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RWG in Richard White Games
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Member # 4233
Profile #23
Originally written by Kelandon:

Originally written by andrew miller:

Actually, I have now. It looks much like a baby chicken, only much uglier - under it's downy yellow fluff, its flesh is black.
You should take pictures and post them.

Here's one from that amazin' internet:

Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
RWG in Richard White Games
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Member # 4233
Profile #21
Actually, I have now. It looks much like a baby chicken, only much uglier - under it's downy yellow fluff, its flesh is black.

The parents take turns sitting on the nest, but one of them definitely spends much more time there than the other. No way of telling whether it's the male or female though.

I wouldn't mind them so much if they didn't poop so much - it's a neat experience, getting to watch a baby bird hatch, grow, and fly away.

Oh, and, uh, Richard White is the pigeonest! Word is Bond.

[ Thursday, April 14, 2005 13:46: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
RWG in Richard White Games
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Member # 4233
Profile #19
A pair of pigeons has built a nest on my balcony, and managed to lay eggs before we could get rid of them. Now the guilt prevents us from doing so. :( So much for using the balcony this spring, and on with bird poop!

Did you know that pigeons mate for life?

[ Thursday, April 14, 2005 13:45: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Favorite Author in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #42
I liked the Comedy of Errors a lot, actually - in its staged form.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Phaedra in Blades of Avernum
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Member # 4233
Profile #82
Originally written by Le Martyre de la Terreur:

"If anything, the freedom of women in the US to wear whatever they want, bikinis and all, is indicative of the power they possess in western society."
Stop deluding yourself- the 60s brought you playboy, flavored douches and an end to intimacy. (I find it particularly interesting that most 60s hippies now constitute the hard-right wing of politics.)

I strongly disagree. My relationship with my fiancee is incredibly intimate.

"Consider the alternative - the Middle Eastern cultures - where women have many fewer rights and are forced to conceal themselves almost entirely from view. Which society is more sexist?"
You're right, massah. Calling blacks "negroe" is much more polite than "nigger". I'm 100% sorry for complaining about us darkies' position in our society, massah.
(I hope you're joking.)

I'm not certain where your facetiousness is coming from on this one. Perhaps "Middle Eastern cultures" is too broad a swath - pardon the gross generalization - but how about Saudi Arabia, where women are entirely concealed, an ankle bared entices, and women aren't even allowed to drive? Women in the US, by contrast, theoretically have as much of a right to do as they please as men do. No one is making them do anything.

"I think the capacity to attract and beguile is a quite potent tool in its own right, and I definitely don't begrudge women the right to it; I wish I had something comparable."
Right- so you can act all animalistic and chuck your self-respect and dignity in the waste basket for the sake of being a more marketable quantity? I think Team America had a song that reflects the dead-pan stupidity in this notion.

Sure! Cultivating attractiveness seems to me to be a pretty effective way for anyone to accomplish his or her goals. Obviously female attractiveness has ensnared you to a great extent. What makes this stupid? It's a dog-eat-dog world, and we've all got to run with what we've got. While men tend to be physically more capable, women compensate with their physical appeal, taking advantage of men's hormones. Makes sense to me.

"I agree, it's possible to view women/men on more than one level. I certainly am as guilty as anyone else for constantly scoping, and at some base level aspects of sexuality are always in my thoughts. But that doesn't prevent me from respecting and interacting with all the women in my life, many of whom are my good friends, and several of whom at this point are like sisters."
How many are cute?
No, really. How many women who you are close to are good on the eyes?

Thing is, sexism ain't always sexual. (Well, no duh, but...) The whole concept of "cute" is to infantize, disenfranchize and subjugate women. How do your relations with these sisters treat them in their stereotypical roles? Are you closer to the prettier ones or the uglier ones?
If I'm shooting in the breeze and you're actually able to relate to them, I'm sorry, Mr. Yahweh-bar-Yeshua.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that most of them are pretty easy on my eyes. It's natural, however, that we're drawn to those we find attractive, but I think that holds with whom we choose to associate with among both sexes, not just the one we find sexually attractive. As someone who wasn't one of the "cool kids" in high school, I know all too well about this.

As for the female friends I consider sisters, close friends, boon companions, what have you, it's more that I've known them long enough and know enough about them that any sexual interest is a minimal part of the relationship. Sexual intimacy is only one flavor of intimacy.

"As for TM, I reckon you just need to get some action. [Smile] It definitely adds perspective."
[Smile] to you too. I'd rather not have faceless intercourse under any situation, though- I've already become calloused enough as-is.

Let me qualify my statement, then: I reckon you just need to get some action with someone with whom you share an exclusive loving relationship. [Smile]

[ Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:57: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Do you think there is a Hell? in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #217
Gizmo, where is this evidence of miracles? Is there even enough of it to pile up?

You may take comfort in the fact that so many people believe the same way that you do, but that doesn't prevent every one of you from being wrong. Consider Nazi Germany. Consider Islam, or all the Hindu practitioners, or all the Buddhists out there. One of these groups (or all of them!!!) have to be wrong. All of these groups have writings that at times are as inane as the Bible.

I think the fact that you were raised in the American Midwest among like-minded Christian individuals has more to do with why you believe the way you do than the inherent truth in the material. I was subject to the same influences, growing up a block and a half away from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. But I ultimately couldn't find their answers compelling, despite that the implications of them not being true terrified me at the time, and still do, to a lesser extent, because I like being alive.

[ Wednesday, April 13, 2005 12:10: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Phaedra in Blades of Avernum
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Member # 4233
Profile #78
If anything, the freedom of women in the US to wear whatever they want, bikinis and all, is indicative of the power they possess in western society. Consider the alternative - the Middle Eastern cultures - where women have many fewer rights and are forced to conceal themselves almost entirely from view. Which society is more sexist?

I think the capacity to attract and beguile is a quite potent tool in its own right, and I definitely don't begrudge women the right to it; I wish I had something comparable.

I agree, it's possible to view women/men on more than one level. I certainly am as guilty as anyone else for constantly scoping, and at some base level aspects of sexuality are always in my thoughts. But that doesn't prevent me from respecting and interacting with all the women in my life, many of whom are my good friends, and several of whom at this point are like sisters.

As for TM, I reckon you just need to get some action. :) It definitely adds perspective. Not to worry though - as Chef said on South Park: "There's a time and a place for everything, children, and that's college." Just don't go to Lawrence University - I guarantee the pool of candidates there isn't stellar.

[ Wednesday, April 13, 2005 11:12: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Sony Patents "real" Matrix in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #10
Seems familiar...

Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Favorite Author in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #12
Victor Hugo for me, followed by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Some of his work puts Salman Rushdie up there for me as well, as well as Patrick O'Brian, for well-written guilty pleasure.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Middle of the road viewpoint in Geneforge Series
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Member # 4233
Profile #4
Given that the player is such a hot shot, it's a shame he/she can't create his/her own faction - it seems many of the poeple in the game you can help would gladly join with your saner choices.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Party Poll(please vote for this) in Geneforge Series
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Member # 4233
Profile #3
This is a pointless poll. May it die a quick death.


[ Tuesday, April 12, 2005 09:27: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Phaedra in Blades of Avernum
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Member # 4233
Profile #57
Maybe dudes just dig scoping out chicks. The multi-billion dollar porn industry can't be wrong...

EDIT: Actually, heavy armor has the downside of limiting mobility, which can then become more important - consider modern warfare. Perhaps the Avernum-equivalent would be magic, in which case, a magic bra as opposed to regular armor is a good call, while a wonder, or miracle, bra in all cases remains a bad call. :P

[ Monday, April 11, 2005 08:11: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Phaedra in Blades of Avernum
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Member # 4233
Profile #38
Originally written by Kelandon:

I mostly agree with that, with one proviso: women who wear revealing clothing often do it for the sake of the reactions that they get -- but not necessarily that they want to sleep with someone. Some just like the attention or the ability to make men want them. It gives power.
I agree completely. I guess what I was trying to point out in my backwards way is that women are not innocent players in their objectification.

[ Friday, April 08, 2005 10:35: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
science, philosophy or religion? in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #2
How about all three?
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Phaedra in Blades of Avernum
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Member # 4233
Profile #36
The clothes we choose to wear are like words - they are tools. They serve a functional purpose, and mean different things to different people.

Whether women want it or not, revealing clothing does tend to send a message. While it certainly doesn't justify inappropriate behavior ("Did you see the way she was dressed? She was asking for it..."), to claim ignorance over the message such clothes send is disingenuous, like when women claim that they wear tight fitting clothing because it makes them feel good or sexy, but balk when it's suggested they do so for men.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
New Abortion Laws in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #275
Originally written by Ash Lael:

Andrew Miller - I think your point of view is quite a logical one. If you don't believe in a higher power, then of course there is no such thing as right and wrong outside of what people decide. In fact, it would probably be more accurate to say there's no such thing as right and wrong at all, only legal and illegal.

Taking this through to it's logical conclusion, one assumes you'd see nothing wrong with slavery, the White Australia policy, and other such 'legal evils' that have existed through history?

My society has decided to see something wrong with slavery, though if you want to get down to brass tacks, slavery by and large turned out not to be an economically sustainable practice, what with the rapid advances made in technology toward the end of the 19th century (and certainly now), which I think is a better, if less uplifting, explanation for its disappearance.

As for racism/White Australia, I think this stems more from our tribalistic, competitive and xenophobic instincts than our laws. Progress in human rights as part of the social contract has seen this diminish as well, though interest groups may try to have their biases and beliefs codified from time to time (as the Christian Right has been doing in the US). This general trend of progressiveness seems like a "good" and "right" thing to me because a.) society is more harmonious and productive that way, and b.) I know I wouldn't want to be treated so poorly, so it only seems fair.

[ Thursday, April 07, 2005 06:31: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
New Abortion Laws in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #266
Originally written by Mind:

What I mean to say is, in my insight, not reproducing is murder as much as abortion is. It is merely refusing to give a child life.
Check please, waiter! This discussion is done.

[ Wednesday, April 06, 2005 13:05: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
New Abortion Laws in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #263
Originally written by Mind:

Originally written by andrew miller:

Abortion is a horrible tragedy…
Then why isn't not reproducing a tragedy?

Fetuses and embryos are not conscious. Abortion isn't murder, but not granting life.

I edited my post a bit, but I don't understand what you're saying here. I agree that abortion isn't murder. I do think it's sad, but I don't think that the practice should be outlawed.

On what basis is deciding not to reproduce a tragedy?

(Of course, I can see how my own choice not to spread my seed in the world definitely would be a tragedy, but I'm talking in general terms here. ;) )

[ Wednesday, April 06, 2005 08:48: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
New Abortion Laws in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #261
Originally written by The Creator:

Andrew, if I understand you correctly, you're saying "abortion is okay because the majority say it's okay."
No - I'm saying that human life is valued/considered superior to animal life because society has dictated this, not some God/outside influence. We're special because we say we are, not because of any inherent characteristic of our being. You can't prove a soul exists, and your best authority on the matter, the Bible, is a markedly unscientific and dated resource to which to turn. You could point to the fact that we are conscious, but I think that's dubious evidence for singling us out - consider the several gorillas at this point who can speak in sign language.

I personally feel that abortions in many ways are tragedies - I agree that it's sad that a potential life won't occur as a result - but the reality is that abortions will still happen, no matter how they're regulated. I firmly believe that if you make them illegal, you are only increasing the risk to women and the suffering of everyone involved over and above what would happen if legal abortions were to occur in a clinical setting. I think that by supporting laws that would make abortions illegal, you are only fostering increased suffering for everyone.

[ Wednesday, April 06, 2005 08:37: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Two years to the day. in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #62
Originally written by imho:

personally, i think the best solution for this problem, if we can even consider it good, is the extintion of Israel, and the fundation of a palestinian state. i don't have nothing against jews, but this is the least painful way to stop the present conflict, for both sides

however, chances are that this situation drags on forever, because of the delicate balance between the US and Saudhi Arabia and other middle east countries

Be realistic. Israel is here to stay. How about the Palestinians give up their dreams of a state? Likely? No.

Fortunately, progress is being made. Settlements are starting to be dissolved. This is a huge first step on Israel's part. Abbas is also gaining headway.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
What Movies Are You Looking Forward To? in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #2
I saw Sin City this weekend, and really enjoyed it, but man, was it violent! It certainly pushed the "R" rating to the fullest extent possible. If you see it, I can promise you won't look at Elijah Wood the same way ever again. :)

I'm actually looking forward to Episode III, though I have great misgivings after Episode II.

[ Tuesday, April 05, 2005 04:30: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Dislikable in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #22
I wonder why this was unlocked? I for one thought that locking this topic was a good move.

At any rate, now having the chance, I voted yes, for the same reason Kel did. Get over yourself.

[ Tuesday, April 05, 2005 05:24: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Le pape est mort. in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #32
Originally written by Mind:

I knew nothing about the pope's ecumenical actions.

Forgive my ignorance beyond belief.

However, having a long life-span and setting foot on Greece or Israel isn't directly beneficial at all.

Lots of periodicals are recounting his accomplishments. I'm pretty sure you can find relevant information on John Paul II here, here, or here.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Anyone designing scenarios? in Blades of Avernum
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Member # 4233
Profile #22
teh topic sez:

UUUUAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!! Reeeellllleeeaaasseee meeee, and aaalllooowww meeee tooo retuuuurnnn toooo mmyyy rrreeesssstttt!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

EDIT: Actually, I'm contemplating writing a short scenario in order to learn the editor, though it's unlikely that I will, since my fiancee frowns on leisure pursuits whilst the wedding is not as yet fully planned. :(

[ Monday, April 04, 2005 12:26: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Le pape est mort. in General
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Member # 4233
Profile #26
Learn about Terri Schiavo here.

[ Monday, April 04, 2005 12:29: Message edited by: andrew miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
