Yet Another Self-Indulgent Goodbye Topic

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AuthorTopic: Yet Another Self-Indulgent Goodbye Topic
Member # 869
Profile Homepage #0
Hi, everyone. It's me, Thuryl.

Don't know me? Don't care that I'm leaving? Sorry to have wasted ten seconds of your life, then. To everyone who actually bothers to read this topic, apologies in advance for wasting two minutes of your life.

I left for a few days, and now I come back to see half a dozen topics locked and the rest degenerating into petty bickering. Nobody seems to be able to muster the energy to make thoughtful, interesting posts any more. Furthermore, personal issues right now mean that I'm rethinking my priorities in life. Overall, these boards are taking up too much of my time for too little gain.

Obligatory Personal Goodbyes:

Djur: Looking back on all that's happened, I'm amazed you've stayed this long.
Alec: You're really not such a bad person, once people get to know you. It's a pity you don't seem to want that to happen.
TM: Ditto.
tGM: You've got potential. Please, don't let the idiots drag you down to their level.
Certain people (you know who you are): My departure isn't entirely your fault. On the other hand, you have bigger things to be ashamed of than the loss of one moderately active member.
RB, Nye, and other intelligent newbies: We need more people like you. Good on you for tolerating the state of the boards right now. Things aren't always this bad.
Anyone else: Most of you are good, productive members. It's just a pity that a few people have ruined the boards lately.

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. Maybe I'll be back in a month or two, once things are a little different. We'll see.


I believe there are 15 747 724 136 275 002 577 105 653 961 181 555 468 044 717 914 527 116 709 366 231 425 076 185 631 031 296 protons in the universe, and the same number of electrons. -- Sir Arthur Eddington
Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #1
Bon voyage. Hopefully things won't be in such a mess when you return. And I'll see you at the Arena and Desp too.

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It - We're Everywhere
The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Member # 3121
Profile Homepage #2
Although we seem to define the word 'idiot' differently, I appreciate your words. Thank you, and bai.

Posts: 761 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #3
Bye Thuryl, I hope these boards get better when/if you come back!

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
La Canaliste
Member # 21
Profile #4
Eh, Thuryl, take care in the wild world and enjoy your studies.
Don't let the normals get to you!

KazeArctica: Oh yes.
KazeArctica: Oh YES
Posts: 93 | Registered: Sunday, September 30 2001 22:00
Member # 1823
Profile Homepage #5
Goodbye. You seem to be right about the sudden degeneration of these boards - over the past week they appear to have just become rubbish. Maybe it is only a coincidence that it coincides with SM coming back.

Riot Shields
Voodoo Economics
It's just business
Cattle prods
And the IMF

I trust I can rely on your vote
Posts: 530 | Registered: Sunday, September 1 2002 07:00
Member # 3092
Profile #6
Christ Jesus on a stick. This is one of the signs of the apocalypse, I think. Barely any point in doing this anymore.

I throw in the towel.

(( take my hand and join us ))
Posts: 49 | Registered: Tuesday, June 10 2003 07:00
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
Profile #7
I'm off too. Maybe it's just the lack of sleep talking, but it's getting depressing here.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
I'll tell you my story, man
Though I wish I'd never been born
I'm loose at the seams,
I've broken my dreams
And my hand it shakes the pen
Come on, come on now baby,
Let the good times roll again
Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00
Member # 14
Profile #8
Goodbye, Thuryl. Could this be the onset of a mass exodus? HUZZAH

Dragyn Bob

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!"-The Divine Comedy
Posts: 1481 | Registered: Thursday, September 27 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #9
Goodbye, Thuryl and BtI. I can see why you're leaving, but this just leaves us with two fewer rational and intelligent people to combat the onslaught of stupidity. Good luck with whatever you choose to do with your newly prioritized time!

—Alorael, who would also like to express his hopes that one day Thuryl will manage to pass the Turing test. Good luck with that too!
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Dance the Banned Dance
Member # 3052
Profile #10
Bye, but you sahll be back. Alorael will will you to do so. IMAGE(
Posts: 543 | Registered: Sunday, June 1 2003 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #11
I'd post something along the lines of "waah cya", but odds are you'll show up on AIM enough anyway.

We're all amazed but not amused
By all the things that you said you'd do.
You're much concerned but not involved by
Decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song,
Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong,
'Cause if you really want to hear our views,
You haven't done nothin'.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Triad Mage Banned Veteran
Member # 165
Profile Homepage #12
I'm done. Night.

desperance -- je me souviens
arena -- et je me souviens de vous
Posts: 2449 | Registered: Monday, October 15 2001 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #13
Meaning you're a hypocrite, or meaning you're leaving, Alec?

Oh yeah, and bye, Thuryl. I don't know you enough to really say anything, but hey, that's much more than I can say for a lot of people here...

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 431
Profile #14
Bye, Thuryl. We'll miss you. Have a nice life. I hope you come back... remember: the sooner, the better, but don't feel pressured.

Posts: 367 | Registered: Sunday, December 23 2001 08:00
Dance the Banned Dance
Member # 3052
Profile #15
Bye bye Alec. Maybe if people get lucky you'll go to bed and never get back up. :P :D
Posts: 543 | Registered: Sunday, June 1 2003 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #16
Eh, go fall off, SM. :P
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 14
Profile #17
I've left a bunch of times, and people don't seem to care. Dosvidanya.

Dragyn Bob

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!"-The Divine Comedy
Posts: 1481 | Registered: Thursday, September 27 2001 07:00
Dance the Banned Dance
Member # 3052
Profile #18
But Imban, I'm already dead. :)
Maybe cause you're from DESP, DB. ;)
Posts: 543 | Registered: Sunday, June 1 2003 07:00
One Thousand Slimy Things
Member # 66
Profile #19
DB, you are such a lurker.
Hafta agree with the sad though. General has gotten a lot of bad things lately.
*Smiles to himself*
The sadness makes me a post hog...

KhothMk2: You don't get 72 virgin camels though
Posts: 995 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 1506
Profile #20
I am torn between tsking at Thuryl for a goodbye topic or thanking him for allowing it to be a generic "everyone at desp except Imby and maybe someone else" leaves topic.

I've always lurked loyally on these boards, but lately I've not even read more than one or two topics a day. I don't feel like jumping on a bandwagon just yet, though.

See all of you despers around.

-------------------- -- Come on in, we don't bite. Well, I don't.
Posts: 218 | Registered: Saturday, July 13 2002 07:00
Member # 2669
Profile Homepage #21
Looks like Jonestown Part 2 happened over the weekend here .
I may not be the most enlightened being walking the face of this planet, but the level of discourse around here has dramatically fallen over the course of the last two weeks. I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to stick around and see where it's headed.

Posts: 647 | Registered: Wednesday, February 19 2003 08:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #22
My guess is it's leading to a nice peaceful time until people start coming back. Seriously. Look at the list of people leaving. I mean, if I joined them, it would be total peace on Spiderweb. But I'm not going to, so you'll have to be content with virtual serenity. Sounds good to me, anyway.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #23
Just shut up. Can you name someone who has singlehandedly lowered the quality of the boards tenfold with his/her presence? 'Cause I can.

We're all amazed but not amused
By all the things that you said you'd do.
You're much concerned but not involved by
Decisions that are made by you
But we are sick and tired of hearing your song,
Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong,
'Cause if you really want to hear our views,
You haven't done nothin'.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 2494
Profile Homepage #24
Lol Deacon...
Peace Thuryl!

In a world of darkness, light is everywhere. You just have to look.
Posts: 130 | Registered: Thursday, January 16 2003 08:00
