Profile for O Nascimento Conduz A Morte
Field | Value |
Displayed name | O Nascimento Conduz A Morte |
Member number | 3092 |
Title | Babelicious |
Postcount | 49 |
Homepage | |
Registered | Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Recent posts
Author | Recent posts |
Yet Another Self-Indulgent Goodbye Topic in General | |
Member # 3092
written Sunday, June 22 2003 06:23
Christ Jesus on a stick. This is one of the signs of the apocalypse, I think. Barely any point in doing this anymore. I throw in the towel. -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Lady J in General | |
Member # 3092
written Saturday, June 21 2003 18:31
AHHHHHHHHH DAVID will you shut the hell up? -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
ATTN Wagots in General | |
Member # 3092
written Saturday, June 21 2003 18:06
You know what, David? I've never done a single thing to you and yet you insist on antagonizing me. You're an ignorant arse who assumes that just because Alec is my friend and Desperance is my website that I have some peculiar grudge against you and your religion. I wanted to be nice before, to give you some slack, but as far as I'm concerned now, you can get in the line with all the rest of the petty imbeciles. Why don't you lose the persecution complex? The only reason anyone hates you is because you encourage it. -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
ATTN Wagots in General | |
Member # 3092
written Saturday, June 21 2003 15:44
Shaper? Zephyr? TGM? All of you. ![]() Seriously. -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Miscellaneous is dead in General | |
Member # 3092
written Saturday, June 21 2003 15:40
Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta. -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Grad 2003!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 20 2003 16:27
Marijuana isn't worse than smoking. Per ounce, it has more tar, but fewer artificial additives; you don't smoke as much weed as you do tobacco, either. What's more, nicotine is a much more scary active ingredient (poisonous in small amounts, addictive) than THC (which is poisonous only in huge amounts, nonaddictive). Alcohol should not be illegal. I approve of keeping tobacco and alcohol legal and legalizing marijuana, cocaine, LSD, and opiates. This would make it easier to provide services and treatment for drug users, and keep them healthier and safer. For more information, visit And, TM? Your page wins an award. ![]() -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Lady J in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 20 2003 10:54
![]() -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
The Sands of Time in General | |
Member # 3092
written Saturday, June 14 2003 22:41
![]() FRAIZA WOULD WIEN!!!!1 FREZA IS STRONG oh yes -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
The Devil's Number Upside-Down in General | |
Member # 3092
written Saturday, June 14 2003 22:36
That's an anal bead you've got there, Shaper. I think it might have fallen out of your pants. You really shouldn't try to walk with those. Go dive again. You'll find it. -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Spidweb Cabin in General | |
Member # 3092
written Saturday, June 14 2003 22:33
![]() -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
3D spiderweb games... in General | |
Member # 3092
written Saturday, June 14 2003 22:27
Wait. Why would you want Exile with worse graphics? Isn't Avernum already bad enough? -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
One Word Story Game in General | |
Member # 3092
written Saturday, June 14 2003 11:12
![]() -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
If You Had To Be Stranded On A Desert Island... in General | |
Member # 3092
written Saturday, June 14 2003 08:24
Pining? What is it with you people? Do I need to take a tic-tac or something? -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
If You Had To Be Stranded On A Desert Island... in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 13 2003 18:07
Well, I know what member I would pick, if it was out of all SW members... *smiles* -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Politicalcompass in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 13 2003 18:04
![]() -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
If You Had To Be Stranded On A Desert Island... in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 13 2003 17:53
It's a desert island with a big and unending freshwater spring, and a fruit grove. Now don't you wish you voted for me? -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
If You Had To Be Stranded On A Desert Island... in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 13 2003 17:31
I wouldn't kill you. Not unless you badmouth Saunders again. EDIT: I know you were kidding. But still. How can anyone hate Saunders? She's... unhateable. In any case. Hm. UNLICKEDS And ef is indeed of the female persuasion, although I'd hardly call her a girl. Maybe at heart. [ Friday, June 13, 2003 17:41: Message edited by: Nascimento ] -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
If You Had To Be Stranded On A Desert Island... in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 13 2003 16:48
... with one of these members, who would it be? Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 55 user(s) have voted. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=QAkUANWyCiwX"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=QAkUANWyCiwX"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Spiderweb beret? in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 13 2003 15:27
You're confusing goths with (a) stupid teenagers and (b) irritating wannabe Wiccans. I've had friends who were gothish, and I think that the way they dressed was idiotic. They also are very dear to me. Clothes do not make the man. On another note, I'd like to show you where this thread is rapidly headed. ![]() -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Runescape in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 13 2003 15:23
I tried Runescape for a while. My reaction? To the community at large: ![]() -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Neo Pets! in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 13 2003 12:56
Since when am I some sort of curmudgeon? I've always tried to be nice. Even to you. Anyway, this is for you: ![]() And this is for Neopets: ![]() -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Politicalcompass in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 13 2003 11:30
Did you even read the introduction to the PC, Motrax? It's not just left or right. You could answer "strongly agree" to the race question and "strongly disagree" to the secrets from parents question and still be far left. Or far right. Or moderate! It just affects your vertical position. So I must ask you to get in the line. ![]() [ Friday, June 13, 2003 11:49: Message edited by: Nascimento ] -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Exile vs. Avernum in General | |
Member # 3092
written Friday, June 13 2003 08:42
Wine runs all the Exile and Avernum games well. Don't get E3 for Linux, it sucks. It's actually better to play E3-Win under Wine than E3-Linux. E3L has some font issues, not to mention it's slow and ugly as sin. -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Terry Pratchett and others in General | |
Member # 3092
written Thursday, June 12 2003 21:54
SPEAKING OF FANTASY, PIERS ANTHONY IS THE KING OF FROT -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |
Politicalcompass in General | |
Member # 3092
written Thursday, June 12 2003 18:49
Eh, the only reason I didn't get -10 is because I answered "agree" on the protectionism question. -------------------- (( take my hand and join us )) Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00 |