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AuthorTopic: Learn how it's done.
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #25
(1) What's your main goal in life?
- To truly live my religion. To develop a close, deep, meaningful relationship with at least one other person. To significantly contribute to a major scientific development.

(2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
- To make sure it's not one of those "If you attend our week long seminar and buy 50 years of time-share in Florida" sorts of things.

(3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger?
- I silently rant in my own head then repress or forget it.

(4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.
- I was looking at old spiderweb threads to get an idea for a good topic, saw the one on dreams in which I linked to wikipedia's entry on lucid dreaming, which led to reading about hypnosis, which dispelled many myths and has me seriously thinking about looking into self-hypnosis.

(5) What's your current Philosophy on life?
- To try to make myself a better person and to work towards accomplishing #1.

(6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?
- Mr. Deadlypants

(7) What should you be doing right now?
- Getting ready for bed, I have to wake up at midnight to go to work.

(8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?
- I've never seen Southpark.

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?
- I wanted to be an alien.

(10) What happened to those dreams?
- Still dreaming.

(11) Describe the last dream you can remember.
- Myself and some other person were competing to invade this fortress sort of thing. I, for some reason, had a horde of lions at my command and managed to invade first, but the next time I looked my lions were all now baby tigers. The other guy found some key, but I managed to grab it first and used it to open a big iron door revealing a room with a pulsing blue light surrounded by ice golems who were chanting something along the lines of "The prime stringed instrument is the harp". One of them turned and started slowly moving towards me to attack and then I woke up.

(12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be?
- Why on earth would I know about enough supermodels to be able to choose one?

(13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be?
- Illithid.

(14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why?
- Whatever food it is that I am craving, even though I can't figure out exactly what that is.

(15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you.
- I never know what to say in casual social settings.

(16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?
- Barefoot or socks.

(17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get?
- Not that I can think of.

(18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by.
- Fascinated by lucid dreaming and looking into self-hypnosis.

Take the Personality Test!
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
By Committee
Member # 4233
Profile #26
(1) What's your main goal in life?
Not sure - still trying to figure that out. I guess in the mean time, I'd say it's not to screw anything up too badly, and not hurt anyone.

(2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
Two million to go...

(3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger?
My anger usually goes away after a couple hours.

(4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.
Today I tried renewing my Symantec Internet Security subscription. Their customer service is anything but helpful.

(5) What's your current Philosophy on life?
Everyone has a right to do what he or she wants, provided that doesn't infringe on anyone else's right to do the same.

(6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?
George W. Bush Syndrome.

(7) What should you be doing right now?
Studying for my Criminal Procedure final.

(8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?
Professional tenor.

(10) What happened to those dreams?

(11) Describe the last dream you can remember.

I seem to have a recurring dream where I return to some form of my undergraduate campus. It's usually the first day as well. Not sure what it means, though it probably has something to do with law school...

(12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be?
Derek Zoolander

(13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be?
Funnel Web Spider

(14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why?
Ten million dollars, so I could set up a personal endowment and worry about other things in life than money.

(15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you.

(16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?
Barefoot. Shoes/sandals are for outdoors.

(17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get?
Admission to GW Law. I thought I was destined to go to Catholic U. or American after I was rejected by George Mason Law, but GW sent me my acceptance letter in the nick of time. :)

(18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by.
I'm fascinated by concepts of natural rights, and whether they should have any bearing on Supreme Court jurisprudence (what exactly is the Ninth Amendment for, anyway?). I'm also excited about distinguishing Western culture's fascination and support for equality, to an extent that surpasses its love of liberty. I'm articulating this poorly, but a lot if it is in Tocqueville's writings. So I guess you could say I'm fascinated by old Alexis. Also, there's the new Battlestar Galactica, and I've been reading Bel Canto, which is also pretty good.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
Profile #27
I think I've never seen, until now, Jeff reply to an inane thread except to lock it.

Bravo Marlenny!

Originally written by Kelandon:

Well, I'm at least pretty sure that Salmon is losing.

Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00
Member # 6292
Profile #28
Originally written by Archmage Alex:

(11) Describe the last dream you can remember.
Myself and some other person were competing to invade this fortress sort of thing. I, for some reason, had a horde of lions at my command and managed to invade first, but the next time I looked my lions were all now baby tigers. The other guy found some key, but I managed to grab it first and used it to open a big iron door revealing a room with a pulsing blue light surrounded by ice golems who were chanting something along the lines of "The prime stringed instrument is the harp". One of them turned and started slowly moving towards me to attack and then I woke up.
We have a new winner.


A4 Item Locations A4 Singleton G4 Items List G4 Forging List The Insidious Infiltrator
Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #29
Clearly Marlenny wins at polling, if only because of Jeff's participation.

(1) What's your main goal in life?
I'm still figuring out what mine is, but my mom's goal for me is that I have a house with a driveway.

(2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
Sweet! That might almost cover a down payment on a house!

(3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger?
Yelling doesn't do me much good, so I try to calm down, usually by myself.

(4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.
Um, nothing really happened today. I worked. But yesterday, I went to my professor's house for a Parilia party! We ate delicious food and talked Romanity.

(5) What's your current Philosophy on life?
Step One: Survive 'til summer.

(6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?

(7) What should you be doing right now?

(8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?

(10) What happened to those dreams?
Well, I may yet go to law school and try to run for office.

(11) Describe the last dream you can remember.
I can't remember any recent ones.

(12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be?

(13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be?
A dwarf? A rabbit? An Almarian Face-Leaping Spider?

(14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why?
A week off with my friends.

(15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you.
My room is a mess. I've been way too busy to get things organized enough to keep it clean.

(16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?

(17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get?
Heh. My job. My girlfriend. Those are the two that come to mind.

(18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by.
I'm excited about this summer, I think. I should get a couple of minor promotions in work that should be pretty freakin' awesome.

[ Sunday, April 22, 2007 20:44: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Board Administrator
Member # 1
Profile Homepage #30
"Clearly Marlenny wins at polling, if only because of Jeff's participation."

I'm not going to make a habit of it. I was watching a toddler and very, very bored. Toddlers are boring.

- Jeff Vogel

Official Board Admin
Posts: 960 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 6292
Profile #31
Originally written by Kelandon:

yesterday, I went to my professor's house for a Parilia party! We ate delicious food and talked Romanity.
You party animal, you!


A4 Item Locations A4 Singleton G4 Items List G4 Forging List The Insidious Infiltrator
Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #32
Clearly Marlenny wins at polling, and only because of Jeff's participation. :P

(1) What's your main goal in life?
I had a list of these once. Mainly, I suppose, I want to be happy. Unfortunately, that entails a lot of smaller goals.

(4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.
Well, about 45 minutes ago, I woke up. Not a very interesting day yet. The other day I spent an hour and a half attempting to drive a large van full of kids to a horse farm over roads that had washed out in last week's storm.

(5) What's your current Philosophy on life?
I'm really not sure I have one anymore.

(6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?
Death's Little Helper

(7) What should you be doing right now?
Driving to Boston.

(8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?
Sparky the Dog. Clearly.

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?
For many years, up through middle school, my answer was "theoretical physicist or science fiction writer." Hah.

(10) What happened to those dreams?
I've changed a lot since then.

(16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?
Barefoot, or with socks. When I actually lived in a house this fall, however, it was with sandals.

(17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get?
Yeah. Isn't that how love always works?

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
Profile #33
(1) What's your main goal in life?
Seeing my grandchildren grow up to be even better people than their parents.

(2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
(After a series of expletives) I'm going to have to slow down with my studies.

(3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger?
Stay angry. For a month or so. Luckily, I get angry very rarely.

(4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.
Uh, I woke up too late, took the train to the city, had lunch with my mom, and came to school. I'm waiting for an exam to begin right now.

(5) What's your current Philosophy on life?
At the moment it's Go with the Flow. Again.

(6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?
I wouldn't. Create one, that is.

(7) What should you be doing right now?
Nothing, nothing really at all. I've got fourty minutes 'til the exam starts. What I should be doing this entire month, is studying. Thousands of pages of legal text.

(8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?
I've been compared to Butters a few times too many. Just don't see the similarity myself, but I suppose that'll have to do.

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?
I've never really had a dream job when growing up, but I suppose I wanted to be a computer programmer at one point.

(10) What happened to those dreams?
I found a better one.

(11) Describe the last dream you can remember.
A friend recently gave me a new plant for my apartment. Last night I had a dream, that all the leaves had fallen off, and the thing was dead. I still watered it, though. Coincidentally, this is what happened to the previous plant I had.

(12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be?
The one that made a lot of money, quit, and got a real job.

(13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be?
No idea. A sentient one?

(14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why?
A thing, you say? A piece of good news. Of any kind. I seem to be fresh out of those, since I just found out that I have to graduate within a year, or the course requirements for my Master's thesis will double.

(15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you.
If it embarrasses me, do you really think I'd write it down here?

(16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?
Barefoot. If it gets cold, I wear my badger slippers. Nothing says "street cred" like badger slippers.

(17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get?
No. Never. When I get something that I really like, it's usually out of the blue.

(18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by.
The development of certain relationships.
Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #34
Originally written by Spidweb:

I'm not going to make a habit of it. I was watching a toddler and very, very bored. Toddlers are boring.
Fair enough. Most of us are surprised (and pleased) when you even read anything on the boards.

[ Monday, April 23, 2007 05:28: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Too Sexy for my Title
Member # 5654
Profile #35
Go me!. I seriously thought Jeff was going to lock the topic. But apparently boredom wins once again. And I'm quite dissapointed on all these people not watching Southpark. It's so sad.

So the anecdote question... So far it's 11:40am. I finally figured out the right time to leave the house in order to catch the bus. And my lil brother, who for like the first time ever, was ready before me kept hurrying me to then decide to use the bathroom which made us late and forced run to the bus stop.So I got on the bus, and then the couple of trains, and then the other bus, and then I got to school. I took my first class, and I'm not sure if I've said this before but I have the funniest teacher ever. He has this thick Egipian accent, and his catch phrase is "You feel me?". So damn funny. Well he was making this anecdote about some accounting job offer he rejected because he used to hate the woman. Well someone heard date. And he goes "Date? No date. I never cheat while I'm married. Unless it's a bad wife. Becuase, if you can't find food at home...." So funny. Then again, it's all about the delivery. Oh and my second class got canceled, so now I'm free for two hours. Hooray!!
Posts: 1035 | Registered: Friday, April 1 2005 08:00
Lack of Vision
Member # 2717
Profile #36
(1) What's your main goal in life?
Be happy

(2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
This will pay off my student loans!

(3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger?
I usually stay angry for at least a couple of days. I rarely yell, but it happens.

(4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.
I was getting my morning triple grande skim latte from Starbucks, and a group of 30 to 40 year old women were outside giggling like school girls.

(5) What's your current Philosophy on life?
Logical positivism

(6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?

(7) What should you be doing right now?

(8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?
Satan, mostly because of the singing.

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?
Journalist, economist, President

(10) What happened to those dreams?
Two out of three ain't bad

(11) Describe the last dream you can remember.
A dream in which I overslepted a missed a deadline. Then I woke up and realized I still had time. Then I overslepted and missed a deadline. Dreams coming true is WAY overrated.

(12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be?
(super) Model T

(13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be?

(14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why?
A sandwich. Because I skipped lunch.

(15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you.
My father.

(16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?

(17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get?
Nope. I'm still waiting!

(18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by.
I'm fascinated/horrified by the war in Iraq. I spent over a year in the region, and I'm fascinated/horrified by how naive most Americans are about this issue (not to say I fully understand it, but I understand it enough to know that those who think they understand it are almost certainly wrong). I'm even more fascinated/horrified by how strongly people believe things about that region without ever having been there.

Pan Lever: Seventeen apple roving mirror moiety. Of turned quorum jaggedly the. Blue?
Posts: 186 | Registered: Thursday, February 27 2003 08:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #37
What did you do in Iraq for a year? Now that sounds interesting.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Member # 5
Profile #38
Jeff, my homie... You never responded to my e-mail! I sent it like 2 weeks ago.

I was going to go buy 7 copies of all your games... but now, just forget it.
Posts: 455 | Registered: Tuesday, May 17 2005 07:00
Nuke and Pave
Member # 24
Profile Homepage #39
(1) What's your main goal in life?
Goal? I thought we were playing baseball. *

(2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
There are things money can’t buy... For everything else a million dollars should be sufficient. **

(3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger?
:angry: This is such a stupid question! :angry: ***

(4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.
I was filling out a survey until I reached a question asking about what happened today. So I answered that I was filling out a survey until I reached a question asking about what happened today. So I answered that I was filling out a survey until I reached a question asking about what happened today. So I answered that I was filling out a survey until I reached a question asking about what happened today. So I answered that I was filling out a survey until I reached a question asking about what happened today. So I answered ...

(5) What's your current Philosophy on life?
Leave philosophy to philosophers.

(6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?

(7) What should you be doing right now?

(8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?
I like ‘Z’, but ‘|’ is also good, and ‘`’ is good at messing up computer programs. There are also many characters that don’t even appear on a keyboard.

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?
An engineer... on a spaceship flying towards other starts.

(10) What happened to those dreams?
I just need question 2 to happen a few hundreds of thousands times to get the money to make it a reality.

(11) Describe the last dream you can remember.

(12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be?
R. Daniel Olivo. Although the telepathic robot from one of later books was also good. I wouldn’t consider most other models to be “super”.

(13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be?
An ant.

(14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why?
As always, my one wish is to have 3 more wishes. Guess what the third one is going to be. :P

(15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you.
I am running out of funny responses.

(16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?
If I am walking around the house that means I am outside. Which means I am wearing sandals, or other weather-appropriate footwear.

(17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get?
Not really.

(18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by.
Only one?

* - This joke is copyrighted by original creator and used here without permission. No part of this joke may be reproduced without explicit permission of its creator, unless you steal it as shamelessly as the author of this post.

** - Except projects that require far more.

*** - Note that I almost never resort to Caps Lock. (Online equivalent of shouting.) Also note that I am having too much fun with footnotes.

Be careful with a word, as you would with a sword,
For it too has the power to kill.
However well placed word, unlike a well placed sword,
Can also have the power to heal.
Posts: 2649 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
Profile #40
Originally written by Zeviz:

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?
An engineer... on a spaceship flying towards other starts.

This boggles the mind. Seriously...

Originally written by Kelandon:

Well, I'm at least pretty sure that Salmon is losing.

Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00
Member # 3428
Profile Homepage #41
(1) What's your main goal in life?
-To leave a lasting impression and legacy, prefereably an intellectual or spiritual one...

(2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
- "I can finally do what I need to."

(3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger?
-I don't really get angry anymore... the few times someone manages to piss me off severely enough to provoke a reation, I scream.

(4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.
-Nothing, life comes in bursts.

(5) What's your current Philosophy on life?
-Do what you can, what you have too, and what you should.

(6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?
-Hmmm.. I couldn't really see myself creating a disease... If I did though, It'd probably have a long, technical name describing its effects no "such-and-such's syndrome" here.

(7) What should you be doing right now?

(8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?
-Butters or Tweak, probably.

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?
-Artist, still trying, though I doubt I have the knack.

(10) What happened to those dreams?
-Still there, though they need some file.

(11) Describe the last dream you can remember.
-It was violent, and involved alot of confusion, I was drunk so that might explain it.

(12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be?
-I wouldn't be a supermodel.

(13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be?
-Probably a fox, or some other canine.

(14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why?
-Restoration of self.

(15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you.
-My apparent bad luck.

(16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?

(17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get?
-I rarely get what I want.

(18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by.
The new job I've gotten, and the prospect of going to Califur.

HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!!
Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00
Member # 4537
Profile Homepage #42
(1) What's your main goal in life?
I want to be able to do the things I enjoy and just go live with my friends somewhere. Also, it would be great if I could inspire someone to create something really neat. Teleportation would be nice, too.

(2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?

(3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger?
I don't really release it, I just let it fizzle out on its own. Sometimes I'll turn it into a humorous story if that's possible.

(4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.
I'm finally free from essays for the rest of this semester. That's pretty much it for that one event.

(5) What's your current Philosophy on life?
Look at the future. Don't idolize the past, and just try to get better at everything and enjoy yourself. Learning is fun.

(6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?
Vanheim. Or von Karma's Disease. I'm just making stuff up.

(7) What should you be doing right now?

(8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?
Sir Not Appearing In This Film, probably. =^.^= I have never really watched South Park.

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?
This goes back a painfully long way, but first it was a scientist, then a computer programmer. Then I basically became sort of listless in my early teen years until I was finally both inspired and self-motivated to become an artist. I haven't entirely given up on game design either, though.

(10) What happened to those dreams?
I'm executing at least two out of three right now, actually (the artist and science ones, and hopefully I'll get to make at least a simple game someday).

(11) Describe the last dream you can remember.
...uhhh, lesse. Something about high-speed running, R'sheena, and Mashato Busuka, I think? =^.^=; They told me I had to follow them somewhere and do something urgent, but I can't remember what right now.

(12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be?
One of my own design. Nothing less could suffice. Too many unknowns. Hey, I know what I like.

(13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be?
I'd be me. In a hole. With high-speed Internet access, refreshments, and a full gaming assortment. So I guess it's really not so much a hole as a really cool hole.

(14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why?
I...I actually can't decide. You might have to get back to me on this one.

(15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you.
My high typo rate. It fluctuates up and down occasionally.

(16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?
Barefoot, unless I already have socks on.

(17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get?
Oh, wow. Where to start? Half my game consoles, the potential to have a job I really enjoy, good friends and emotional support...

(18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by.
Did I mention I'm done with essays for the moment? On top of that, the semester's over in just a week and a half, too.

http://whyte-shadow-neko.deviantart.com - My drawings!
Waka Laka love and fantasy~
Posts: 147 | Registered: Sunday, June 13 2004 07:00
Member # 618
Profile Homepage #43
(1) What's your main goal in life?
Continue living

(2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
I need a bigger wallet

(3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger?

(4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.
I went to the pub to help someone with their business revision and, as usual, spoke more sense drunk than sober.

(5) What's your current Philosophy on life?
Que sera

(6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?

(7) What should you be doing right now?
Enjoying myself

(8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?

(9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?
Have never wanted to do a specific job

(10) What happened to those dreams?
Still yet to exist

(11) Describe the last dream you can remember.
I don't remember any dreams

(12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be?
Does it look like I know supermodels? >.>

(13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be?

(14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why?
Some peppered salami because anything else would be an unfair advantage

(15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you.
My inability to pronounce anenome, but whilst that's probably the most embarrassing, it isn't really embarrassing to me at all.

(16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?

(17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get?
A phone number or five. Not really really wanted, but desired.

(18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by.
I'm not.

Really wouldn't be too much effort to slap it in an easy form for people though when you do these, missy.
[b](1) What's your main goal in life?[/b]

[b](2) If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?[/b]

[b](3) When you are mad; do you usually stay angry or do you yell to release the anger?[/b]

[b](4) Tell us an anecdote of anything that happened to you today.[/b]

[b](5) What's your current Philosophy on life? [/b]

[b](6) If you created a deadly disease, what would you call it?[/b]

[b](7) What should you be doing right now?[/b]

[b](8) If this were Southpark, what character do you think you'd be?[/b]

[b](9) What occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid ?[/b]

[b](10) What happened to those dreams?[/b]

[b](11) Describe the last dream you can remember.[/b]

[b](12) If you were a supermodel, which supermodel would you be? [/b]

[b](13) If you had to live in a hole, what kind of creature would you be?[/b]

[b](14) If you could have one thing right now, what would it be and why? [/b]

[b](15) Name one thing about you that embarrasses you.[/b]

[b](16) Do you usually walk around your house with sandals or barefoot?[/b]

[b](17) Have you ever gotten something you really wanted but thought you wouldn't get? [/b]

[b](18) Name one thing you are presently excited about or fascinated by. [/b]

Posts: 1487 | Registered: Sunday, February 10 2002 08:00
