Profile for Mister Fox
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Displayed name | Mister Fox |
Member number | 5663 |
Title | BANNED |
Postcount | 64 |
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Registered | Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
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Help me!!! It's urgent!!! in General | |
Member # 5663
written Sunday, July 23 2006 19:35
The best way to handle any tech problems with Windows (or any other OS you have trouble with) is to contact the RAM elves who live inside your computer (RAM comes in multiples of 8 because elves only have 8 fingers). It's so obvious I'm surprised you didn't try that first...I mean, what are you? Racist against short people? Somebody's gotta make those delicious cookies man... -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Off the top of your head in General | |
Member # 5663
written Thursday, July 13 2006 17:29
In no particular order: "Wonderful Night" by Fatboy Slim "Weapon of Choice" by Fatboy Slim "Ocean Breathes Salty" by Modest Mouse "Fresh" by Daft Punk "High Fidelity" by Daft Punk "High Life" by Daft Punk "Be Lovin'" by D-Crew "5/4" by Gorillaz "Dare" by Gorillaz "Born Too Slow" by The Crystal Method "Jung-Hwa Ban Jum" by Chin2 [ Thursday, July 13, 2006 17:31: Message edited by: Mister Fox ] -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Avernum V ideas in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Thursday, July 6 2006 17:42
The Avernum necromancers are always wimpy nerds living in caves out in the middle of nowhere, I think graverobber would be a better class. They'd be fast from running away from guards when caught, self-trained in stealthy skills to avoid being caught, and and skilled in pole weapons from all of the shovel handling. Also, it fits in with the other classes in that there is always some criminal background involved. Necromancers seem to be thought of as a bit too criminal for Avernum (you always get sent to kill them) and would probably be sent to the Abyss. [ Thursday, July 06, 2006 17:44: Message edited by: Mister Fox ] -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Avernum V ideas in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Monday, June 19 2006 16:52
Another neat little out of the way and completely meaningless easter egg Jeff could stick in would be to place members of the spiderweb forums (or maybe just the mods) in random places in A5, quotiong a post or their sigs or giving actual useful information. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Avernum V ideas in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Tuesday, June 13 2006 18:28
An interesting side quest could be a temporal rift or something of the like that sends the party to an alternate dimension (possibly Exile, with its minute differences from Avernum) with old-school 2D graphics. [ Tuesday, June 13, 2006 18:31: Message edited by: Mister Fox ] -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
fan made graphics? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Monday, June 12 2006 18:37
It's a widely known fact that Lincoln is to blame for the cave worms and hellhounds. Abraham Lincoln was exiled for wearing a hat that was too tall, and generally making a mess of any situation involving a hat on the surface. In Avernum, however, his tall hat found acceptance. That was until his hat flattened Avernum out, freed cave worms, created hellhounds, and revived Retar Ihrno. Abe was banished to The Abyss, where he was eaten alive by the rare and elusive Cave Baboon. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
fan made graphics? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Sunday, June 11 2006 20:58
quote:He means choosing a portrait and an icon that don't match. In the older Avernum games, you chose the portrait and icon separately, and you could change either of them later through the abilities menu. The only thing I don't really like about the new graphics is the lack of variety in the Nephilim and Slitherzakai characters. Also, the lack of elevation in the Geneforge system makes the world seem less like Avernum. If I had any artistic talent I would have graphics to contribute, but I'm more of a writer. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Google and "More" in General | |
Member # 5663
written Wednesday, June 7 2006 18:53
Profile works pretty well I think, though I usually just use google because of the search bar in Safari. If your search topic has more than one word it tends to bring up some pretty random stuff though, and if you use quotations it still doesn't seem to get it right... -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Google and "More" in General | |
Member # 5663
written Wednesday, June 7 2006 16:59
I find that Google really isn't a very useful search engine. The only thing it's really good at pulling up are pictures of guns. Someone else may have had other success though. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Avernum V ideas in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Saturday, May 27 2006 17:18
Longsword/Broadsword(whatever is the main one-hander in the next game): Phantom Blade Damage: 40-40, cannot be parried and ignores enemy armor Weight: 0 Rarity: Very rare, almost unique but not quite Description: An extremely cold, ethereal, blue sword that constantly emits a soft glow. This completely weightless sword can damage a foe through shields or heavy armor. Because of its weightlessness and the extreme cold surrounding it, the Phantom Blade can be difficult to use. -30% Accuracy 2-12 bonus ice damage on hit Acts as an inexhaustable, but dim light source if light is needed in A5 [ Saturday, May 27, 2006 17:28: Message edited by: Mister Fox ] -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Benefits of joining then leaving Anama in A3? in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 5663
written Tuesday, May 23 2006 17:57
In Exile, joining and leaving was a great idea because of the free priest spell levels. There is really no reason to do it in Avernum though, I wouldn't suggest joining at all unless you already have no mages in your party. A group of warrior priests would see huge benefit joining from free spell levels and cheap spells and items. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Avernum V in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Wednesday, May 17 2006 17:29
I would like for Jeff to fix the weight of his items...he did improve it from earlier Avernums to 4, but (going from 12 pouds to 9 for a normal one-handed sword) 6-9 pounds for a one-handed sword is still a bit over the top. That's even a bit much for a two-hander realistically speaking. The average 1 handed battle sword weighs between 2.5 and 3 pounds, while the average 2 handed battle sword is 4-6, though 6 is uncommon. Swords didn't weigh a lot until they stopped being main battle weapons. Decorative and parade 1 handed swords could weigh up to 8 or 9 pounds but are nearly useless in combat. Unless everyone in Ermarian (sp?) has resorted to using display swords for some reason, these weapons need to go on a diet. I only have info on sword weight, but a few others seemed a pir of gloves-not gauntlets-weighing 2 pounds seems a little much to me but I can't be certain. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
New Playable Race? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Monday, May 15 2006 16:28
quote:Yes and let's not forget that JV also swore that the short lived sellout cereal "Exile-Os" would stay crunchy in milk. -Kardas, whose sweetened corn and oat adventurers got soggy :( [ Monday, May 15, 2006 16:29: Message edited by: Mister Fox ] -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Dreams in General | |
Member # 5663
written Friday, May 12 2006 06:42
I had a dream that the area under my bed was only half the cluttered mess it usually is, my little brother crawled under it and I said "Hey, get out of there! I don't know where all the snakes are!". Then he disappeared and my mom came in with the dog and started cleaning up under my bed. I was playing a computer game but I don't remember which one. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
I want my other two characters back! in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 5663
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 10:21
Avernum is a bit easier and you don't really need 6 characters, you don't even need two if you're good. Exile is more for people who want a challenge, and the graphics were charming in their own way. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
New Playable Race? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 10:05
quote:Hey that's not nice :P -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
New Playable Race? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 09:49
quote:Laughing My Fluffy Tail Off -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
New Playable Race? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 09:28
quote:lmfto I love your terminology, I'm going to steal that and use it in my everyday life. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
New Playable Race? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Tuesday, May 9 2006 18:11
quote:I think they only appeared in "A Small Rebellion" but they may have been in E3/A3, I'm not entirely sure. They're a race of fungal humanoids who live in swamps. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
New Playable Race? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Tuesday, May 9 2006 17:24
It's highly unlikely that Jeff will implement a new race in future Avernum games, but if he did what would people most like to see? This is PURELY a "what if?" thread, just pick what you would want to see, not what you expect to see. [ Tuesday, May 09, 2006 17:25: Message edited by: Mister Fox ] Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 43 user(s) have voted. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=kYhpAwXExVHW"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=kYhpAwXExVHW"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
SpidWeb Champions in General | |
Member # 5663
written Tuesday, May 9 2006 17:02
I started playing Exile games when I was 7, I never completed E1 or E2 (I'm not even sure I registered them). I beat E3, Nethergate, G1, A2, and A3. I have registered BoE and BoA. I also registered A1 but didn't care for it much and didn't have the patience to complete it. I never registered G2 and G3, the first Geneforge was great but one was enough for me. I'm working my way through A4, though I somtimes hop to different games for a day or two (I'm also trying to complete Commados 3, and finish Neverwinter Nights for the billionth time). I'll eventually complete A4, but it may take me some time. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Character Creation Help in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Saturday, May 6 2006 16:22
quote:Demonslayer, Crystal Aegis, Infernal Shroud, Emerald Plate, Lightning Girdle, and I think the last one is the Avenger's Ring but I'm not 100% sure. There is a list of them and how to get them in the hint book but I don't have it with me right now. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |
Character Creation Help in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 5663
written Friday, May 5 2006 18:27
The party I have now that works quite well uses a slith custom (focusing on Pole and Strength with the elite warrior and quick movement or whatever it's called), a soldier (I used a Nephil) with focus on melee and nature lore (I don't remember what traits he had) I have this character using the 6 major artifacts. A nephil priest/archer with pure spirit and deadeye, focusing on archery and priest spells. The fourth character (I used a slith) is a mage/thief with natural mage and nimble fingers, focusing on mage spells and tool use. This party works really well for me. -------------------- I'm drunk as think as you not am I. Posts: 64 | Registered: Sunday, April 3 2005 08:00 |