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An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #213
OOC: Slartucker, it beats me how you managed to get to Hralek, but I'll proceed from the point where Hralek was captured


Hralek walked of with the goblins, while Gernas sat behind a big boulder, looking suspiciously at the goblin troops. He waited. The goblins left Hralek alone, with some other goblin, who, for some reason, seemed to be the chief goblin. Gernas took out his piece of paper, as to report back to Mernal.

Gernas writing this, sir

We have com across goblins, as we suspected. Hralek is captured. Goblins treat him with respect. Hralek wan't the one to watch the goblins, I had that duty. Shall I proceed on to the lands beyond valorim? waiting for further instructions. goblins might be of good use to us.

He put away the paper. He silently crawled up, and then sat behind, a hill, where he waited. Hralek hadn't used his crystal, although Mernal told them to use it when they got captured. Hralek might the right decision, I think, though I hope Mernal will understand it too, which I doubt.

he kept waiting, and evey now and then he turned around and climed up the hill, as to see what was happening in the goblin camp. Nothing at all. They were sitting and talking. As long as they handle him with respect and Hralek doesn't tell about me, nobody would get hurt...

[ Friday, March 31, 2006 02:51: Message edited by: Mc 'mini' Thralni ]

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Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #121
Originally written by Lazarus:

Yes, I spoke with Thralni. Gave him a few lines to put in my mouth, and told him to handle the IC.
Yes, I wanted to ask this: Is this t your liking, how the IC is now, or should I change something?

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #108
Originally written by Dame Annals:


Thralni procured 20 arrows of life.

You have mastered the ability to teleport, possess humans, and create your own undead army. You have a command of magic which is apparently comparable to Erika's.

Thralni was excited to learn spells like Bolt of Fire after he raided Moon.

Yes, clearly Thralni is going to screw you over...

Wow... Is that Slartucker protecting me? Thanks!

And does Infernal actually feel threatened by me!? nephilim with the poorest mages ever seen by the world!? That's good.

EDIT: Don't take this the wrong way, its because I'm not a nativce English speaker, but I just realized I don't actually know exactly what "to screw somebody over" means. I do know what it means with the "over," but with?

[ Thursday, March 30, 2006 21:43: Message edited by: Mc 'mini' Thralni ]

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #206
The Nephil messenger had finnaly arrived at Shayder. Making sure he wouldn't be seen, he went through the sewers. There was an awful stench, and he had to make sure the man attending at the jails won't see him. However, after some fancy acrobatic trics, He finnaly arrived on the surface, through a small concealed room in the back of town. The door had been forced once, a long time ago, for all he could see. he wondered why they would let the door open, though, when the sewers serve as a prison. It didn't seem very normal.

He slowly and silently walked out of the room, and while constantly hiding behind walls and bushes, he reached the west end of the city. With only a litlle effort, the Nephil managed to very slowly walk over a 5 inch ridge between the west wall of the anama church and where all the offices were of the high priests, and the archbishop. using the small wand he got from Mernal, he managed to lay the note down on a small table at the window of the archbishop's room.

It took a while, but the archbishop finnaly enetered the room. From what the Nephil could hear, he didn't seem pleased. he muttered to himself angrily, but the muttering stopped when the door closed. Fast paces, the sound of a notew being read. Fast paces again.

After an other (what the Nephil assumed to be) fifteen minutes, the archbishop came back. However, now he heard other voices, and more footsteps. He could clearly hear what these people said:

"Archbishop Knor, where did you find the note?"

"It just lay on the table. I asked the guards if they had seen anybody enter my room, but they saw nothing. Unless the note just came flying here..."

The Nephil heard wild laughter.

"Archbishop, that was a good joke."

"Thanks. However, what should we do? Whoever thes men are, the fact that they need this arrows and the fact that they might lend us a spy when needed, probably suggest that they might want to fight undead."

"Undead and maybe also demons, archbishop," an other voice replied.

"Indeed. these are the henchman greatest enemies we have: the wizards. We shall vote. Who votes "yes" for the proposal, thereby giving these men aid, and maybe also making our position in this situation stronger."

Silence. Then the Nephil heard the archbishop count the hands:

"...5, 6. Good. We all agree. Guard, could you please walk to the store room, and fetch 20 arrows of life, and 20 arrows of light please?"

"Yes sir, of course sir."

Hasty footsteps, followed by the sounds of opening and closing doors. Silence. opening and closing doors.

"Thanks, guard. Now, the letter said to put the arrows, with the note back at the window."

Footsteps, sounds of arrows being placed. The archbishop whisperes to the others:

"Now lets go, and let guards survey this room. We shall soon see who is this mysterious group that wants these arrows."

They all walked outside, as silently as they could. The Nephil took the wand, aimed it to the window, and a bunch of arrows, together with a note came flying out, followed by startled cries and shouts of amazement. The Nephil quickly shuffeled away from the ridge, and, making sure he wouildn't be seen, left town as he had came there: through the sewers.

Mernal should be pleased. He has what he asked for. Now its time to head back, and give Mernal this stuff.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
BIG concern, need an answer ASAP in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #15
Originally by Dikiyoba:
Originally by Thralni:
Also, whe you look at the character drawings of a Nephil partymember in Avernum 2, 3 or 4, you will see that he has 2 nipples, like every normal human.
No, they don't. The nephil have muscles, but not nipples.
Question for you Dikiyoba:

If Nephilim don't have nipples, then you can ssume they also aren't mammals. Do you think that Nephilim are no mammals, and why do you think that, if yes?

Originally written by Kelandon:

That's a vote here for two.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #102
Originally written by Ephesos:

Originally written by Thralni:

Uh, do you mean Malloc, perchance?

Just wanted clarification...

Oh damn. I couldn't read the name on the map, it was just a bit too small. Yeah, I meant Malloc alright. Thanks for telling me this.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Hi agien in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #8
Originally written by Spring:

Oh dear. I imagined Eddy back, on a different IP.

G'day, welcome back.

Ai... that's not really a compliment...

Anyway, welcome back.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
BIG concern, need an answer ASAP in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #3
Nephilim are humans with the appearance of a cat, basically. Also, whe you look at the character drawings of a Nephil partymember in Avernum 2, 3 or 4, you will see that he has 2 nipples, like every normal human.

Now why was it you wanted to know this?

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #91
Originally written by Tyranicus:

Originally written by Mc 'mini' Thralni:

Yes. I thought actually that the sumary would be just all the posts, but every post trimmed down to one line, as was done with the MoS RP.
Not quite. So that people can easily read all the summaries quickly, we're just going to keep editing in one line into the previously existing post.

Oh. Then I didn't quite get the idea. In that case, then the summary is just what it shoul be, although, as Slartucker already said, many of the posts have much to detailed info on characters and such.

Slartucker: I replied to your PM. You probably would have noticed it anyway some time soon, but what do I care :D .

[ Wednesday, March 29, 2006 06:12: Message edited by: Mc 'mini' Thralni ]

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #88
Originally written by Slartucker:

About the summaries -- I love all the extra information, but the summaries are no longer summary. They are long and verbose. I think we should pare them down to, say, one line per character. Right now if I am looking for say the 15th person who posts in the thread, I have to scroll through three pages of TM and five pages of Aran giving lots of details. Details != summary.
Yes. I thought actually that the sumary would be just all the posts, but every post trimmed down to one line, as was done with the MoS RP.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #84
No no no! don't apologise. In this case it was only usefull and I thank you for correcting me.

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Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #82
That's because I keep forgeting how to spell the singular forms of "to spy." So it is like this (?):

I spy
you spy
he spies

we spy
you spy
they spy

we are spying

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Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
Avernum RP Summaries in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #7
Faction: Fãhif Nephilmerhas Fiãnas

Who we know: (those that we heard off, not necessarily deal with)

- Keepers of memory
- Enlightened Anama
- The Looters (although only from rumors)
- The Dominion (although only from rumors)
- The Hunters
- The Goblin Goblins
- karnold Isle League

Who we have alliances and deal with: (stated in posts)

- Keepers of memory
- Englightened Anama

Important characters: (and not to be killed)
- Mernal: chief and leader of this faction. he is the son of a long line of Nephilim, originating from the mountains on Pralgrad. however, after the Empire came into existance, were murdered, and those that weren't were thrown into Avernum.

- Fralsrik, Moternij, Gernas, Hralik and Sergris: Five important spies, sent around by Mernal to spie on other factions and recorde what's happening in Valotim and Pralgrad.

Presence: (Where the faction is)

- Slightly northeast of Dorngas: the army has gathered here until the messenger Mernal has sent to the aname returns.

- Across Valorim and Pralgrad: The spies sent by Mernal move around all the time.

1: introduction
2: leaving of the cave; gathering outside cave
3: counting of the troops
4: attack on Moon
5: Mernal sents messenger to Aname
6: orders spies to spie on certain factions
7: what hralek, Gernas and Sergris are doing
8: what Moternij and Fralsrik are doing; raid in inn of Malloc
9: Nephil messenger arrives and leaves at Shaydar
10: Gernas' movements after capture of Hralek
11: messenger returned from anama; Sergris arrives at Seeker of knowledge's castle; Moternij and Fralsrik split up.
12: Fralsrik finds out about KIL
13: Fralsrik continues south; Moternij discovers soldiers at fort Emergence; Mernal angry, might need to revise plans.
14: Fralsrik continues to the south, waits for ship.
15: Gernas passes goblins.
16: gernas continues to the northern Pralgrad mountains.

[ Sunday, April 09, 2006 07:13: Message edited by: Mc 'mini' Thralni ]

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #193
Continuation of spies' journey

Fralsrik and moternij were to go south. Mernal had heard of powerful factions there needing a spie. not a spie for them to use, but a spie against them, somebody who could tell Mernal what was going on. these spies were they.


After a two hour walk they started to get close to mountains and a city. The town nephilim looked at each other, and then at the city.


Fralsrik took out a small folded map out of his cloaks' pocket, and folded it open. he looked at it, and pointe at a town, just north of a mountain range.

"Yes, that's Malloc all right. its a pity we don't have a map, but from here it looks like a nice plays to stop by."

"What! Are you insane! if we get caught mernal will kill us!"

Fralsrik responded:

"what? Do you seriously think we will get caught?"

he shook his head, and slapped Moternij on the shoulder.

"Oh, you poor little kitten. Are you afraid? Don't want any adventure? a-boo-ba-boo-ba-boo..."

"Oh stop it," Moterneij responded, agitated. "Alright then, lets see if we can nick a nice little chicken."

Fralsrik grinned, and they approached the city. It was not very big. The inn was on their side, so it was supposed to be easy to get into the inn, get some food, and then proceed to their destination.

Slowly and silently, the two nephilim walked to the inn, bent forward, as to stay low. They stopped when they reached the inn's west wall, and very carefully, they looked through at a window.

"Dammit!" Moternij whispered. "Its full there! how are we supposed to get in then!?"

"This way," Fralsrik whispered, and pointed to the northern corner of the inn. There seemed to be a small crack in the wall.

Silently they walked to it, and pushed aside some of the wooden planks, so they could enter. they were in a dark room. After getting used to the dark surroundings, they started seeing everything quite clearly again. they were in a store room. crates, barrels and closed boxes and closets were aligned along the wall. Moternij went to one of the closets and opened it.


"You fool! You complete idiot!"

fralsrik pulled Moternij away from the closet, while moternij was still holding the doorhandle of the closetdoor. they closet opened, and was stacked with small potions. Energy and healing potions it seemed. The two nephilim looked stunned at the closet.

"Forget the chicken!" Fralsrik said.

he took off his cloak, and asked Moternij to help him dump the potions in his cloak. they would use it as a bag. However, while they were emptying the closet, the locket door was unlocked, and the innkeeper, together with the guards, ran into the room. they looked at the two strugling nephilim.

"Thiefs!" is what the innkeeper shouted, when she saw two nephilim emptying her precious closet of potions.

The Nephilim finnaly noticed her being there. Moternij quickly took out his dagger, and threw it to one of the guards. Direct hit. the guard lay inconscious on the floor, with a armor that was now painted red, which was a pity, as he had just polished his iron armor, so it would shine brightly in the light of the candles.

the two nephilim now took th cloak filled with potions, and threw it outside, through the opening in the wall. they quickly went after it, which didn't take long. nephilim are cats, and cats are very supple. the guard managed to shout "Come back", but for the rest didn't do anything special.

While the two nephilim ran across the fields, an half an hour later approached the mountain ranges close to Lorelei and Softport, the Innkeeper had sent a pigeon with an angry letter to Sharimik, in which she stated that there had to be done something about the banditry in valorim.

"So..." Moternij said, "what are we going to do with the potions?"

Fralsrik sat down and thought.

"We bring it to Mernal, or even better, but let it be brought to Mernal."

He ran into the bushes, and after a short struggle, came with a horse-like creature waking in front of him. He bound the cloak filled with the potions on its back put a smalll note in it directed at Mernal, gave the creature a slap on his behind, and it ran away.

"now we should continue on out journey."


It was early in the morning when mernal heard the steps of a horse nearing the camp. he quickly stood up, and already saw that some guards were alerted and pointed at a shadow neariung them from the south-south-east. they didn't shoot it though, as there wasn't any person o it. just a horse with a big sack on its back.

It eventually came to a halt when mernal had asked one of the guards to shoot it with an arrow. it hit the horse, and the guards started dragging the horse into the camp, where the cook was already sharpening his knives. Mernal appraoched the horse, took the sack of its back, and opened it.

Stunned. Amazed. it was full of energy and healing potions! He found a note too:

Your spies, Fralsrik and moternij, offer you this delicious breakfast and a sack of usefull supplies. Don't ask where we got it please.

Mernal read it and threw it away behind his back.

"Mages! Priests! It is time for a treat!"

OOC: Lazarus, did you already read that PM I sent you? I'd like to know about the alliance, so my army can finnaly start moving.

[ Thursday, March 30, 2006 01:46: Message edited by: Mc 'mini' Thralni ]

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #80
However, since you have insisted that what you wrote is correct, I will go with it.
Thanks you.

Ephesos: Glad you're happy now. If there are things that multiple people disagree with, I change things in a way that it will be better (hopefully).

I also like the idea of a seperate summaries page. Less clutter.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

Give us your drek!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #58
Originally written by Slartucker:

I'm gonna stop arguing because I really feel like I'm being an ass about this. I will just say that I still disagree with pretty much everything you said, so for now let's just agree to disagree. o^o
Indeed, good idea. Now lets talk about the problem of day and night, shall we?

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #177
While Night was falling, the five spies were on their way. Each of them was so far by now, that they could just see the camp in the dark.


Gernas, Sergris and Hralek were heading north together. The cloaks kept them warm in the cold wind. Being a ssilent as a Nephil can be, they ran onwards in the dark night.They were now at the bridge leading to Moon. The water in the river was sparkling and looked very refreshing, but they ran on. It was not wise to make Marnal angry, certainly not when dealing with the "objectives." Mernal was a fanatic. He was a good and thoughtfull leader, but he could make your life damn hard when angry.

They walked for an other two hours, and started reaching a ruined sort of fort, known as the draigoth ruins. It was not a very safe place to be, so the three Nephilim walked onward. After an otger half out, they were at the mountains marking the border between pralgrad and Valorim.

While Gernas and Hralek continued on these mountains, Sergris went to the west, as he had to spie on this man calling himself the "seeker of knowledge."


gernas and Hralek were in the mountains now. It was called and dark, but thanks to the good Nephilim eyes, they mamaneged to to slip on one of the slippery stones that were all over these mountains. Hralek suddenly stopped after a 45 minute journey. Gernas truned around as to ask what he wanted to say, but the moment he opened his mouth, Hralek whispered:

"Silence! Look!"

Hralek pointed at a very faint light, which only Nephilim would be able to see from that far without the use of magic.

"I wonder if these are the goblins I had to spie on. I do hope so, my feet are hurting as hell!"

Gernas, listening to his complaints, whispered back:

"Silence and stop complaining! We mustn't let ourselves get caught, and certainly because of your feet. We have to move on, or Mernal will be quite angry."

"But shouldn't we first report back to him? He gave us that scroll remember? He also said that, the moment we found out something usefull, albeit only a bit usefull, we had to report to him."

gernas sat and thought.

"Yes, you're right. We shall do it now."

He took the paper out of his cloak's pocket, and started writing on it with a branch:

Gernas writing this letter

Probably found Goblins. Not in near proximity of "Seeker of knowledge." That is all.

Gernas put away the paper and the branch.

"I hope this will be enough. now we must move on."

The two nephilim didn't stand up. Instead, they sort of walked onwards in a sort of bent fashion.


In the meantime Sergris walked on his own, onward, along the fields at the vale, surrounded by the mountains. The other two had immediatly ascended the mountains, but he had to be in a different place. After all, he had to get to that historian's tower, and the other two the goblins and the other continent.

After about an hour's walk, he finnaly reached the other side of the rather large vale. He ascended the mountains, and started on his journey, while he held is cloak tight to his body. It was a cold, windy night, and although nephilim have a fur, they can still catch a cold.

he was now in the near vicinity of Wyvern pass. From where he was, he could already see the lights of this small town. He approached it cautiously, though there wern't any really big things happening. In half an hour he had hiked across the small town, and could see the faint lights of a tower-like building.

The historian's house.

(OOC: I'll tell about the other two tomorrow)

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #52
Um... Slartucker, you forgot one big thing. We are now in the year 1135. This is about 300 years after the first succesfull teleportation happens. If all notes have been lost, then yes, you would have been trying for a very long time too recreate a teleportal, but that chance seems very small to me. In other words: it doesn't have to take 50 years, rather 1 year (to get all materials together and build the portal), if you already know how to make the damn thing, as it has been re-invented 50 years ago and you can just look it up in some book!

Sorry for that very long sentence.

(btw, I'm quiet certan Aran will have some sort of book about it...)

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #48
So no dating will be done, I see, but how is it going to be with day and night? People on the surface will have to show this in their posts. In my post it is dusk, but from the others I haven't seena nything about this yet. So how are we going to deal with this?

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #46
Originally written by Drakefyre:

Personally, the less magic and "advanced" technology the better. You don't need any magical gimmicks or magical "scrying pools" or communication devices. What's wrong with messengers, pigeons, scouts, etc.?

Submarines? Just cast "sanctuary" or something on a boat.

The reasons there have been no real technological advances on Ermarian is that magic has basically rendered it unnecessary.

But magic is rare and time-consuming. The way some of you have been acting is as if you have four Erikas in your faction working nonstop. That's just silly.

Also, I'm firmly against dating posts. It's unnecessary too.

And as for the maps, Alec and I have basically the same map, except our Aizo and Vantanas are switched.

As much as I hate to say it, you're right. The reason I chose for magic as a way of cummication, is for the simple fact, that pigeons are nut reliable and may be intercepted and messengers are far too slow.


post 1: introduction
post 2: gathering outside the cave
post 3: appraoching Moon
post 4: attack on Moon
post 5: Sending messenger to Shayder; asking for alliance
post 6: Sending spies to all over Valorim

[ Tuesday, March 28, 2006 02:08: Message edited by: Mc 'mini' Thralni ]

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #40
Changed the function of the cloaks. I hope the rest of the items can stay.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #38
Then how does scrying work? I invented these cloaks only because I thought that the scrying will uncover anything I do. If that's not what scrying does, I can drop the cloaks, and I will drop them in that case.

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #36
Originally written by Ephesos:


No more invisibility. Please.

Zephyr's invisible ship was bad enough (I'm pleased to see that the second one is losing power), but invisibility cloaks are stretching things. The recharge time makes it better, but it's still a stretch...

And spy crystals? Can we put some sort of ban on those? I thought we already talked about it with somebody else's faction...

That said, we're running up against the problem of too much magic again. So please, no more ship-summoning, wand-cannons, and spy crystals, please. It'll make this all a lot easier.

is this complaint of spy crystals because of my post? Then you misread it. These don't fucntion as things you can look in and see what's happening, but they only function as a warning for other people, as I explained. The cloaks can have a shorter amount of time that they can used if wanted, and the recharge time can be lengthened, if requested. These are the only important artifacts the Nephilim have, and that is less than what any other faction has for as far as I can tell. Others have scrying pools, a library full of very usefull books, a hoard of mages at their disposal, a hoard of undead, with more created all the time... I could go on with this for some time.

[ Monday, March 27, 2006 23:00: Message edited by: Mc 'mini' Thralni ]

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Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #166
After Mernal had sent the messanger to the Anama capital of Shayder, he couldn't sleep. He knew far to less about what was going on. Okay, so he had heard rumors of goblins, rascists killing Nephilim, and mages and such in southern valorim. It was not enough. He had to know more. he had to know exactly what was going on.

It was still dusk, but as he couldn't sleep anyway, he stood up, and awoke five of his best-trained spies. They looked at him, while he motioned them forward.

"Gernas, Sergros, Hralek, Fralsrik and Moternij, I have things for you to do. Gernas, I want you to travel all the way to pralgrad, and find out more about these goblins I've heard about. I want you to find out what they want, and if they may be a threat to our objectives. Sergros, I want you to go to this old man, the seeker of knowledge. See how they are doing. Hralek, like Gernas, I want you to go to the north. However, you must go all the way north, past the goblins, and see what is happening there. Fralsrik, your job is to go to the south, and spie on the Dominion, and maybe also the looters. However, the dominion must be your priority. I only heard rumors, but there is a big chance they are very dangerous and can pose a serious threat. Moternij, you go to the south too, but go to Kriszan area. These rascists, or whatever they are, sound dangerous. More importantly, I want you to see what's happening at Fort Emergence."

All Nephilim nodded. Mernal continued:

"Go to the supply hole we dug, and searh for a small closed crate. This is the key. open it, and take five of the robes in them. They wil keep you warm and dry on your journeys. When you got them, come back to me.

Mernal gives the key to Gernas, and the five of them walk off. After several minutes, they return and give the key back to Mernal. He speaks again:

"And now the most important part."

He pulls out a small box from out of his leather jacket. He opens it, and the spies look at probably ten beautiful, brightly shining cyrstals. they all are probably as big a small stone, and can be easily held in the palm of your hand. However, there is one bigger one, who doesn't shine. It is dull and ugly.

"These, my spies, are crystals of alertion. When one of these crystals break, this big ugly crystal here, starts emmiting a light. A light equal to the color of the broken crystal. ONLY break your crystal when something really bad happens for OUR objectives. ONLY then. Also break it when you are caught, although I can't imagine a Nephil will be caught very easily. You, my spies, are silent and trained in the arts of lockpicking and spying. You won't be caught."

He gives each of the spies a crystal. gernas blue one, Sergros a red one, Hralek a green one, Fralsrik a black one, and Moternij an orange one.

"No go. report to me when something happens that I need to know. That is: almost everything that happens. Use this pieces of paper. Write on them with a twig or whatever, and I'll receive the letter on this small scroll here."

He shows them a small piece of paper, after which he gives everybody a scroll.

"You have one for yourself, and I have five, one for each of the scrolls. It can also be turned around. I can write on the paper, and you will see it on your paper. Now go, and make me proud. Remember: I want to know everything."

The spies depart, and Mernal walks once again to his sleeping mat. maybe he can get some sleep now he knows he will know everything that happens in this place.

[ Tuesday, March 28, 2006 02:11: Message edited by: Mc 'mini' Thralni ]

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

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Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 5977
Profile Homepage #20
Originally written by Infernal666hate:

Sartucker, can you add in people's numbers as well?

If so, I have:
1000 ghouls
500 ghasts
250 ruby skeletons
150 quickghasts
100 specters
20 vampires
5 liches

I'm amazed by those numbers. not because you have so many undead slaves, but because they are so... round. All so exact. You must have a good sense of how many of each you want to have.

And by the way, how many energy did it cost for your priests to summon them all?

Play and rate my scenarios:

Where the rivers meet
View my upcoming scenario: The Nephil Search: Escape.

Give us your drek!
Posts: 3029 | Registered: Saturday, June 18 2005 07:00
