Zombie Attack RP 2

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AuthorTopic: Zombie Attack RP 2
Member # 2242
Profile #0
OOC: Got bored so I decided to start up a new zombie attack RP. The rules:

1) No killing off other people's characters.
2) No drastically altering the plot. (FB, I'm talking to you)
3) No spamming.

This time the fight takes place in a small town on the surface, in the Empire. Local zombies have begun to attack a small town.

The rp ends when:
A) Everyone is dead or withdrawn from the scenario.
B) The undead threat is destroyed.
C) Both

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00
Member # 2339
Profile #1
OOC: I'll join out of pure boredom. And...I guess instead of a samurai, I'll use an odd beast that's kinda like a drake-man! He looks a lot like Mancire, but he almost never talks, he has no wings(But he can form "wings" out of "cryofire"), he's much more muscular, and on his wrists, back, mouth(Inside), and his waist are glands that make "cryofire(Blue fire that radiates cold instead of heat.)". He has sharp teeth(And sharp claws.), and cold damage is NOT effective vs. him, but fire magic is his weakness, and he's not frail, and he's a warrior. I'll just say he was created by some empire mages to make a better warrior. I'll call him "Cryobeast". I'll put him in a bit later.

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 27
Profile #2
OOC: I'll join because I have already died in another RP.
Oh and could we get a name for the town?

*A guard enters the local inn, looking rather desperate. Bashing his spear butt on the floor, for attention he calls out.*

Guard: "Listen up! This town is currently being attacked by some zombies. There aren't many right now, but we fear there could be more coming. We need all men of any sort of physical training to report to the commander. He is waiting outside. You will be paid."

OOC: Since nobody has started the RP I decided to. This will give you a good opening to join.

*A young woman gets out of her seat and heads toward the door.*

Name: Fayla Rebbs
Age: 20
Height: 5'6
Weight: 105lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Long and light brown.

Class, Description, Story: Fayla Rebbs was born in a kingdom, beyond the reaches of the empire. The kingdom was a war based society, but included religious beliefs and a code of honor. All children were trained to be elite warriors at a very young age of 8 till the age of 30, when they are put in the army. This kingdom was harsh, and their punishments were cruel. No mercy was given to those who were captured.
At the age of 18 Fayla's friend was killed in a fight. The guards had not stopped it, they had just stood their laughing. Fayla, who had grown to know and live by the code, had just seen it broken. The man who killed Fayla's friend had not been punished, the guards had not been punished. Heart broken and devistated by the loss of her friend and her way of life, she ran away, vowing never to return.
She now uses her skills, to help all those who need it, and to make a little gold on the side.

Class: Elite Warrior trainee.
Equipment: Shortsword, Round Shield, Plated Leather Armor, Tiara, Sandles, Gauntlets. (She is trained with all weapons, but she is best with the sword.)

OOC: Okay now lets begin.

I be rockin' da paradise baby.
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 517
Profile #3
Aran looked up eagerly at the guard's statement. Awaking after centuries in communication with the elemental plane, he had found the world hard to understand. More had changed than he'd bargained for. The elements were no longer accorded their proper reverence, and his knowledge of the earth was of no interest to the energy mages of the day. In battle, however, he should have no trouble-slow as he was, zombies would be still slower. And his great malachite falchions would surely crush the undead in his path...

Rising slowly from his seat, the great warrior moved towards the door. His browny-grey armour, unimpressive and brittle looking, flowed as he walked like lava, the point of contact between his neck and the armour hardly discernible. The innkeeper looked faintly relieved to see him go-his strange, archaic speech and mannerisms were quite unnerving.

As Aran made his way towards the man who was obviously the guard captain, he found himself subconsciously glacing towards the hill where he had spent his centuries of learning. It was nothing but a grassy mound now, no sign remaining of the awesome and intricate temple building that had been erected to mark his achievement. Maybe, once these zombies were destroyed, he could recreate the temple. Starting a school of elementalism would surely be the most profitable thing in this degenerate era.

'My lord captain. At the bidding of yonder guard, I am come to lay my blade to your aid.'

'The zombies are that way, man. You'll be paid later.'

Raising one eyebrow at the man's tone, Aran turns and heads in the direction he pointed.

OOC: Think of him as a half-earth-elemental, or suchlike. I'll go into his abilities etc as I go along. And I'm sure that malachite falchions couldn't possibly be made to work, but I thought it sounded cool, so I put it in...


Let them eat cake!

Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially.
Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00
Member # 2242
Profile #4
OOC: Alright then, I'll make a character now.

The hooded cleric entered the inn. Learning of the undead, he came to the town of Ika to fight the evil. "Bartender, I'll take a room." He paid the gold. His name was Lavius the Steadfast.

Name: Lavius the Steadfast
Age: Mid 20s
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown

Class: Cleric
History: Born into a religious family, Lavius grew up as a cleric in training. He eventually got on his own feet and began to adventure, taking a vow to crush the undead. He belongs to the Argus Sect of the St. Qucbert Church in Northern Exile (he was born on the surface, but is frequently in Exile to fight the undead). He became somewhat famous and continues the fight against the undead.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00
Member # 2339
Profile #5
OOC: To top Cryobeast off, the cryofire's coldness spreads fast whe on maximum...
Just have a character(A mage, preferably an ice mage, or a high priest.) summon Cryobeast.

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 27
Profile #6
Guard: "Again, we need all kinds of warriors! Please drop what you are doing and report to the commander at once."

*Fayla leaves and spots the Commander, the only soldier there with decent equipment.*

Fayla: "Fayla Rebbs, at your service. Just tell me where you want me and I'm there."

Commander: "Quick the zombies are off that way. We can hold them for awhile but we need more swords on our side."

Fayla: "At once."

*She heads off in the direction of the zombies.*

Edit: Had to change something

[ Tuesday, October 07, 2003 14:58: Message edited by: Enraged Slith ]

I be rockin' da paradise baby.
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #7
The question on everyone's lips is: will this zombie attack RP, nay, can this zombie attack RP live up to the high standards set by its illustrious predecessor?
Stay tuned!

[ Tuesday, October 07, 2003 15:05: Message edited by: Ultimate Weapon Custer ]

In a word, gay.
--Bob the Impaler

Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 2242
Profile #8
Hearing the chaos in the streets, Lavius the Steadfast grabbed his flail and shield and ran in the direction of the battle forming on the edge of the town. Noticing the battle had begin, several warriors, guards and mages battling a group of mixed zombies and skeletons. Lavius let out a war cry and charged at the undead, causing fear amoung them and a few in the back turn to run (He's a cleric), and then began to hack through the undead.

OOC: Someone play my character for me tommorow. I won't be on I'm busy tommorow.

"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes back into you."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, November 14 2002 08:00
Member # 2339
Profile #9
OOC: OOH!! I've got 2 great new abilities for Cryobeast! To top him off once more, he will get the abilities "Call of the Spirits", which summons some spirits to help Cryobeast, and "Cry of the Spirits", which weakens undead. Now he's pretty much just like I want him to be. But he has a big fire weakness. He can't stand it, and he's kinda slow, except when "flying" with his "wings".

I'm waiting for him to be summoned by an ice mage(Or at lest a mage that knows ice magic.), a high priest, or for someone to blow into a horn.

[ Tuesday, October 07, 2003 16:49: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, the Wielder of Ice ]

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 3320
Profile #10
OOC: If everyone else doesn't mind, I will join in as my previous character, Celisto. I won't bumble this RP up like I did the previous. I am a little sore that someone beat me to it setting up the sequel to the previous one, but it's my fault for not starting it sooner. There isn't much of a plot here yet, so I won't change it at all. I'll just add a twist.

IC: Celisto stands by window in the inn overlooking the street in front of it. She can see soldiers marching towards one end of town and thought she had heard the sound of someone shouting for adventurers and warriors a minute or two ago. She knew she had sensed an undead presence since she first entered town a month ago. It had be more than a year since she had left the little town in the caves, for the warmer climate of the surface.

[FLASHBACK] She realizes that the battle isn't over yet when she had examines the dead body of the Overlord a.k.a. Delgotto. It is hacked to pieces, but she manages to find the head and remove the helmet. She is horrified to see that it isn't the overlord at all, but his 1st General in charge. She sees that this area is now safe from the Delgotto's reach, since his army was almost completely exhausted in the attacks. But she realizes the battle between them is not over. After that day, she abruptly leaves the town, and never looks back.

[PRESENT] She knows that one day Delgotto will track her down again, but she believes that what is happening now, here on the surface, can't be connected to him. At least she hopes it isn't. She decides that she must do something to help. Even if this has nothing to do with Delgotto, she knows that an undead fight can easily get out of hand.

She stoops by her bed at a chest she brought with her. She opens it and looks inside. She sees Delgotto's spell book, the Liberate sword, the Quicksilver sword, her own small collection of weapons, and several magical items of her own that she brought with her or purchased along the way. She knows she will need some of these later, but decides to keep them locked up in this trunk until se needs them for sure. She won't risk the chance of someone finding and stealing her stuff.

She gets up, walks over to her wardrobe, and opens it. Inside are the magical cloaks she wore that day in the underground town. She takes off her commoner clothes and slips on the robes. She feels a tingling sensation over her whole body and smiles. She thinks to herself, "It feels good to wear these robes again.”

Then she walks over to the chest once again and pulls out an amulet she received in return for helping to destroy the first zombie attack. She is already wearing a power amulet, but decides to put this one on. The townspeople were unable to tell what its functions were, since the mayor was killed in the attack. But she knew what it did. It was the amulet of Crystallysis. It could be used to turn to yielder invisible. But, it had a result of draining the user considerably per use. But it could be used for an unlimited amount of time, as long as the yielder was clutching it.

She puts it on and then pulls out the Liberate sword. She then pulls out a sword sheath that she had bought recently, puts it on, and inserts the sword to it. It allows the sword to hang off of her back like Xena. She then pulls out a Magery ring, puts it on her finger, and shuts the chest. She pulls out a gold key and locks the chest. Then she slips it in her pocket and heads out the door, locking it behind her, and placing a very strong ward spell on it. She proceeds down the steps and through the inn to the entrance so she can join the others heading towards the undead invasion.

OOC: Sorry if that was so long, but I needed to reintroduce my character. If there is anyone here in this RP who hasn't read about my character yet, her description can be found on page 7 of the original Zombie Attack RP on page three of the General Board. I have no intentions of bringing the Overlord into this. That is up to the creator. As far as I am concerned, my character is just going out to help fight the undead invasion.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Member # 65
Profile Homepage #11
I really liked the zombie RP but could not join for it was to late for new characters.


Name: Nys Tajare

Hair: Green (accidental dye job,don't ask)

Eyes: Almond shaped and grey

Class: Nature Mage- a mage that can control the elements.

Background: Nys went to a magery school on the surface to become a mage but got into trouble alot because of the strange things (like hailstorms and the like) that happened around her when she got emotional. It had got to a point were she was about to be kicked out of the school. The teachers then discovered that she possessed powers to control nature-a rare kind of magic. They then kept her isolated from the other students until she gained control over her power. After leaving the school she joined an adventuring band where she gained experiance before going solo.

Equipment:Blue robes and a Ash Staff with mithral runes lacing it. It helps channel her magic when using it for powerful spells.

IC: Nys Tajare enter the town of Kade (I didn't no if the town had a name yet.) apparently the had a zombie infestation. She heard the guard's proclemation and walked up to the guard.
"Sir," she said to get his attention "You said are in need of fighters, I can only use a staff but surely someone with skills in magic could not go amiss?"
The guard looked her over, his eyes straying to her hair. Nys sighed with annoyance in her head, everyone did that!
"We need any help we can get," he said eventually
"Is the infestation that bad?"
"There isn't that many zombies now but I have this feeling..." the man trailed off,staring into the distance "Anyway, go and book a room in the inn and be ready for attacks,"

--The inn--
Nys walked into the inn and asked for a room. "That will be 15 gold please," the innkeeper asked. She paid the man and he gave her a key. "Your room is upstairs and third on the left"
Nys walked up the stairs and unlocked the room. It was decorated sparsely but was comfortable and acceptable for her needs. She put down her affects and looked outside it was nice town she thought. Nys sat down on her bed and began to meditate, in prepareness of the attacks that would surely come.

OOC:Just setting the scene. I have never played a mage before so it will be interesting.

IC: A couple of hours had passed when the alarm bells sounded. THe undead were attacking. With a sigh Nys grabbed her staff and ran down the stairs and out into the toen square. Staying away from the main fighting she centered herself. Raising a arm she envisioned a group of the zombies being surrounded by fire. A surge of power that was very familar to her pulsed through her arm. To the casual observer it seemed as if air had caught alight around a group of zombies making the spontanusly combust.

[ Tuesday, October 07, 2003 23:50: Message edited by: Milla ]

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Want to find out how nasty you really are? visit:www.thespark.com now!

Also look at my site here
This is also a
good site
Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #12
OOC: Ok, here is my character for the Zombie Attack RP.

Name: Lynn Lythiel
Age: 32
Weapons?: Pole Weapons, Spear.
Desc: Someone in full armor with the elegance of a lady. She had eyes that are deep blue, and a dirty blond hair color.
History: Lynn was always the outcast of her town. After seeing an adventurer take out a whole invasion of monsters for her town, she instantly wanted to be just like that. She trained rigorously, with only a stick, while being pestered with insults from the town. At age 20, She managed to join the army, despite warnings from the soldiers of how dangerous it is for a "girl" to be in. She rose in rank very quickly, until at age 28, she was given command of her own infantry unit. She decided to call it the Crimson Guard.
More about the Crimson Guard: The Crimson Guard is a hand-picked group of elite infantry made by Lynn Lythiel. They bear a red sigil of a girl on their armor, and wear red pendants for identification. There are 20 members, including Lynn. Five of the Crimson Guard use spears, including Lynn. Another Five use swords. Three of them are phalanx to hold the line, while two more are mages. The last five are archers. Usually, The Crimson Guard would have about 250 regular soldiers behind them.

On a side note, anyone that wants to be one of the 20 can. I would like personality for them all sooner or later.

[ Thursday, October 09, 2003 01:02: Message edited by: Tommy ]

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
-Random Quote
Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Member # 3310
Profile #13
OOC: My first RPG... I'll try to stay in the background until I see how it's done.

IC: Eirik observed how the people in the tavern started to shout and run out. He didn't know what it all was about, but he had heard of the zombie threat when he first had arrived in the little town. He fingered his ash longbow. Perhaps there was need for him outside, but, he really wanted to down his mug of ale first. And what more, he wasn't going to fight unless there was a significant reward for doing it. Eirik Felsman, who had arrived to the town just some days ago, was a mercenary by trade.

OOC: Eirik Felsman
Mercenary / Archer
Age: 41
Hair: Short grey
Eyecolour: blue

IC: Eirik looked around. The inn was almost empty now. Outside he could hear the distant screams and the sounds of an onraging battle. He decided it was time to get going. After all, there could be some desperate merchant in need of his services. With the battle and all, the thieves were probably roaming the streets in this very moment. With a last wistful glance at his ale, Eirik stood up and walked to the door, drawing his longbow in the process.

[ Wednesday, October 08, 2003 20:24: Message edited by: Seaweed ]
Posts: 756 | Registered: Monday, August 4 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #14
The call to arms did not go unheeded.

If any of the town's defenders spared a moment to look up from the grim work of hacking apart the undead, they might have seen a horseman pause upon the crest of a low hill. The hill was not much, little more than a slight elevation of soil, and the figure used it to advantage as well as he could. His pose was held for a minute or so before he made his slow way to the battle.

The horseman cut a flamboyant figure, silhouetted against the sky. As he rode closer, it could be seen that the horse was in fact a hillbred pony: short, shaggy, muscular; and the man astride it was dressed in the myriad of bright colours that was common for a Wanderer. His age was uncertain; an older man, but not unduly so, and not a speck of grey in the black curls. He had a youthful face, full of merry and mischief, and a ridiculous feathered hat set at an angle. There was no obvious weapon but the rapier that hung at his side, though it seemed too light and decorated to be of use, and his saddlebags bulged with strange shapes.

"Hello, there!" the Wanderer cried, stopping not ten paces from where a soldier battled against two shambling zombies. He dismounted and patted the pony's nose affectionately. "Proud I am to see at last your wondrous town, famed far and wide for it's, uh-" he paused, temporarily at a loss for words, "-for the excitement it offers. And you will not benefit so little from my visit, for I too have some reknown. I am called Galen Firemaster, and I greet you, friend."

The soldier grunted, sparing Galen a disdainful glance. "Firemaster? You a mage, then, Wanderer?"

"A mage?" Galen bore an indignant expression. "Indeed not! A Juggler I am, and no mean one, if I do say so myself. There is no trick I do not know."

The soldier merely grunted again, cursing under his breath as one of the zombies got beneath his guard and delivered a heavy blow to his shoulder. "Get to the town, then, if you can be of no use here. We've no time to waste protecting sightseers."

Unfazed, the Wanderer's fluid expression became one of mild affront. "Oh, I hope I'm not so great a burden as all that."

He stepped forward lithely, drawing his rapier with a speed that spoke of long experience. With a few short slashes to their backs, the zombies howled in pain and stumbled back. The sound was awful, a wet gurgling thing that was cut off as Galen danced his rapier around one, and the soldier finished the other off. The soldier decided that the rapier must have some blessing on it to have so immediate an effect.

"There, now," Galen said with satisfaction, surveying the limp remains of the two zombies. "Not too bad, I think."

The soldier nodded grudgingly. "Aye, if you can wield that toy of yours, we need all the help we can get." He offered Galen a quick salute with the sullied edge of his blade. "Thankyou, Wanderer." The soldier turned away to repel the next group of zombies.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #15
OOC: Time for another appearance. I didn't get to fight much in the last one.

IC: Celisto makes her way to the battle and as she passes an alley, she catches some movement out of the corner of her eye. She turns to see a group of undead chasing two soldiers down the alley away from her. The soldiers are obviously outnumbered and she can see that their blades and armor are heavily damaged. If she doesn't do something to help them, the undead will most certainly kill the soldiers. She proceeds to run down the alley after them.

When she reaches the other end, she sees a sight that chills her to the bone. The soldiers have run into an ambush. As far as she can see along the street from one end to the other are undead. It hits her that this isn't a normal undead infestation. "There has to be a necromancer behind this," she thinks to herself. She realizes she has to do something quickly to help the soldiers, so she prepares several death arrow spells.

The undead have now completely surrounded the soldiers and as the soldiers attempt to fight back, they move in for the kill. Celisto brings her hands up over her head and then begins moving them in a slight circular manner while above her head. Blue light and sparks start emanating from them as she beings chanting and raving. Suddenly the bright white light flashes from her hands and then she brings them back down. Her manner becomes manic and twitchy as she starts aiming at various undead. Then she pulls back her arms one at a time as if preparing to throw something.

The undead start taking notice of her and some begin moving towards her. Just then she lets her spells rip with lightning quick movements and one by one, blue balls of flashing lightning and bright white light are thrown from her hands. As the death arrow spells hit their targets, the undead go flying apart in every which direction. She first picks off the undead moving towards her, and then she concentrates on the undead, which are immediate threats to the soldiers.

She yells at the soldiers, "Get the hell out of Dodge now!!!! In other words, RUN while you still can!!! I'll hold them back from here until you bring help!!" The soldiers are stunned by her sudden appearance and power, but soon recover from their amazement and begin running like the blazes back through the alley. Celisto continues sending out death arrow spells at any zombie within 15 feet of her. When all of the zombies are at least 20 feet away from her, she decides its time to get out of range before she is exhausted.

She ceases throwing death arrows and begins ranting and raving words like that of the most ancient of cultures. Suddenly she juts her hands out palm-down beside her and begins to lift off of the ground. She continues rising until she is at the same level as the building roofs. She sees the zombies below her clawing at the air in desperation as they try to reach her. She gives a slight laugh and then lands on a roof. As she looks out at all the zombies in the street from one end to other, she sees something in the distance.

Her eyes grow wide as she makes out what it is. It's a necromancer. She can't make out any details, but she feels she must warn the townspeople before its too late. Just then, she catches movement at the other end of the street. "ANOTHER ONE!!!", she thinks in surprise. She fears the situation is worse than she first imagined. She runs across the roofs in the direction of the inn, hoping that the Commander of the army is still there.

OOC: There, now we have some necromancers. I hope I didn't bring some in too soon.

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Member # 27
Profile #16
OOC: I didn't join the first Zombie RP, nor did I read it. Is this just going to be a zombie slaughter, where they are attacking for no reason, or is there actually going to be a story? I'm just going to leave if we dont have story.

I be rockin' da paradise baby.
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 517
Profile #17
Aran heard the sounds of fighting, and ran around the corner (OOC: no, Aran running is not especially fast...) to see two guards being pressed against a wall by a multitude of zombies. Drawing his falchions from their sheathes inside his armour, he stepped forward. One zombie turned to react to Aran, but a glowing falchion swung down, splitting it from top to toe with apparent ease. The two halves split in half, starting to wriggle in the uncanny way undead will, before turning to stone and then crumbling to dust. Another two zombies, parted at the midsection, met the same fate, and as two more turned to face Aran, the guards jumped on the last, killing it almost as quickly as Aran dispatched his foes.

'Those're some fine blades you have there, sir.'


The guard blinks, as surprised by the archaism as he is by the brevity of Aran's reply.

'Uh...where'd you find them?'

'Find? These were no find, but forged from the rock of the elements. Know you not the sign of the craft of the deeps? Ah, I see you do not. Alas, so much forgotten...'

The guard, deeply confused by this musing, turns to more practical matters:

'Another zombie!'

OOC: Zephyr, I'll try to introduce your character next time I post, if you're sure you want him summoned...since he appears to be pretty much an elemental and Aran is an elementalist, I should be able to logically justify it...


EDIT: Slith, the plot develops as we go along, although I suspect MSW will hijack it, especially as he is once again playing a mage who he specifically stated to be more powerful than the average character the last time he played her (hint, hint...). And MSW, how does Celisto recognise the difference between a necromancer and normal person who happens to be wearing a black cloak, especially at a distance? I'm not saying she shouldn't, I'm saying think of a reason...


[ Wednesday, October 08, 2003 11:59: Message edited by: Omlette ]

Let them eat cake!

Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially.
Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00
Member # 2339
Profile #18
OOC: Well, Omlette, be sure to use a summoning spell that has soemthing to do with ice, since Cryobeast controls the element of ice(Categorized as water.). And I'd like to put in the portal and that kind of stuff, ok?

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 27
Profile #19
OOC: Thank you, I just didn't want to run around and kill multiple Zombies for the entire RP.

*Fayla and four other guards are holding back group of Zombies from a main pathway.*

Guard: "Hold them back! If we let them through, these houses and buildings will be overrun with their filth. We can't let them gain this pathway."

*Fayla smote a charging Zombie a hefty blow with her shield*

Fayla: "They keep coming, there seems to be no end to them!"

*The Zombies were weak, and the swords cut through them like butter. But every time one was slain, two seemed to take its place.*

*One of the Guards stabbed a Zombie clean through with his spear. The Zombie melted taking the spear with it.*

Guard: "What the hell?" *Using his shield he beat the remaining Zombies surrounding him down. He then unshethed his secondary sword and began cutting more down.*

*The Zombies started to thin, when a man in a dark blue and black robe stepped onto the path.*

Fayla: "Quick help us!"

*The man grinned, and revealed a wand he had been hiding. Then he began waving it around chanting something foul.*

*There was a flash of light, and every slain Zombie rose from the ground. He then vanished from sight*

*One guard was immediatly engulfed by a group of the creatures, and instantly slain.*

*Fayla and the remaining guards quickly retreated down the path.*

Fayla: "Quick stand together, or we wont survive long!"

*Standing in a circle formation, Fayla and the guards waited for the onslaught.*

I be rockin' da paradise baby.
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #20
OOC: THAT IS IT!!!! Omlette!! I have had enough of your constant meddling. I therefore have no choice but to remove my character from this RP, if you are going to sit there and accuse me of potentially stealing the plot. Are you going to yell at me in the Holding the Tavern Front RP as well? I guess I have to figure out how to get my character out of town now. Or at least out of the way of the other characters so that I won't "hijack" the plot as you put it.

IC: Celisto realizes that staying in this town could be deadly for her, so she rushes back to the area where the inn is. She chants and raves for a few seconds and leaps off the roof. She carefully floats down to the ground and makes her way into the inn. Not surprisingly at all, the commander isn't there anymore.

So, she heads up to her room and removes the ward on her door with a spell. She unlocks the door and rushes into the room. She shuts the door behind her and locks it once more. Looking around at the safeness of her room, she decides that maybe staying in here will be safer.

She backs up a few feet from the door, and then chants for a few seconds. A yellow light shoots from her hands and strikes the door. The light begins turning purple and a magical barrier appears in front of the door. "There is no possible way that anyone can get in to her room now," she thinks to herself. She is safe for a while. She figures it will be too risky to try to leave town. She had better stay walled up in her room until the fight is over or she is needed.

She walks up to the window and looks out. She sees people running back and forth in the street screaming. Then she sees undead beginning to walk along the street and soldiers trying to fight them off. She goes over to her bed and sits down trying to clear her mind of the horror terrorizing the streets of the town. She lies down or her bed and with an uneasy feeling in her mind, tries to go to sleep.

OOC: You brought it on Omlette. Now I refuse to bring my character back into the RP anytime soon. If you think my intention is to take over this RP, then I have no reason to stay in this RP and listen to your pithy remarks.


Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!!" - Sherlock Holmes
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #21
Dog Bites Self
Continued on DOG, 1B

In a word, gay.
--Bob the Impaler

Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 3310
Profile #22
OOC: Ehh...you guys are taking this quite seriously. Calm down, it's just a game.

IC: The moment Eirik stepped out of the tavern door he noticed two things. Firstly, the center of the battle seemed to be situated somewhere to the east, probably near the town gates. Secondly, the situation was much worse than he had thought. It seemed the zombies had either broken down the town walls or found another way in. Zombies were already walking down the streets in search for prey.

Eirik stood there stunned for a moment watching the growing chaos. This was certainly not what he had expected. A few years ago he had fought a zombie infestation in SE Valorim, but this was much, much worse. He knew that most zombies were slow and stupid, but he also knew that they virtually didn't feel pain and posessed a kind of nasty intelligence, especially if controlled by some kind of master. The town was going to be burned to the very ground if wonders weren't about to happen. Eirik had been a mercenary for many years but this was a bit too much. It was time for Eirik Felsman to leave the sceen.

Eirik grasped his bow and started walking towards the west end of the city, away from the chaos. He nervously glanced at his sides. Alone he was an easy prey. He had got to find some comrades-in-arms if he was going to survive. After all, not everyone in this town could be as foolish as to gleefully run towards their own death. There had to be more people like him, people who prefered a less honourable but certainly more wise solution.

Eirik continued down the street. Occasionally he shouted, but nobody answered him. At least yet.
Posts: 756 | Registered: Monday, August 4 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #23
OOC: My first post contains the bio info. Go look.

Lynn traveled a distance from the rest of her group, thinking quietly. They had just gotten an assignment to reinforce a town that was said to have zombies. Unfortunately, the whole troop did not want to go, so she took what she could, and her Crimson Guard had only about 50 soldiers coming this time. They had already a couple of skirmished with some zombies: They knew the situation would be a little serious.
Lynn and her group entered at the west of town, hearing shouts and cries of battle. She immidietly ordered the soldiers to head to the front, and told the three phalanx to go with the soldiers. They all went, leave Lynn and her other 16 members of the Crimson Guard. She saw a figure walking in the distance, nervous as ever. She hailed the nervous figure who jumped at the sound.

"HEY, YOU!! COME HERE!!!" She shouted. Eirik walked up slowly to her.

OOC: Go ahead, Seaweed, make the conversation. By the way, MSW, don't feel bad. Come back out of your house and continue to help out against the forces of evil.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
-Random Quote
Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Member # 3310
Profile #24
Eirik walked up to the figure who had called upon him and eyed her carefully. It was a girl, wearing full plate. She also had a red pendant dangling from her neck. While Eirik was sizing her up, the girl spoke to him again.

"Hail and well met, soldier! Who are you and were are you going? Isn't the battle over at the east end of the town?"

Eirik glanced at the spear by the girls side and hesitated. It was obvious that this girl had recieved military training, and there was no doubt she was a better fighter than himself. Also, the soldiers standing behind her didn't look that happy either.

"I am Eirik Felsman of the town garrison. During the chaos I got lost while chasing some zombies down the street. And who might you be?"

The girl looked at him suspiciously. Eirik looked down and understood that he wasn't wearing the standard city uniform that all the guards were wearing. The girl seemed to be about to say something but apparently changed her mind.

"I'm Lynn Lythiel, commander of the Crimson Guard. We have come to free this town from the zombie threat. I would suggest you follow us, if you truly are lost, soldier."

Eirik swallowed. "It will be an honour, milady."

[ Thursday, October 09, 2003 04:38: Message edited by: Seaweed ]
Posts: 756 | Registered: Monday, August 4 2003 07:00
