Profile for Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder.
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Displayed name | Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder. |
Member number | 3428 |
Title | Apprentice |
Postcount | 47 |
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Registered | Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
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Author | Recent posts |
Social Degradation and Religious Decay (Split from "Life on Europa") in General | |
Member # 3428
written Monday, July 23 2007 21:02
The point made earlier about the lack of a hell in the old testament and the jewish religious theory was valid. They didn't have a "hell" persay, they only had sheol; "the outcasting" when the word "gehena" [a valley for burning trash outside of jeruselem] was used by jesus in the new testament it wasn't to state that unrepentant sinners and "non-beleivers" would be burnt, it meant to say there were going to be "thrown away." The original concept of sheol is the isolatory concept of "away from god", much like the mormonistic concept of "outer darknesS" or the catholic concept of purgator. [except, you're completely and utterly alone, you can't even interact or sense the rest of the world, or the others that have been discarded.] As for the increasing levels of violence... I think it has to do with the natural human tendancies to violence, and disdain for other human lives; coupled with the increasing ease with which we can kill one another. Its so much easier to hold a rifle several hundered feet away and pick someone off; than it is to hack them to bits with a machette, I'm sure some of you have heard about the psychology and mechanics of pre-desensitization "hesitation cuts." -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Social Degradation and Religious Decay (Split from "Life on Europa") in General | |
Member # 3428
written Friday, July 20 2007 20:05
Synergy, very very nice. Unfortunately, most of the species isn't quite that evolved, many people are still psychologically unevolved; with the need of an omnipresent controller. Control isn't a bad thing at first, like you stated, in the infancy of conciousness, the social and religious structure bound people togeather and allowed them to overcome their instincts; and function as a unit, instead of a group of individualistic "someones" and this promoted prosperity and survival. But we've evolved; perhaps in most cases, not nearly enough to outgrow our current set of hardwired instincts, and its apparent. The transformation of religion from control to unity and love is symbolic of the founding cultures acceptance of the value of an individual's potential to benifit the whole though their individuality; the east hit this earlier for some reason, as did the far west, and quite a few of the more "barbaric" western cultures. This more than likely has something to do with the locking of fuedalism into mainland european cultures early at their onset. As for stillness' question: The mind, body, and soul are three seperate entities; at least in my opinion. The "soul" is what I would consider the "central driving concept" the rules that govern our conciousness; and while these most definitely manifest through the "mind" (a complex organic processing system with a set of fuzzy logic axioms all its own, as well as hardwired instincts, perceptory systems, and memory formation systems) the two aren't nessicarily one. Though, if you really wanted too, you could combine the two; it pretty much comes down to if or not you think the "spirit" can seperate from the body (which manifests and contains the mind in a similiarily ill defined and overlapping manner) and survive. [ Friday, July 20, 2007 20:08: Message edited by: Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder. ] -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Social Degradation and Religious Decay (Split from "Life on Europa") in General | |
Member # 3428
written Friday, July 20 2007 14:42
1. Religion would react as it always does to new facts, it will adapt; and try to subjugate. [Example: Intelligent Design] Aside: Though, personally, I think the best, most expediant, and most enlightened path comes from the fusion of science and "spirituality" [note: NOT religion] if you really want to know what comes after life, why your body exists the way it does, and why your spirits are as they are; in the name of all thats holy, look into it, please, analyze it, tear it appart, experiment and research it, divise, expand, and scruitinize techniques for collecting the kind of information nessicary. And most importantly, don't come to the table with an expectation to find anything, much less any specific thing, let what is to be found, be found. 2. People in general, probably wouldn't change that much; unless it were the discovery of sentient life [INCREDIBLY unlikely.] If anything, non-sentient extra terrestrial life would provoke people to expand the current theory behind xenobiology, and probably invent a few new fields; Xenobotanist, Xenozoologist, and Xenoeconomist. [With human instincts as they are, the second goal after understanding is exploitation.] 3. Religion and Morals are related, but not in the way most theists seem to think. Psychologically, biologically, and dare I say it, spiritually, life is connected; the more complex the stronger and deeper the connection can go, most midrange to higher mammals exhibit empathy of some sort or another, though the intellect of the primates seems to allow them to use it selectively. Your spirit, body, and mind; all in concert generate your sense of right and wrong, because we can all look at something that happens to another and say "I'd hate if that were me..." or "What... why can't that happen to me...?" If you can't its actually considered a psychological, and sometimes biological abnormality; its called sociopathy. And as religions are our attempts to justify and explain ourselves, it only makes sense (at least without better tools at our disposal) that we'd try to fit morality into it. However, the prior doesn't create or generate the former in any way shape or form... only redefines or intensifies our inner sense of "morality." [There are always exceptions, masochists and sadists; and while I know a handful of them, I don't think any of them would like being homeless, and destitute, so there are things that are "universally bad" or at least nearly universally. 4. Aside from "religious morals" and "personal morals" there are also "social morals", and "economic morals" and the four categories often cross contaminate. Which is why so many well meaning religions end up with such screwed up senses of proper and improper; thats what happens when you have people and countries practicing a religion. 5. I agree that human blood-thirst hasn't really increase, they just have more efficient ways to quench it. Its much harder to kill a million people with knives and bows, while walking or riding horseback and rowing skiffs; that it is while wailing powered ships, driving trucks, and firing off fully automatic weapons. The body count just goes up so much quicker. 6. Darwinism is right, social darwinism is a sociopathic meal ticket. Sentient species are generally social species, humans are not normally "solitairy predators" we depend on one another to survive efficiently. And while darwinism most likely does still apply, it most likely doesn't apply on individuals; it applies on larger organisms made up of them, societies, and "ways of thinking." 7. The golden rule has been around for a VERY long time, in various forms of course, but its been there. Christ wasn't the first, but he wasn't a conman, or a rip-off artist; great minds think alike. 8. Just like any "composite organism" (states, organizations, businesses, etcetera), religions can rot from the inside. Anyone within any of those sorts of things is a part of the whole, and a single, twisted individual if not kept in check, or allowed to grow powerful can be the equivalent to a cancer. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Europa, God, and you, or Where it all fits. in General | |
Member # 3428
written Friday, July 20 2007 14:15
I guess that what I consider myself is a combination of animist, deist, and agnostic. I beleive that all things [living an unliving] have a "spark" (or network of sparks) of some sort, the difference between inanimate matter, animate, matter, life, sentient life, and beyond, being the complexity, and intraconnected of these sparks. I beleive in a diety, in the sense that ultimately, all of these "sparks" are structurally unified. [if you have a million shards of broken a broken mirror, you don't have a million shards of glass, you have a broken mirror. And I'm an agnostic, since I beleive that the mechanics, complete will, and nature of this "completed deity" are unknowable, at least from our current prespective, and probably from any point contained within its underlying structural network [aka, the universe.] I don't beleive in the supernature, only the unexplained natural. I beleive that the "sparks" are algorithmic in nature, and when compounded exhibit emergent tendancies (giving rise to the complicatory nature of conciousness, *greater conciousness* is built upon *lesser conciousness* the two are not fundamentally different.) Software to our wetware I suppose you'd say. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Love Life Poll in General | |
Member # 3428
written Tuesday, July 3 2007 20:11
Had my first "everything" at 17... he was 15. I've never been married, probably won't ever be [though its not impossible.] I've been in a total of 2 serious relationships, and I'm starting on a third. I was suprised as hell when I hit "submit" 36-50some percent of the people always choose "never"?! *Dances* I feel like less of a nerd x.x [ Tuesday, July 03, 2007 20:13: Message edited by: Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder. ] -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Pen and Paper Anyone? in General | |
Member # 3428
written Sunday, May 20 2007 11:26
yeah, I almost always play flaw heavy characters :P It is much more fun than playing guild characters :3 [except in the case of AD&D and the rogue-monk-fighter halfling, go three foot ninja!!!] In jadeclaw there is a section specifically for benifits and penalties. you get a certain number of points to buy bonuses [including non-stat ones, its an interesting system] have to buy off to at least 0 points in penalties [the recommended point alotments are generous for new players, but peter off for more experienced ones. *its all GM discression though* so its possible to get away with no penalties... but what fun is that?] the penalties are hard-stat penalties, skill penalties, and various social, emotional and psychological problems :P [there is one for phobias :P it comes in differing costs depending on the severity of the phobic reation and the rarity of the source of fear, and its RP mandatory :P *you don't roleplay your phobia the GM has the option to penalize you, and a good DM will bring it up a few times during any game :P *] -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Costuming Ideas in General | |
Member # 3428
written Sunday, May 20 2007 11:15
I, for the most part had no idea what he was talking about x.x on another note, I might try to rock a bandana... anyone know any other period hats though... one that aren't so... barret-y...? -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Costuming Ideas in General | |
Member # 3428
written Friday, May 18 2007 20:33
Gears in the costume...? how would that really work...? I was thinking along the lines of the boots, the goggles, maybe a bandana [I don't really know what kind of headgear to go with] the boots of course, maybe a belt or bandoleer, and a conductor's vest and breast pocket watch. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Costuming Ideas in General | |
Member # 3428
written Wednesday, May 16 2007 22:09
I'm going to do my best to get to califur '08... and I'm going to costume... the theme is steampunk, help me out here only two things required, big boots, and weilding goggles :3 I'm also thinking about round frame glasses. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
If Jeff went for a new RPG world.... in General | |
Member # 3428
written Wednesday, May 16 2007 22:04
one word: Steampunk. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
What do people think.. in General | |
Member # 3428
written Tuesday, May 15 2007 11:16
I'm a furry, I think that the nerd part is pretty much a given after that. ![]() ![]() -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Pen and Paper Anyone? in General | |
Member # 3428
written Monday, May 14 2007 22:33
My favorite characters in various systems were... My Fallen Angel Priest in whitewolf [they over power the vampires so much, or it may of been my DM, he's a vampy-freak *******.] My sword dancer Black Leopard in Jadeclaw [OMFG Dualwield finess fighter!] I played a "Spec-Ops" Feline in Albedo [sci-fi], so I got my daily alloted dose of sniper rifle-y goodness and hacking. And I've already stated my favorite d20 character :3 I like to get creative with my skills, so I like systems that encourage it. I also like systems that encourage teamwork and combination attacks. [Jadeclaw was fun for this. I team-played with a soft-sword user and an archer-elementalist... very interesting combination attacks since we had two sword wielding martial artist and a spell caster/ranger :P ] The system I'm currently working on is intended to be classless, but I'll probably write up predefined skill templates... It lends itself well to teamwork, as well as "epic" storylines, and heavy player involvement in the campaign world. [I like to leave single campaigns open ended, the system itself is designed to make that easier.] [ Monday, May 14, 2007 22:35: Message edited by: Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder. ] -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Pen and Paper Anyone? in General | |
Member # 3428
written Monday, May 14 2007 17:28
I'm familiar with d20... the white wolf system, I've played gurps a few times, and I was intruiged by Shadowrun, but never really got into it. I also play Jadeclaw and Albedo, by sanguine, nice dice system, minimal mathematical stat magic, fast paced when it needs to be. [It is however a bit of an acquired taste >^,^< :P ] I'm also working on my own system, and currently trying to streamline the rules. the most interesting d20 campaign I've played was a BESM one where I got to play the "mad scientist's assistant" [morphic feline of course.] -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Pen and Paper Anyone? in General | |
Member # 3428
written Monday, May 14 2007 16:44
Any P-n-P gamers on here? Basically anyone who frequently engages in table top RPGness. :3 Tell us your favorite systems, your favorite settings, your favorite source and companion books! Any favorite campaigns or characters you've had would also most likely be interesting. It'd also be interesting to hear from people modding or writing their own core rules sets. I'm currently working on a rules set/setting for something I like to call "Memories of Aura", its fun, but unsuprisingly, more work than I thought at first. :P [You have to so throughly flesh out so many things if you're actually writing a setting.] I'll offer up more details if anyone's interested, but get your prespectives and experiences out here! -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
What do people think.. in General | |
Member # 3428
written Monday, May 14 2007 15:59
People I know generally react well... see, I'm friends with nerds, and I've already introduced my little brother and cousins to spiderweb games. They just love the idea of pounding the living hell out of everything randomly with a brigade of sliths [they call them the "lizard brigade."] ![]() -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
College, majors, etc. in General | |
Member # 3428
written Sunday, May 13 2007 16:13
My major should actually be art... but I'm a moron and I screwed myself, so all of my hard science credits [alot of them] are pretty much wasted... I've not decided if I'll go back to school and get my AAs, or remajor into art when I get comfortable working. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
To the moon in General | |
Member # 3428
written Sunday, May 13 2007 16:09
I think this one is actually a toss up... The majority of the US Space programs equipment is outdated with the exception of a few key pieces. [most of their "moon gear" anyway.] However, as stated, they've been researching new vehicles. [I hate that ****ty little one man glider than won their contest.] However, China actually has a huge pool of resources to draw from, including intellectual ones, I don't know how much experience they have in non-traditional space propulsion though. Basically, its down to who can work their program the most efficiently... with an x-factor of "lets throw a bunch of old **** on a rocket" on both sides... -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Favorite game genres? in General | |
Member # 3428
written Sunday, May 13 2007 16:00
I've always liked RPGs... the more detailed the art and story, the better [Albion was one of my favorites, as well as the ultima series (7 and under), wizardry 7 was fun, as were a lot of the Might & Magic games.] I've always liked the adventure games, thought those seem to be on a downsurge. [The Kings Quest series was fun, and one of my all time favorite games "Inherit the Earth" is in that style.] From time to time I enjoy a shooter or squad based strategy game [<3 X-Com Series.] I'm also a frequent MUD/MUCK user. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
College, majors, etc. in General | |
Member # 3428
written Saturday, May 12 2007 12:25
I'm a computer science major. Programming, Hardware repair, and Networking; no degree yet. I got bored about 90% the way through my associate's track [90 credits, spread myself really thin], so I'm currently working at office max and not going to college. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Surprises in General | |
Member # 3428
written Tuesday, April 24 2007 19:21
I haven't played this in ages... I remember loving Chrono, Frog, and Magus... just because. Usually, by the time I got arround to fighting lavos, it wasn't all that difficult. I usually fought him repeatedly though, +games :P The rainbow and the prism specs did rock though, and most of the characters have a decent equipment set that makes the pretty good. The triple techs didn't get used that often though. They're overkill in most situations. I loved all of the miniquests and sidestories though, wasted alot of time there. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Learn how it's done. in General | |
Member # 3428
written Tuesday, April 24 2007 19:13
(1) What's your main goal in life? -To leave a lasting impression and legacy, prefereably an intellectual or spiritual one... (2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought? - "I can finally do what I need to." (3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger? -I don't really get angry anymore... the few times someone manages to piss me off severely enough to provoke a reation, I scream. (4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today. -Nothing, life comes in bursts. (5) What's your current Philosophy on life? -Do what you can, what you have too, and what you should. (6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it? -Hmmm.. I couldn't really see myself creating a disease... If I did though, It'd probably have a long, technical name describing its effects no "such-and-such's syndrome" here. (7) What should you be doing right now? -Cleaning. (8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be? -Butters or Tweak, probably. (9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ? -Artist, still trying, though I doubt I have the knack. (10) What happened to those dreams? -Still there, though they need some file. (11) Describe the last dream you can remember. -It was violent, and involved alot of confusion, I was drunk so that might explain it. (12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be? -I wouldn't be a supermodel. (13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be? -Probably a fox, or some other canine. (14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why? -Restoration of self. (15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you. -My apparent bad luck. (16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot? -Barefoot/ (17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get? -I rarely get what I want. (18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by. The new job I've gotten, and the prospect of going to Califur. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
What have you been reading lately? in General | |
Member # 3428
written Tuesday, April 24 2007 19:01
I've recently read... "Not Even Wrong" [String theory], "Noise", and a few other pop-science books. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Genetic Templating in Averum? in General | |
Member # 3428
written Saturday, November 11 2006 23:26
Du willst haben mein lebensraum? Nein, Schmutziger Mensch! Wurfel! Heh, I never really got the whole furry nazi thing. I'm a furry, and from first hand experience most of them are fairly cool, laid back people, the ones that generate the nazi stereotype are the same ones that are the cause of the whole yiff stereotype. Drama Queens, and yes, unfortunately we have an inordinately high ammount of them. This is almost as bad as that whole R.G.W.S. thing thats going around O.o. Well now that Tyranicus has blitzkrieged his way through the rheinland of general insult, back to the matter at hand. :P It seems that at least two of the four acceptably sentient humanoid species native to the Avernum setting has a strangely high level of genetic compatability. For two seemingly unrelated species. [Since the world seems to view goblinoids in the avernum universe as nothing more than psychotic, mentally deficient pests, with little potential to be anything else :P ] [Unless he's a horrible horrible mutant, or has scabies or something, possibilities I've accounted for by stating that they're very real posibilities. If thats the case though, there isn't really anything to talk about, its the end of the line right there.] [ Saturday, November 11, 2006 23:29: Message edited by: Ezrah, Kitty of Wonder. ] -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Your religion in General | |
Member # 3428
written Saturday, November 11 2006 23:07
Pythagoreanism all the way! The world is ONE! -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |
Genetic Templating in Averum? in General | |
Member # 3428
written Saturday, November 11 2006 17:29
I edited my posts because apparently people completely ignore the content unless the grammar and spelling is immaculate. Grammar Nazing: 1, Ezrah: 0. -------------------- HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!! Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00 |