An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded*

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AuthorTopic: An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded*
Member # 4574
Profile #276
Two things TM, the guy who got killed was Kelvin, and the messanger getting killed was killed why? Oh yeah, we're not representing the Order of Krell. We built one temple, that's all that we have with the Order.

All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran!
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Member # 6388
Profile #277

"Announcing Rubicante, master of the Adventurers' Guild."

A large man - muscular and tall - enters the throne room of the Alliance, flanked by bodyguards and attendants and wearing the clothes of a Guildmaster and a handlebar moustache.

"Rubicante. You speak to Director McCallister of the Alliance. I have a proposal for you."

"The Guild will hear your proposal, but will make no promise to accept unless it proves generous."

"You will find it as generous as you like. The Alliance requires assistance in executing its war against the Hunter elements. In exchange for the assistance of the Guild's navy, we would be inclined to offer generous deals in the use of our facilities, including our ports."

Rubicante thinks. "I believe that offer should prove acceptable. We will send the naval command we deem to be merited by the value of your offer post-haste." The burly man seems to restrain himself from a theatrical flourish.

"In addition, I understand the Guild has a wide covert network. If that would prove any succor in finding the agents-provocateurs who liberated the city of Krizsan by magical means, I would be willing to pay most generously for their assistance as well."

Rubicante nods. "We'll let you know."

The train of guildsmen depart. McCallister smiles. This is the first good news the Alliance has heard in some time.
Posts: 794 | Registered: Tuesday, October 11 2005 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #278
What I'm telling you is that Lyonard had Malphis assassinate Martin. The messenger who spoke with McCallister-- Martin-- was escorted into a side passageway, stabbed, and quickly disposed of utterly and completely.

And Ephesos, it's okay for him to build a temple and dedicate it to the Order of Krell- it's just totally illegitimate. McCallister knows nothing of the Order of Krell, so all he basically said was "okay, build this structure if you want."

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 4574
Profile #279
OOC: So... you killed my faction's leader in one post? Didn't Drakefyre discourage against that? And why is your group so hating against the Army? Other then the advice thing we've been nothing but helpful.

All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran!
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #280
EDIT: (OOC: I killed off your leader because he was in Lyonard's capitol and Lyonard wants to consolidate control of the army. Furthermore, Lyonard doesn't want your unit gaining political capital. Your leader stepped into a deceptively suicidally dangerous situation and was offed. It's the job of your next leader to not die-- but that won't be easy, considering that you have no proof of how the old one died.)

Barbariccia. Rubicante is beaming with his fingers folded while a large swordsman with a bared and scarred chest dumps a gold-studded, red outfit in front of Rubicante's desk.

"So, how did it go?"
"It went, how to say, magnificently?"
"I see. Any news?"
"Well, yes. Apparently, our agents have told me that whoever this McCallister is, he must be organizing an intelligence agency in his ranks, since security is getting more stringent than Tygra ever had it."
"That is strange."
"Yes. And what makes it even stranger is, I doubt that McCallister was the one to have devised such a scheme."
"Oh? What makes you say that?"
"Well, McCallister fell for the guise far too easily. He actually believed that I was you-- no offense, sir."
"None taken. But Bentham, do you honestly believe that he took you seriously?"
"Oh, completely. He's young and optimistic."
"Then the reports are true."
"There's a shadow government in place."
"Not surprising, sir. Then, I was about to tell you... McCallister offered to have us find out who distributed the mental reagents to the people of Krizsan."
"But even if McCallister is sincere, whoever is above him has probably seen through our ploy used to take down the Hunters."
"So he'd want to remove any foreign elements from his military before they have a chance to manipulate him."
"Before we left, I received word from all of the agents. They seem to be able to remain undercover for now. I instructed those not already close to their commanding officers to leave. Was I right in using my jurisdiction in such a manner?"
"Hmm... Yes, I believe you were."
"Oh, and McCallister also offered to pay us for naval assistance in putting down Hunter resistance."

Rubicante, upon hearing this, doubled over with laughter. Cagnazzo woke up from his slumber.

"Aye, boss, what's making you be so levity-like today?"
"Cagnazzo, how opportune. Get your men and tell them to go to Valorim-- we've got orders from the new government to attack the Hunters!"
"Wh-what? New government? You mean, we were successful?"
"Turns out, there was a rebellion, and their leader put up a frontman who might actually wrest control of the government away from him. And better part is, the frontman is on our side!"

Cagnazzo buckled up and began snickering. "Ah, but how opportune! You've got the gambler's luck of the century, me friend."

Bentham clapped his hands together. "Well then, Master Rubicante. With your permission, I'd like to escort Cagnazzo's men to Valorim again to draw McCallister closer to us."
"Yes, it is wisest that you do so. But then... By all means, do pick up your uniform. Oh, and do we have any svelte, hand-less folks around here?"
Cagnazzo burst into laughter. "A-hah...! Aye, hah! We do. No, I already be seein' yer plan... And boy, do I got the perfect man for it. Scars all over, and a parrot who can do parlor tricks! Aye, I got yer man. And why don't we arm our cannons with fireworks, paint dovey-doves on dar ships, and dress them two's retinue up like a cast of jesters...? Ar-har-har!!"

Rubicante, tittering madly, turns to Cagnazzo. "Consider it done."
"Ar-har-ha-- what?!"
"Yes. Consider it done."
"Ye can't be serio--"
"Do it."

[ Sunday, April 09, 2006 12:26: Message edited by: Butt Paladin ]

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 4574
Profile #281
After hearing the news about Martin's death his succesor ordered all of the Bright Stars to evacuate Krizsan. They were ordered to meet at the gateway to Fort Emergence. McCallister had been told by one of his soldiers about the evacuation. "Tell them they have one hour to get out of my property." McCallister said, not wanting much blood yet, but not wanting the Army of the Bright Star to hang around.

At the meeting point Saint Perken walked up to the door at Fort Emergence. His people looked at him eagerly. Politely Perken knocked on the door three times, and waited.

All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran!
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #282
Imperial Dervish Attan did not waste time. He had already dispatched his pigeon to General Baskil, and he had to make haste to reach the chieftan of another Jsoulza mountain clan of Nephilim. He hunched over in the saddle of his horse and kicked its flanks. The lower he sat, the farther away he was from the stench pouring out of his saddlebag. And the sooner he arrived at the next clan the sooner he could be rid of it.

It took him another two hours, but he reached the next chieftan before sunset. He rode confidently to the center of camp and dismounted, holding the bag at arm's length. Triumphantly he pulled from the bag the head of a Nephil chief. "Behold!" Attan cried. "I have ridden your mountains of the menace the Rockdust Clan posed. As proof, here is the head of their chief, Famrrr!" Attan tossed the head at the feet of the chieftan.

"Mmmrrr. Many thanks," the chieftan began. "The Duskwalker Clan is in your debt. But we cannot repay you with gold or trinkets. All we have to offer are our bows or our histories."

Attan quickly cut him off. "We do not demand any terrible price from you. We merely ask that you try to band together as many clans as possible and spread the word of the evils of the goblins and the dangers of the Nephilim from outside the mountains. In return we will do more than just kill rival clan chieftans. We promise you protection forever. Your own cities and settlements unhindered by the Empire and human interference, as long as you remain independent. Does that sound fair?"

The chieftan nodded his agreement. "You are wise and helpful. We do not wish conflict with the humans. Merely to write our histories in peace and live our lives as we are used to. We know these goblins often raid our farms and force us to use our bows. They try to spread word about the dangers of humans but we would not allow them in our buildings. Mmmrrr. If you would still aid us with warriorrrs, everything would be perfect."

Attan nodded decisively and promised everything would be as he said before excusing himself to ride on. His work in the mountains was not done.

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy
Encyclopedia Ermariana - Trapped in the Closet
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #283
The Bordrao Camp

Most of the remaining Nehil soldiers were already in the walled center of the camp (containing the beast's tent, the statue tent, Hmethrrr's tent, the military tents and the Elders' tent. Most of the tents outside of the rather flimsy walls were civilian tents.

Suddenly, a large rock smashed into a group of Empire soldiers. It came from the Bordrao. A group of Nephil archers decided to begin raining arrows upon them. Several heavily armed and armored Nephils began running at the Imperial soldiers from the Bordrao. Seeing the battle begin raging, two shaman came out of the encampment and began casting spells. Mhthrrr decided to send summoned creatures into the battle. The real battle had begun, but both sides were strong.

Suddenly, someone blew the Horn of Bordrao! A very long and low bellowing echoed throughout the continent.


Jsoulza Mountains-large Nephilim tribe camp

The now softer sound of the horn made its way to the camp. Hmethrrr was not happy whatsoever to hear it.

"They must be under attack. It's a good thing I brought this with me," Hmethrrr said as he drew yet another crystal from his roomy robes. He scrawled a message on some papyrus:

We're under attack! The Empire has decided to attack us, and we're only a small group of Nephil trying to make a living on Northern White Peak Island. Please, come help us out in Pralgrad

He went outside and threw it into the air.

It exploded into a crystalline messenger pigeons with copies of the message around its leg! It flew down and landed on Hmethrrr's hand. "I want you to find help for us. There should already be a pigeon headed for the Ndovlu mountains, so I want you to fly south through the Jsoulza mountains until you find more Nephilim. Hurry...we need help fighting the Empire remnants," Hmethrrr said to it. It obediently flew south.

He went back into the tent. "Your tribe is one of the largest here, I assume," He said to the chieftan. A nod and a wicked smile was his response. Hmethrrr continued, "Prepare some boats and follow me to Jsoulza bay. Our home is under attack."

[ Sunday, April 09, 2006 21:35: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest. ]

-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 6403
Profile #284
Steam Caverns

In the distance Ohvol could see a town. It was a small place, but he couldn't smell any of those damned vahnatai. He could see plenty of guards around it though, he would need to use another human disguise to get in. Muttering a command word, Ohvol's form changed. His skeleton warping, his skin shifting, in less than ten seconds he looked perfectly human. Around 1.7 meters (5'6") tall and 60 kilograms (132lb.), with long brown hair and beard, wearing torn and poorly mended farmers' clothes, he could be taken for any wandering vagabond.

Walking up to the town, he was stopped by a patrol near the gates. "Sorry sir, we have orders to question all people entering Torfen."

More idiot humans? This gets boring after a while. "Of course, go right ahead."

"Where are you from?"


"Wasn't the place was overrun by undead?"

"Which is exactly why I'm not there anymore."

"And where are you going to?"


"For what purpose?"

"To rest for the night before coninuing."

"Where will you be going after that?"

"The Great Cave."

"Where in the Great Cave?"


Getting annoyed with his lack of cooperation and getting befuddled for some reason, the guard forgot his line of questioning. "Well then go on in."

"Thank you sir."

??? ??????
???? ?????
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #285
Gernas ran to the mountains as fast as he could. he had seen a few towns on his way, which seemed to be guarded by Empire soldiers. He had written Mernal about it, and already got a message back:

Mernal writing

Empire soldiers? The Empire should be dead. Continue to the mountains, and make sure you are not seen. The Empire never liked the mountains. Too dangerous. We might find allies in these mountains.

With that vision, Gernas continued on his journey.

It was at noon that he reached the mountians. The high peaks, thouhg not snow covered, could almost reach the clouds. However, he could see a passage between two peaks, which didn't seem a hell of a climb, and it also didn't seem to be a long way from where he was. he decided to go through it and see what he would come across.

He climbed up, and eventually discovered a lake to be there, which meant he couldn't continue here. he would probably have to go around it somehow. He looked at the other side of the lake, which wasn;t a very wide lake. He then spotted stones. Every now and then, he saw some stones above the water. Stepping stones! This will make everything a lot easier!

He quickly and swiftly jumped on the first stone, and on the next, which went fine. In ten minutes he was at the other side of the lake, happy he didn't fall in the water and drowned.

After a short hike, he started reaching an other lake, but it was different this time. It was all darker and more silent here. He then saw movements. Gernas looked closely, and too his great delight, he saw Nephilim! He immedialty wrote back to Mernal. This would be a handy find.

OOC: I wasn't really sure where the Jsoulza mountains Nephilim were, so I placed them somewhere at the most northern lake in the mountains (if you undersatnd what I mean).

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

Give us your drek!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #286
The land has a way of restoring balance after cataclysms. Take Valorim. The land healed over in surprisingly quick fashion once the Plagues were dispatched.

More importantly, those who mistreat the land will pay a steep price in due time, for the land never forgets. - Teachings of the Order

Brother Yewbark walked cautiously through the deserted streets of Woodsmuir, taking care to look around every corner he came to. He wasn't surprised how easily the other troops allowed him to be the one to parley... he could easily be walking in to an ambush. Or worse, a hostage situation.

At this thought, he smiled. If he was taken prisoner, he'd leave a big enough crater behind to warn Accis of who he was dealing with.

From the time he'd spent in the old capital, he knew he was nearing the Imperial Palace. But the scent of burnt timber was stronger here... very puzzling.

He rounded a corner (taking care not to expose himself to an ambush) and was floored by what he saw. The city block which once held the Imperial Palace was leveled. A crude wooden shanty, three unsteady-looking stories high, stood in its place, with a few wisps of smoke drifting up from the roof. Brother Yewbark strolled through charred hunks of stone and the remains of blackened timbers, beginning to mutter some protective charms under his breath.

He paused before the weak-looking door, and knocked. He heard clicking sounds behind him, and he turned to see the rooftops aswarm with archers again. None moved to shoot, which worried Yewbark greatly. They want me alive... he thought, before the door opened.


Clearwater stood in the Council's meeting room again, looking out the glass window over the ocean. Off to the north, he thought he could see The Muse carrying his trusted aides to disrupt the Hunters.

If all went well, the group would land on the southeast shore of Valorim, perhaps passing through the Isles of Karnold. Just to be safe, Brother Clearwater had sent out three messenger birds the previous day, all destined to reach whoever now controlled the area. The Guild had spoken of a league of fishermen and an order of mages, and Clearwater was unsure what to make of this. As long as they don't pull a Skylark Vale... he thought, uneased by the idea of that many mages given free rein over the land. Sure, they could be perfectly logical people, but let them get out of control...

Clearwater stopped himself short of finishing the thought. Anyone can get out of control. Until that point, we must trust them, if only so that we can reach the Hunters, or whatever remains of them.

The Guild had reported severe instability among the Hunters, over which Clearwater was quick to rejoice. Perhaps the agents of the Order would arrive in time to deliver the killing blow.

There would be no meeting of the Council tonight. Clearwater needed time to plan for if the group failed... and besides, the Council was no closer to agreement on anything.

On the way out of the Hall, a messenger ran up to him from the temple. He handed a scroll to Clearwater, marked with Brother Yewbark's handwriting. He unrolled it slowly, expecting the worst. But when he finished reading it, he was unsure what to think. Sure, Brother Yewbark was a competent negotiator, but Accis sounded highly unstable...

(OoC: For clarification, news of Tygra's assassination just hasn't reached the Order yet.)


Sister Quartz stood at the bow of The Muse, hoping to be the first to catch sight of the coast of Valorim. She knew this would be an interesting voyage, particularly if they got the chance to run interference against the Hunters. When she had heard the news of the Hunters' pillaging of Kriszan, she had nearly set sail for Valorim herself. Her grandfather had helped maintain the Order temple there, and he had been listed among the casualties in the short report received by the scrying pool in Ivrel, just before the last druids were killed. Quartz was simply proud that he had died with honor, apparently taking ten Hunters with him.

She reflected on her crew, a well-balanced assortment of warriors, priests, and pathfinders. The group of twenty had trained with the Order around the same time, so they had already gotten used to each other. They knew the importance of their mission, and they all took a bit of pleasure in the knowledge that they'd be avenging the Order. In fact, they'd be striking a blow for peace in Valorim.

Quartz had always wondered a bit about how violence could achieve peace, but these thought had dissipated when she learned of her grandfather's death. It was personal now.

Savoring the scent of sea-spray, Sister Quartz strolled back to the cabins, hoping to join the rest of the crew for lunch. Only a few days, and they'd be in Valorim.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6489
Profile Homepage #287
It was late at night, about 3 candlemarks past midnight. Lartaynior was sitting at his desk, deep in thought. The outriders and scouts from Cressen's army had just returned that day. 40 men out of the 5,000 I sent north. This infestation is quite unnerving. He was still pondering his next moved, when his door slammed open and Thomys rushed in. The mage was in his bedclothes and had that haggered, just-out-of-bed appearance.

"What in the name of the gods...."

"Sire, you must leave! Now! There is no time for argument!"

"Leave? What in the name of the Abyss are you talking about?"

"I have had a premonition. Something terrible is in the city. If you do not leave the city now, you will surely die!"

Thomys had been his friend and advisor as well as his personal mage for many years. He knew better than dismiss this as folly.

"Alright. Let me summon my generals. We need to get my soldiers out of here."

"There is no time for that! They will have to fend for themselves. Most of the army is still camped west of the city. We must go there. Now!"

"Very well, I will go with you."

"Alright. Let's go. Thomys hurried out the door, and Lartaynior followed him quickly. He yelled at his aide to follow. They hurried out of the inn and through the streets. The guard at the western gate took one look at them and started. "Where are you going this late, sire?"

"That is not your concern. Let us pass," he commanded bruskly.

"Yes, your grace," replied the guardsman as he opened the gate for them.

When he reached the army camp, he yelled for his top generals. "Petyr, Janos, Balon, Ryman!" Slowly, the sleepy men came out, rubbing their eyes which widened when they sall their king.

"We must leave this place now!" he commanded in a voice tha overrode all objections.

"What of the forces in the city?" asked General Ryman.

"It is too late for them," said Lartaynior, as he heard the clash of steel-on-steel from the city and turned to see flames licking the stalactites. I always knew Thomys would come in handy.

"What in the name of all that is good and holy is going on in there?!" yelled Janos.

"Nothing good and holy, I assure you," said Thomys. A great evil has infiltrated the city turning men against each other. If we do not leave now, it will affect us as well."

"Then we should be off at once!" said Petyr, who went off to find the buglers to wake the men.

It's a good thing my generals are able to keep cool heads during a crisis, but then, that's part of being generals, isn't it?

In 20 minutes (an astonishingly fast time for such a large host) the army was marching west towards Almaria, leaving the burning city of Torfen behind them. Lartaynior fervently thanked the gods for Thomys's premonition.

[ Tuesday, April 11, 2006 13:02: Message edited by: Tyranicus ]

"You're drinking liquor because you're thirsty? How nasty is your freaking water?" —Lazarus
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Posts: 1556 | Registered: Sunday, November 20 2005 08:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #288
A huge boulder crashed into the ground just a few feet away from Commander Helmut, sending him into a fury of curses and muttered oaths. Some of his men stood around, unsure of whether to retreat or advance, while others continued their charge at the walls. Helmut looked around quickly and took charge of the situation. "First and Fifth Regiments, fall back and defend the rear from that giant ship! Shields up! Get some mages to bring it down!"

As the troops filed out to follow his instructions, he turned his attention towards the walls of the kitty fortress. The walls didn't seem very sturdy, and a few good jolts from a battering ram should bring them down. He turned to another group of soldiers and told them to bring out the ram and a second group to cover them and watch the walls.

"Battering ram advance!" he yelled, and he clapped his hands with glee as the walls shook after the first hit. "Keep going!" he urged them. "Second, Third, and Fourth Regiments follow them in after the walls fall!" Several times Nephilim from inside the fort would rush to the walls carrying burning napalm or boiling water, but each time the elite Empire archers would mow them down before they could do any damage.

After five hits, the gates burst open. At the same time, the rear divisions fell to the Bordrao. As Empire soldiers rushed into the fortress, Nephilim rushed out. Soon, the fortress was manned by humans, while Nephilim tried to breach the temporary barriers erected by Empire mages to stop the gaps in the walls.


Erion looked around in confusion. Nephilim were running all around him, grabbing weapons and leaving the stronghold. Before long he realized that he was being rescued. He snuck out of his tent and made his way towards the tent with the statue. Its two Nephil guards were still standing strong outside, and inside he could hear four Nephilim trying to lift and evacuate the statue.

He ducked for cover behind an empty tent and waited for the Nephilim carrying the statue to leave the tent. Soon, all six Nephilim were running slowly in the direction of secret back exits. He couldn't let them get away. Calling on Kaz and uttering words of power, lances of fire shot out from his fingertips on incinerated several of the guards. The other two dropped the statue, drew their weapons, and charged him. Erion pulled out two knives from his boots and threw them with all his might at the approaching Nephilim.

One was hit in the chest and dropped, but the other glanced at the knife in his shoulder and kept coming at Erion. He sidestepped the Nephil and ran past him towards the statue. Ducking a Nephil arrow, he picked up rocks from the ground and hurled them at the ferocious Nephil, hoping to distract him. At that moment, a Nephil carrying burning pitch toppled backwards off the ramparts, falling on the hapless guard and killing him.

Erion said a small prayer and dragged the statue behind another tent where he stood watch. Soon the gates burst open, and soldiers flooded in. He greeted them as liberators and demanded to see the commander so he could show them what he had managed to capture.


"It's not that difficult to understand," Dervish Attan growled, frustrated at this clan of Nephilim's inability to grasp the terms of his deal. "If you don't attack humans, the Empire will provide a place for just Nephilim where they will never be bothered if you never leave. We get our peace, you get your peace!" The Nephilim made a big show about deliberating, even though Attan knew they still didn't understand. He sighed, resigned to a few more days of confused talk. He should have brought a Duskwalker with him to make it more comprehensible.

While Attan was beating the Nephilim in his head, he failed to notice the small green goblins that came out from all around him. When he finally looked up, he saw that he was surrounded by fierce goblins carrying all sorts of maces and flails. "We sorry, Mister Attan, but they made us," the clan chief said, clearly not sorry.

Dervish Attan gritted his teeth and drew his sword. "Well, you'll soon see the power of the Empire," he spat as he lunged at the circle of goblins. For what seemed like hours, Attan danced in and out of groups of goblins, sometimes leaving them dead on the ground and sometimes lucky to escape with only minor cuts and bruises. The battle was starting to take a toll on him, and he was bleeding from dozens of cuts and slashes. But the ranks of the goblins began to thin as well.

As Attan speared the last goblin, he ran through him, straight into the chest of the clan chief, pinning him to the goblin and the mountainside. "Never. Betray. The Empire," Attan yelled as he brutally twisted his sword with each word. Finally out of adrenaline and blood, he slowly withdrew his sword and dropped to the ground. "Shaman, heal me!" he called out. "We will continue talking tomorrow morning with your new clan chief!"

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy
Encyclopedia Ermariana - Trapped in the Closet
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #289
OOC: Is Attan is in the Jsoulza mountains?


The Bordrao Camp

Several small boats had arrived at the docks of the Bordrao camp, next to the Bordrao. Everyone got out to see what had happened. Hmethrrr was absolutely furious!

"Release the Beast of Bordrao!" he yelled. A Nephil sneaking around in the captured fort heard this and got into a large tent. Soon after words, a large tiger with glowing red eyes ran out. He saw the Empire's soldiers as a well-deserved meal.

Meanwhile, Hmethrrr dipped his hands into the sea, and withdrew a staff made of ice. He, along with several of the Nephil from the allied tribe from the Jsoulza Mountains, as well as the formidable Twin Guard, rush to recapture the fortress. Seeing Hmethrrr made the moral of the Bordrao's crew skyrocketed, and they immediately sent another group of Nephil Soldiers, and some boulders, towards the captured fortress. Needless to say, most of the walls were knocked down.

Hmethrrr ran with speed fueled by rage, slaying several Empire soldiers with Lances of Ice. He saw Erion with the precious statue, and he let out a roar of fury that echoed throughout White Peak island.

"Drop the statue, or you will face an eternity in cold, unforgiving ice!" he screeched.


Crystalline pigeon

It finally managed to pass all of what seemed like big rocks beneath it. Focusing on the ground , it could see humanoids moving about. No kitties it realized. It flew around, completely lost. Eventually, it came across a large lake. It saw several furry humanoids below.

Kitties? it thought.

OOC: The Beast of Bordrao is only as strong as any other tiger, but that also means any unarmored Empire soldiers will be ripped to shreds. It grew up with the Nephils, and is unlikely to attack them unless it is very hungry or provoked. Heavily armored Empire soldiers need fear only being knocked down and crushed by its weight.

[ Friday, April 14, 2006 08:03: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest. ]

-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #290
gernas had teamed up with the nephilim at the lake. they called themselves the "Kaepurs from ghath," which had surprised gernas. Not only was this a foul attempt to speak English, the human language, but it also referred to the great gate.

The great gate of the Nephil gods. The great gate, behind it the seven powers: Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, Power, Love and Nephilim.

Gernas had written to Mernal about this surprising find, and he had already recieved a very optimistic messge back. Mernal was certainly pleased with the developments.

Gernas had just put away the scroll, when a Nephil ran into the lake-side camp, shouting, in heavily distorted English:

"Pigeon! Bird! Whatever! Coming to us!"

The whole camp immediatly was alerted, and Nephilim ran across the camp to fetch their weaponry. They started shooting, missing all the time, until Gernas shouted to stop, and said it was some sort of messenger. He shouted to the bird, The words being something to calm the bird down so it would land. With astonishment the Nephilim looked at Gernas and how the bird made a nice landing on his shoulder. It showed its paw, on which was bound a small scroll. Gernas took it off, and opened it. He started reading:

help! The Bordrao nephilim tribe to the north is in danger! Requesting help now!

Gernas put the note away, and made the Nephil chieftain of the camp gather all the Nephilim at Gernas' sleeping mat. He explained the situation. The nephilim seemed to be in an agitated and insulted mood after Gernas was done speaking. In their distorted English, they shouted "Death to the Empire" time on time again.

After that, Gernas went to a secluded part of the camp. He took out Mernal's scroll and wrote him:

Gernas writing this sir,

Recieved message from endangered Nephil tribe. Bordrao want help from this Nephil tribe. Requesting army to come. Nephilim are allies, always.

It didn't took long before a message had been returned:

Mernal writing:

We shall come at once. My spies will see what's happening in valorim, no need for the army to be there too.

A sigh of relief. Gernas happily ran to thr nephil chieftain, and tolled him the great news. The chieftain's ears immidiatly started spinning of joy. The army was coming!


Mernal made the army gather around him back at the Dorngas area. When he had caught everybody's attention, he spoke:

Nephilim! the humans have done it again! They torture us, they beat our cousins (Angry growling). Today i recieved a message from my Pralgrad spie, who made contact with a distant Nephil tribe. he recieved a message from an other nephil tribe: "the Bordrao." They are being attacked by the Empire's leftovers. i say we shall go there at once, and shoot them to death, with our arrows of death!

The Nephilim started jumping, shouting, throwing with all kinds of things. They were going to beat the Empire once and for all.

Roughly 300 nephilim took their weaponry, and went north. They travelled fast, as they didn't have any heavy possesions. This enabled them to run, garantuing the Bordrao with quick help. they were to meet the "Kaepurs of ghath" and then continue to the Bordrao camp. However, they first had to pass the goblins that Hralek was now trying to manipulate. Mernal had wrote him a message too, saying that they were coming has way, asking him to make sure the Gblins won't attack. He had a truce with the "Keppers of knowledge" so an attack from them wouldn't be to be expected.

And so they went, gradually reaching the land bridge that connected Valorim to Pralgrad.

OOC: "Arrows of death" are normal arrows, but as to make the speech more impressive, I gave the arrows a more interesting name.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

Give us your drek!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #291
Riner received a message from The Order of Kaz a couple of days after his conversation with the nephil, which had now died.

Please forgive me for skipping over the pleasantries.

I've had a couple of sentries near the mountains, and they reported that those fools over the other side of the Jsoulza have moved on White Peak Island. Now is our chance! We, Riner, shall move in on the nepihls, and, should the oppurtunity present itself, the Righteous Return! Together, we shall rule Pralgad!

The Avatar of Kaz.

Riner sent back, as emphatic as he could, Yes.

Smiling to himself, he went to prepare the army.

I'll put a Spring in your step.
Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Member # 6388
Profile #292
Krizsan Province. The realization has gradually dawned on the people of the province that there's a war on - and by the look of things, it's clearly over. The Hunter army is mobilizing; the Alliance, less the 500 men that mutinied a week ago, barely seems capable of defending themselves against the force already assembled outside Krizsan - and the element of the army from west of the Krizsan River haven't even gotten there yet.


Krizsan River - South Crossing. A force of around eight hundred men, most on horseback, make their way to the riverbank, neatly drilled into rows and files. There is an unusual amount of river commerce today, but besides that, the day seems fairly normal. General Karadesa leads the first platoon over the river.

Then there is a burst of fire and the screams of horses of men as the Guild ships, red flags suddenly at the hoist, open fire on the bridge.


Krizsan River - North Ford. The demoralized survivors of a two-day series of shellings make their way into the marshy wood marking the northernmost ford of the Krizsan River. They're three days late, and missing the ranking officer in the Hunter army - but they'll be more than sufficient to retake Krizsan and put down the traitor McCallister.

The morale of the disorganized cavalry finally breaks when a great horn sounds from the forest, and the same red flags as they saw at Kreman Bridge peek through the trees.


Krizsan. The impatient Hunter army, having heard nothing from their compatriots in the west for almost a week, have finally had enough of waiting for the siege. A great bellow rises through the crowd as the reactionary forces charge at gaps in the city walls.

Behind those gaps they find archers arrayed in triple files behind lines of heavily armed and armored city guards, and twisted, tangled barricades.

Dozens fall within moments. The voice of McCallister from the guard tower - unaccompanied by a vision of his form - is commanding and full of lordly conviction. "Submit, wretches! By the force of our arms know that the compelling strength of our fallen sovereign is on our side!"

The repeated call eventually grows to be too much. Lieutenant Morgan finally orders a retreat to Silvar, and the Hunters withdraw from Krizsan.


Colchis. Lieutenant Morgan - a pudgy, red-haired man of around forty - drums his fingers on the table of the courthouse from which he had conducted the last defenses of the Hunter city. Silvar, they had found, capitulated to the Alliance a day before the assault on Krizsan; Colchis remained the last loyal bastion.

As soon as Morgan's men arrived, that loyalty was put to an immediate and thorough test. Guild ships - those hateful ships that had cost the Hunters so much - shelled the life out of its meager port, day and night, as McCallister's forces finished off Hunter resistance west of the Candran; morale plummeted, but was roused - briefly - for a last defense against the Alliance invasion.

Two hours ago, Morgan had raised the white flag. To do otherwise would have been suicide, and he could not bring himself to order his men to die for a man a month dead. McCallister was supposed to arrive himself to receive the Hunter surrender.


Colchis Town Square. McCallister, surrounded by his loyal troops and the battered, tired, and weaponless men of the Hunters, stands on a hastily-constructed podium, and removes his iron helmet, revealing to the assembled forces his face.

He is a lean man - rawboned, with straight and tussled hair black as night, and a pair of piercing green eyes. His nose is long and sharp, and he wears a thick, close-clipped moustache; his angular jaw rests heavy on a modest ruff emerging from his high gorget.

He opens his mouth to speak.

"We men of the Alliance stand assembled at the end of history as mankind has known it. Where our forefathers bent craven before the demands of superstition, we have cast down our dead idols and stood tall in the light of reason. We that stand here are the greatest men ever born - for we are governed in ignorance neither by mages or kings, but follow our justly great in glorious understanding. Let superstition be destroyed; let our wise spread the glory of the new science to every corner of the world, and let the Enlightenment prevail."

McCallister enters Colchis courthouse, his lifeguards closing its thick wooden door to the great cheers. Lieutenant Morgan kneels.

Posts: 794 | Registered: Tuesday, October 11 2005 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #293
Delis. The Hunter forces have largely moved east to address the growing threat of the Alliance of Science and Education.

The recently-appointed Commander Brighston, a man who had no position in the Hunters before who was promoted out of necessity, is in the central courtyard attempting to boost morale by placing haphazzard discipline on the soldiers still keeping control of the city. Then, he hears a series of bangs and a loud whizzing noise from the south.


A spray of red fireworks erupts over the city. All of the soldiers stare at the sky, having never seen such a spectacle before. Then, a louder explosion is heard, and the distracted soldiers barely have time to turn around before cannonballs begin to tear through them. The Guild's pirate ships land in the city's harbor completely unchallenged with a whimpering Brighston standing nervously before them, attempting to save face. Then, a man with a gold parrot on his shoulder leaps off of the leading galley triumphantly and walks over to Brighston.

"Yar, ye scurvy-ridden scallawag! I be Cagnazzo, leader of these thar pirate fleets, and baron of the oceans!"
"Arr, silence unto ye, matey! Arr. We be takin' yer city, yarr. And as long as ye--"

Brighston walks over to 'Cagnazzo' and whispers in his hear, "Listen, Philipe, it's Rothgar. I've already got this city under control and I've distributed the cure."

'Cagnazzo' quietly steps back. "Well, ye landlubbers, ye now be under the property of the Guild, ye hear? Yarr. And ye best be happy with it!"

The soldiers who haven't been scared lifeless immediately raise their arms and drop their weapons. Those who are too scared to move are dragged to the side by their more controlled comrades. 'Commander Brighston' and 'Cagnazzo' go to the barracks to sign over a contract written by Rubicante authorizing the surrender of the city.


Krizsan. Archmage Eghan was currently walking with Lyonard down a series of basement levels under the capital building. These passages were almost covered with cobwebs and every step they took shook up dust.

"So, you're telling me that these passages are totally secret?"
"Yes, that's true. I've told very few officers of their existence, only the ones I know I can trust. You remember the priest with whom you had an address with the 'Director,' right?"
"That I do, 'Guardian.'"
"As do I. Look."

Lyonard takes a pause, turns to his right and presses one of the stones in the wall a foot into the wall, causing a section of wall to push back, revealing a hidden chamber. In it is the Anama priest with countless bruises all over his body. He is chained firmly to the wall and looks as if he has not eaten in days, yet he is still alive. Eghan turns back in shock.

"Wh... What have you done?!"
Lyonard laughs. "This traitor, Igsaeon, was sent here by Enlightened Anama. When his plan of coaxing McCallister into converting Krizsan into Anama failed-- and for that I thank you-- he began to rally up some of the radical elements of the peasantry, fire-and-brimstone clergy and mercenaries in order to begin exterminating magi. So far, two of your students, Theolod and Gared, number among their victims. And where is your sympathy now, Eghan?"

Eghan, thoroughly riled up after hearing this, began gathering energy at the tip of his staff. Before letting it become a fireball, however, he jammed the fiery metal into Igsaeon's groin and made a deliberate movement upwards, dissecting Igsaeon like a mottled tapeworm. The Anama made facial movements as if he were in pain, yet he was too weak to make any sound. Then, his neck was seared open, and soon Eghan released a fireball from his staff in front of Igsaeon's face, causing nothing but his charred skull to remain above his shoulders.

"That is one of a few reasons why I have brought you here."
"I've been gathering the magi in Krizsan for both protection and political power. I heard from contacts most of what you proposed to McCallister... And I agree. I do."
"I want to establish a university. One to promulgate magic. And I want to do it here."

Eghan stepped back for a moment. "What?! We'd be killed- not just us, but you too!"
Lyonard shook his head and put a chain mail hand on Eghan's shoulder as they walked out of the room. "If McCallister has his way, it will be either that you die or that you wish for death. And besides, all other universities on Valorim are either miniscule or looted. If a magical university is established here, it'll be one of the best outside of the Dominion."
Eghan shuddered. The Dominion was many things, least of which was generous towards its members.
"Fine. Fine. Let's assume that I agree to help you with your underground university. Then what?"

Lyonard stopped in front of a wall and pressed a button, revealing a large meeting hall, well-lit and buzzing with activity. There were some two hundred men, all of whom were wearing magi's robes.

"Then, Professor Eghan, it's classtime."

Eghan took a great while absorbing the room and measuring the power of most of the people in it. Lyonard saw this and said, "True, most of the people in here are less than apprentices... And yet, you will still find them eager to recieve your education. In exchange for helping me raise a cadre of magi, I will promise to keep McCallister's presence out of this lair. Plus, I guarantee you, more magi will be sent as demand rises. And to make sure that you aren't followed, I have sleeping quarters down here. Don't worry, Eghan. You're in my hands now."
"That's exactly what I am fearing, Guardian."
"Call me Lyonard. And I understand your fear-- but keep in mind that even if I am a politically-minded misanthrope, I'm a misanthrope who recognizes your power. After all, who do you think caused the Revolution?"
"You're not saying..."
"You're right. I'm not saying. In fact, I'm leaving now. Some of the already-appointed executives of this place will tell you more about it. All of the rooms here are hidden; do try and memorize their locations."
"...very well, Lyonard. You have a deal."

The two shook hands as Lyonard entered a secret passage emptying into his bedchambers. As he re-entered his office, he finds at least ten different officers of varrying ranks panicking. Slowly, the sound of pandemonium fills his ears.

"The sky is burning! Ashes and fire! We're all doomed! The sky is burning!"

Lyonard spits, locks the door to his bedroom and violently shoves the neophytes out of his way and storms out of the building. What he sees is beyond comprehension.


Barbariccia. Rubicante is staring up at the sky surrounded by at least fifty of his finest agents. The entire sky has turned black, punctuated by a gigantic, spiraling, gaseous red star centering to the south of the ship. Cagnazzo fights his way past Rubicante's bodyguards and tugs on the Guildmaster's sleeves.

"C... Cagnazzo. It's above..."
"Aye...! The ruins! Scar. What be this, sir? Does ye know, sir?"
"This... This I do not know. Does anyone?"
"The red light, it be eerier than the whole world! What be it for? Is the end coming? Sir!!!"
"Calm down, Cagnazzo. Nothing has happened yet, and even if it's going to happen, we have no way of knowing how to deal with it."
"But sir, what is that? What?"
"Nothing! It's nothing."
"No way that be nothing, sir!"
"Then it's something. What do you want me to say?"
"I want ye to be telling me why in hell's blazes you gave Scar to that beast!"
"I told you before, you insufferable dunderhead. If it was going to kill us, it'd have done so anyway. You give away your sword with a dagger at your neck."
"Fine, fine. But how, sir, will we be dealin' with thar storm?"
"I think we just sit it out. Come on, let's go down to the lower decks and organize our ranks there. This devilish sky is wreaking havoc on our troops; if we get them out of sight of it, maybe they'll calm down."


On that day, all of Ermarian looked to the sky and saw nothing but blackness with gigantic, red tendrils spiraling clockwise from the northern coast of Vantanas. All commerce stopped. All magicians were, for that one precious day, completely flustered and unable to respond. All of Ermarian watched helplessly as the gigantic Red Star dominated the skies.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #294
The army was moving gradually now towards the very north of valorim. All nephilim seemed to be quite enthusiastic while thinking of the things they were going to do. few nephilim went back to their hide-out in the mountains, where they had stayed, hiding, for almost four years. These nephilim would set up an other smaller army, or would flee, if the army that wa snow going to Pralgrad failed and wouldn't return. As things looked now, they would reach the nephilim in probably two days. I just hope that's not too late. nephilim are strong creatures, but when they are attacked by stronger creatures, they will hold, but not for long. Mernal looked behind. Yes. We will get them. nephilim always get what they want. He looked in front of him again. they had reached the mountains. There was just one small problem. How would they cross the mountains unseen. Surely, in this time of war, mages were scrying he fields around them like crazy. It seemed sort of stupid, but eventually he decided to just follow the road.

In 15 minutes they reached a gate. It was crumbling and barely able to support itself. Mernal called for his mages, who fired several bolts of fire. They hit, and were fotunately stronger now that they had earned the next level of this spell. Jeez. These Moon books are good stuff!

The gate was unguarded and nothing more than a pile of rubble. the army could continue. However, when they were on the other side, they saw goblins. Many, many goblins. It was the army his northern spies had told him about. He decided to contact hralek, who was supposed to make the goblins friendly towards them. However, when he opened his small bag, he saw that Hralek's scroll was written on. A message from Hralek!

Hralek writing:

the goblins are friendly. they will stay of our back. they don't ask for anything, except a good book of spells. Continue as planned.

Quivkly, Mernal asked for a messenger and gave him one of the spellbooks from moon.

"Bring this to the goblin chieftain, quickly!"

The messenger nodded and ran away. the army slowly continued on its way.

After five minutes, the army was getting closer to the goblins. the messenger had returned, and said that the army could pass safely now. the goblins semmed to be very pleased with "acid spray." The chieftain had thanked the Nephilim and said that the acid would make their caverns even nicer and cozier. After that, he had granted Mernal a free passage, and wished him all the luck. The army continud, and at the end of that day, the army was only two miles away from Pralgrad.

OOC: nephilim are fast creatures, and hen they don't have much things to take with them, they are even faster. Hence the relatively short period of travelling.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

Give us your drek!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Member # 6403
Profile #295
OoC: I decided to write a short IC, just to get the Ohvol thing going.


East of Almaria.
It was a pity he had to turn away from his previous goals, even for a moment. The humans had barricaded the gates to the settlement spannining the river. They will pay.

He could smell more humans to the north, but they didn't interest him now. Only the ones to the west did.

There was a ford on the river north of the settlement, but he never learned or cared to learn how to swim before. If he fell into the river, his chances of coming out again were very slim.

Perhaps there may be another way across the river.

??? ??????
???? ?????
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #296
OOC: It's okay for people underground to ignore the sky's burning, but for all of you above the surface, all of you see this, and it lasts for a good while, even into the night.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 6670
Profile Homepage #297
The tension in the council room could be cut with a knife. A little less than a third of the chairs were vacant - an unfortunate side effect of waging a slow-moving war - but the rest of the archmagi were showing the tell-tale signs of cracks in their confidence. The number of Agent deaths in North Karnold was disturbing. The simmering hostility from this new faction in the west was even more so. The complete silence from the Fort Emergence expedition was unnerving. Of course, the spiraling cloud of darkness and fire in the sky didn't help matters.

Demetrius sighed as he looked out the window, at the students walking around in the late evening. At least there wasn't the panic that was present in the southern cities. However, the students now refused to look up at the sky; they made their rounds with their gazes fixed on the ground. Fools, that they fear what they do not know. Have we taught them nothing?

He looked back at the messenger as he finished his report. Diego's force of Battlemagi had reached Angel's Rest with minimal resistance. Not a major victory - the real battles would be for Aminro and Sharimik - but it was good to know something was going well. The courier left, and Archmage Cara shifted in her seat. "At least this... cloud... has not hindered Archmage Tychius's spell greatly." Demetrius nodded. Tychius's weather spell was one of the few advantages they had up north. That, and the fear-mongering done by Agent Jakob and his mercenaries.

"Yes, fortunate for us. I propose that Archmage Diego continues with the offensive once he consolidates power in the village." All the heads nodded around the room, and Demetrius smiled inwardly. All of them were excellent wizards, but it was a good thing none of them had any political asperations. As he had molded them. "I trust that a division has been deployed in the area, to deal with these Looter assassins?" Cara nodded. "Excellent."

After a moment of silence, Demetrius rose from his seat. "Well, if that is all, I'm off to my study. Archmage Boris, make sure the draft of the trade proposal gets sent to the Isles tomorrow." He made to leave, and the woman to his left sputtered for a moment.

"If that is all? Aren't we going to decide a course of action for that... that... thing?" Eliza asked, shakily pointing to the sky.

Demetrius paused for a second, then sat back down. "A course of action, Archmage Eliza? What do you propose? Tell the populace that something is happening in the far north that we do not know of, much less control?" He leaned back, stroking his goatee. "I suppose something must be said to the people. That the foul priests are behind it? Hmmm... perhaps too much of a stretch. It will just have to be something to the effect that it can cause no harm yet, and that our scholars are looking into it." He surveyed the council room again. "We'll have to decide what further to say based on the reaction of our adversaries."

Boris grumbled, half under his breath. "I still say we just wipe the lot out."

Demetrius cocked an eyebrow. "Unfortunately, my friend, that course of action is no longer possible without the military backing of the Hunters. With their downfall, the lack of a confirmed alliance with Avernum, and the rise of this new faction in the west, we will have to proceed with extreme caution. We cannot assume that this new Alliance will be favourable to us."

Cara looked up at this. "Why don't we consider the Avernum situation again. With the battles of Krizsan province dying down, I'm sure that a group of wizards could reach Fort Emergence without too much difficulty.

Demetrius smiled again. "If you will forgive me, I had already done so this morning."


The group of horsemen crossed the bridge at Bolton, and turned northwards. Thankfully, this new faction's control had not extended this far east. Occasionally, the red glow from the sky reflected off a silvered mirror in their packs. Scrying with a mirror was not as powerful as a scrying pool, or crystal, but it would do in the mountains around Fort Emergence.

I'd prefer not having a flood of Valorim posts right now. Let's leave the focus at White Peak and Ohvol right now.
Posts: 1509 | Registered: Tuesday, January 10 2006 08:00
Member # 4574
Profile #298
OOC: I think as my knocking on a door isn't doing anything I'll post an IC.

This is bad, this is extremly bad. Perken pulled out a pipe and puffed out a smoke ring. All of his flock was going post haste to Golddale. They were almost there. Perken breathed deeply and exhaled a ring of smoke.

The ford across the Sludge River was there. A small band of warriors looking scared out of their wits gaurded it. When the soldiers saw the large group sprinting and riding towards them they ran faster then Perken thought possible. Full speed forward and they were at the abondoned city of Golddale. Where the heck is everyone? No need, must get cover at the mines.

Inside the mines the Army of the Bright Star wasn't surprised to see the Golddale population there. People started asking questions on both sides. The Golddale people were highly demoralized. The main resource of the mines had turn to crystals during the creation of the Dominion.

Also many people had felt that the Dominion had pulled a "Skylark Vale". The people were ready for a full scale attack on the Redmark College. This made Perken nervous. Yet he was not a friend of the Dominion. He told his soldiers to train the rebels as best they could.

OOC: Just so you now Dintiradan, they're would be about thirty actual warriors in the assault. The rest would be a bunch of angry miners with Slith weapons.

[ Monday, April 17, 2006 12:45: Message edited by: Kingking ]

All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran!
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #299
I'm still not sure what actually HAPPENED there. ASE? They don't extend that far northeast yet. There, you'd be dealing with Hunters.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 6403
Profile #300
Hka'adh and I along with six vampires have teleported over the river and are now attempting to melt the cave wall to the south of the river to cover it up, my lord. Hka'adh's troops along with four vampires are building a dam on the north side.

When do you expect the completion of the dam?

A month and a half, maximum, my lord.

Excellent. Carry on, then.

Sir, you told me to mention if Hka'adh was being more belligerent than he is normally.


He has been making comments to me about how we don't need the troops, or even the vampires, that we, the five of us, should control the entirety of Avernum in weeks, with the portal.

Please be sure to mention to him that is was because of the support of the vampires that the portal was created. It was through the use of the troops that we had the peace to create it. Everything in my realm has it's place. Nothing in my realm will survive if someone decides to leave his post on some hairbrained scheme that will fall around his soulless corpse when he is destroyed.

Yes, my lord.


@GoldenKing: This is a rebellion. It doesn't happen in one post. It happens over time.

And *bump*

??? ??????
???? ?????
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
