Profile for Dark Mage

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Question about EYE ROAD in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #2
Ok I will try, I have done this before but i can only get to the half of the way before BOOM!! There is an specially tricky place that I still can't pass...

[ Sunday, March 04, 2007 14:18: Message edited by: Dark Mage ]
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Playing as the Vahnatai (?) in General
Member # 6136
Profile #8
In fact a Vahnatai game would be very funny, but it would be out of the main avernum plot. Maybe doing it after some 2 avernums maybe :D
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Question about EYE ROAD in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #0
How do I deactivate the pylons (the glaak stuff quest)?? I just have to pass them?? Because in certain point I find myself trapped and blowing up with every step I make!! It's anyway to deactivate them?

Also there is no way to get to the west side of the river right?
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Geneforge 4 Trainer in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #1
Ohhh sweet thanks I was looking for this to use with my end-game character and see everything I missed!!

Edit: Weel I downloaded it, now how do I use it?? :rolleyes:

[ Sunday, March 04, 2007 13:50: Message edited by: Dark Mage ]
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Titan's Halls location...? [SPOILER] in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #3
EEhhh...let me guess: you are not from an English speaking country aren't you??

And talking about that Titan, how does it looks like? I hadn't time lately for going there ;)
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Geneforge 4:rebellion. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #10
I think that you can't call a Shaper to to the player that betrays the rebellion, it's maybe just that, a rebel traitor...Because shapers hate you, the rebellion will hate one day, and you are forced to be an infiltrator, not a so openly shaper like in G3.

And I think that shapers are wrong, but Shaping itself is allright, it can help people, but it's the use that people give to it what is dangerous. A weapon can kill, but also protect...
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Spells you should have for all classes in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #5
Yes, I don't think neither that this spells are a must for every class. Mass madness as example requires just too much energy and essence, with the infiltrator works great, but a warrior could never use this!! Well he may, but it will be very difficult, maybe using items, but why don't using item that enhance combat skills in such case?

Well blessing magic is always good, but not tall classes would like to use battle roar maybe, in fact I prefer mass energize instead of BR in most cases.

I think that the spells that is necessary for every class is: INFERNO!!! :P
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Serviles in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #2
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
How to create an ornk? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #6
Yes they are surely just "fun to see" but not very useful really...
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Health Potions... in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #5
I wasn't used to have healing pods, but now I use them often. And you don't like to use living tools? Well i like it, in fact I sort of collect them, I like to have a lot, but maybe don't use them just like you :D
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
How to create an ornk? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #2
Ohh ok thanks
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
How to create an ornk? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #0
I just got to the canister hidden in Poriphra west gates, that contains "Create ornk" but how do I use it?
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Phariton = Monarch? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #1
Who is Phariton?? I'm sure that a lot of people don't remember it neither...
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Hypothetical Greek Weapons of Mass Destruction Suck in General
Member # 6136
Profile #32
I'm saying that it's good, but now I have that question...

I wonder what would happen in the case of a third world war, the countryes are so dependant on each other about their economy that a war would cause a huge loss for any country in the world...I hope that Chile would not ally with USA in that case, it's nothing personal ovbiously...
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Hypothetical Greek Weapons of Mass Destruction Suck in General
Member # 6136
Profile #29
Wow Marcelo are you a politician or an history teacher?? You completely master the military government topic!!
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
The canister effect... in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #17
There is a shaper in shaper camp gamma, I don't remember his name, it started with D, that says that he can cure the canister corrupted minds, does that really works or just add 1 to spellcraft?
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
The best creations? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #31
Originally written by Dr. Strange:

Plus, Eyebeasts are green!

Is it a bad sign if the first seven posts on Today's Active Topics list are by you?

Who? me?

And thanks I remembered gazers casting kill, but I have never got the 3 gazer skill points to create an eyebeast.
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Your creations. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #21
Oh come on Strange you always say the guy the same thing!! He will learn with time...

But really Haze try to don't express too much guilt or any feeling really...
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Shaper/Lifecrafter. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #14
How do shapers learn magic is quite a mistery, considering that shapers aren't interested in offspring, and the non-shaper people is too poor for paying a good education...Maybe it's just one of the things that aren't considered in this games...
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Is possible? in Avernum 4
Member # 6136
Profile #28
De donde eres entonces? esto de que hables español es una sorpresa! o talvez alguien te ayude, talvez, quien sabe...
Y los gringos por lo menos aqui son solo los AMERICANS no los europeos...
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Your creations. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #18
Originally written by BLACK HAZE:

...Normal,nobody is normal...
But isn't the forum slogan, "Leave your sanity at the door"?? So what's wrong with it? We can pretend to be everything here, and regain our sanity in our normal life...THIS IS ALL ABOUT PRETEND!!!

Whatever, I'm wandering why ales and pitchers in Geneforge can't even be used, unlike in avernum where they caused an useless drunk status...
And I think that it's better that we don't see our characters in the bathroom, maybe shapers poop is alive!!! I don't want to see that!!
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Not yeti another photo thread in General
Member # 6136
Profile #88
Originally written by Smoo:

I really don't have any photos of myself (any recent ones anyway.) but based on a conversation I had with a couple of friends last weekend I don't just look like Topher Grace, I am Topher Grace.

So these will do.

May I ask...Who is Topher Grace??Should I know him??
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
The best creations? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6136
Profile #28
Originally written by Marcelo:

[quote]Uhhh vivi bien a la conchesumadre!! :D

Yo soy de talca, = bkn punta arenas me gustaria ir algun dia :)

Estabai en el foro desde el 2003 y nunca posteabai? es que abia otro tb de chile que tb era mas antiguo q yo, pero no lo veo ace tempo...

Jeje yes, me cambio al ingles pa que no piensen que los estamos pelando jeje ;-) I sometimes posted in the avernum forums I didn't know there was someone else from Chili here, that's cool. Debes tener un muy buen ingles porque estos juegos se basan en la comprension jeje, no creo que seamos muchos los de chile jeje saludos!

greetings![/QB][/quote]En realidad he contado como cuatro, nosotros dos, el nazgul que te digo, pero no es precisamente chileno, y otro wn que el otro dia me agrego al msn, que es de santiago, talvez algun dia veo si lo recluto... :cool:

And I have a question, what's the difference between eyebeast and gazer? Ovbiously their traits, but their attack are the same??
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Is possible? in Avernum 4
Member # 6136
Profile #26
Good, I have a question.. Where are you supposed to be from? :confused: I always have wandered about that...

Y la palabra estadounidense no tiene nada de malo...bueno en ingles si es bastante fea :D para hacerla mas corta mejor simplemente decir gringo... :rolleyes:
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
Is possible? in Avernum 4
Member # 6136
Profile #24
Originally written by upon mars:

So about language do americans speak spanish fluently and an other question why english speakers like french?
You mean "americans" refering to USA people? Because people from other countries always have the sad tendency to consider "american" to only the people living in USA. all the rest of the countries speak spanish, except brasil, and other countries in central america...
Posts: 446 | Registered: Friday, July 22 2005 07:00
