Profile for Student of Trinity
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Displayed name | Student of Trinity |
Member number | 3431 |
Title | Electric Sheep One |
Postcount | 3335 |
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Registered | Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
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Gender and RPGs in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Wednesday, April 30 2008 12:15
The ability limitations for female characters in AD&D1 were a misguided attempt at realism. No woman has ever benchpressed as much as the greatest male weightlifters. But no man has successfully cast a fireball spell, either. So it really didn't make sense. I mean, did someone else write 'fantasy role-playing game' on Gygax's covers while he wasn't looking, or what? But this was where D&D was showing its roots in homegrown table-top gaming, where in principle it was a simulation, but realism was rarely achievable without unacceptable complexity, so any rule that seemed both simple and realistic would be defended fiercely, even if it made the game worse. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Future Series - What Would You Like? in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Tuesday, April 29 2008 00:44
Yeah, a glowing Chitrach would have been better than that lizard, good thought the lizard graphic is for lizard monsters. Bats may be bugs, but chitrachs ain't lizards. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Deathmatch Tournament -- Round Two, Part Two in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Monday, April 28 2008 19:59
Hey, it was enough. This dragon just doesn't want to pollute the environment unnecessarily. It's a green black dragon. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
MicroSoft XP SP3 Is out! in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Saturday, April 26 2008 13:31
quote:FYT. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
SPAM in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Saturday, April 26 2008 13:24
When I was living in the US somebody tried to recruit me into the Democratic Party, even after I explained that I wasn't a US citizen. But I decided I wasn't going to get involved in nation-building. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
A question. in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Saturday, April 26 2008 13:12
One can't really 'reach' anything's gravitational field. Gravitational fields just gradually get weaker with distance; there is no sharp boundary. There isn't really a perfectly sharp boundary for the Earth's atmosphere, either, but it does fade out much more quickly than the Earth's gravity, so one can speak of 'entering' the Earth's atmosphere. And then it's just a matter of friction, from falling very fast through increasingly thick air. Spacecraft and meteors get windburn. It would be a problem for nukes, not to mention raptors. But nukes can be heat-shielded well enough to survive entering the atmosphere from space. That's what ICBMs do, after all. They leave the atmosphere and re-enter it. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Deathmatch Tournament -- Round Two, Part Two in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Saturday, April 26 2008 07:19
Gentlemen, you can't fight in here — this is the War Room! -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
A question. in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Friday, April 25 2008 22:49
No, I don't believe we could construct a single bomb that would kill everyone. That would be scaling up H-bomb technology by a factor of, oh, at least a million, probably a lot more, and technologies like that do not scale well. To rub out everyone you would need to make a bomb that actually did significant damage to the planet itself, and as Thuryl said, we are not in that league. Humans are just not capable of global-scale effects over time periods less than centuries. We are simply not (yet?) that powerful. The scaremongers for a succession of causes have suppressed people's sense of scale. No doubt their intentions in doing so were noble, but it was dumb and dangerous, because it amounts to crying wolf. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
A question. in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Friday, April 25 2008 13:06
Actually I've never been persuaded that available nuclear arsenals could destroy civilization. There are a lot of big bombs, but it's a big planet. But why is it a big deal whether nuclear war would really extinugish the human race? Obviously there's enough nuclear firepower stocked up to kill an awful lot of people. Isn't that bad enough? -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Geneforge 5 - March Update in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Thursday, April 24 2008 21:03
Maybe gunpowder doesn't even exist in this world. Think of Zelazny's world of Amber, where gunpowder is entirely inert. (Then the hero discovers by accident that jeweler's rouge — basically superfine rust powder — is extremely flammable. He equips an army with assault rifles and ammo filled with jeweler's rouge, and takes over easily. So maybe firearms are possible after all, just in some weird way.) -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Deathmatch Tournament -- Round Two, Part Two in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Thursday, April 24 2008 11:06
quote:Yikes! I should have known the PPP was really a secret weapon project. All that selfless community service was merely a cover. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Deathmatch Tournament -- Round Two, Part Two in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Thursday, April 24 2008 04:43
What, never heard of that great epic by thaddeus q. tolkeen? It's about three great cubic zirconia knock-offs that were so very Similar to the ones by Feanor, your friends will never know the difference. Plus you'll save yourself a lot of grief, doom, curses, and so on. Operators are standing by. [ Thursday, April 24, 2008 07:44: Message edited by: Student of Trinity ] -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
I don't want to be a woman! in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Wednesday, April 23 2008 14:07
Snap out of it, soldier, and get with the program. Play as a woman like a man! -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
SPAM in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Tuesday, April 22 2008 01:37
The allies supplied the Soviet armies on a massive scale. The Red Army ran hundreds of thousands of American-built trucks, for example. None of this stuff went through the German lines, of course. It went by sea, mostly through Iran or the pacific coast, but quite a bit also across the north Atlantic. None of which detracts from the fact that the Soviets mass produced their own excellent tanks, aircraft, and other weaponry and munitions, and did most of the actual fighting against Germany. The western allies gave significant aid, and eventually did open the second front, but the eastern front was the main theatre of war. [ Tuesday, April 22, 2008 01:42: Message edited by: Student of Trinity ] -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
SPAM in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Sunday, April 20 2008 12:12
quote:I can appreciate the contention that the bovine species may be a morally relevant entity, with its own rights and all that. What puzzles me is the way this perspective seems to arise spontaneously and implicitly. I think maybe it's because few humans, even few vegetarians, really do or even can think about cows as individuals. When the fight over a human being's rights gets dirty, people start talking about how he was always a good boy to his doting mother, or hint that she was mean to the servants. We get into character, personal circumstances, relationships. Nobody does this with cows. (It could be that as humans we just don't appreciate these things or their analogues in other species, but I suspect that cows are just too dumb to have those things or anything like them.) But why does it seem so natural to seize on synecdoche as the substitute for that sort of discussion? Is moving from individual cows to The Cow in some way similar, as a rhetorical move, to highlighting the individual identity of a human being? -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Romans or Celts? in Nethergate | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Sunday, April 20 2008 05:33
Nero and the elite that upheld him were not so different from the Unseelie Court, powerful and inhuman. That's what I found cool about playing the Romans: damnation whether you did or you didn't, and the only thing the legionaries could really believe in was the Legion. You're not doing anything for Nero, you're not doing anything for Rome. You're doing it for the Legion, which serves Nero and Rome because that's what Legions do. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Absorbing creations: necessary? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Saturday, April 19 2008 22:01
My Shock Trooper dithered inefficiently between melee and magic, but pumped Intelligence steadily enough to have three Wingbolts (plus a couple of leftover Vlish) against Monarch. Wingbolts are certainly the best all-round creation, especially if you make them early, because they can level a lot through Chapter 3, which has practically nothing magic-resistant in it. I found that it made life easier, though, to include a drayk or two, and later a couple of Drakons, just for the occasions where fire damage was called for. You have to heal them a lot when you encounter Kyshakks, but I think it's worth it to decrease the tedium of magic-magic duels. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
SPAM in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Saturday, April 19 2008 10:44
I noticed this same thing in an earlier edition of our roughly annual semi-serious vegetarianism discussions: it's surprising how quickly people start bringing up the fate of domesticated species, as opposed to individual domesticated animals. Cows as we know them couldn't survive off the farm, so humans are doing cows a great favor by keeping their species alive. Or alternatively, humans have committed a great crime against cows, by breeding them for helplessness. I find this curious, because the good or evil for which humans are praised or blamed is in either case much more abstract than anyone would think to mention if a human being were murdered, or born. There seems to me to be something funny about the moral premises involved in this discussion. I can't put my finger on just what it is, but this easy slide to the collective level somehow seems to have something to do with it. Is this really about the thanks of future cow generations for the births they would not have had without us? Are we so haunted by the herds of tough wild cattle whose existence we forestalled? Anyone else see why I'm again going, Huh? at this point? [ Saturday, April 19, 2008 10:46: Message edited by: Student of Trinity ] -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
The Sucia Archives in Geneforge Series | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Friday, April 18 2008 07:43
You forgot the vow of perpetual celibacy. Though if you do make a shareware game Wiki your life's work, the vow might be superfluous in this regard. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
The Sucia Archives in Geneforge Series | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Thursday, April 17 2008 10:37
Indeed, the forum is live. I just made the second topic. One small step for vlishkind. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
When Jeff remakes Avernum... in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Wednesday, April 16 2008 08:40
I dunno about a remade A2, but if Jeff's new game is called Electric Bugaloo, I'll buy extra copies to give to all my friends. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
When Jeff remakes Avernum... in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Tuesday, April 15 2008 10:23
Hades: Hell Warmed Over -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
While We Wait for the Next Chapter in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Monday, April 14 2008 22:23
I'm afraid the penalty around these parts for revisiting a theme half a page late is death by fishstick. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Episode 5: 'Spiderweb Resistance'. in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Monday, April 14 2008 12:40
Aren't Ecksians the people from the 'land down under', in Discworld? This must mean the villain is an Aussie! I always knew those dangerous antipodal types would be a threat to our innocent podes. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
While We Wait for the Next Chapter in General | |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Sunday, April 13 2008 13:39
quote:I reckon you got him there, all right. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |