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date in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #3
Well, if you're that eager, why don't you aid me in my prospected MMORPG.

It won't be too difficult to make, and it will be Avernum based.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Hold on there a second, fella. in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #5
Well, anyways, I do plan on pursuing this, under the condition that I will not be doing it on my own.

So, if anyone here would like in on the project, you can reach me...

MSN ::
ICQ :: 172690613
AIM :: emotekye

Well, I get the idea Spid doesn't want this topic to clutter up it's forums, so please contact me to discuss this further.

Please close this topic.

[ Thursday, January 16, 2003 22:23: Message edited by: Motekye ]

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Concerning Custom Graphics and Macs... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #27

I know, because that is the way PC Avernum works. There is a folder named DATA and within this folder, there are approximately, 1000 small images. Each of which is used for a particular monster.

However, Windows applications do not use seperate images for ALL of the cells. Avernum for Windows uses a combination of image mapping and multiple images for all it's Image handling.

Editing images for the PC should be as easy as moving them into the appropriate folder. I know, because I tried out a few of my custom tiles this way.

I didn't know Mac users had all the images stored inside the executable either.

Whoa, sometimes it seems like Mac users and PC users live in completely different dimensions.


PB: EEPLegolas...
I don't think the fellow house hold will like it if I reroute the cable upstairs too.

Router man, router.

I've got four systems and a router hooked up to one cable line. It's bliss.

[ Wednesday, January 15, 2003 21:52: Message edited by: Motekye ]

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Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
What happened to the GAME of BoA? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #34
Of course!

Why do you think Jeff went to all the trouble of making Avernum 1, 2 and 3.

They would serve as perfect examples for Newbies, plus they could download and play Scenerios made by other players too.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Idea - 'Cutscenes' in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #32
Hello everyone!

Why not, insted of going through the labourous proccess of building a movie in BoA, allow for an animated GIF to be used at the beggining of the game.

Sure the animated GIF could feature Avernum style movements, simulated in a graphics progam by the user!

But the GIF could have Anime or live action scenes, just like any animated GIF! Subtitles would be part of the image, and talented artists could show off their stuff!

Anyways, I'm not exactly sure why nobody has thought of my brilliant idea. Maybe I'm just quick.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Hold on there a second, fella. in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #0
PB: *i
First of all, there is an "Edit" feature. Triple posting is frowned upon on message boards, especially on ones where a company has to pay for its users to use.

Secondly, the bottom line is online Avernum will not happen. Spiderweb Software does not have the time nor the financial resources to do it. Sorry.
Hold on there a second, fella.

I think * is on to something. Conceivably, all the manager would need is a PHP capable server, and about 100 MB of available space.

Here's the idea, the interface could be re-done in Java, or just HTML even! all the data could be stored on the server in text files. PHP code could access the files and turn the stored data into javascript variables.

Those variables could, in turn, be interpereted into images, cascaded on CSS layers, or exile style images on a table if layers are not possible, GIF transparency could be used. Items, character stats and other variables would be stored as JavaScript.

buttons would replace the standard controls. I also have a brilliant idea as to how you could use the mouse to navigate.

A huge fully transparent GIF could cover the entire player area, then, an ImageMap could be used with the HTML imagemap tag! the cells of the imageMap could each have an onMouseOver funtion that changes the cursor to it's respective position. an OnClick function would move the character in the 8 directions.

a second table, beside the data table could hold item definitions. Each item paired with a properties index, an image index, and a description index in three text files respectively.


Maybe Spider Web doesn't have the time for that kind of a project, but if anyone has a PHP capable server, it may be something you would like to take on over a weekend or something.


Anyway, all I'm saying is, don't be so quick to throw out an idea, *i.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Concerning Custom Graphics and Macs... in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #23

Hmm, how will Windows computers work, also? They have a .bmp they insert in the folder, yet their are multiple pictures required. That'll be one big .bmp if it has all the pictures stuck into one file.

You are unlearned in the ways of the PC. Windows has no 'Data Fork / Resource Fork', and the image files ( 'BMP''s in this case ) can be manipulated in any conceivable way.

Windows applications have the ability to access multiple files at once, in fact, an almost unlimited number.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
What happened to the GAME of BoA? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #24
I'm surprised the lord above (JV) hasn't thought of this one.

Why not just release the game WITHOUT any added scenerios.

The game will be out in a fraction of the time, and the number of scenerios that will be completed in the time it would take to make the included ones would be ten-fold.

Or have a contest and release a second edition of BoA with the winning scenerios included.

You could call it, BoA Gold or something.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Message From Spiderweb - Brain Blocked in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #104
All of these problems would be solved if Jeff made Blades of Avernum a scripting workshop With a costom creation wizard ( For thise who can't script ) and a file compression utility.

This solution would allow the user to change anything he/she wanted about the game within their scripting ability.

Everything would be modular. If you wanted to change the combat system, you could insert a different combat.c or combat.boa or whatever into the game.

This solution would make many many Spidster / Scripters grin.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Monster ideas in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #4

There were living walls in BoE, but in BoA they'll be a little more difficult because of the way walls are located between tiles.
Why, not at all! In fact, I'm going to get working on that immediately.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
I will host BoA graphics in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #32
Whoa, Whoa, slow down there sir! Those, "Stolen Avernum Graphics" were the product of painstaking hours of playing with Palettes and filters to get the perfect mix.

I suggest you attempt to do the same thing as I did before you dismiss my work as stolen. I've seen many many tilesets out there, and the vast majority of such tilesets were indeed, stolen from various other games.

I've seen only a scant few wallsets or groundsets, ( I wont get into terrain sets, ) that have not been the product of copied Avernum work. I suggest that you see some of my wallsets hosted on Drakefyre's site, as well as my own, before you judge my work as stolen.

Perhaps you'll see, my wallsets, groundsets, terrain objects are of extremely high quality considering I've only been making BoA tiles for a week and two days.

If, however, you do not find my wall building guide of any use whatsoever, I suggest you write your own. Perhaps you should read it.

Wall Building Guide

P.S. I don't see anyone elso thinking of an idea as unique as red armour or a blue cape. ( And I doubt they could make it look that good. )

P.P.S. As for the "Unedited items from Avernum/Nethergate" would you kindly take a closer look, Only the blue armour and the green cape are not my own invention. The tileset on the left, features foods and many other items at 1/2 size that were not made so in the original game, I did so out of neccessity. Perhaps if you looked at some of my other work, you'd see how much effort goes into my tilesets.

[ Monday, November 18, 2002 01:06: Message edited by: Motekye ]

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Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Message From Spiderweb - Brain Blocked in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #100

Yes, it is easy.
More wandering monsters indoors that return after you leave, but only get experience for killing them the first time.

I'd like to see intelligent monsters that, instead of swarm, re-lock doors, set traps, and do other things that create a hinderance to the adventurers.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
BLOODTHIRSTY ME in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #26

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
BLOODTHIRSTY ME in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #25
PB: Alex
I prefer chess-style violence. Strategy and tactics are more interesting than gore...

I played an old dos game, perhaps you heard of it. It's called "Battle Chess", the capturing of peices was animated. Humorous too, when the pawn captured the knight, he would kick the knight in groin and impail him on a spear. I really liked the game.

Anyways, all that game had going for it was humor and perhaps a few chess fanatics. Avernum has so much more, it's insulting to the game to make it stoop that low.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
BLOODTHIRSTY ME in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #15

Originally posted by Motekye:
I beleive the poster of this topic is in the wrong place. You must be looking for the Diablo 2 / Quake / Testosterone driven Teenager Forum.


o goodie!and where do i find those?

I beleive It's called UseNet.

Besides, corpses are annoying and uneccessary aspects of the game. I've never liked them.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
I will host BoA graphics in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #30
Tahnk you for pointing out that site, THIS site will give you step by step instructions as to how to build good looking terrain walls.

Soon, I will get around to posting doorbuilding, floorbuilding, and manny other kinds of terrain effects.

Blades of Avernum Page.

Click on the link that reads: 'Guide' at the top of page.

[ Saturday, November 16, 2002 14:32: Message edited by: Motekye ]

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
BLOODTHIRSTY ME in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #5
I beleive the poster of this topic is in the wrong place. You must be looking for the Diablo 2 / Quake / Testosterone driven Teenager Forum.

Avernum is a game for those who have risen above the need for senseless violence. I, for one, prefer a captivating story peppered with intricate plot twists to any amount of violence.

-------- --------

Roses are red,
Violence is too,
Give me a shotgun,
I'll demonstrate for you.
- Written by Motekye.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Should it be made at all? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #44
I think I have a better, faster, but harder way to solve this.

I intend to make a BoA clone in C++. ( I will more than likely fail miserably. )

I will attempt to make this clone **Absolutely Modular** like the wonderful people at RedWolf Design have done with their hit Clonk series.

This will not by any means be easy, I have a long and trecherous road ahead of me.

Wish me luck.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Message From Spiderweb - Brain Blocked in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #71
PB: Drakefyre
But then you can't use the same party in more than one scenario, which is one of the selling points of BoA and BoE.

Simply create a standard for those who want the players parties used in their scenerios.
Or better yet, put the characters' scores for the varios circumstances could be used in the party files instead of the skill scores. The skills could be calculated by the scenerio.
Thus, one could use the same party for any scenerio.
But, really, jeff should give scenerio creators a choice on that matter.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
A problem with my profile in Tech Support
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #3
A have a different problem with my account.

Whenever I log in ( Even if I hit remember me button ) I'm always loged out when I return.

note that cookies are enabled on my browser.

I think you might want to check that out.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Message From Spiderweb - Brain Blocked in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #59
I think Jeff should do away with skills entirely.

Instead he should make an accessable list of "Circumstances" and allow the creator to build his/her own skills using one or more of these "Circumstances".

It would probably be easier to build and work much better than the currently proposed system.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
What graphics you want? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #17
Building vertically large monsters doesn't seem to look as hard as horizontally large monsters. You should probably keep that in mind.

As for me, I'm Building a three tile tall statue as well as some terrains.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Message From Spiderweb - Brain Blocked in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #51
If these such spells were in Potion / Scroll form only, designers would have a choice as to whiether they were used or not.

P.S. What about the combat simulator?

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
Message From Spiderweb - Brain Blocked in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #49
How about a spell that automatically targets all hostiles within a certain range and does divides a random amount of damage between them all.

Or a telelport spell, you could set a telepoint only where you stand and use teleport again to return there.

A spell that turns of clipping temporarily.
Or a curse that attracts wandering monsters.
A spell that creates a temporary magic barrier.
Or puts a lock on a door, rather than unlock it.

( A little off topic )

How about a block you can push around but walk on too. Use to to walk across a gap between ledges.
Or a spell that creates a bridge you can walk under and across.
A spell that disguises you as an enemy, friendlies attack you, enemies don't.

How about a battle simulator, play as/against any number of pre-existing or costom enemies with a variety of weapons at your disposal.
And maybe make the battle simulator multi-player. That would be fun.

Well, just some ideas.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
I will host BoA graphics in Blades of Avernum
Member # 1793
Profile Homepage #23
Hey, Almighty Do-er, when are you sending that stuff to post?

Theres nothing there yet but the URL for my BoA item graphics page is

Note that there is no link to this page from my site.

Leave me alone.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, August 25 2002 07:00
