An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded*

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AuthorTopic: An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded*
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #75
((Well, he probably didn't plan on immediately leaving when he joined... anyway, this isn't gonna do. Goldenking, you can't just wipe out or otherwise defeat someone's army in one post, especially with "secret forces" that you miraculously have just when they're needed. Don't do that. :P ))
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #76

The Nephils seemed to be tiring.

Dismounting, Riner went and talked to Spencish, his second-in-command.

He seemed to scare the Captain when he spoke. 'Captain, what is the situation?'
'Sir, good to see you sir. The nephils are tiring, we should have this done by sun down. We have suffered losses numbering 100, and have 150 injuries.'
'Is there any way we can surprise them?'
'I've already sent a group out to go around, sir, and attack from behind.'

At that time, a huge cheer was heard by the soldiers. The nephils were divided, wondering which way to go. Eventually they just had half facing each direction, and that was what ruined them.


The next day, once the nephils were gone, the dead soldiers were buried and the injured cared for, Riner walked through the dead to find any indication of who did it. He found a locket, and decided to keep it until he got back to Solaria.

[ Friday, March 24, 2006 19:29: Message edited by: Spring ]

I'll put a Spring in your step.
Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
For Carnage, Apply Within
Member # 95
Profile #77
Scene: A desolate wasteland, somewhere in Avernum. Bubbling pools of magma cast their dim light on a group of crude stone buildings. A ruined fortress is barely visible in the distance. People of many races, most of them mages, move silently between them.

A young man is making his way across the jagged landscape. Outside the village, he is the only living thing for miles. He wears a mage's robes, but they are tattered and dirtied almost beyond recognition. He carries only a small pack, but it is clear he has had a long journey.

As he nears the first building, another man, this one much older, steps out to meet him. He too wears robes, and while his are in better condition they are clearly old. His hair and beard are long, and he looks as though he has not seen civilization in quite some time. The older man speaks first.

"Why have you come?"

"To serve the exiled god."

"Who told you of this place?"

"Jehram of Metris."

"Prove yourself."

The younger man silently raises his sleeve. His arm has been burned.

"I am Xivuth. Welcome, brother, to the service of Grah-Hoth."


Name: Outsiders call them the Cult of Grah-Hoth
Leader Name: Theoretically, Grah-Hoth, but since he's nowhere to be found Xivuth is the one calling the shots.
Government Type: Theocracy, I guess
Location: : The extreme northwest of Avernum
Description: Troubled times produce troubled people. Some have lost whole families. Some look at a world in chaos and see the beginning of something much bigger. Some will not feel safe unless they are strong. And stealthily, by whispers and rumors, word of the cult makes its way to their ears.
The cultists believe that Grah-Hoth has spoken to them from his prison in the underworld, that someday he will return, and that when he does he will elevate his faithful over all the other peoples of Ermarian. And for any who helped him to return, well, who knows how great his reward might be?
The cult's ultimate goal is to bring about Grah-Hoth's return to the mortal plane, any way they can. Luckily, such a goal is enormously beyond their abilities, but who knows what trouble they might stir up in trying?

EDIT: fixed typos.

[ Friday, March 24, 2006 20:33: Message edited by: Spartacus was Nathan Ashby ]

The Empire Always Loses: More fun than a kick in the shins!
Posts: 567 | Registered: Friday, October 5 2001 07:00
Member # 4574
Profile #78
Originally written by Imban:

((Well, he probably didn't plan on immediately leaving when he joined... anyway, this isn't gonna do. Goldenking, you can't just wipe out or otherwise defeat someone's army in one post, especially with "secret forces" that you miraculously have just when they're needed. Don't do that. :P ))
He might come back. If not I have some editing to do... Also I pushed the pirates away. I didn't kill them. We'll I killed a few but other then that... :rolleyes:

All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran!
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #79
Hmethrrr and four armored Nephil walked to the Camp's Docks. It was very hard to notice the slight disturbance unless you already knew it was there. As Hmethrrr approached it, he made a quick and complex series of hand movements, and a large rowboat with a covered top emerged from the water.

"Excellent. It shall be easier to reach the Gulf of Jazen with this," Hmethrrr pondered aloud. The group of five entered the rowboat as a hole appeared in the cover, and the hole sealed itself once they were inside. "The secrets of Bordrao are many!" Hmethrrr said with a chuckle.

The rowboat dived, but all of those inside were protected from the sea. An image of their location was projected onto the inside of the cover. Using the numerous small navigation devices, it was a simple task to pilot into the Gulf of Jazen. However, whether they remained unseen was not yet revealed.

-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #80
Originally written by Spartacus was Nathan Ashby:

Location: Pralgad: The extreme northwest of Avernum
I assume "Pralgad" was a hiccup, but you'll need to reconcile your location with the faction that already occupies that area...

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #81

The meeting was interrupted when the group was planning out lines of contact. One of the lower-level priests, Brother Cirrus, burst through the heavy oak doors, panting heavily.

"Brother Clearwater! The scrying pool... come quick!" he gasped out between breaths.


He had feared this. The Order had tried to establish a temple in Valorim in the year 1108. The effort had failed, but the priests stayed on in Kriszan.

... and they had kept their scrying pool intact.

Clearwater stood by the pool, helplessly watching the scene unfold before his eyes. The Order's scrying pool revealed a scene of devastation in what remained of the Kriszan temple. A few priests lay dead by their scrying pool, and he could see rough-looking soldiers moving about the edges of the image, which was slowly growing fuzzy.

A tear began to form in the druid's eye. He could hear faint voices, fading away as the connection between pools failed. Somebody shouting triumphantly above the groans of the dying... "Another victory for the Hunters!"

Soon afterwards, the connection failed, and Clearwater was left in the now-silent room with Brother Cirrus.

"What now, Brother Clearwater?"

Clearwater just stood there, trying to regain his composure.


There was no way he could continue the meeting. He sent Brother Redscale to fill in and continue planning, while he retired to a vantage point on the walls.


The sun was rising over the horizon when Brother Clearwater awoke. A messenger was gently nudging him with a staff.

"Brother Clearwater, a message from the Guild."

Clearwater groggily took the scroll he was offered, and rubbed his eyes in the hopes of adjusting to the sunrise's light.

Brother, we have a task for the Order. We have run up against a group of homicidal maniacs on the south coast of Valorim. They call themselves the Hunters, (Brother Clearwater gasped and fully awoke upon reading this) and they are bent on the slaughter of all non-humans, and have a strange power over the people there. We have reason to believe it is due to some form of mental magic, and we had hoped you could find a way to dispel it.

Recently, we "apprehended" a group of the Hunters' soldiers who appear to be under this magic's influence. We felt it necessary to send them to you. They should arrive around the time this message does.

Also, we have been pointing refugees from the Hunters' advances towards mainland Vantanas and your islands. We expect that you're willing to provide asylum to them.

Best of luck,

The Guild

Brother Clearwater rolled the scroll back up, and handed it to the messenger. "When did this arrive?"

"About the same time that a ship from the Guild pulled into Oakton, Brother. I believe that is the ship that the message spoke of."

Great. More to worry about... at least I can send them to Sister Elmleaf. She'll know what to do, he thought. Sister Elmleaf was the premier healer of the Order.

"Send the prisoners to Sister Elmleaf, and escort them with a full guard of priests and warriors," Brother Clearwater said grimly. "I need to speak with the Council."

"As you wish, Brother."


By midday, Brother Clearwater had assembled the Council of emissaries in the upper Hall again. Sister Elmleaf had reported no progress yet, and had had to forcibly restrain the prisoners three times. Good thing I sent the guards with them...

He had learned from Brother Redscale that last night's planning meeting had been very unproductive. Few could agree on how to re-establish contact with Woodsmuir, most preferring to convince others to risk their garrisons and ships. No matter, the Council would remain here as long as necessary.

"Friends," Clearwater said to the assembled leaders, "We have a problem. A new menace is rising on the coasts of southern Valorim. I am dismayed that our first renewed contact with another continent has turned out like this, but it seems that the Hunters are bent on destroying the non-humans of Ermarian."

The slith emissary from Skarrifisk and the nephil emissary from Tanan recoiled in horror.

"As much as I hate to say this, I feel that we will be forced to enter a state of war. They have even sought out representatives of the Order and brutally slain them in their takeover of Kriszan. For the peace of Vantanas and Ermarian, we must prepare to defend ourselves from the Hunter menace!"

A few murmurs of disagreement sounded.

"It will not be our first priority, I assure you. Our immediate goal remains the same: re-establish the peace of Vantanas. But we are already accepting refugees from the Hunters' invasions, and we fear that they may strike in our area one day."

The emissary from Laessos spoke. "And what if they do attack us?"

Brother Clearwater smiled grimly. "We will fight them. And we will win."

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 6670
Profile Homepage #82
Excellent, Celeste thought to herself as she rode away eastward from the Hunters and Battlemagi. The whole trip she had been thinking of an excuse to leave the party, and the Hunters had given her one. The Magister already knows the alliance is all but set in stone. When she was out of view, she turned her horse northward. According to the maps, a pass lay near here, and she should be able to reach the remains of Ernest's hut, if it did exist.


Bors watched the woman on the horse leave eastward. Probably one of those 'Agents', he mused, but he had orders from his superiors that one of the magi had to return to the Dominion lands. He turned to the apparent leader of the Dominion magi. "Well, if you're ready, Hunter, we have a journey to make," the Battlemage who named herself Alexandria said in a monotone. "Remember, this is a simple scouting mission. We get in contact with the leaders of the Avernite factions, bring some crystals back, and leave. Don't go overboard with your genocides." Bors gritted his teeth. That was the third time that woman had said that. It was going to be a long journey...


Demetrius gazed at his reports. Magi repression on Bigail was reaching an unprecedented high. He had little doubt that the Anama would begin to move south soon. Time to start the next phase of his operations in the Sharimik area. A few words whispered in the right ears, and the citizens there would soon realize that only through free information, and not repression, would there be freedom.

GoldenKing, if you want, I can take semi-control of your faction for a while. I won't do any more than defense and consolidating power, though.
Posts: 1509 | Registered: Tuesday, January 10 2006 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #83

I'm completely loosing track of time. While most people or only perhaps a day further, Goldenking seems to be already three weeks forward in time. Its just an idea, but maybe it would be handy to denote the day above the IC. Wat do others think about this?

EDIT: Okay, this will be a spoiler for everybody in this RP, but I need a map of the town Moon for my post. If anybody could send me one by email, I would be very grateful. Just send me a PM first.

Thanks in advance


Mernal had stood up when amongst the other Neplhilim standing in the shades. He looked around.

"Nephilim priests and mages! come forward!"

About 25 Nephilim approached Mernal. All wearing either red or blue with purple robes and cloaks. mernal looked at them and counted. 27. That should be enough to blast away the walls. Now lets see, how many skilled archers and warriers do I have here exactly. I used to know all this, but ever since all these refugess from the south of Valorim came to us (I wonder about these Hunter faction, or however they call themselves. They must be eliminated, and we shall be the ones to do it. They are a serious threat. However, first its time to conquer the city.

"Archers! Come forward! Stand there."

He pointed at a spot next to the priests and mages, and started counting. 1,2,3 (....) 128,129,130,131. Phew. Quite a lot indeed.

"Warriors, stand there, on the other side of the priests and mages, so I can count you too. Hrosre, come here."

All warriors went there where Mernal wanted them to stand. A young but fierce and strong looking Nephil went to Mernal's side. He stood there, waiting for his orders.

"Hrosre, count the warriors, while I go to each of the groups and explain what should be done. I expect to have at least 150 warriors at my disposal. When you're ready, come to me and tell me how many warriors we have. Now right down on this piece of paper:

Mages and priests: 27
- mages: 15
- priests: 12

Archers: 131

Warriors: ...

When you're ready counting, fill in the amount of warriors on these point, go to me, give me the note, and go back to stand with your own group. Don't forget to count yourself too."

With these last words he started counting, while Metnal went to the mages and priests to explain their role in this battle.

[ Saturday, March 25, 2006 01:23: Message edited by: Mc 'mini' Thralni ]

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

Give us your drek!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 6652
Profile #84
OCC: Thanks, Lazarus. So Softport is currently under the control of what? The College or itself?

Drale was pleased. In fact, he was quite pleased. The formidable armies of the Anama had agreed to be his allies in his struggle for the southern mountains, Kriszan, and ultimately the Library of Redmark College.

What's more, the College's ally, the Hunters, seemed to be almost universally hated. He had heard rumors of groups as far away as Vanatanas rallying against them. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, he mused.
At least until that enemy is gone.

Later that day, Drale took his men to she shore of Fenris Port and drew a crystal. It shined like a noonday sun. He paused, then smashed it on the rocks. Then Drale smiled.
At that same moment, in the mainland mountains, a similar crystal spontaneously shattered into a million pieces. The five hundred people surrounding it nodded grimly. Two hundred of them drew their blades and fetched wands and crystals. Then, the mounted their horses, used a scroll of haste and one of stealth from scrying, and rode like the wind to Softport.

Drale himself sailed for Softport in one of the tall Anama ships. He had said that the Anama did not actually need to fight, that his would be sufficient, but they came anyway. They probably wanted to convert Softport.

When Drale arrived it was night. The other Anama were just a few minutes behind. He took a long slender crystal from his bag and put it to his mouth. When he spoke, his voice was magnified hugely.
The last part was whimsy, but they sure listened to the rest. Citizens started panicking, and town guards were thrown into confusion. And even if they organized themselves, it helped that they were actually coming from the east and west, not the north and south.
Drale drew his blade. Let the looting begin.

But I don't want to ride the elevator.
Posts: 420 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
Member # 3442
Profile Homepage #85
OOC: Dinitradin (sp?) - If you're going to be arriving in Fort Emergence soon, remember that my faction are having problems with bandits. You'll probably need to fight. (Just FYI)


Morgain and her small force finally arrived at the shell that was previously the Portal Fortress. The area was still intact, but the smell of ozone was thick in the air. The portal, normally a lurid blue colour was now emitting deep rays of red light across the place.

Morgain: "Right, Cole," she turned to a tall, wiry man to her right, "I want you to take a few archers and find our forces in the area. Talk to them - I want to know what's been going on."

Cole: "Sir."

A group of maybe 12 archers moved off from the body of the troops, leaving a few dozen warriors and a handful of magi. These stand to attention, occasionally throwing worried glances at the portal, which is now making strange bubbling noises.

Morgain: "Okay guys, we're going to get closer to that thing, and see if we can get it to run again. You, you and you," she points at three swordsmen, "Take some men and set up watches at the entrances. Nobody is to get through without us knowing. Right, the rest of you, lets march."


A few hours had passed, and still the portal was uncalibrated. A group of magi were working ceaselessly to get it to function, and had so far managed to send a barrel from one end of the room to the other. There was no luck, however, in getting the portal to attach itself to the one in the Tower of Magi.

Morgain: "Damn! Surely the tower can't have been destroyed? Can you try and get a lock on anything down there?"

One of the magi working with the portal shook his head, then paused.

"We might be able to lock onto the location where the portal SHOULD be. The only risk is that the tower has been run over by hostiles."

"Well do it! Samuels needs to contact Avernum, and this is our best chance. Once we establish a foothold in South East Avernum, we can march to the Great Cave and see what's happening."

"Yes sir."


New Cotra

It was now a day since Samules had sent the group to the Portal Fortress. He was getting restless.

We need an army dammit. We need to make...

A soldier, clearly tired from his march here, entered the office.

"Sir, I have a message from Morgain. The portal is functioning, and we have tested it thoroughly. We can now reach Avernum."

Finally! Now it was time to unite Avernum. The place must have been unified by now, and all I have to do is march in and call them to arms!

"Thank you. I'll prepare a task force immediately. Dismissed."

And now that Avernum's within reach, I should see if I can destory the bandits holed up around Fort Emergence...

And when you want to Live
How do you start?
Where do you go?
Who do you need to know?

*Name by Slarty
Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00
Member # 4574
Profile #86
OOC: Okay Dintaradan. I'm handing over control of my faction to you until I get back. Defend from pirates, invade Bigail, and help defend you. Of course with the occasional scene in Upper Avernum. Remember: we need allies

All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran!
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #87
The small outpost on the Gulf of Jazen, directly south of White Peak Island, was generally an easy assignment for soldiers of the Imperial Army. Manned by Captain Helmuth and several soldiers, archers, and a mage, they spent their time watching the water for Nephilim from the north and humans from the east. To date, they had never seen anything. Still, they watched.

Today, however, in the hours just after dawn, one of the men spotted something strange. Initially dismissing it as a trick of the light, he then realized that it was actually something. A shimmering light different than the reflection of the sun off the water, it was steadily heading towards the coast. He called back down to Captain Helmuth, who came up the stairs to the watchtower with an archer.

Taking a look at the ... whatever it was, Captain Helmuth was puzzled. Maybe it was a trick of light, or maybe some sort of magical water creature. Or maybe even something else. "Shoot it," he said to the archer, shrugging his shoulders. Without hesitation, the archer fired a shot into the middle of the shimmering light. It disappeared into the center and down into the water, and then a Nephil with an arrow through its chest floated up to the surface.

"What the hell!" Captain Helmuth yelled. "Get Veldar up here!" The soldier who had first spotted the shimmering Nephil ran down the stairs to rouse the mage. When he finally came up the stairs, huffing and puffing, Captain Helmuth grabbed him by the shoulders and pointed at the disturbance over the water. "Do something about that! We shot it and a Nephil fell out!"

Veldar looked quizzically at the light. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said. "It's just a reflection. There must be something underneath the water that's changing the light. Maybe it's a whale."

"A whale? Are you serious? I know a dirty Nephil when I see one. And I don't know of any Nephil whale riders - maybe you learned about them at your little magic school?"

While the two of them were arguing, the archer kept a lookout over the water. Suddenly, he turned back to the two fighting officers and got their attention. "Look!" he said, pointing back to the water. A covered rowboat was making its way to the surface, with its tarp slashed by the arrow and several Nephilim furiously bailing out the boat with tiny wooden buckets.

Grinning ferociously, Captain Helmuth rushed down the stairs and woke all of the men at the outpost. "We've got ourselves some kitties stranded out in the water! Let's give them a hand," he said with a malicious grin on his face. Loading two of their own boats with archers and soldiers (and Veldar, when he finally made it down the stairs, his face red as a beet).

Sailing out into the gulf, they were quickly spotted by a Nephil looking for the source of the arrow that had surfaced them. He raised an alarm, and the other Nephilim drew their bows. One of them went down with an arrow in his head, fired by the archer still in the watchtower.

"Stop!" Captain Helmuth yelled, his voice amplified by Veldar. "We do not want to kill you ... yet. Surrender peacefully and we will bring you to our leaders. I'm sure my commanders will love to talk to you."

Without another option, the Nephilim surrendered peacefully, but they fought the little orders that Captain Helmuth made. They would not hold still to have their hands bound, and one of them spat in the faces of their captors. Only one, because he were quickly pushed overboard, and the rest learned not the make the same mistake.

Once they reached the shore, one of Helmuth's men tossed Hmethrrr roughly onto the sand, and the other Nephil growled angrily, rushing to his leader's side. "Oh, do we have someone important here?" Helmuth wondered with a smile. "All the better for us."

Helmuth and some of his men from the outpost rode south to Blackstone with their captives that night. Arriving late the next day, the weary men were escorted to the garrison there, and replacements were sent north to the watchtower. Commander Radzac, the commander at Blackstone, took the prisoners to the Blackstone town hall, where he met with Governor Tellstone and the Dervish-Emperor's liaison, Pakan.

The three men discussed the situation at hand until the morning, when Radzac retrieved the prisoners from their cells. They unbound and ungagged them, and immediately the armored soldier began to protest their treatment, especially of Hmethrrr, who wisely kept silent. In less than a minute, a soldier whacked the Nephil on the back of his with the flat of his sword, knocking him out.

Governor Tellstone then addressed Hmethrrr. "Are you in a position to make an agreement on behalf of the Nephilim of White Peak Island?" Hmethrrr nodded, and Tellstone continued. "We are prepared to let you return to White Peak Island in return for the following considerations. First, you or any of your Nephilim are forbidden to return to this side of the Jsoulza mountains. Secondly, you must send a messenger to the Nephilim in the Jsoulza mountains and convince them to join with you and attack the humans in the western half of Pralgad. In return, we will not march up to White Peak Island right now and raze all of your little homes to the ground.

"Are we in agreement?"

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy
Encyclopedia Ermariana - Trapped in the Closet
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #88
Never turn your back on a dying human. The sight should be savored.

-- The Great Authoritative Extra Great Guide to Killing, Slaying, Butchering, and Otherwise Disemboweling Humans

Glogroth sighed. Things had been happening so very quickly!

Although Glogroth was as ambitious a Great Goblin as he had ever heard of -- either before or after the goblins of the Ndovlu mountains took the name of Goblin -- he was not a hasty man. He would have preferred to take things slowly, and to allow his troops ample time for glug-drinking, brawling, and goblin-making in between marches and battles.

Alas, the humans were moving quickly, and ever faster; he would have to match their speed.

As for himself, Glogroth was spending more and more time consoling himself with the Gobby Gods.


"Let's go! March and have fun as we prepare to smite the humanitary humans, let's go goblins!"

The goblins were definitely having fun. They were marching along the riverbank, and most of them were stomping around in the shallow water, trying to splash each other with their boots.

"Hmurrrr. My people will be truly thankful."

"It will be a glorious day for all of us."

Glooramza smiled at the Nephil who walked alongside his worg. In truth, he wasn't happy about the detour. He was supposed to be providing support to Gloodelita's army. But the orders from Glogroth were clear. And humans were humans, he supposed. Any chance to deliver retribution on their heads would be a worthwhile one. But even such a worthy cause did not allow them to suspend their sympathy for the plight of others. The Nephilim deserved their aid.


Gilgamegob sank back into the mud, relaxing in the swamp.

Gilgamegob had asked to lead the eastern army been he was a filthy goblin. He was a goblin who truly enjoyed muck and dirt and grime of all sorts. The caves were dirty, but they were nothing like a proper swamp.

"Gilgamegob! Gilg--gilg-g-g-g-gilgameg-g-g-ob! Where'd you go?" Gilgamegob sighed and rose from the mud. "Oh, I didn't see you. You almost made me faint, Gilgamegob!"

"What do you need, Enkigoo?"

"The mages are ready, sir!"

"All right. I'll be there in a minute." Gilgamegob dismissed his servant. As he pushed the mud off his body, he pondered why they had never developed mud-based missile weapons...

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Member # 6403
Profile #89
Originally written by Lt. Sullust:

OOC: Just to clear things up I've edited my last post. I was refering to Infernal's group.
That is quite impossibe, I'm shielded from scrying magic.
Originally written by Spartacus was Nathan Ashby:

The cult's ultimate goal is to bring about Grah-Hoth's return to the mortal plane, any way they can. Luckily, such a goal is enormously beyond their abilities, but who knows what trouble they might stir up in trying?

Don't worry, I'll give you acess to my interplanar portal. Just as soon as a few groups of malcontents are dealt with....
Originally written by Slartucker:

... you'll need to reconcile your location with the faction that already occupies that area...
We already talked this over. So long as he doesn't interfere with my research, I ignore him. (The "friends to the north" in my previous post.)


Range increased to a mile, my lord.

This wasn't going as quickly as Krahn had hoped. The vampire in charge of this project only had it out to a mile after two days of work. Still, it was an impressive achivement by itself. The portal was an immobile automaton kept outside Erika's old tower. By making mental contact with it one could travel anywhere within it's range. Soon they would be able to control it's brain well enough to prevent unwanted users from accessing it, and within a few yearss his forces would be able to travel anywhere within Avernum.

At least the humans were no longer pressing. The scrying attempts didn't let up, though. The shades were having a difficult time finding the magi that were attempting to spy on them. It was almost as if the humans had scattered into seperate groups.

He would have to add improved methods of scrying and a way to detect the source of incoming scrying from to his list of things to do.

Directing his thoughts north toward the vampire in charge of the shields, attempt to determine the location of those attempting to scry on us.

[ Saturday, March 25, 2006 09:35: Message edited by: Infernal666hate ]

??? ??????
???? ?????
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #90
Hmethrrr smiled, but you couldn't tell through the mask. "But I also have a few other conditions. You will escort me to the shore immdediately, and give me a Balm of Life for each of my soldiers you killed. You shall also lend me a priest skilled enough to restore my fallen soldiers, and also able to restore a Nephil from stone back to flesh. You'll also give me enough cloth to repair my rowboat's cover."

"On what grounds do you make those demands!?" the Governor retorted.

Hmethrrr pulled a large glowing crystal from his robes. "These grounds. The last time one of these summoning crystals went off, we had to fight a family of wild, uncontrollable basilisks. That's how my father was turned to stone. I have no idea what's in this crystal, but I know it's quite the monstrosity, and that it likes to eat humans."

The crystal began rumbling dangerously, as if something inside was trying to escape.

"You're bluffing!" the Governor squeaked.

Hmethrrr nodded. He broke the crystal, and Hmethrrr became much faster, for a time. Hmethrrr was able to get behind Governor Tellstone. Hmethrrr put the governor in some form of a headlock. But, his mask fell off. His eyes were completely blue, and his fur was white. But, each individual fur was frozen, creating a layer of spikes. His nose was pink, and as he breathed, a chilling circulation of air filled the room. Several people screamed. As he spoke, he revealed his sharp teeth.

"Give me what I want, or your governor will have a lethal case of the chills! Trust me, I know ALL about how cold can kill!" Hmethrrr growled, "Oh, by the way, I don't know what else this crystal does, so you may want to comply before you find out!" As he spoke, Hmethrrr began shuddering violently.

[ Saturday, March 25, 2006 09:06: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest. ]

-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #91

Okay, this game drastically needs to be balanced. Goldenking has been bad enough with his rampage all over the continuity of Valorim, but "immune to scrying" has "YEAH RIGHT!" written all over it.

I realize that you want your faction to be ridiculously overpowered, but that's not how it works. For the RP to be fun for all the people involved, nobody can have access to magic that is ridiculously powerful or cataclysmic (certainly not right away, anyhow).

RPs only work if players cooperate. I don't mean making alliances, I mean being reasonable in terms of inventing new plot wrinkles. It's not reasonable to give yourself so much vast power that you completely outclass almost all of the other players.

Sorry if I'm being a bit harsh about this, but it is a role play, not a make myself invincible.

[ Saturday, March 25, 2006 09:36: Message edited by: Slartucker ]

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Member # 6670
Profile Homepage #92
With a small smile of satisfaction, Celeste finished dismanteling the barrier rune. She entered the room, and sighed. Too much to hope that the portals would still be functioning after a few centuries. Most were completely inactive, with a few shooting off the occasional red spark. Time to investigate that locked door I came across before, she thought as she walked past Ernest's personal library, the book now thoroughly destroyed by rot. A few moments with her picks, augmented by a little spell, and she opened the door. And sighed again, this time in contentment. Six power crystals sat in the room, one broken, but the others undamaged.

A few hours later, she was riding south again, having destroyed all her tracks and other indications that someone had been present. A quick stop at the Inn of Blades, to send a courier to the College, and then she would return to the hut. With hired blades, if possible. She was going to guard her find like a mother hawk.


Lord O'Leary sneered, and the surf nearly ran away from him. Soon after the downfall of the Empire, he had seized the area surrounding Sharimik, and restored the old lines of power. A feudal state was the only way to keep order in this time of chaos. He and his guards proceeded to the town square. Apparently, the peasantry had decided to mass there again, and a little show of force would send them back scurrying to their holes. He entered the square, and looked at the man in priestly robes who was speaking to the crowd.

"We cannot allow the common citizen to have access to magic," the man was saying. "The Anama will protect you from dangerous knowledge."

"That is a lie!" someone exclaimed from the crowd. The rest of the surfs looked at him curiously. "Knowledge is never inherently dangerous. We have a right to wield knowledge." The crowd began to nod at the man's words.

"But the wizards will take control of you," the priest insisted. "They have no concern of your wellbeing, unlike the Anama, which will hold your fate in their hands."

"More lies!" someone from the crowd said. O'Leary thought it was the same man, though the voice had come from a different section of the rabble. "The Learned have no standing armies. The Learned have not tried to conquer us. Can the Anama say as much? Look at the smoke from Softport for your answer!"

Whatever the priest said was lost in the roar of the townspeople as they surged forward. O'Leary motioned for his guards to leave. He didn't have enough to quell a riot. As he looked down one of the alleyways, he stared. He saw the Anama priest, although he had discarded his robes, in conversation with another man. He couldn't be sure, but he thought it was the same man who was speaking against the Anama in the crowd. His chest went cold. Someone was stirring up the peasantry against these Anama. But why, oh why, did they have to choose his surfs as the rioters? All his hard work over the past few months would be for nothing. It just wasn't fair!


Demetrius smiled as he looked at the report from his two Agents in Sharimik. A few more incidents like this one, and the common citizen would welcome his Battlemagi with open arms as they went north.

Wonko, the College doesn't control the area around Softport. As you see above, though, it is sending Agents to stir the region up a bit.
Posts: 1509 | Registered: Tuesday, January 10 2006 08:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
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Pushing the Governor to the side, Commander Radzac drew his sword. This was a trickier Nephil than he had assumed, but nothing was immune to a blade between the ribs. He began to advance on Hmethrrr when Pakan stopped him. "Enough!" Pakan shouted. The Governor fainted and crumpled to the floor. He was all talk, Radzac noted to himself as he shook his head. "Your requests have been deemed acceptable," Pakan continued. Motioning at Radzac, he went on, "Get Captain Helmuth to escort him back to his men at the shore! And go back down to our stores and see if you can dredge up a Balm of Life or two."

Crisis averted, Radzac did as he was told. There was no use in provoking matters more.

(OOC: I never want to see resurrection balm or resurrection in the RP again. It's very bad RP form to use resurrection, especially on major characters. I've agreed here only because the characters are insignificant and because otherwise Hmethrrr looks silly, but it should be kept out of this RP. Dead is dead (unless it's undead, which should be kept to a minimum too).)

EDIT: (OOC2: Slartucker is right. People don't always do what you want/expect them to. A large part of the fun is taking something unexpected and running with it.)

[ Saturday, March 25, 2006 09:43: Message edited by: Drakefyre ]

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy
Encyclopedia Ermariana - Trapped in the Closet
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Member # 6403
Profile #94
Originally written by Slartucker:


Okay, this game drastically needs to be balanced. Goldenking has been bad enough with his rampage all over the continuity of Valorim, but "immune to scrying" has "YEAH RIGHT!" written all over it.

I realize that you want your faction to be ridiculously overpowered, but that's not how it works. For the RP to be fun for all the people involved, nobody can have access to magic that is ridiculously powerful or cataclysmic (certainly not right away, anyhow).

RPs only work if players cooperate. I don't mean making alliances, I mean being reasonable in terms of inventing new plot wrinkles. It's not reasonable to give yourself so much vast power that you completely outclass almost all of the other players.

Sorry if I'm being a bit harsh about this, but it is a role play, not a make myself invincible.

I'm not saying immune, I'm saying I have an illusion set up over the areas I control that looks like a slith army massing. And before you start up on the portal, A. it'll be months before I can access anywhere outside of my own territory and B. only mentally strong individuals can use it, I can't use it to transport anything more than a few people every day.
Also, I'm severely limiting my forces, I have 2000 soldiers right now and 25 intelligent undead.

[ Saturday, March 25, 2006 09:56: Message edited by: Infernal666hate ]

??? ??????
???? ?????
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
Member # 6670
Profile Homepage #95
On behalf of GoldenKing:

Tygra smiled as his men reported to him. The south-west cities of Valorim were now firmly in his command. He told his men to double their efforts of fleet construction in Kriszan. The Anama seem more and more bent on war. Tygra smiled. Their war-mongering would give him justification to begin a campaign on the island. But they could still invade before I am fully ready. He told his men to begin sending patrols along the west coast of Valorim. Soon, I must see what I can do with Farport and Gidrik. He smiled again. A good day for the Hunters, with more and more territory to gain.


Bors perked up as his scout returned. "What's ahead?" he asked.

"Couldn't get a good look, but there's bandits holed up there. They've got archers at the very least. Also, the approach doesn't have enough cover to hide a fly. We're going to take a lot of hits going in."

"Don't worry about the archers, Hunter," Alexandria said as she strode up. "We'll get you through without a single hit."

"How?" Bors asked, raising an eyebrow.

Alexandria smiled. "Suffice to say that while an Agent relies on stealth, a Battlemage has different strengths."


The Battlemagi sprang around the corner, and hit the surprised archers with a massed blast of fire. "Now!" Alexandria shouted.

Bors shook his head and moved his men forward. He didn't see how this was going to work; any minute now the archers would rise up and begin to ... his skin tingled and the world slowed down. A haste spell. Excellent. The arrows streaming towards him were like lightly tossed sticks, now. His men dodged them easily, and joined battle with the stunned archers. They were going down easily enough, but there were shouts further down in the fort. Odd, it seems most of their defenses are on the cave-side.

Okay Nikki, your turn.

GoldenKing, I'm going to leave your tunnel to Avernum alone, unless you tell me otherwise. I don't know what you intended with it.
Posts: 1509 | Registered: Tuesday, January 10 2006 08:00
Member # 6193
Profile Homepage #96
IC: General Cyril had served his homeland of Bigail for many years, and for many years he had put up with weak beauracrats afraid to take action. But now Knor sat in the High Priest’s seat in Shayder, and Cyril sat in the mayor’s office of Soft Port. “It is good that we at last have a leader who will act,” he thought to himself.

Commander Varion entered the room and saluted. “General.”

“Commander, how goes the taming of Soft Port?”

Varion hesitantly replied, “General, the people of Soft Port have not backed down. Our unexpected attack took them by surprise, and easily won us the city. But now that we occupy it, there is much muttering amongst its citizens. The presence of the Looters has not helped things. The people don’t much appreciate their policy of stealing. I doubt they will find much of interest in a small city like this, but they resent it either way.”

“This is to be expected, have there been any arrests?”

“Things have been relatively peaceful, for now the people just talk, they have no real hope of driving us out. We did arrest a drunk who got in a bar fight with one of our soldiers, he was scourged and thrown out of the city.”

“You know that I meant have any mages been found.”

Commander Varion looks even more nervous, “We did find one mage, we arrested him.”

“Good, has he been punished?”

“General, the commoners are highly agitated over the mage's capture. The nearby lands are in the control of some sort of wizard faction, and the people actually have a great deal of concern for its members. If he is executed the entire countryside might rise up against us. If we are to move on Aminro and gain its iron supplies we might have to avoid arresting mages for a while.”

“Hmmm, this is an interesting problem. Is this mage you arrested actually a member of this order, I would like to interrogate him.”

“No sir, he is a common hedge wizard, but one can’t expect peasants to understand that.”

The General looks disappointed, “Leave him in the dungeon for now. Is this all?”

“Errrm, no sir, Sharimik has become a mad-house. Word is that they are rising up against the Anama.”

“Rising up against the Anama? Knor never told me we had missionaries in Sharimik! This is very disturbing, for now do nothing to further inflame the people, we will show them that the Enlightened Anama can be benign to those who don’t resist. Send in my secretary, I wish to send a bird to the Archbishop requesting advice.”

“It will be done General.”

I fear that my anti-magic stance will become quite a hindrance if the one-upmanship continues between the other factions. As it is I am reduced to using carrier birds for messages.
I think Thralni’s date idea is a solid one, but my knowledge of Avernum dates is zero. If the next person who posts puts a date, then I will start dating mine in relation to theirs.

Guaranteed to blow your mind.

Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot?
Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #97
Yes, mages are rare. They don't grow on trees. And carrier pigeons are fine - I use horsemen. Magical message delivery is too much effort for so little reward.

And I'm against dating posts. It's not too hard to figure out what's happening when as long as people don't rush things too much.

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy
Encyclopedia Ermariana - Trapped in the Closet
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #98
Hmethrrr retrieved his mask and put it back on. With a repaired rowboat, Hmethrrr, his reunited elite soldiers and a priest made it to the Bandit camp. Hmethrrr escorted the priest to a tent with a statue of a Nephil. Hmethrrr shuddered violently and began speaking.

"This is my father, Mrrrhrth. Using a Balm of Life, you will restore him. Wait...something is missing..." Hmethrrr said as he inspected the statue. He roared in fury and yelled "His locket is missing! That was the only thing keeping him alive!"
He turned to the priest, and shuddered violently. "Don't worry about me. I feel it wearing off. Instead, you shall stay here for a while."

"How long will I have to stay?" said the priest.

"How soon do you want to be eaten by the Tiger of Bordrao?" Hmethrrr responded. The priest remained silent. Hmethrrr exited.

Hmethrrr went to the shore and filled his cupped hands with water. An image of Solaria formed in them. Furious, Hmethrrr dashed the water against the ground.

"Prepare the Bordrao! Leave some guards here in Mrrrhrth's tent! The place where the locket is being kept is too well protected to raid by ourselves! I'll find help," Hmethrrr shouted, "And bring me a healing potion!" It appears we are going to attack the humans on the other side of the Island after all. Hmethrrr thought.

After being refreshed by the healing potion, Hmethrrr got on the diving rowboat once more, with only two elite soldiers with him this time. "If there really are Nephils in the Jsoulza mountains, we'll find them. However, I doubt they're the only potential allies lurking in the mountains. We'll be checking the Ndovlu mountains afterwards," Hmethrrr said.

The rowboat dived, and the journey began.

-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #99
As the large "Nephil" left the tent, Erion shivered again. Something in his eyes and his demeanor marked him as a man not to be crossed. He would wait on White Peak Island and do his duty to the Empire. After all, he was fairly sure that the Dervish-Emperor had no desire to expand north to the island - mainland Pralgad was his goal. At least, he hoped that was Tarkun's goal. He hoped for the sake of his own life.


Back across the Gulf of Jazen, south past Blackstone, the Dervish-Emperor himself was pacing around his throne room in his capital of Sarkagrad. He glanced briefly at his reports before angrily tossing them on his desk. The Swamps of Dralgath are looking especially green this season, the top report read. What the hell were these paid scouts doing? Had the fumes turned them all insane?

A messenger from General Baskil in their training camps reported excellent progress. Two legions of recruits had completed basic training, and several showed enough aptitude to be recommended for officer training. It was encouraging, to say the least. Their push west, to the edge of the Jsoulza mountains, would only need to wait a little longer. Soon all of eastern Pralgad would belong to the Righteous Return.

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy
Encyclopedia Ermariana - Trapped in the Closet
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
