Future Series - What Would You Like?
Author | Topic: Future Series - What Would You Like? |
Member # 14343
written Saturday, April 19 2008 18:43
quote:Oh, cool! I guess it will be available on your website? I'll have to keep an eye out for it. Funnily enough, I haven't played Blades of Avernum for awhile...I had gotten through the scenario "Valley of Dying Things" and then I went to another scenario that removed all my characters and left one totally different character...and I had saved so I didn't know how to get my people back. So after that I got discouraged and didn't play anymore. But definitely I have to start again, especially if there's dinosaurs involved :) and there's so many good scenarios out there that (hopefully) won't mess up my game. Sorry for the side trip by the way! -------------------- "And if I had the choice I'd take the voice I got / Cause it was hard to find. / You know I've come too far to wind up right back where I started." - Concrete Blonde (True) http://tobylinn.awardspace.com http://toby-linn.stumbleupon.com/ http://www.flixster.com/user/tobylinn Posts: 72 | Registered: Wednesday, February 20 2008 08:00 |
Member # 14343
written Saturday, April 19 2008 18:56
quote:Yes, you're right...possibly a cross between a Velociraptor and a Hadrosaurus . I don't know really...all I know is it reminds me of a dinosaur. But did all of themm have to look the same? A little variety might have been nice :P -------------------- "And if I had the choice I'd take the voice I got / Cause it was hard to find. / You know I've come too far to wind up right back where I started." - Concrete Blonde (True) http://tobylinn.awardspace.com http://toby-linn.stumbleupon.com/ http://www.flixster.com/user/tobylinn Posts: 72 | Registered: Wednesday, February 20 2008 08:00 |
Member # 3442
written Sunday, April 20 2008 04:28
quote:I feel a pang of responsibility now, smattered with guilt... All I can suggest is that you keep a back-up copy of your party somewhere safe, and if the scenario intro text says that your party is going to be ruined, don't take in your favourite group of characters. :/ -------------------- Nikki's Nook - a heart on a string that's about to be cut. Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 7538
written Sunday, April 20 2008 15:33
quote:I always save an in-scenario copy when I enter one I haven't played yet, just to be safe. Can't trust these crazy designers these days. :P On that note, I have been trying to figure out a way to temporarily reconfigure a party without permanently destroying it. The best I've got is obscenely complicated, and probably more effort than it's even worth, since I'm not likely to ever use it. -------------------- Do not provoke the turtles. They do not like being provoked. -Lenar ET reminds me of myself before I was taken into a small chatroom by TM, Alec, and various other members. They then proceeded to beat some sense into me... -Lt. Sullust My website: Nemesis' Refuge (Last Update: 3/16/08) Posts: 743 | Registered: Friday, September 29 2006 07:00 |
Member # 7472
written Sunday, April 20 2008 15:47
Check out TftTI for a pre-generated party system that restores the party at the end. -------------------- Nioca's Citadel Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00 |
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
written Sunday, April 20 2008 16:23
quote:Care to expand that a little? With all the scenarios available, it's become increasingly difficult to know what these acronyms mean. You know, to us laymen. -------------------- Synergy, et al - "I don't get it." Argon - "I'm at a loss for words..." Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00 |
Member # 7472
written Sunday, April 20 2008 16:33
Tales from the Tabard Inn. -------------------- Nioca's Citadel Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00 |
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
written Sunday, April 20 2008 18:27
quote:It may surprise you to know that I understand the construction of acronyms. But, if you needed the exercise in typing all those brackets, glad to have given you cause. Edit - That reminds me that I do need to download that scenario. I tried from nethergate, a while ago, and failed, so will have to try again. [ Sunday, April 20, 2008 18:28: Message edited by: Jumpin Salmon ] -------------------- Synergy, et al - "I don't get it." Argon - "I'm at a loss for words..." Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00 |
Member # 7472
written Sunday, April 20 2008 19:28
Meh. I figured that, since I was already typing out the full name, I might as well go the extra mile. Anyway, if Shadow Vale doesn't work, you might want to try the Blades Forge. I know TftTI is there as well. -------------------- Nioca's Citadel Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00 |
Member # 7704
written Wednesday, April 23 2008 22:49
So Basicity original, funny and adaptable? Hum, no good idea. Except.... Well we can make a game that doesn't talk about freedom something new and elaborate? How about a deep critic about the functions of persons in a family? Like the social pressure we put on men to become the good proud saviors, women to be slavishly obedient and obligated to be self reliant and nourishing? After all the games like avernum and more peculiarly in geneforge denounce slavery and parent abusing on a higher level. That why we adolescents like jeff's games so much because it illustrate our inner battles with our parents? -------------------- You can jump off a bridge, fire a gun in your mouth, drink poison,or going in to the tiger's pit but you will still end up dead it's a mater of time and how . Posts: 312 | Registered: Sunday, November 26 2006 08:00 |
Member # 14311
written Sunday, April 27 2008 22:04
what i wold like t see is a way to upgrade your unarmed attacks. i want to make a monk like character. The only real way to do it is max strength, nd even then... oh, make a new weapon-combat gloves. Clawa on the gloves, make it a melee weapon type i guess. ] [========]------> [========]------> [========]------> ] -------------------- you will submit to my will...MindDuel! Posts: 32 | Registered: Tuesday, February 19 2008 08:00 |
Member # 8030
written Monday, April 28 2008 20:18
I've said before in about every thread of similar discussion: a revival of the 80's RPG Omega. Whatever Jeff does though, I want a guy with a silver hammer named Maxwell. quote:I thought the chitrach queen was some sort of mutated dragon at first, I also though the prime sentinel kind of looked like paper mache (spelling?). -------------------- Decca Records - "We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out." Posts: 1384 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Monday, April 28 2008 21:54
You know, "80's RPG" is not really the best epithet for Omega, considering that (1) the vast majority of its development and use took place in the 90's, (2) there were actually two different RPGs called Omega published in the 80's, and (3) it's far less descriptive than even "80's music" which, while poor taxonomically, at least means something to most people. — Slartucker, who is admittedly also an old game fetishist. Yesterday he spent several hours tinkering with Basilisk ][ in order to get Jewel of Arabia to run on it. He then spent several hours staring at ResCompare until he had extracted weapon damage data and clothing water consumption adjustment data from the game. It was actually quite interesting. ALORAEL, GET OUT OF MY HEAD! -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Slartucker is going to have a cow when he hears about this," Synergy said. Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
written Monday, April 28 2008 22:37
The real Alorael™ would have enabled HTML for that post. Imposter! -------------------- Synergy, et al - "I don't get it." Argon - "I'm at a loss for words..." Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00 |
Member # 7538
written Monday, April 28 2008 22:44
Ah… Jewel of Arabia… I downloaded it a while back, then only recently put it on the older computer. Now I just have to find the time to play it. Nah, I have no excuse. I just haven't felt like playing games lately. I'm in work mode. -------------------- Do not provoke the turtles. They do not like being provoked. -Lenar ET reminds me of myself before I was taken into a small chatroom by TM, Alec, and various other members. They then proceeded to beat some sense into me... -Lt. Sullust My website: Nemesis' Refuge (Last Update: 3/16/08) Posts: 743 | Registered: Friday, September 29 2006 07:00 |
Member # 6834
written Monday, April 28 2008 23:30
Personally I'd like to see a sci fi rpg that isn't all anime or based on another preexisting sci fi. Posts: 13 | Registered: Sunday, February 26 2006 08:00 |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Tuesday, April 29 2008 00:44
Yeah, a glowing Chitrach would have been better than that lizard, good thought the lizard graphic is for lizard monsters. Bats may be bugs, but chitrachs ain't lizards. -------------------- Listen carefully because some of your options may have changed. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Member # 15001
written Tuesday, April 29 2008 03:04
I'm late to the party, but I don't want classes and I think the traveling system in A4/5 is great. I like being able to take a character's skill progression in any direction I want, and to change direction suddenly. I also like the continuous map. I like being able to return to places I've already been, for historical purposes or to defeat an enemy who whupped me the first time. I think that the continuous map better portrays distances and helps one feel that one has actually traveled. A sci-fi game would be nice, or a John Woo sort of modern action setting. I would also play a humor game for sure. But when Jeff reworks A1-3 I will be all over that. Posts: 67 | Registered: Thursday, March 6 2008 08:00 |
Lack of Vision
Member # 2717
written Tuesday, April 29 2008 07:37
I have a screenshot from the next SW game, Galactic Core 2. At first, I thought the dead guy was Alo because of the round head, but with the hat, it clearly looks more like ET. ![]() -------------------- Pan Lever: Seventeen apple roving mirror moiety. Of turned quorum jaggedly the. Blue? Posts: 186 | Registered: Thursday, February 27 2003 08:00 |
Member # 3442
written Tuesday, April 29 2008 09:16
quote:Play Kingdom Of Loathing. Ding Dong. -------------------- Nikki's Nook - a heart on a string that's about to be cut. Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 6834
written Tuesday, April 29 2008 09:57
If you can find a working link to the game New Centurions thats a good example of a sci fi RPG. I found it to be very fun. [ Tuesday, April 29, 2008 09:59: Message edited by: Bubb9 ] Posts: 13 | Registered: Sunday, February 26 2006 08:00 |
Lack of Vision
Member # 2717
written Tuesday, April 29 2008 10:39
quote:Damnit! I'd almost managed to erase all memory of that pile of hyena dung from my mind, and now you've had to mention it. New Centurions was nothing more than a new skin on the 10 year old Realmz engine, and served up with a steaming side of fyora vomit to an unsuspecting world. And fantasoft asked people to pay $25 for it. Sheesh! -------------------- Pan Lever: Seventeen apple roving mirror moiety. Of turned quorum jaggedly the. Blue? Posts: 186 | Registered: Thursday, February 27 2003 08:00 |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Tuesday, April 29 2008 11:39
On the up side, though, it had fewer problems. For example, Realmz had something like 30 horribly designed classes by the end, whereas New Centurions only had 8 or so horribly designed classes. 8 out of 8, but still... -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Slartucker is going to have a cow when he hears about this," Synergy said. Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Member # 6834
written Wednesday, April 30 2008 09:29
Really I thought it was quite fun. Posts: 13 | Registered: Sunday, February 26 2006 08:00 |
Lack of Vision
Member # 2717
written Wednesday, April 30 2008 10:00
Okay, I feel a little bad slagging on New Centurions (not a lot, but a little) since you liked it. Can I ask what you liked about it? -------------------- Pan Lever: Seventeen apple roving mirror moiety. Of turned quorum jaggedly the. Blue? Posts: 186 | Registered: Thursday, February 27 2003 08:00 |