Profile for Nick Ringer
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Displayed name | Nick Ringer |
Member number | 6754 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 284 |
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Registered | Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
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Best Spiderweb game in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Monday, April 3 2006 22:37
Despite the fact that this has probably been done, I want to know what to try next (I've exhausted the Geneforge series). [EDIT] I'm only including the Avernum and Geneforge titles. The other games seem arcane by computer standards. [ Monday, April 03, 2006 22:38: Message edited by: Nick Ringer ] Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 41 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=mbnKVWxhPNmw"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=mbnKVWxhPNmw"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Shaping-Improving Vestments in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Monday, April 3 2006 22:29
This is something I'd like to see change. It's a little too easy to "cheat" and use certain items to beef up a creation, then equip something that's otherwise powerful. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Geneforge 1 cheat in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Monday, April 3 2006 22:27
I like igotarock. To quote Dikiyoba, "because it's there." -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
theft in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Monday, April 3 2006 22:24
The game has sort of a major problem, but you can steal damn near anything with the following method: 1. Send member of party (creation, Greta etc) into desired place of theft. 2. Hide player character (preferably behind a door). 3. Take stuff. The game only bothers to check if the main character is "visible" when a "NY" item is picked up. But your other party members extend your "get items" range. If you do this in a shop it's really profitable: take all the items off the floor, even the cheap ones, and sell them right away. At some shops (the crystal one in South Keep and Orois Blaze's cave) this can be ridiculously lucrative. Despite the fact that you posted three threads back-to-back, they're all good questions. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
leaving items in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Monday, April 3 2006 22:16
I tend to pick a friendly city and store all of my junk there. If it accumulates, try dropping it in different piles (equippables, ingredients, quest items etc). If it's destined for another island (ie Dried Herbs) I drop it off at a dock. That way, next time on my way to its destination (ie Harmony Isle), I can drop it off. If you're playing either of the previous two games, use a city entrance. I was not aware of the 200-item limit, nor has it affected me in any of the three Geneforge games. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
(newbie help) quests not completing :( in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Sunday, April 2 2006 18:30
The worm is not a regular visible enemy; it pops out of some bushes when you get really close. It's around a clearing in the south/southwest part of the map. I can't describe it exactly, but the little gap in the trees is horseshoe-shaped, you have to come in from the south, and it's probably 3-4 tiles across. I hit it completely by chance. THEN go talk to Meraia. In Fort Kentia, you have to ask Alila again "Not all the monsters are outside the gates?" or that similar question. She'll mention the penned Artila again, and then you can say, "Took care of it." Typically, after a quest is completed, you have to go report to the character that gave you the quest. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
My KKK friend, part 2 in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Saturday, April 1 2006 20:32
My childhood neighbor was a member of the KKK. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Saturday, April 1 2006 20:18
Really and truly. Loved those GF3 spinning particle effects. What I'd appreciate are people sitting down or lying down, when the game says they're doing so. It just looked a little weird when the sailors in Dhonal's Keep were standing at attention next to beds going "mmmm, just like that." "Yummy shrooms." -- Mushroom Cave servile -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
The Ultimate Shaper in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Friday, March 31 2006 09:36
Your stats are mildly superior, and your creations would be helpful. Unless I Charm them and cast Searer to poison the crap out of you, I'd have to rely on running away a lot. But isn't that a Guardian's weakness? -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
The Ultimate Shaper in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Thursday, March 30 2006 16:12
I decided that my Agent is just about the most powerful Shaper you could have. She's equipped with: Agent Cloak (general magic)Essence Aegis (spellcraft, healing, intelligence)Lightning Girdle (+1 AP, lots of parry/dexterity)Guardian Claymore (strength and quick action)Quicksilver Sandals (+1 AP, worth strength penalty)Talisman of Might (+4 strength!)Emerald Chestguard (+2 AP! Also great protection stats)Gloves of the Rock (+4 endurance!)Avenger's Ring (melee weapons, lots of quick action)Gazerskin Vambraces (melee weapons)Granted, it took me until the Monastery Caves (and thus, Benerii-Eo) to craft all of these fine items, all of which are enhanced by Golden Crystals (the Guardian Claymore isn't blessed yet). Although I'm not sure precisely how level-ups and canisters have affected Esther (she's level 40), her stats are as follows: 92% ArmorResistances79% Fire79% Cold (Isle of Spears didn't damage me once that I can remember)79% Energy140% Stun (only the Shambling Rotbeasts could stun me)118% Mental (effectively immune)110% Poison (effectively immune)92% Acid (still got covered a lot, not damaged much though)Health 378 (569 after Augmentation and Essence Armor)Essence 436Spell Energy 1010Action Points 12 (18 when hasted)SkillsBase Skills13 Strength12 Dexterity14 Intelligence14 EnduranceCombat Skills10 Melee8 Missile Weapons14 Quick Action10 ParryMagic Skills11 Battle Magic9 Mental Magic8 Blessing Magic9 SpellcraftShaping Skills0 Fire Shaping0 Battle Shaping1 Magic Shaping12 Healing CraftGeneral Skills12 Leadership (21 when appropriately equipped)12 Mechanics (20 when appropriately equipped)4 LuckPretty much unlimited staying power as far as spell energy is concerned. Encumbered at 154 lbs, far more than enough to carry infiltrator's/tinker's gear along. Most interesting, however, is Esther's speed. She gets 12 AP per battle round. This is enough to run away a little and cast two powerful spells; run, use two items, and cast a spell; or use four items. If she's hasted, it's really nasty. 18AP, enough to cast three spells on top of an item or some running, or, of course, use 6 items. I also noticed that 18 AP is enough to run between 1/3 and 1/2 of the way across a zone. My typical strategy: bless myself to the max stats when I enter a zone (140 essence). When I smell battle, I cast Mass Energize and Protection (160 energy, 23 essence), and then rush out and (if there's a crowd) cast Mass Madness (200 energy, 20 essence). This leaves me with two more attacks (and 750 spell energy) to weed out anything that might slow me down (a Glaahk, Rotghroth, Submission Turret). From here, I can burn down the remaining enemies with whatever they're weakest against (typically Essence Orbs). My healing magic, though powerful, is seldom necessary; usually, everything is dead by the third turn in battle (8 attacks). Does anyone have a tougher Shaper? Can we beat that? Do I need to make a MMORPG that loads Geneforge data so we can find out for sure? -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Shredded Journal (Geneforge 3) in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Thursday, March 30 2006 16:05
Yeah I don't really understand that logic. Unless she drops the Runed Jade Necklace, but then you'd only get the exp for killing her. If you really want to max your rewards, I guess you could show Komoa the journal, get the experience and the necklace, kill her, get a little experience, give Morgan the journal, and get your experience and Healing Craft. On a side note (since I have too many new threads open), are there more endings to Geneforge 3 than the rebel and loyalist endings? I'd assume there's some unaligned ending (read "kill everything that moves"), and I heard someone mention a canister-abstinence rebel ending with a different Litalia. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Killing Shanti -GF2- in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Thursday, March 30 2006 11:13
I've done it before. The game will not register her death as far as the plot goes. She won't be there anymore, granted ... but nothing changes for the future of the game. Killing her before you get to Drypeak (if you can) doesn't affect anything. She appears in the next area as though nothing has happened. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
I want to see ... in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Monday, March 27 2006 18:24
My boat was meant to stand out. I tried making the little pinkish-colored posts (there's one in my picture) cartoony, but they appear so often it doesn't look good. Here's what I considered: usable objects could be outlined to stand out more. Like the boat, which seldom appears. So it's tasteful, or something. But it's also less visually realistic. Besides, the white mouseOver outline helps users distinguish. So it's just a question of style. And speaking of style, look how I placed that rope all perfectly and stood next to it! Dhonal's Fort Wilton docks did not have that kind of class before I got there. Yep, thorns were always too few and far between to make the batons convenient. Although it's mentioned that Shapers wouldn't stoop to making their own lowly weapons, "a Shaper is nothing if not resourceful." Transportation via Creation. Hmmm. Create Sea Drayk? That'd be incredible. Zone-to-Zone is well and good, but why not take it into battle? It could have a basic fiery projectile attack (remember how yours takes down the Sholai ship), and you could cast spells and projectiles from its back. Enemies may attack from the water. So you could have water-based enemies. Aquatic Roamer and Ur-Salmon and such. But can it carry other creations? Maybe you'd have to invest more essence in it, or something ... of course, you'd have to be limited to where you can do this. otherwise you'd say, "screw this water hazard," Shape your way across it, reabsorb the craft, and go on your merry way. Something like, "Sorry, this river is too rough for a Sea Drayk." Of course, it always bothered me that you can't swim. I mean, medieval folk were so afraid of the water they never tried, but we're talking about Shapers here. The Warped Creator is crazy. Then again, it's supposed to be. Shaper Telekenisis. Oh yes. Wouldn't you love a spell that blows open a door or clears away rubble? The Shaper Council. I want to see them in the next game. I mean, the Shaper Capital or something. Of course, that can't work. Geneforge 4 is very set up to take place in Terrestria - the less-populated Shaper continent, so the capital is going to be in the other continent. Whichever that is. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
I want to see ... in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Sunday, March 26 2006 20:16
Oh, not the cold shoulder! Well, in my spare time (which I do not well spend) I made a new boat. Because I can no longer withstand the scaled, blurry craft from Avernum or something. And now I'm going to post it here. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Shredded Journal (Geneforge 3) in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Sunday, March 26 2006 20:04
Thank you both. And I did help her at the Bulwark Inn. Unfortunately, I also got frustrated and just gave Morgan the journal back over an hour ago. This is what I get for my impatience. EDIT: also, I have saved many times since. I checked and everything. I'll just see her again next play through. Komoa sexy. Mmm. [ Sunday, March 26, 2006 20:10: Message edited by: Nick Ringer ] -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Shredded Journal (Geneforge 3) in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Sunday, March 26 2006 17:04
In Matt P's walkthrough, "Morgan, an alchemist wants you to find his lost journal. Doing so gets you a nice reward- healing craft, minor heal, and heal improvements. You can also give the journal to someone else if you are rebellious, but I will mention who later." I can't find out who ... I'm reading carefully through his whole bloody guide too. These things bother me. I am pro-rebel and everything, although "rebellious" may just mean "naughty." Perhaps this was inserted just to bother those like myself. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Ain't Gonna Happen in Geneforge... in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Sunday, March 26 2006 16:59
That's hilarious. Whoever voted your karma down to one star needs a kick in the nutbasket. Still, I only save about once per two hours of play. I use quicksave otherwise. So nyaa, I'd get back out. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
I want to see ... in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Friday, March 24 2006 19:35
The "Advance Notes on Geneforge 4" thread has been relentlessly bombarded by crappy ideas. As a 7-page thread tends to scare people off or discourage them from reading it, let's start anew. Yet, this will not be a thread for reasonable suggestions or conservative critique of the prequels. Oh no. This is for your (my) most degenerated thoughts and pathetic, obscure issues on Geneforge. How would YOU change the next game in the Geneforge series? (I_Am_A_Minotaur, try not to defecate in your britches with sheer glee at this.) I have, at this point, such a frighteningly vast array of editions (scribbled in a notebook through boring functions) that I have largely remade the game. I'm certainly not giving that amalgam of, without a doubt, enlightened, literature to the first post of this ill-fated thread. Although, if posterity demands it, I will include my personal Geneforge thoughts. I'll give you inspiring concepts to change (which will invariably turn into a list of every one of the series's attributes): skills, creations, classes, plot, characters, zones, spells, items, quests. Altogether new concepts. As crafting and trapdoors were new in GF3. Modes of travel. Special effects. Minigames. Shaper telekinesis. Encoded puzzles. Enlighten us. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
GF3 town background sound effects in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Friday, March 24 2006 19:03
DISCLAIMER: Sorry this topic is about a week old, but the boards are a little slow anyway. You'd think Mr. Vogel would answer this... I suppose he's the only one who knows for sure. In Geneforge and GF2, the cities had the same sound effects. The Geneforge towns were populated by serviles, and that high pitched babbling ("AI-chai-chai CHAI-cha, AI pa-pa sai" was stuck in my head) made the impression that Serviles have high voices. I buy that. They do have ridiculously long noses (which I don't like about them really) ... in GF2, I'm just assuming it would have been too much trouble to make new sounds, despite the fact that the cities were also full of humans or Drayks. The GF3 cities sound like they were produced; the "smithy" has got to be a spoon on a plate, and the voices are extraordinarily well-done. They sound very, very near to real language. Perhaps they are one. But not one that I know. Sounds kind of Middle-Eastern to me. The only clear voices are two women, rolling their r's a lot. That's my contribution. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Is this possible? in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Friday, March 24 2006 18:46
Granted, my Human vs. Drakon ratio was off by a lot. Also, in battle (by which I mean a massive attack as described above) the Drakons' projectile attacks would cut down groups regular soliders before they could even get close; all they have for distance are thorn batons. What it comes down to in full-scale war is this: the Shaper army consists of a few dozen powerful, multi-talented Shapers supporting hundreds of very weak (relative to the Drakons) soldiers limited to melee swarming. Mages would probably play a minimal role, but hundreds of creations could provide a buffer and maybe even break up the rebel front lines. The Rebel Army has a few dozen Drakons (from what I can tell), vicious in ranged and close combat. Then there are the Rebel Shapers, I guess just Litalia and Hoge? Those groups far outdo the NPC Shapers, for what it's worth. A bunch of Drayks (also good at a distance) and countless Serviles would make up the main army. If the Drakons came as a cavalry and penetrated the Shaper line (in groups of 3-4), they might be able to take out the Shapers in charge and the soldiers would be quickly cut down without the healing reinforcements. As long as the Drakons are not isolated, they are indestructible for the purpose of a quick battle. The Shapers would have to split their Creations to flank the Rebel army. Given that distraction, the opportunity to break the Rebel line would present itself. Shaper dazing/charming would also work wonders in huge group combat. Given that the Shapers are so defensive and the Rebels are always taking action, a massive Drakon strike at Dhonal's keep from the coast would be a veritable blitzkrieg; I mean, if one apprentice (who, granted, becomes the most powerful character) can slaughter a military city like Dhonal's Keep -- and many of us have done it -- so can a pack of augmented, berserk dinosaurs. I feel like the Lord Rahul himself. Almost at the point of drawing out battle maps here. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Thursday, March 23 2006 20:04
Yes, Orois Blaze. The greedy one south of Icy End who also gives you skills for thousands of coins each. What I want to know is: - Will the next game expand on the canisters? - Will the next game incorporate the Sholai? - Will the PC begin the next game outside Shaper rule? -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Is this possible? in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Thursday, March 23 2006 19:48
How insightful! You have to admit that the Drakons have damned cowardly methods. In both games they existed, they hide and develop, taking no chances--they want to be really really sure they can win. Besides, if you consider population, there have got to be 20-30 Shaper NPC's on Dhonal's Isle alone and probably 10 tough mages or warriors. Then the overwhelmingly large army? I'm in the middle of a GF3 playthrough and I just passed through the Main Army Camp. I'd say there are about 30 Elite Soliders and 30 Fighters. This force, oh my crap. 6 Fighters could take out an Ur-Drakon with no loss of life (my guess). Creations: Erika says she commands 15 Glaahks and Alphas, up to 2 miles away. So maybe 200 Creations in the whole Dhonal's Island Shaper army. But how many Drakons are there? Can't be more than 10 in the whole game ... Drayks and Cryodrayks, maybe 40-50 including those hatchlings and the weaker, rogue ones. The serviles, there are countless rebels. Not counting the scared ones with 27 HP, I'd say there are about 100 that the PC actually runs into. Throw in their handful of tough rebel Shapers and some of their Creations. So just for a fictional helluvit, throwing them all into a single zone would result in a massive Shaper win. Wouldn't it just kick Vlish if your Shaper authority can overcome NPC's? It's suggested (largely in GF) that regardless of whether something is a Creation or not, Shaper aura effects them. It's just that Creations were made naturally more susceptible. Akhari, you're coming with me. -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Ain't Gonna Happen in Geneforge... in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Thursday, March 23 2006 19:26
I concur. Batons are somewhat obsolete. The thorns are too few and far between; perhaps you should be able to load any thorn into any type of baton? And batons can be distinguished by strength (as opposed to thorn type)? - Flying creations. Vlish and their variants can hover, but I am not satisfied. Despite the difficulty of implementing turn-based flight, Nick demands it in GF4. - "An upgraded form of an ornk, like a Cryoa is a Fyora's upgraded form." So Fyora is to Cryoa as Ornk is to ... Fyornk? Drayk, Drakon; Ornk, Ornkon. Ur-Ornk. Urnk. Ornkbeast. Submission Ornk. Tusked Ornk. Meaty Ornk. Tasty Ornk ... Delicious Vlish. - Sex. Not the verb, but the collective noun, and my choice to use it incorrectly, drawing attention. What about male Agents or female Guardians? There are NPC's that have appearances that reflect their gender ... I mean, who here has seen Samus Aran, from the Metroid series? Despite traditionalists who think Samus is a guy, she takes off her suit--as a Guardian should be able to--to reveal a set of, er, "bodacious tatas." Can't this affect gameplay? I wanted to seduce Diwaniya but still beat him up. - Shifty NPC's. I think I caught Lady Anjali smoking out of some "Shaper Equipment." Afterwards, she sold me a blunt for 150 coins. Lord Rahul sent me to Chadwick Prison. Damn it all. - Huestess. And (s?)he pissed me off. The BIG SECRET in Spirits' City was kind of a letdown for me, honestly. [ Thursday, March 23, 2006 19:26: Message edited by: Nick Ringer ] -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Saturday, March 11 2006 16:57
I was about to laugh with you, Pizzaking, but then noticed the serious tone of your post. Minigames would give GF4 a Zelda-ish feel, but in my opinion, the Zelda series is the best out there. Something about Shaping has to be done. It's not terrible, but a little too easy to "cheat." Shaping skills only affect the Creation's Shaping, so as Micawber pointed out, it's simple to equip a few nice Shaping artifacts (like the Black Crystal Talisman or Essence Chitin) and make powerful creations. When you get your fighting gear back on, your skill may be insufficient to even make the same Creation, much less a well-supported one. Another thing I want to explain -- Mr. Vogel don't let me put words in your mouth -- I've noticed people complaining, "how come Lord Rahul can make as many creations as he wants and I can only make seven? I'm way stronger than him!" Or someone mentioned that "serviles can't be independent because they keep essence from the Shapers." These aren't like laws of the Geneforge universe. It's playability. General Greiner's army can send creations two miles west, according to one of the Shapers there. But for you, that'd be sending it into another zone, and it'd be largely impossible to implement this. There are workarounds to such problems (if they can so be called) I thought up, and will probably be regarded as stupid ideas. I'm going to list them anyway, for those interested: Losing essence from Shaping is alright, but the inability to get it back, I find just ridiculous. I would lower essence capacity for all classes, and not let the Creation "leech" any essence. Shaping is described as tiring; completely depleting spell energy would be reasonable. However, this motivates players to shape hugely powerful creations with loaded skill points, then refill essence and repeat. See below for remedy. Some creations are described as particularly willful, like battle alphas, and later on, drayks and eyebeasts (On a side note I don't like the idea of Shaping drakons, much less controlling them). Shouldn't these Creations be more likely to "go rogue?" Why not assign each Creation a "rougue tendency" variable? Say a battle alpha has a rogue tendency of 10. For each skill point the alpha gains, its rogue tendency will increase a point. The Shaper gets a "Creation control" variable that determines whether or not you can control a battle alpha. Suppose your Battle Shaping skill is 4 and your Leadership skill is 6. A reasonable formula is ctrl = btl*ldr; this scenario gives the Shaper a Creation Control of 24. You can make a battle alpha with up to 14 skill points. As soon as your cumulative creation rogue tendency exceeds your creation control, the toughest creation has a good chance of going rogue at any given time. It may motivate your other creations. This would, however, make Leadership much more valuable. Maybe a new Creation Control skill could be implemented. This would even solve the "cheating" with Shaping artifacts; you'd have to keep them on, or you'll get beaten up by wild rogues. Other, unrelated comments: Classes (guardian, shaper, agent). General skill groups (fighting, Shaping, spellcasting). As is, we have three preset choices: -Good at fighting and some Shaping -Good at Shaping and some spellcasting -Good at spellcasting and some fighting I'd love an agent that's good at shaping, or a guardian with magic skills. Having weaknesses (read "certain, more expensive skills") is not for me. GF4 may look like this (again, I'm speaking for myself only): -Warrior: good at battle -Mage: good at magic -Servile: good at espionage* *leadership, mechanics, luck, maybe even stealth since Jeff mentioned it And any class can learn to Shape eventually, since you apparently can't play as a Shaper. Inspired in the last 30 seconds, a stealth skill would be good for stealing stuff. Larceny is too easy if you can get someone to leave (I always crowd the Barzite shopkeepers with Creations, then shut the door behind them and loot the place). People should probably notice if you rob them. Unless, of course, you're really stealthy. Then they can just be like usual, "what the hell happened?" So far, MOST people don't notice if you walk into their bedroom, then walk out a few pounds heavier. That's assuming too much stealth. Or if you're super stealthy, you can kill people without an alarm going off or turning a town hostile. I mean, realistically if you stab sick, quiet Torsten to death in his little house the whole town can't notice ... heh-heh-heh. Your stealth might enable you to overhear conversations, through walls, or to not be noticed by guards. All that good stuff. How about class advantages? Like, if you're a warrior type, you could get selected for a quest, "Get rid of rogues" because you seem more capable. But a servile might not get much respect from other people. Or perhaps a mage may be sent to look for ingredients. Your class should probably also determine your starting location ... a servile, born intelligent but still able to choose rebel or loyal ... a mage, in a laboratory or school ... a soldier, in an army or garrison. All eventually coming to the same place, but maybe only your class can visit your starting point. It adds replay value, of course. Crafting. I love that. Make a skill for it, like mechanics. Have it deduct spell energy and essence. But the wands and stuff were a little too trivial to be worth making. Crafting your own canisters would be pretty cool ... for 10 crystals, a ring of puresteel, and a chunk of essence, you should be able to level up in an ability (like a spell or creation). Stationary creations. Even if it's not realtime, making some spawners, turrets, or spincores in enemy territory should have some debilitating effect on the enemy. Didn't Phariton make pylons? You could defend a city with them. Wild Creations. Largely the same deal as above. Remember the servant mind in GF1 that was Creating things to harass Zhass-Uss? What about creating a bunch of crazed thahd mutants and loosing them into the wild? It shouldn't affect any of your ability to Shape loyal creations, since as soon as the wild creation is out there, you don't have to worry about it. Comparable to Litalia's efforts with the warped spawners and rogues and stuff. Pack animal. That "Create Ornk" in GF1 could be more than a joke. Someone -- I forget who -- suggested this very thing elsewhere. I'm usually frustrated anyway by having to drop off items. As long as you don't take them out to use in battle, ornk would be good pack animals. But you'd have to keep them fed or something, so it doesn't get too easy. "That's all I have to say about that" -- Forrest Gump -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |
Litalia and Icy End - GF3 in Geneforge Series | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6754
written Saturday, March 11 2006 15:50
I love Litalia. She's the best innovation in the series. Like an anti-hero. At least, if you're loyalist. But anyone out there actively doing stuff out of your control is awesome. Good cutscenes where she binds you with magic ... come to think of it, what happened to Greta after she left your party? I assumed I'd see her again at the end, working with the rebels. Not that I was at all disappointed. GF3 was amazing. Also, when I made it to Litalia's bedroom, I had to start poking around for black lace. I think if there's a patch it could include that. You see Alwan (Friendly, Health 188/240) Game saved to quicksave slot. [Press F4 to load a quicksave game] Save complete. You gain an item: Litalia's "Girdle" -------------------- One of these words is mispelled. Posts: 284 | Registered: Tuesday, January 31 2006 08:00 |