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I've made a script / story in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #455
What about it? You brought in the GIFTS, of course. Hee hee.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
I've made a script / story in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #451
Oh. My. God.

That ending is too horrible for words.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Modern day classics in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #17
I feel like Phil and Kaja Foglio have illustrated everything under the sun.

Oh, and just for completeness, ]I[

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Modern day classics in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #14
Jostein Gaarder! Of course! Yes, I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. [i]Sophie's World[I]... oh man. I first read that when I was 11. It was practically a religious experience.

I also think the The Solitaire Mystery is a deserving title, and it doesn't have the textbook thing going. It's probably too obscure to ever classificate, sadly.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
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On Thursday I Will Meet a Former KKK Imperial Wizard in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #1
Interestingly, he was also a pro wrestler. And he fell in love with a woman who was spying on him for the US govt. Wow.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Modern day classics in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #5
Being well-known does make something a classic.

I don't buy Harry Potter as a classic, myself.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #25
Goldenking has resisted all of our OOC attempts to encourage him to balance his own power. He chose to force the issue. He can't complain.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #21
I do not want to add in numbers.

I said this in a few chats yesterday, so I should repeat it here. I think numbers are mostly bad. They will probably lead to rules lawyering. They cause continuity problems, because different people have different conceptions of what an appropriate size of a force is.

For example: Tyranicus initially put his man count in the hundreds. Then Alec put his troop count at 50,000 (which I think is ridiculous, but Alec and I both have good arguments about it). As a result, Tyran increased his numbers, and now there are 250 guards stationed at Fort Remote, in a passageway so narrow you can't fit a fifth of them comfortably in one line.

This is just an example, and they have toned down the numbers. But I would rather allow for a little vagueness and just have everyone use common sense.

That said, you do not have 5 liches.

Well, maybe you do have 5 liches, but if you have 5 liches you should explain how that happened. Liches are solitary and jealous creatures, and I have never heard of a lich willingly entering the service of another. Rentar-Ihrno had liches working for her, but first of all that's Avernum 4, so it's a little fishy, and secondly some of them (like Anastasia) were contracted, not actual followers. The others (like Garzahd) didn't seem quite right in the head, and she had all sorts of weird demon-magic going on anyway.

I suppose they are (relatively) weak liches?

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #153
As a footnote, it should not be forgotten that, while you are laughing gleefully over the many creative deaths the humans will face, they will be trying to kill you. Remember, you have to stay alive if you are going to kill the humans! It is where the plans of so many goblins have gone wrong...

-- The Great Authoritative Extra Great Guide to Killing, Slaying, Butchering, and Otherwise Disemboweling Humans

Kappa marched proudly at the front of his army. He bore a large halberd and a great round shield carved with a tortoise shell design, both unusual for a goblin. He also shunned the worgs that all of his lieutenants were mounted on. Kappa had been trained as a goblin foot-soldier, and he was devoted to that training. Indeed, he did not flail his appendages as he walked the way most goblins did, and he was as disciplined a goblin warrior as ever there had been. If he had only been born with the face and skin of a human, you wouldn't have thought he was a goblin at all.

He was proud, too, of his position as leader of the southern army. The old maps had shown an entire land south of the strait they were now marching across. Kappa was going to be the first Goblin Goblin to enter this land, and begin slaughtering humans there.

Kappa was joined in the front line by one of his mages, riding up on a tiny young worg that looked quite exhausted. "We've found something, Kappa Kappa sir!"

"Excellent. What have you seen?"

"Well, we haven't seen anything, you see. We couldn't find any scrying spells to spy on. But we detected something, we detected some magic on the strait, on the south end of the strait we did."

"Well, what was it?"

"We don't know. We've never seen anything like it before! It was strangeness to us."

"Gobfried! Grooltros!" Kappa called his lieutenants in. "My nose smells humans. The time for fighting may be soon, oh yes, goblins! But there is strangeness afoot that is strange to our mages, goblins." Kappa turned to the mage. "Tell me when we get close to the magic. I am a cautious goblin, gob! We will make camp a half-day from the magic, and we will wait until Gobubary is near us."

Gobfried giggled. Waiting was almost as good as killing humans, because it meant they would get to drink glug!


Dorga was the most powerful of all the Goblin Goblin mages. Glogroth had wanted him to stay by his side, but he knew that Dorga would be a great field commander, and could not deny his request to lead the western army.

In truth, Dorga had his own motives for heading west. He had seen notes about an ancient secret on one of their old maps, and he wanted to check it out for himself.

His troops splashed each other and played in the waters of the delta, but Dorga had more serious thoughts on his mind.


Gilgamegob trudged through the swamp, dragging a huge bundle of swampweed behind him that was malodorous enough to irritate even Gilgamegob's most forgiving nose.

"I know I have to set an exampular example for the troops, Enkigoo, but this is ridiculous," he whined. "Why do I have to lug the smelliest of all these stupid swampy things?"

Enkigoo glared at Gilgamegob from under the basket of heavy swamp nodules that he had balanced on his head, and sniffed unapologetically.


"Gobby Gods! Gobby Gods, how's it going?"

Glogroth's faith in the Gobby Gods was strong. He knew they would always be there. Still, it was a relief and a lightening of his heart every time he heard the friendly echoes come back down the Big Holy Hole.

"Gobbly good, Great Goblin. How are you?"

"I'm tired, you know? I'm tired!"

"Of course you are, Gloggy. You've been putting so much of yourself into the righteous battle against humans." A pause. "What have you done against them lately?"

Glogroth jumped. "Oh, so much, dear Gobby Gods! So much things to smite and crush and decapitapitapitate the foul human foulness. Riders have been going back and forth to the front lines. It's slow, but we know news, even if it's slow! And just the other day I sent out Grout, Goker, Augobus, Gobaruku, and Gobubary! And Gloofia is preparing the Goblin Family Corps! And it's exciting Gobby Gods!"

Glogroth took a breath. The voice of the Gods came down, full of concern. "I hope you're taking care of yourself, Glogroth. We care about you too, you know."

Glogroth sighed. "Yes, I am. It's just such an important time, you know..." he smiled. "I'm taking Gobriquet to the most romantic little pit tonight..."

"You're a sweet guy, Gloggy." Glogroth smiled again. What wonderful Gods. He was so lucky to have them to talk to.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #18
Aran: it was a squirrel. I haven't said anything about sending out spies. Goblins are bad at stealth. If you want to find a way to capture some lone goblin who wandered off after drinking glug, though, that sounds reasonable.

However, you should probably wait until there are goblins near you, which there aren't quite yet. (Admittedly the story of the lone goblin who wandered off after drinking glug and found himself on another continent is kind of amusing, but still.) There will be soon.

Thralni: Dammit, I was hoping you fixed that part of the language! :P

Aran/Alec: Alec tells me there are reefs and other obstacles surrounding Valorim, which explains how it was uncolonized despite being in the midst of the other continents. If so, could we get some indication of this on the maps? Also, could we figure out how that works with regard to the Guild ships, and so on?

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
I've made a script / story in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #446
I agree, act 9 has been very good stuff. Especially that line of Saunders which, once again, was beautiful.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Trick for more then 2 nephil / slith graphics in Avernum 4
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #1
That's awesome. Wow, that almost makes the game more playable right there.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Pure Spirit way better then natural mage...? in Avernum 4
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #7
Magical Efficiency is AWFUL. I did tests on it which are somewhere in this forum, too. Even with a maximum skill level of 30 magical efficiency, the mana saved is relatively low and inconsistently applied.

HOWEVER, since priest spell skill is responsible for damage from Divine Retribution AND dodge % from the enduring spells, I'd argue that a ridiculously high one is rather more useful than in mage spell skill.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Worth it to train both Melee and Pole Weapons to reach Blademaster? in Avernum 4
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #3
I did out the math once. The short answer is NO, NEVER. You will only get a net bonus from blademaster counting the wasted points of your unused fighting skill if you buy an absurd amount of melee+blademaster... I forget how much, but it will never happen in any normal game (and few if any abnormal ones).

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #9
You know, I'm not sure I've ever spelled that damn vampire's name right.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #4
Alec, the map is beautiful. Though Valorim still looks kind of huge to me. *shrug*

I've updated the RP Roster. It's much easier to read now, I put in a few links, and most significantly I've put in troop and outpost locations where those have been specified (with guesses for a few people, like Drakey). I may have missed some -- especially Tyran's -- so feel free to post corrections.

Alec, I'll add a link to your map tomorrow, I gotta run.

P.S. It makes little sense to me that Valorim would be between the other three continents, considering that it wasn't even *discovered* until after all three others had been heavily colonized... and that's game canon. :P

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #137
1. The map is disputed and currently under revision, so use it at your own risk.

2. Please direct all future OOC comments to the OOC thread Ephesos has started for those purposes.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Defensive stats in Avernum 4
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #6
Somewhere on this board, I did out a complete explanation for the defensive effects of all of these stats.

Parry does not make you harder to hit, it's a separate check which is much less useful than the Dex/Gymnastics/Luck check since it does little against spells and missiles.

Endurance is mostly a bad deal, especially compared to the HP-boosting priest spells. Boosting resistance stats is generally not that useful. The manual actually has a good explanation of how those stats work.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #130
Aran, that really does not answer my question. Are you on the strait, or not?

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #123
Nice work on the maps, as always, Aran. I still don't like having them, just because they present facts which are disputed (as they should be in this kind of game) as if they are not disputed, and will inevitably cause other players to assume they are correct when they aren't. This is why I was intentionally vague in putting my chart together.

A few hiccups:
1. Tyranicus's home territory is the lands west of Fort Remote, isn't it? Did he lose control of them?

2. I was under the impression that the Abyss knights controlled most of the waters around Exile as well.

3. Half of what you've marked as Drakey's land is disputed enough that it probably shouldn't be down as anyone's -- the swamp, and the area near the Jsoulza mountains, where four different groups (counting the NPC nephils) have a presence. And the rest of the Ndovlu mountains should realistically be down as my territory, and certainly not Drakey's.

4. Are you actually *on* the strait? I thought you were just at the foot of the mountains on the north end of the continent. This is a rather significant detail for one of my armies.

5. [OoK] is not a useful abbrevation when two groups have it.

I guess I'm feeling contrary today, 'cause I also don't like the dating posts idea. In an ideal RP I think it would be great. The problem is that so many other things going on have been stretched to such unrealistic proportions that time almost has to be malleable in order to allow those of us less prone to reality-tinkering to deal with them.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #116
OOC: Nice map, Drakey. I am assuming, however, that it is NOT to scale. Right? I mean, the Isle of Bigail can't possibly be almost as big as the continent of Vantanas. And from the way Valorim is talked about in the games, it would frankly make sense for it to be one of the smaller continents.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #91

Okay, this game drastically needs to be balanced. Goldenking has been bad enough with his rampage all over the continuity of Valorim, but "immune to scrying" has "YEAH RIGHT!" written all over it.

I realize that you want your faction to be ridiculously overpowered, but that's not how it works. For the RP to be fun for all the people involved, nobody can have access to magic that is ridiculously powerful or cataclysmic (certainly not right away, anyhow).

RPs only work if players cooperate. I don't mean making alliances, I mean being reasonable in terms of inventing new plot wrinkles. It's not reasonable to give yourself so much vast power that you completely outclass almost all of the other players.

Sorry if I'm being a bit harsh about this, but it is a role play, not a make myself invincible.

[ Saturday, March 25, 2006 09:36: Message edited by: Slartucker ]

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #88
Never turn your back on a dying human. The sight should be savored.

-- The Great Authoritative Extra Great Guide to Killing, Slaying, Butchering, and Otherwise Disemboweling Humans

Glogroth sighed. Things had been happening so very quickly!

Although Glogroth was as ambitious a Great Goblin as he had ever heard of -- either before or after the goblins of the Ndovlu mountains took the name of Goblin -- he was not a hasty man. He would have preferred to take things slowly, and to allow his troops ample time for glug-drinking, brawling, and goblin-making in between marches and battles.

Alas, the humans were moving quickly, and ever faster; he would have to match their speed.

As for himself, Glogroth was spending more and more time consoling himself with the Gobby Gods.


"Let's go! March and have fun as we prepare to smite the humanitary humans, let's go goblins!"

The goblins were definitely having fun. They were marching along the riverbank, and most of them were stomping around in the shallow water, trying to splash each other with their boots.

"Hmurrrr. My people will be truly thankful."

"It will be a glorious day for all of us."

Glooramza smiled at the Nephil who walked alongside his worg. In truth, he wasn't happy about the detour. He was supposed to be providing support to Gloodelita's army. But the orders from Glogroth were clear. And humans were humans, he supposed. Any chance to deliver retribution on their heads would be a worthwhile one. But even such a worthy cause did not allow them to suspend their sympathy for the plight of others. The Nephilim deserved their aid.


Gilgamegob sank back into the mud, relaxing in the swamp.

Gilgamegob had asked to lead the eastern army been he was a filthy goblin. He was a goblin who truly enjoyed muck and dirt and grime of all sorts. The caves were dirty, but they were nothing like a proper swamp.

"Gilgamegob! Gilg--gilg-g-g-g-gilgameg-g-g-ob! Where'd you go?" Gilgamegob sighed and rose from the mud. "Oh, I didn't see you. You almost made me faint, Gilgamegob!"

"What do you need, Enkigoo?"

"The mages are ready, sir!"

"All right. I'll be there in a minute." Gilgamegob dismissed his servant. As he pushed the mud off his body, he pondered why they had never developed mud-based missile weapons...

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #80
Originally written by Spartacus was Nathan Ashby:

Location: Pralgad: The extreme northwest of Avernum
I assume "Pralgad" was a hiccup, but you'll need to reconcile your location with the faction that already occupies that area...

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
I've made a script / story in General
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #416
the last line is brilliant.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
