Profile for y0d1n2a3
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Displayed name | y0d1n2a3 |
Member number | 48 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 329 |
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Registered | Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
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Here We Go Again (Political Compass) in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Friday, January 9 2004 20:58
quote:Agreed. Take a look at my results for example... :) "Economic Left/Right: -4.12 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.15" I was in the Libertarian Left the last time I took it (something like -5, -5). While my opinions on pages 5 and 6 stayed "conservative" both then and now, my opinions toward other issues in the previous pages might have changed over the months-- that's probably the reason why I end up in the NE quadrant this time. (I guess I can be called a "Progressive Conservative" since I'm no Bush supporter in terms of politics but agree with him on the grounds of morality and religion...) I also re-took the Myers-Briggs personality test that Alorael provided back in June and got a different result. quote:<OPINION WARNING> Actually, I must admit that my opinion towards Islamic terrorism is quite extreme. I believe that there are only two ways to stop terrorism: "total annihilation" or "total peace." The former requires every single enemy to be annihilated and may require the use of WMD. Theoretically it works, but I personally would call it an unfavorable (if not immoral) method. On the other hand, the latter seems foolish in the short run because it's counterintuitive to not seek revenge when you are under the threat of being attacked. But in the long run, it may be beneficial since terrorists are totally "normal people" if you can make them stop attacking. A limited war, like the 2003 Iraq War, unfortunately fails because it receoves the benefit of neither extremes (the enemy still exists but is not pacified). </END OF OPINION WARNING> quote:Hmmm... your mentioning of Carthage reminds me of a term that I made up earlier: "Delenda Est Communist China!" (Look up "Delenda Est Carthago" on google and replace "Carthage" with "China" in case you don't know what it means.) Then again, I may be biased on this since this is from the "American perspective" and I have read Bill Gertz's The China Threat... quote:This reminds me of some research I did a while ago on the Myers-Briggs personality typing theory. It seems to me that those "NF's" who are Civil Rights Leaders/Radicals/Progressives (See for details) are likely to be both well-loved AND well-hated at the same time depending on the issue. [ Friday, January 09, 2004 21:01: Message edited by: y0d1n2a3 ] -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Help with genforge codes how do i get codes to work again?? in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Friday, July 11 2003 15:06
quote:You can also do it by hex-editting, which does not un-register the game. Since we're not allowed to discuss it here, please check your private message (click on "my profile" and look for "Incoming Private Messages"). -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
The Leylines Beta Version in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Thursday, July 3 2003 12:58
Sorry for double posting, but I found a few more bugs: 1. The "rank 3 unit appearing as rank 2 when viewed as a group" bug also occurrs in the game: when you right-click on an enemy group and when you attempt to cast a single-target spell (e.g. Might of Giants). 2. In a city, if you change the unit that you're currently training to another unit, you get 50% extra construction points instead of losing 25% ![]() 3. The "Destroy City" option should be darkened out when you don't have enough militant units in the city. 4. Not really a bug- is there a way to destroy a building in a city with a monolith without bringing the ballistae in ![]() 5. Problems with saving a game: Let's say there's have a saved game named "GAME1." If I clicked on GAME1 before pressing the save button, the game should be automatically saved to that file. But this doesn't always work. If you clicked on another file (such as autosave) before clicking on your saved game (GAME1), the game may prompt you to type in a file name. 6. Loading a saved game may fail if you opened the map editor before returning to the main menu. 7. Weird behavior of moonpaths: I found an enemy city with moonpaths around it. Obviously, I couldn't use them (checked with my ballistae). Now here's the funny part. I destroyed the city, and now the moonpaths are usable: the hex's description changed from "Foothills (slope, 4 moves)" to "Foothills (slope/moonpath, 2 moves)." 8. Game balance issue with galleons: -Will there a way to prevent (or at least have some kind of defense against) naval bombardments (i.e. a fleet of 6 war galleons bombarding a city)? I found this strategy to be too useful (with only a single galleon, I can destroy a fleet of 6 sailing ships in three turns or a group of 3 knights, 2 pikemen, and a mage in a city in 5 turns). (Theoretically, archers, mages, and wizards should be able to hit the ships from one hex away...) Perhaps you can also add some kind of hitting/damage/evading disadvantage for ships in port (since they are blocked and can't go anywhere). -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
The Leylines Beta Version in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Wednesday, July 2 2003 08:41
I found another bug: In the map editor, a Rank 3 unit (e.g. Great Ballista) will appear as a Rank 2 unit (e.g. Heavy Ballista) when you check the group details of a specific hex. ![]() But when you right-click on the specific unit in the group, it shows up as a rank 3 unit (in this case, "Great Ballista"). (I hope this makes sense ![]() EDIT: Please check your PM ![]() [ Wednesday, July 02, 2003 08:59: Message edited by: y0d1n2a3 ] -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Politicalcompass in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Friday, June 13 2003 20:18
I got (-3.38, -0.56). This is quite funny since I got something around (-7, -5) right after the Iraq War (I was irate about it back then). quote:I personally think this is a not-very-good question as well. I personally agree with that one, because democracy has a major problem that can never be fixed: protecting the rights and freedom the minorities (which can be as much as 49.99%). The problem is, one-party states have a bad name because people always think of Hitler; history does show that they tend to be "bad" (i.e. the government may be racist, give its people little or no human rights, etc.) Theoretically, a "good" dictator in a one-party state should be able to solve many problems in modern democracies; the problem is, no such dictator exist yet (and we won't see one in the near future). quote:As for religion-related questions, I did a quick test by pressing Ctrl+N at page 5 and answered two versions of answers for the last two pages (one with my REAL opinion, which is pro-religion, and the other one with deliberately anti-religion answers) just to see how much they are weighed. The results: With pro-religion answers: (-3.38, -0.56) With anti-religion answers: (-4.88, -5.03) [ Friday, June 13, 2003 20:34: Message edited by: y0d1n2a3 ] -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
AAAAAAAGGGHHH!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Thursday, June 12 2003 17:32
As for blocking malicious "Cookeis," you can also try this: Assuming that you're using IE 6.0, go to Tools->Internet Options-> Privacy. Change Settings to "Block All Cookies." If a website that you ABSOLUTELY have to use and it uses Cookies to store username and password (e.g. Hotmail), lower the defenses to "Medium-High" for that site. Don't forget to add the following to the "Web Sites" list under "Privacy" (if you're not sure whether the web page where the cookies are coming from is a .com or a .net, simply add both): (Set ALL of them to "Always Block.") [ Thursday, June 12, 2003 17:34: Message edited by: y0d1n2a3 ] -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Personality Test in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Saturday, June 7 2003 12:45
Weird... I got ISTJ 57% 11% 1% 1%. (I supppose that 1% means that my personality in the last two categories are in the "gray area," right?) -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Friday, May 30 2003 19:32
quote:The "one nation under God" part in the Pledge of Allegiance is disputable because it is, after all, a later addition. Besides, if you don't believe in God, you can simply ignore that part (i.e. you can say "one nation, ... (pause), indivisible"). And even I, as a Christian, believe that it is wrong to call non-believers as unpatriotic. I mean, they should at least try to understand why people decide to not believing in God before preaching to non-believers (besides, there are always friendlier ways to preach to non-believers without openly condemning them, i.e. saying something like "you will all go to hell if you don't believe in God," etc.) This is similar to making the same mistakes of the missionaries in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. (In case you didn't read it, this novel was a story about a Native African tribe which breaks apart after the arrival of European missionaries. In the story, the missionaries made the mistake of saying "your gods are gods of wood and stone" without knowing the natives' tradition.) quote:I personally don't. Theoratically, Christians can enter heaven even if they don't try to convert non-believers. It is true that many Christians would (at least partly) try to preach to others, but I doubt that they do it as an attempt to get a "better position" in heaven. In fact, if anyone thinks "I preach Christianity to others because I want a better position in heaven," that person should NOT go to heaven. quote:Speaking of "setting the universe in motion," let me give you an old example: when scientists discovered Pluto in 1930, they found out that the combined mass of Neptune and Pluto is not enough to counter some strange behaviors of Uranus and the "unbalanced gravitational forces" in the solar system; they therefore theorized that there must be a planet X. None has yet been found. (You don't have to believe this, but you can say "God makes sure that gravity works 100% of the time :) ") quote:Genesis 1:3: "And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." Doesn't that match with the "suddenness" of Big Bang? :) quote:I personally would say: "If God has ignored us, humans should have gone extinct already." Then again, this is up to your judgment. -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Monday, May 26 2003 15:20
quote:Well... after all, a religion can be defined as a set of beliefs- it is not a science, and therefore can't be "supported" or "disproved" using scientific methods. :) There's one interesting link between religion and science, though: many famous scientists in history were, nevertheless, religious. Did anyone of you ever wonder why scientists like Newton, Einstein, etc. still believe in God? :rolleyes: -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Sunday, May 25 2003 14:27
quote:I don't mean to "disprove evolution" or anything. My point is: you can intepret the "evolution-supporting" data available in a wide variety of ways, including putting them into creationism's context. As for cloning and DNA, my point was: Theoratically, "same DNA" = "identical individual" and "Change DNA" = "modify organism." which is at least "similar" :) to evolution. As for proving dogs are NOT alien spies, I can't. But some of the data we have support the theory (if you want to word it this way :D ) that they're not: -------------------------------------------------- 1. From evolution's point of view: the current data shows that evolution only occurred on earth. Other planets: unknown. 2. From Christianity's point of view: the Bible has no records of life in any place other than earth. 3. Even if they are alien spies, there are no signs of life left on venus. :D -------------------------------------------------- (Okay, stop the madness :P ) <Andy does a reality check and finds out that preaching his religion on the Spiderweb message board won't work, at least for now.> (EDIT: Request granted. :) ) [ Sunday, May 25, 2003 14:41: Message edited by: y0d1n2a3 ] -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Sunday, May 25 2003 11:42
I will attempt to cool down the evolution debate that is going on here, if you don't mind hearing from another perspective :) -------------------------------------------------- As far as I know, every evidence that can be used to support the theory of evolution also apply to creationism (if you believe in a God). For example, from the anatamical point of view, we can say that the arms of humans contain the same general structure as bats' wings or elephants' huge legs. If you believe in evolution, you can say that this evidence supports the idea of "common ancestor." From creationism's point of view, you can also say that they were created by the same God. And besides, there are still some unanswered question about evolution: 1. Cloning life can be treated as a type of evolution (in this case, artificial selection). But the current case is: we can clone a whole life, but never create them from nothing. Besides, even "clones" created through current cloning methods aren't "exact" clones (some parts of the clone come from the "surrogate mother"). In addition, clones age faster. 2. We can make artificial organs, but not construct one that perfectly replaces the natural ones. Likewise, can we "create" a completely new organism by putting pieces of DNA together? No. :D 3. We can use biotechnology to modify the genetic code of an organism to make it more favorable for humans, but we cannot restore already-extinct species back to the environment using the DNA information we have available. -------------------------------------------------- Back on topic: I respect the choice of anyone who does not believe in God. But there are some benefits you can get from believing in God that people rarely talk about. I'll list a few of them here: 1. While believing in God doesn't mean that you will never encounter any kind of setback in life, God can give you the strength to endure any problem you are currently facing. 2. Have you ever been "haunted" by some kind of evil spirit? Don't you feel strange that believers are immune to them? 3. God still cares about you even if you occasionally forget to pray, go to church, read the Bible, etc. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Saturday, May 24 2003 11:56
quote:That is possible. Theoratically, if an organism can distinguish between Carbon-12 and Carbon-14 and has the ability to minimize the intake of C-14, it is possible that carbon dating can find it to be "already dead" for a few thousand years when it is still alive. :D (The opposite might have happened as well.) -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
What feature that the Avernum series lacked would you most like to see in BoA? in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Saturday, May 24 2003 11:52
I'm not sure if JV would agree with these, but... 1. Make some "battle spells" be usable in town mode. 2. This may be annoying in some scenarios, but consider this: You enter an enemy's fortress. They attack you. In BoE or A1~3, you are safe if you leave that place. Consider adding an option that some of the defenders inside will chase you after you leave :eek: 3. Did anyone mention "being able to fight on horseback"? (Sure, you can make "cavalry" custom graphics and give them higher speeds, but there should be some kind of damage bonus or penalty for them...) 4. In BoE, Magic Map gives you the map for the whole city, but it can't be cast outdoors. In A1~3, L3 of this spell can be cast outdoors but never gives the play the entire map for the town. Consider changing the spell to -> L1: Shows a small area indoors. If used with a sapphire, shows the whole town. L2: Shows a larger area indoors. If used with a sapphire, shows the whole town. Can be used outdoors to show a small area, but doing so consumes a sapphire. L3: Shows the whole town indoors and a small area outdoors. If used with a sapphire, show the entire outdoor section (potentially very useful). -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Saturday, May 24 2003 11:27
quote:This reminds me of an article (this is definitely not made up, but I forgot where I found it) that says someone found a "20,000-year-old dinosaur fossil." How can that happen when evolution should theoratically take that long? :D It looks like geologic dating is still a far-from-perfect method. (We are assuming that radioactive elements decay at the same rate for thousands or even millions of years. But an assumption may or may not be true.) Since dinosaurs are believed to have gone extinct 65 millions years ago, this result (if it's correct) is indeed strange. Can anyone find an explanation for these "outliers" in evolution? quote:I personally would say that it depends on the religion. Look at the conflicts between the U.S. and Arab nations today. It can be defined as a inter-religion conflict. Take Islam for example. Muhummad originally made the religion to me non-violent. But his later followers started the idea of "holy war." Due to this fact, many people today have the stereotype that "Islamic people are people who know nothing but hate and jihad." Or take Christianity for example. The Bible tells us to love our enemies, but frankly, most people (myself included) find this hard to be done in real life. And unfortunately I have seen some very "intolerant" Christians, i.e. those who use their religion as a weapon to condemn other people who are defined as "sinful" in the Bible. They totally forgot the fact that the Bible also says that we are ALL sinners. Since I tolerate people who are different, including believers of other religions and non-believers, I found this very saddening. See, the problem is: despite the fact that most religion are good by themselves, some believers distorted them way beyond recovery. [ Saturday, May 24, 2003 11:41: Message edited by: y0d1n2a3 ] -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Major problem!!!!!! in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Saturday, May 24 2003 11:18
quote:Wait, did the file download correctly? If yes, why not try "renaming" the file to a .zip? (In case you don't know how: 1. Click on the file. 2. Press F2 to rename the file. 3. Type in the new file name (e.g. ""). 4. Press enter.) -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
What feature that the Avernum series lacked would you most like to see in BoA? in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Friday, May 23 2003 15:13
quote:How about this: 1. Only the Vahnatai may cast Capture Soul and Simulacrum (if these spells are going to be kept). 2. The bonus should apply only to Vahnatai weapons. That probably means increasing the variety of Vahnatai weapons as well instead of including only the old "Cursed, regular, fine, magic, alien" waveblade. (A quick crazy idea: Waveblade of death: Has a chance of instantly killing any living creature that has a head. :D ) -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Friday, May 23 2003 14:56
quote:As for me personally, I believe that micro-evolution (i.e. an organism adapting to an enviornment) is definitely possible, but I don't believe in the idea of one species evolving into an entirely different one. Here are a few of my main doubts about evolution: 1. Isn't evolution about "one common ancestor evolving into all organisms on earth"? Nowadays, we see species going endangered then extinct swiftly. We don't see new species appearing, though. 2. Can you find a half-fish and half-frog today? No. Darwin said that they are extinct- but there is a chance that they never existed (or they could have co-existed with amphibians AND fish but went extinct due to natural selection). 3. Theoratically, the "speed of evolution" increases with time. If this is true, we would ahve evolved into another species already :D (Then again, you don't have to agree with me :) ) -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Poll for Atheists and Agnostics... in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Thursday, May 22 2003 20:02
Just curious... Since I am a Christian myself (despite the fact that I have relatively "less faith" compared to my parents), I would like to say: Why do you think religion in general (or Christianity in particular) is so bad? Besides, don't you want to go to heaven (assuming that you believe in heaven and hell :) )? Personally, I respect your choice of not being a believer. You have the right to not belive in God. Besides, beliving in a religion doesn't necessarily mean that your mind has to be "fixed"-- for example, even some Christians partially believe in evolution (i.e. "God created the creatures on earth first, then they 'evolved'"). [ Thursday, May 22, 2003 20:06: Message edited by: y0d1n2a3 ] -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Muskets? in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Sunday, May 18 2003 20:13
quote:Well, good luck to you. There are other reasons why I said that "making a scenario that took place during the world wars" is hard: 1) There is a wide variety of "monsters" (in this case, troops). Take infantry for example, you have regular infantry squads, special forces, machine-gun squads, bazookas, etc. Now here's the problem: how can you implement both rifles, hand-grenades, and perhaps a portable anti-tank weapon all into ONE infantry squad? (True, you can try making multi-hex monsters, but...) And how can you include airplanes and make sure that infantry without AA weapons won't be able to hit them? :D 2) Unit/Weapon balance. How can you use the BoE system to make sure that a machine-gun is ineffective against tanks but good against infantry? There is a possible solution, but it doesn't work well: make tanks "immune to fire," give MG squads "heat ray" ability, and make infantry vulnerable to fire... but when you want to include planes, you would have trouble making bombs work (logically, bombs should be implemented as fire weapons- but you have already made tanks immune to fire. They would be immune to bombs, which shouldn't happen.) -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Muskets? in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Friday, May 16 2003 15:07
quote:As far as I know, if you adjust the game speed to medium or slower, you would still see an arrow flying out when it's supposed to be a bullet :) By the way, some BoE scenarios have items called "grenades" which are simply "exploding missile weapons." From actual testing, it appears to me that "exploding missile weapons" basically a wand of "firestorm" spells because increasing the "item level," "damage," and "bonus" can't improve the damage of such weapons. Besides, grenades should miss if the enemy ducks into entrenchments. :D (We must admit that it's hard to make a "historical scenario" that took place during WW1 or WW2 with BoE.) -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Home of the Free in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Friday, May 16 2003 14:38
quote:Some people have suggested other alternatives, including the replacement of conventional bullets with "paralysis bullets" (which can effectively stop the criminals but can't be used as a lethal weapon) or "stun guns." If such things are introduced, then it may be okay to ban regular guns because people can still use them for self-defense but can't use them to commit murder. -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Subterra won't work! in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Friday, April 4 2003 15:26
quote:Try the following solutions: 1. Download DirectX 9 From Microsoft: 2. Set the "Compatibility Options" of the game to "Windows Me." -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Load problem with Geneforge in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Saturday, March 1 2003 22:43
Try downloading DirectX 9 from Microsoft: -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
method of registratrion in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Monday, February 17 2003 17:15
quote:That's true, but one can add one more defense: Modify the program so that the algorithm of the serial number changes periodically (users of full version must connect to the internet periodically to get the new registration code in order for the program to continue running). -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
BoE crashes/registry prob in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 48
written Monday, February 17 2003 17:03
quote:I think Win XP users can set the compatibility options for BoE to running in "Windows Me" mode (since the games works fine on WinMe). -------------------- "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.-Luke 23:34 Posts: 329 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |