be determined by any of the people in the crowd, by Tel, the hawkmen, or the man on the dragon. Only Shadow Wolf would be able to see it, but it can't be determined if he is watching this spectacle at all. In only a second, Schostas reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cluster of Chinese Throwing Stars, each still coated with the deadly poison he used on the Titan. He unleashes them in a blur of fury with such speed that when they strike their targets, the force literally knocks them off their feet. Each of the throwing stars finds a target. Several of the hawkmen suddenly fall to the ground and begin writhing around in pain from the neurotoxicity of the poison. One also strikes the man on the dragon square in the forehead, knocking him back off the dragon at least twenty feet. When he hits the ground, there is a perceptible crack heard and the man falls totally silent. As for the remaining hawkmen that are standing, they try to defend themselves against whatever is attacking them, but to no avail. The crowd begins scattering with screams and terrified shrieks as one after the other, each hawkmen is sliced apart by some unseen force right in front of them. When all is said and done, all but three of the hawkmen are dead; either by the poisoned throwing stars or from being hacked to bloody pieces by Schostas. When Schostas finally begins to calm down, he slows down to the point where the surviving hawkmen are able to see what has been assaulting them. Schostas looks into their eyes and recognizes that same emptiness and glow that he saw in the Indian Swamp Adder's eyes when it tried to bite him. Schostas: "AH-HA!!!! More drones of the witch Sophia!!!! Go back to the cauldron you crawled out of!!!! Better yet, DIE!!!!!!!" With that, he runs at them with tremendous speed. They try to fly away or fight back but instead have their wings chopped off and in a burst of blood and gore are torn completely apart. Schostas stands in the middle of the carnage, covered almost completely in blood. He turns around and faces the dragon. The dragon is unharmed thankfully despite being blood-stained. Using his black long sword, he then cuts off all of its bindings and sets it free. Tel is then reunited with his dragon as Schostas walks away to get cleaned up. OOC: I did the work now someone else please post something. Perhaps someone walks up to Schostas to talk to him as he is cleaning up. And we need a description of what happened to the man on the dragon when he hit the ground because something in his body snapped. Perhaps his neck. The throwing star is embedded deep in his skull, though the edge of it is still showing outside the skin. We also need a good description of the carnage on the ground that Schostas had inflicted. -------------------- Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Wednesday, December 17 2003 19:32
All the while, Shadow Wolf had been watching the spectacle from a distance. Unnecessary violence, he thought. However, the hour of the duel draws near. I must finish the preparations. Turning back, Shadow Wolf could see that the arena had already been set up. In several minutes, the duel will begin. The blademaster cloaked himself, awaiting his chance... OOC: someone start the duel. i can't post Shadow Wolf in action until then. -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
written Thursday, December 18 2003 00:51
OOC: Lucky, lucky Tel. Rasil weaved slowly out the crowd, carrying a hefty amount of gold out with him. He had more than broken even; He got more than enough gold to spread around. He slowly walked back toward the inn, but noticed something that shocked him. The walls were covered in blood, as bodies of hawkmen lay in every which direction. Cut ropes showed someone being released, something large. Another glace, and he could see Tel and Sauron together, both exited and happy to just see each other. Ah, so it was a dragon that was bound... Several of the bodies had throwing stars in them, the same kind that is used by Schostas. Several more were slashed apart, seeing half on one side, and the other half against the wall. Some just were bits and pieces, their whole body ripped entirely apart. The whole place could be described as a massacre, with limbs everywhere on the dirt floor. Rasil slowly walked to the body formally known as Ri'Kinsdal... His eyes were completely white. Not even the pupil could be seen anymore. A throwing star was embedded deep into his forehead, as he still was clutching the sword. As Rasil turned him over, he saw his wings broken apart, and his spinal cord had broken right through the skin. The back of the skull was cracked, and Rasil knew it from the blood running down there. The whole body was a mess, and there would be no way to save him. At all. Rasil nervously got up, and brushed his pants. Things like this are not human, and only practical demons can do such things. Rasil walked up to Schostas who was standing and looking at one of the bodies. Schostas was oddly clean, without a single stain of blood on him. Maybe he washed up. "What happened... here?" Rasil questioned. "The hawkmen were a nusiance. That is all," Schostas replied. "Well..." Rasil was at a loss of words, when Neris came running through, and jumped on Schostas. She was crying, seeing all the bloodshed, and watching one of the beatiful creatures get slaughtered. Such things that were. A messenger slowly came out of the crowd, and not even caring for the mess, walked up to Schostas. "The duel, sire, is ready." With that, Schostas lets go of Neris, as her tears ran down her cheek. Schostas leaves the inn, and heads off for the arena. Rasil scratched his head, still wordless on the subject of all the dead bodies... "Oi! This place need'n to be fixed up for mi customers! Get cleanin'!" The barkeep shouted to Rasil as cleaning utensils were thrown at him. Kris came along to help. OOC: Yes, the duel is finally at hand, and MSW will need to post... again! =P I won't be there to see the duel... I'm too busy cleaning up your mess. ;) -------------------- "Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity." -Random Quote Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
written Thursday, December 18 2003 02:35
Neris stands still in the bartender's arms. She stares down at her feet. "I thought he was nice," she says softly. "I thought Schostas was a friend." The bartender winces. "Ai, this is war, me girl. Things are done in war that no one likes." Neris raises her tear-stained face to look up at him. "When will it be over, Da?" "This very afternoon, gods willing." The bartender smiles comfortingly and sets a large hand on her shoulder. "Now, me girl, there's customers t' be served, and food t' be prepared. Go help the kitchen, will ye?" Neris nods and walks away slowly. She murmurs, "They had such pretty wings..." Her gaze is faraway and sad. -------------------- From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green. Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Thursday, December 18 2003 10:34
OOC: I need to send someone off to talk to Neris. Schostas can see the fear in her eyes and how she seems to hate him now. She deserves an explanation. IC: As Schostas walks towards the arena, his chaotic rage still flowing slightly, he remembers the look on the little girl's face. He realizes that she must think he is a monster now for acting like a demon ripping the creatures apart. He stops, remembering his throwing stars and goes back for them. He decides that it will take too long to pick through the body parts, so he casts a magnetic spell. The throwing stars from the torn apart bodies automatically return to him, however the one in the man's body with the sword is embedded too deep. He walks over to the body and starts pulling it from his head by hand. It soon comes loose and slides out. As he turns to walk away however, he sees a flash of orange in the white eyes of the man and it suddenly sits up. Schostas can see death in the man's eyes as he gets to his feet. Schostas then sees his black long sword glowing and realizes that the man is no longer just a man. He is now under the witch's power and is undead. Schostas alerts the nearby adventurers and they turn to see the man raising his sword to attack Schostas. Schostas knows that this man has become a lich and is very dangerous to all nearby. He readies his black long sword and tries to put himself into the best position to parry attack. He yells back at Kris who is about to enter the inn. Schostas: "Get the little girl inside. Explain to her that these creatures were not what they seemed to her. She will listen to you. And keep everyone away. The witch has raised this creature from the dead. We now have a lich to deal with." With that Schostas attacks the lich and he finds that it parries all of his thrusts and strikes with ease. Schostas keeps his guard up and parries all of the liches attacks as well. The lich fights back in the same manner as Schostas and it surprises him slightly. He wasn't expecting it to know the same moves as him. Schostas goes to call out for Shadow Wolf, but the lich attacks again with several thrusts and swings, keeping him from yelling out. Schostas then hears cheering coming from the duel ring and knows that the two brothers must be entering it for their duel. He finally realizes Queen Sophia's clever plan. She wanted to distract Schostas long enough so he couldn't enter the ring. She then most likely had something in store for them as well once they both began to fight. Schostas realizes that Shadow Wolf has to be notified at once to be ready in case she attacks the two brothers, but the lich keeps him from getting the word out as it relentlessly attacks him. Schostas decides his only venue of getting the word to Shadow Wolf is through telepathy, but he needs to distract the lich long enough with something to be able to do so. That distraction comes from the most unlikely of places he finds out. OOC: Perhaps the distraction can be one of the adventurers, like Vincent. On the other hand, it can be from the summoned creatures that have been recovering in one of the upstairs rooms of the inn. Or something else yet. We need something good. Tommy, your post was excellent. Great description. [ Friday, December 19, 2003 20:11: Message edited by: Sherlock Holmes - MSW ] -------------------- Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
written Friday, December 19 2003 04:42
[ooc] quote:For some reason I find this line absolutely hilarious. -------------------- From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green. Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Friday, December 19 2003 12:15
You know, if my post was that bad, then I will delete the whole thing. :mad: -------------------- Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Friday, December 19 2003 14:41
OOC: she wasn't laughing at you MSW, she's just saying how a redundancy makes her laugh. now start the duel already :P -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
written Friday, December 19 2003 17:33
[ooc] Woah, MSW! I never said your post was bad. That sentence was funny, is all. I liked it. C'mon, put the post back. Please? -------------------- From many a wondrous grot and secret cell Unnumbered and enormous polypi Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green. Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Friday, December 19 2003 20:17
Sorry about that. I misunderstood your statement. I put the post back. I would have done it sooner, but my computer picked today of all days to stop working. I haven't been able to get on the internet for 6 hours. I had to reinstall my Netscape and get rid of my Kazaa. :( -------------------- Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Monday, December 22 2003 16:47
OOC: I hate to post again, but this RP cannot die. I will not let it. It's too good. IC: Schostas parries a few of the lich's attacks and while trying to strike back, he is suddenly thrown off-balance, causing him to fall to the ground. The lich raises his sword into the air to smite him down and is suddenly itself knocked to the ground by a semi-powerful blow from behind. When Schostas sees who it was that knocked it over, he is completely overtaken with shock. Standing directly behind the lich, which now lies on its stomach and is attempting to get up, is Neris, holding the sword that Shadow Wolf had given her. --- Seeing the dead creature that she thought was so lovely before become undead, rise up, and start attacking the man in the red robes, drives Neris over the edge. Her instinct to help becomes too strong and so she wriggles out of the arms of Kris and runs to help the red-robed man. She is still upset at him for killing all of the other creatures, which she thought were so beautiful and innocent, but for the moment she forgives him long enough to help him. She deals the lich a sharp blow in its back catching it off-guard and knocking it onto its stomach a few feet to Schostas's left side. Just as quick as it happens, Kris snatches her up and carries her inside the inn to safety. --- Schostas takes a few moments to recover from his shock. He hadn't expected the girl to risk her life to save him after having seen so much hate and sadness in her eyes. But when he returns to reality, he sees the stunned lich slowly trying to get back up and Kris carrying Neris quickly inside the inn. Schostas immediately gets to his feet and focuses on contacting Shadow Wolf as fast as he can before the lich can get to its feet again. He casts a spell and soon he is linked with Shadow Wolf. Shadow Wolf: "Who is it that links with me? Oh, you Schostas. What's wrong? You never contacted me through telepathy before. Who is that that you are fighting by the inn?" Schostas: "I have little time to explain. The witch revived the flying man with the sword as a lich and used it as a means to distract me from getting your attention. A little someone knocked it down from behind as it was going to smite me, enabling me just enough time to contact you telepathically." Shadow Wolf: "Yes, that is all very well. But what does that have to do with me? Do you need my help with the lich?" Schostas: "No!! Listen!! I think I have figured out the witch's plan. This lich is an obvious a distraction to keep me busy while she executes the main part of her plan! Don't take your eyes off the duel ring! I have a feeling something is about to happen! Our lives may depend upon your alertness! Keep your eyes open for--" Schostas doesn't have a chance to finish before a blinding white light emerges from the center of the duel ring. What everyone sees when the light dissipates is enough to bring sharp gasps and cause everyone to stare in shock. OOC: Let's get this RP going again!!! -------------------- Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Monday, December 22 2003 19:15
"The time is now." Concentrating on the ring, Shadow Wolf disappeared into thin air. Gerald and Lance were already there, about to duel. The two brothers were stunned to see a strangely human-like demon in armour. More surprising was the fact that the demon was barely 7 feet tall, excluding the wings. The demon promptly began casting a spell to annihilate the two, but was interrupted by a rock from behind. "Who dares to interrupt my task?" The demon growled. He turned around, to see Shadow Wolf staring up at him from about two metres away. "It's against your style to be so direct, dreadlord," Shadow Wolf chuckled. "We meet again, in case you have not forgotten." "You do not decide what I do, little human," the dreadlord replied. "You're right, Narthos, I don't. What you cannot deny is that I know what you do, and then I eliminate your schemes. You had better leave this world before I defeat you again, like I did in the Sphere of Vacuum." "You will not be so lucky this time, fool!" Powerful claws emerged from Narthos' hands, and the demon charged at Shadow Wolf. With ease, the blademaster dodged the attack. "Who said I will kill you here, in the thick crowd?" Shadow Wolf laughed. "Those two have nonviolent peace negotiations to make." "Very well. I can kill those two weaklings after I kill you anyway." "I wouldn't be so sure, as we have not dueled yet. There is a plain just three miles away from this ring. That will be perfect." Shadow Wolf then turned to Gerald and Lance. "When I return, I expect to see that you are both alive, and have already negotiated peace." "Don't waste anymore time, blademaster," the dreadlord concluded. "I will teleport us there." With that, the two disappeared in a haze of light... OOC: Shadow Wolf and Narthos are roughly equal in single combat. The last encounter was won by Shadow Wolf only because of his natural agility. Try to negotiate peace while the threat is gone, as Sophia can teleport those nagas again ;) -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Tuesday, December 23 2003 22:01
OOC: The plot seems to thicken. (Groan) IC: Schostas has only enough time to witness these things before the lich is back on its feet. However, before the lich can make another attack, Schostas wheels around and directs his attention back to it. With a series of moves too fast for anyone to see, including the lich, he swings his sword with unimaginable speed and seems to miss the lich each time. However, the lich gives off a loud gurgled scream and splits into several pieces, black blood oozing from its severed flesh. Schostas then re-sheathes his sword and makes a run for the duel ring. As he approaches, he can hear the two brothers arguing. They appear to be accusing each other of the events that have been taking place during the last few days. King Gerald: "...that's crazy!!! I had nothing to do with that damn demon!! Next, you will be accusing me of creating that blasted Titan of yours!” King Lance: "What do you mean you didn't create that Titan?!!! I know of no one else that can do such a thing! You’re just covering up for yourself!!" King Gerald: "I tell you that it wasn't me!!! And what about those damn snakes?!! That had to be your doing, brother!!! It's just your style!!" King Lance: "Me?!! It wasn't me!! I was attacked by them as well!! I thought it was you!! Oh, what fools we have been!!" King Gerald: "So you didn't create them?!! Then who the hell did?!!" Schostas then jumps into the ring and runs up to them. Schostas: "I can give you that answer gentlemen. It was all done by a witch. She wants to have both kingdoms all for herself. She tried several times to kill the adventurers at the inn and the two of you. That demon yet another one of her tools of destruction and it's lucky for you that Shadow Wolf has offered to duel him and spare the two of you. Now we have got to stop this bickering and work together to get rid of the witch." King Gerald: "You stay out of this!!! Who do you think you are!! Leave us to work out our own problems!!!" King Lance: "Oh, do shut up Gerald!!! I think he may be on to something. Just who is this witch and why should we listen to you?!!" Schostas gives a smirk at this question and taking a hold of the bottom of his robes, he rips them off quickly, eliciting gasps and stares from the two brothers. King Gerald: "What the...how? No!! It can't be possible!!!!" King Lance: "HA-HA!!!! I knew it!!! There are some of them left!!! I should have realized it before! Brother, this is one of the surviving guardian mages of our mother's private army." King Gerald: "I can see that!!! I am not stupid!!" King Lance: "That explains your amazing fighting skills and magical abilities. But what of this witch that you speak of?" Schostas: "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the witch is in fact your wife, King Gerald." King Lance: (gasps) "What!!! Is this true, brother?!!" King Gerald: "I thought that she had given up the witchcraft after I had married her. I refused to believe that she had returned to it again until the snakes appeared. Then the events of the previous few days started to make sense at last. But there is no way I could have known it for sure of have been able to d anything about it!!" King Lance: "You fool!!! You could have had her executed or locked away in your dungeon!! Instead you let her go about plotting against us!" King Gerald: "I can't just execute my own wife!!! That's insane!! If I had known before..." King Lance: "...Yeah!! If you had known!! You should have known it from the beginning!!! I would have killed her myself if I had known!!!" Schostas: "That is enough you two!!!! We have to stop arguing and start working together!!! That demon is nothing compared to what else she might be able to do!! She might even be able to..." Once again, he is cut short as several flashes of light appear in and outside of the duel ring. People start screaming and running away as they see what creatures have started appearing. OOC: Let's make the creatures terrifying enough to scare even the adventurers like Schostas. Something much much more frightening than demons. This needs to be memorable. -------------------- Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
written Wednesday, December 24 2003 09:40
Rasil was still moping up some of the mess of the lich that Schostas had just torn apart when he heard the screams of the fairgoers. He threw his cleaning equipment and ran off to see what was causing the commotion. He heard Kris behind tossing his cleaning equipment aside, too. The two raced toward the ring... OOC: Sorry for short IC, but I just need to get over there right now. I still don't know what creatures would scare Schostas... -------------------- "Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity." -Random Quote Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3320
written Thursday, December 25 2003 16:52
OOC: Hmmmm. Since no one wants to describe the creatures, then I will. IC: Schostas's eyes begin to grow wide as he looks around at the various creatures that have suddenly appeared. The two brothers are equally disturbed at the sight that is meeting their eyes. Several dark wyrms, drake lords, efreets, rakshasi, gazers, and nagas have appeared. Despite the fact that only two of each has appeared, Schostas is still visibly shaken. He has never had to fight against this many powerful creatures at one time. The brothers' faces glaze over with the same look that he has and they speak in frightened tones to each other. King Lance: "Dear god!!!! King Gerald: "What do we do brother?!!! What do we do?!!! King Lance: "Keep calm you fool!!!! Nothing good can come from panicking!!" Schostas is silent and frozen in horror. Then he sees something off in the distance on top of the inn. He sees what looks like an ink black shrouded figure with its robes flapping in the wind. It appears to be watching the whole terrifying scene unfolding in and out of the duel ring. It occurs to Schostas that the figure might be that of Queen Sophia, watching the battle from a high point and enjoying it immensely. She holds a long staff in her one hand, and the bottom rests on the roof of the inn. For the first time in a long time, Schostas is mentally shaken by the sheer power of this witch. Being surrounded on all sides by some of the most power creatures in existence has him on edge and he has to think carefully about what he should do next. Without Shadow Wolf around to help, he must rely on the adventurers in the inn to help him and the brothers. Slowly the creatures begin closing in on them. An idea comes to him, but it is fraught with great risk. He realizes he still has the summoning medallion, but using it now would me he would fall unconscious and be completely helpless. He turns every possible idea over in his head one by one and rejects them all. Just when he decides that the medallion is his only avenue of hope and is the most comfortable portal of death at the same time, the summoned creatures in and outside of the inn burst onto the scene to help. They all appear to be recovered and ready for another go at battle. The dragonflies somehow sense that the witch is on the roof and automatically start swooping at her. She in return starts flinging various magic bolts at them to try to get them away. The surviving aranea climbs up the side of the inn and begins sending magic of its own at the witch, catching her off guard several times. The injured centaur has recovered enough to join its partner in attacking some of the creatures summoned by the witch. The Spectre too has recovered and busies itself by attacking the efreets. The two ogres are now healed and quickly jump into the fray, sending magic spells flying in all directions. The ice lizard, though weak, wastes no time in joining the attack. The drakes and the basilisks also hurry onto the battlefront, concentrating on any creature in view. Two of the three dryads come out to fight, but the third sadly has died during the night from its extensive injuries. Schostas now looks around him with calmer eyes at his summoned creatures as they fight bravely against the creatures that might easily spell their doom. This sight causes the two brothers to relax a little. Motioning towards the inn, Schostas has them quickly make their way out of the ring and towards its safety as fast as they can. The summoned creatures provide a perfect distraction for Schostas to get them safely there. Seeing that they are guarded adequately, he then rushes outside to join the other adventurers in the action. OOC: We are almost to the end of the RP people. Let's make this battle memorable. Leave at least one of the dryads, one of the basilisks, and one of the centaurs alive. If anyone can cast charm spells that would be an awesome turn of events as well. -------------------- Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?" Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine." "Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1046
written Thursday, December 25 2003 18:36
"For a demon, Narthos, you certainly seem to like staring," Shadow Wolf joked. He had his left hand gripping Silentstriker, ready to draw the weapon and strike. With a blood curdling battlecry the dreadlord charged at Shadow Wolf and slashed his razor sharp left claw down at him. The claw quickly became tangled with Silentstriker, and both had to withdraw. Stretching his arms into the air, Narthos began casting a spell. As his claws clasped together, with the index fingers (or whatever you call demon fingers), the sky suddenly became dark as night. A horde of voracious bats swarmed down towards Shadow Wolf, summoned by their master. "Competent, dreadlord," Shadow Wolf hissed, as he projected a forcefield with Silentstriker to block the incoming waves of carrion bats... OOC: more later, i'm too lazy to type it all out at once... -------------------- Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands. -------------------- Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00 |
Member # 4
written Thursday, December 25 2003 20:44
Dreadlord? Swarm of bats? ![]() ![]() ![]() -------------------- We're all amazed but not amused By all the things that you said you'd do. You're much concerned but not involved by Decisions that are made by you But we are sick and tired of hearing your song, Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong, 'Cause if you really want to hear our views, You haven't done nothin'. Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00 |