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The 1 Dollar Question in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #17
Money enters your account, suspicionless. (yes, if you suddenly got $10,000,000 someone would notice, so, it gets new accounts for every X dollars, to keep people from saying that)

People die, instantly. Like you cut off their head, or shot them between the eyes, or clicked your fingers.

Its a question of greed vs guilt, little more.

Sidenote, and especially for anyone who picks a smaller number of people... who would you be choosing to kill. Whose life do you value at $1 or less?

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Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Is it still a crime if... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #6
The party without knowledge, has very little blame. They are doing what they believe is right, with no concept of the outcome. See above for the 3yo or criminally insane.

The party with knowledge, and intent, has conspired to kill. The sole consequence should be with them.

For the "killers" in your scenario, punishment enough, would be their education and eventual realisation of their actions.

Edit: get a smaller sig =/

[ Tuesday, September 06, 2005 16:22: Message edited by: kuc ]

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
The 1 Dollar Question in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #13
Don't over-complicate the scenario. If you need to, in order to justify your decision, then your decision probably isnt the right one.

You get money. People die. How much? That's about it...

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Is it still a crime if... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #3
Hence Rehab/Juvie, not Jail...

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Is it still a crime if... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #1
It is always still a crime, ignorance doesnt excuse the action.

However, the consequence varies. If someone had no concept of what "death" was, and they killed someone, they would probably be found to be criminally insane, and go into rehab.

Thats like saying, if a 3yo doesnt yet understand how shopping works, and he goes into a store, gets a mars bar, and walks out, is it still stealing? Yes, of course it is.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
The 1 Dollar Question in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #4
Originally written by Drakefyre:

This is a much better ethical question :D
Death and Destruction, combined with Wealth and Greed!

What could be better?

(A Wife, 2 kids, and a white pickett fence? You be the judge!)

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Good Avernum 3 party? in The Avernum Trilogy
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #7
Originally written by Increditable:

Kel's suggested party is my favorite party, pretty much. If you make a mage, you might as well make it a priest at the same time. What you do with the two beefy hack and slashers is your own business.

—Alorael, who usually makes a sword guy and a polearm guy, then arbitrarily assigns one to be the archer and Tool Use repository and the other to be the outdoorsy type and often the Arcane Lore repository.

Ditto, 100%.

What's better than 1 Mage starting with Haste, and 1 Priest starting with Blessings?
2 Mage/Priests starting with both :D

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
The 1 Dollar Question in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #0
The $1 question.

If you could get 1 dollar, but for every 1 dollar you got, 1 person would die... how many dollars would you take in the following situation?

a) Chosen people. You can pick anyone around the world, terrorists, rapists, the American Government, whatever takes your fancy.

b) Random people. From within your own country, random selection not by you.

NB: These people, would simply die. There would be no connection or affiliation to you, hell, even if you confessed, nobody would believe you.

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A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Avernum 4? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #206
Originally written by -^.^-:

I usually use the keyboard in Exile/Avernum and rarely use the mouse, but I like having the option. A combination of Exile/Avernum/GF movement would be interesting.
This is interesting. Maybe you could be able to click a point on the map/screen, and you move there... in a turn-based fashion. (instead of Exiles 1-click=1-hex movement, which, sans keyboard movement, could be painful oncemore)

Saves the aforementioned *clickclickclickclickclickclickclick* hate which could ensue oncemore.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Questions aplenty in The Avernum Trilogy
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #2
"avernum master"

the irony.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Weird Vahnatai in The Avernum Trilogy
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #43
Originally written by Arancaytar:

Originally written by Glitch, technical:

Tolkien and his closest imitators are the ones who capitalize Men, Elves, and Dwarves. Some others capitalize Elves and Dwarves but not men, which is strange, and more just leave them all lower case.

—Alorael, who also enjoys pointing out that elvish and dwarfish are words. Elven and dwarven are not standard English.

For consistency, it should be elfish and dwarfish, or elvish and dwarvish. :P

You are forgetting the key point though: it is based on the English language :)

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
You say, "hello"
The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Is it because i'm old in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #38
Does everything have to be turned into a holier-than-thou, more-intelligent-than-thou, more-respectful-than-thou intellectually insinuating debate? (read: childish bickering with big words).

Get over yourselves, or each other, and try to at least focus on the topic, that of the welcoming/acceptance of Fenwik, and aid for whatever grief he brings with him. If you have a point to prove to each other, don't do it in a public place. You won't earn any brownie points with the community, for bickering over something so trivial as who disrespected who with what words, when it is entirely irrelevant to what is really going on. Obviously IQ's dont require common sence and decency.

That being said, I am sorry for your loss, and hope that you can find something to cling to and raise your spirits.

(nb: feel free to criticise my opinion, since, often there isnt much else offered. if it makes you feel better/smarter/bigger, go for it.)

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Who are you? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #24
Booyah for all the Aussies posting.

I'm Matt, but generally known as kuc (which, you would probably say as kuck, but its really cook.)

I'm 19, and live by myself in Adelaide, South Aus working in Financial Services. But at this point in time, i am in Melbourne, Victoria spending the weekend with my folks. Went into the casino earlier tonight, good stuff. I like a lot of beer, play state-rep level badminton, and am outwardly a stereotypical aussie niceguy/bloke sans bogan. inwar inclinations not disclosed. but i love the new opeth album? capitalisation is not something i am fond of, either.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
1000 Posts! At last! :D in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #34
Prude maybe? whowhat?

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Weird Vahnatai in The Avernum Trilogy
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #38
Mmmmm, 3 totally horrible drinks mixed into one ultimately horriby drink.

shame on you for mentioning it =/

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Gathering weird statistics of Spidweb board members in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #25
Beware of the Can.

Aside from that, I've always been an 8 finger + 2 thumb person, none of this 10 finger herecy.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
You say, "hello"
The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Do you live in America? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #17
Originally written by Spring:

[QB]Well, I live in Australia, and some may call that a state of USA, but...

I too, live in Australia, currently Adelaide (soon to be Melbourne), and if anyone calls Australia the aforementioned, I shall personally castrate them, with nothing more than a knitting needle.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
You say, "hello"
The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Favourite Compliment in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #1
Something simple. Unexpected and simple, always wins out.

Like my smile? Maybe my shoes? Maybe that tie looks really good.

Or, of course, "I've seen you on this bus for the last month, and every morning I wished you would talk to me. I've been fantasising about you every day. I just had to talk to you"

Males need not apply.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
You say, "hello"
The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Avernum 4? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #171
Like in E3 from memory, where you could hold the mouse down, and you would move (rather quickly) in whichever direction the mouse faced?

Good, but compared to using the keyboard, bad.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Avernum 4? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #168
I agree with Kel.

It's amazing you even considered removing keyboard/numpad movement. I mean ffs, it works on hexes, in a 3x3 alignment, if that doesnt scream "numpad" what does?

Please, for the love of god, keyboard movement

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
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The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Finals Fever in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #37
The AFL stands on its head.
The MCC holds the AFL by its groin.

Now, put that into a contract.

The AFL cant end its contract with the MCC. It couldn't afford to buy it out, nor the litigation involved. And at any rate, the MCG is still the premier AFL venue. The AFL needs the MCG, and the MCC holds the AFL's groin tightly for whatever it wants.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
You say, "hello"
The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Hypothetical Time in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #9
Obviously, various parts are up for deliberation. I wouldn't've taken its standpoint in context, if I didn't think it was the right one.

It was simply a convenient form of expression. I certainly believe them to be the ethical outcomes.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
You say, "hello"
The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Weird Vahnatai in The Avernum Trilogy
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #23
I want to bud a Gold Vahnati, to beat the Black Vahnati.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
You say, "hello"
The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Finals Fever in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #35
Its not even about that Spring, the AFL and MCC have huge contracts governing which games, and how many games, are played at the MCG each season.

There had to be massive contractual negotiations, just to have BOTH qualifying finals outside of the MCG (ie, West Coast and Adelaide, finishing 2 and 1). This was basically, at the agreement to hold more seasonal blockbusters at the MCC.

Whether or not Melbourne is the "home" of football, is ultimately irrelevant. The MCC has a contractual stranglehold on the AFL, always has.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
You say, "hello"
The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
Hypothetical Time in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 1546
Profile Homepage #7
Originally written by Gastric Freezing:

Bringing a legal argument to an ethical debate is like bringing a gun to a boxing match. :P

Disagree. For one, the law is supposed to uphold human rights, moral decency, and all that bs. You know, the "justice" line.

Either way, following or upholding the law, is if nothing else, a strong but conservative ethical standpoint to hold.

IMO, anyway.

A Sucaran Child is standing here.
You say, "hello"
The small child looks at Preserver Aldous wide-eyed and awed.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Friday, July 19 2002 07:00
