Profile for Lazarus.
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Displayed name | Lazarus. |
Member number | 6193 |
Title | Lifecrafter |
Postcount | 900 |
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Registered | Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
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Frostbite problem in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Tuesday, April 3 2007 13:07
Well clearly it's a graphics problem, and frankly I can't do anything about it. You had the same problem with TV apparently, I don't know why you're having souch troubles with this. Perhaps you should download the windows version and convert the graphics yourself using Niemand's graphic adjuster 2. As for the sleeping problem, if you talk to Orrin and Fabian you can sleep. Make sure to hit all the topics of conversation. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Frostbite problem in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Monday, April 2 2007 14:37
As far as I know, the crash only happens at that one spot. Then again, nobody using a magic wielding character has ever made it past that point, so far all I know it could do it again later. My advice-- save before you restore anything. Or even better, restore them when the scenario is over. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Info on Upcoming Scenario in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Monday, April 2 2007 14:34
Spell point bonus. I had a feeling the screenshots were real-- the first one at least is definitely too good to make for a joke. The last one is....... well I'm just glad it's now actually confirmed that it's fake. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Frostbite problem in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Sunday, April 1 2007 17:12
Version 1.0.2 is now out, it can be downloaded from my site or SV. I believe it fixes this problem (at the expense of simply removing all your character's spells. FB already screws with your party so much I figured I might as well) Still, this bug seems completely random-- I never check spell levels in the entire scenario, and have no idea why having spells would make the scenario crash, or why it would choose this spot to consistently do so. As per usual, I blame Jeff. :D So yeah, I think its fixed. If anybody experienced this problem with the new version, or if any designers have the slightest idea why this happens, please speak up. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Specific requirements for custom graphics? in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 6193
written Sunday, April 1 2007 17:08
The dpi and bit requirements are a bit more flexible than that makes it sound. I know 24 bit graphics are fine. 96 dpi graphics work also (not that I know what the hell that means.) Terrain/floor sheets can be multiple rows of 10 (at least 100 icons, possibly more) but item sheets can only have one row. Dialog pics are supposed to be 64x64, and preferably they should be to make it look right, but really they can be any size so long as they don't spill off the screen. You can't, however, put multiple pics on one sheet-- each dialog pic needs its own sheet. That's about all I know about graphics. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
The Second 1/10 Contest has officially begun! in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Sunday, April 1 2007 10:29
We currently have six potential entries. Two were made in one day each, one was made by Slack, and another can be beaten in under four minutes. To keep this from being a two-horse race, I'd like to see the deadline pushed back two weeks. We need judges, and we need some extra scenarios even more. Unless somebody objects, I think Bain should start a judging topic here at spiderweb, and give some extra time to anybody who's near finishing. I know Ephesos is close, but I'd like to know who else might have an entry. Anybody?? -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Stairway Released! in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Saturday, March 31 2007 18:46
The scenario is unbeatable as it stands. For some reason you messaged out the call to give the party the ring the second time (when it falls from the air.) I took the liberty of un-messaging it in my version, and proceeded fine (although the ring appears as an 'Unused' for some reason, although it does have the proper graphic, the name and description are messed up.) -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Frostbite problem in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Saturday, March 31 2007 14:09
I think I know what's causing this now, and it doesn't have to do with items. Before I release a fix, however, I'd like to ask you two (and anyone else who's experienced this problem) about the character you were using. By any chance was he a spell caster? (Or any other character with lots of spells, or high level spells) -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Frostbite problem in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Thursday, March 29 2007 12:20
This is a known error, and is mentioned in the Readme. I have no idea what causes it, except that it only happens to non-prefab parties. If you have a save file from before you are stripped of your weapons (whacked and thrown in jail), load it and dump all your gear. Hopefully it'll allow you to proceed. It seems that this 'little' error is getting in the way of multiple people, so I'm going to do a bit more research into this. Hopefully I can have a better answer for you soon. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
The Second 1/10 Contest has officially begun! in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Wednesday, March 28 2007 17:01
Well I entered Frostbite. How many of you lazy bums beat me to it? (Hopefully a lot, for your sakes. Else we'll have some angry people when they wake from their drug induced sleep......) -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Alorael for Admin in General | |
Member # 6193
written Tuesday, March 27 2007 14:32
I will withhold my support-- if only to be dissident (and so I can say "I told you so" if the boards burn up in a freak fire in the near future.) So without further ado..... TM FOR ADMIN!!! -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Scripting issues in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 6193
written Monday, March 26 2007 15:46
You're missing a semicolon where you're setting those variables..... Did I mention that the "garbage;" method isn't foolproof. :P Edit: And now for a more useful and didactic comment; BoA's error system really doesn't like missing semicolons, basically it doesn't figure out that they're missing until the next semicolon (and thus the next line of code) is run and it realises that what it just saw makes no sense. Hence strange line numbers. [ Monday, March 26, 2007 15:49: Message edited by: Lazarus: ] -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Scripting issues in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 6193
written Monday, March 26 2007 15:16
That call is definitely fine, I put it into a scenario and tested it. I'm guessing there's something wrong with the conditional before it. I usually check that line errors are correct by inserting a line where I think the error is, typing "garbage;" and seeing if the game comes up with the error in the same line. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Scripting issues in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 6193
written Monday, March 26 2007 14:46
print_str(string) doesn't need a number. Change that to print_str_color(string,color) and it'll work (although it'll print in blue) As for the damage_char call, this is confusing to me. It looks alright, are you sure the line number is correct? -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Scripting issues in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 6193
written Monday, March 26 2007 12:24
The level checking script is flawed, one because it's just hard to read, two because it doesn't account for party size. This is how I'd write it: As for the damaging item, I'd suggest you make the change Nioca suggested, and also increase the timer to greater than 100, and probably with some kind of cooldown. So... With cooldown being a varialbe that's incremented in the start_state, and is reset whenever the random number comes up greater. Edit: Also, for future reference, && or || statements need extra parentheses around them, that's the cause of the script error. [ Monday, March 26, 2007 12:27: Message edited by: Lazarus: ] -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Second Annual Themed Party Contest in General | |
Member # 6193
written Sunday, March 25 2007 03:56
I originally read this and thought "Forget that, I'm not decorating my house in spiderweb theme. I'll throw my parties however the hell I want." Now that I see the picture, though, I remember this event. I still like Alec's old entry. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
New Scenario: Frostbite in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Saturday, March 24 2007 17:06
If you hadn't guessed about the mysterious Sergeant Trey's real identity, it's Burden (or rather was Burden for a while-- I thought I'd made the switch before I wrote that script. Must have wrote 'Trey' by habit, thanks for catching it) I wrote you about the fight via PM. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
New Scenario: Frostbite in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Saturday, March 24 2007 14:38
quote:It is already out. quote:There is no level requirement, and there is no group. Frostbite uses a prefab singleton. quote:Even if level were a problem (which it isn't for FB) you just leave the scenario in your folder until you are the correct level. They're like 1 meg files, how crunched can you possibly be for disk space? [ Saturday, March 24, 2007 14:45: Message edited by: Lazarus: ] -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
New Scenario: Frostbite in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Saturday, March 24 2007 07:16
You need to try to conserve your herbs, but getting the stuffing kicked out of you and having to use boat loads of holly to heal isn't going to get you anywhere either. You need to find a happy medium between being wasteful, and using so little that you lose lots of HP (or die) Don't worry, it only gets harder. :P [ Saturday, March 24, 2007 07:17: Message edited by: Lazarus: ] -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
New Scenario: Frostbite in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Friday, March 23 2007 14:56
Friggin case sensitive...... Fixed now. Edit: Although I've now exceeded my bandwith limit.... Doh. [ Friday, March 23, 2007 14:58: Message edited by: Lazarus: ] -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
New Scenario: Frostbite in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Friday, March 23 2007 12:55
Frostbite is now released to the public (Thanks to Ephesos for the CMG.) Thanks to all the testers and graphic artists who made this scenario possible. Without further ado, here you have it. Edit: Mac version is now ready to go. [ Friday, March 23, 2007 16:11: Message edited by: Lazarus: ] -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Beta Call: Frostbite in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Tuesday, March 20 2007 15:33
I hope to release it on Friday, so I would like to have reports by Thursday/Friday. If you aren't finished by then, just send me what you have. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Beta Call: Frostbite in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Tuesday, March 20 2007 04:53
Update: I will be releasing Frostbite soon. Any testers who haven't reported yet, or have another report I haven't seen, should send it in soon. If you haven't finished, then send me what you have. By the way, the newest version that I sent out is crap-- don't bother with it. I've since tested it myself and made (I think) all the necessary changes. I also have a 'poll' of sorts over at SV that I'd like you all to take. Thanks for all the help. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Spells in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Saturday, March 17 2007 13:36
Well War Blessing will gives haste at level 3, among other benefits. Haste's usefullness is reduced by the fact that it only affects one character, unlike previous Avernums where it would haste the whole party. -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
The Second 1/10 Contest has officially begun! in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6193
written Friday, March 16 2007 17:07
I think it was Amnesia that scared them off. Why don't we just crown Slack the winner and get it over with? -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |