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Around the Universe in However Long it Takes! in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #77
Tommy left the arcade after hearing about giant burritos attacking. "Finally! Something else to do!" Tommy raced toward the cargo bay door. When he opened it, however, there were no burritos. The only thing that was left was a spider high on skribbane, a lot of webs, bits and pieces of food everywhere, and a lot of fat people. Hmmm... guess it was wrong. I'll just go see what there is to eat. Tommy reclosed the cargo bay and walked toward the kitchen to fix himself something to eat.

OOC: Ha. I made everyone in that battle fat. Burritos can be attacking anywhere else, but the cargo bay is way past done. ;)

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Zombie Attack RP in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #121
Things were not going well. The outpost that Rasil was in fell under attack a while ago. Most of the zombies have forgone attacking it all together, and began climbing up for the lust of brains. Rasil was only with a couple of soldiers up there, and shades were coming from the distance.

"Keep them down there!" Rasil shouted to one of the soldiers. Another cough and a woozy daze, and the soldier got into keeping the zombies down. Rasil was faring well against the disease, strangely. He was rather suprised how green everyone was looking compared to him, as he only had small coughing fits. He shot another arrow, and saw it go through one of the advancing shades. It continued as though nothing hit it. D***it! If something doesn't happen soon, this whole place is going down! Rasil only managed to glimpse two people wading through the crowd before he had to refocus on more targets.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Around the Universe in However Long it Takes! in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #49
Tommy was still in a state of confustion as he left his hallway, looking out as ADoS left his room. What the heck was a stupid mug doing in my room in the first place? Tommy continued to walk, thinking about why ADoS would want a mug, when he happen to walk into the recreational facility.

"Oooo... Arcade..." He walks right in and forgets what he was thinking about.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Around the Universe in However Long it Takes! in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #40
OOC: Ok, I said I was thrown into a completely different wing, and yet I still manage to push the button a couple seconds later? Whatever, I don't mind. I became the hero there anyhow. =P

Tommy finally reached his room. Many people were grateful that he did such a stunt, and someone even caught it on tape. They said they would have it turned into a great clip. Something about stupid things people do. The hallway was bare, and the only thing covering the hallways were metal. He silently opened the iron door and stepped in. Tommy wasn't expecting visitors.

"Hello, Tommy." ADoS was sitting on his bed, and had a very evil gleam in his eye. Something was in his pocket.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Around the Universe in However Long it Takes! in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #35
Tommy tried to get to his sleeping quarters, but some annoying cyborg was blocking the path, setting everything alight. He also made a lot of noise my screaming "RESET" so much.

"CAN YOU TELL ME HOW TO TURN HIM OFF!?" Tommy screamed toward a crowd. All he could get is "BACK!".

Tommy made either a very bold or just plain stupid move as he raced around the crazed cyborg. He pounded on the back of the cyborg's back, and sure enough, something happened. His back opened up, and there was a very shiny blue button with "RESET" in big letters.

Before Tommy could push it, Cyborve turned around and threw him strait across the hall and into a completely different wing of the ship.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Zombie Attack RP in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #116
How lucky of a time Rasil had! The whole inn was sacked as he took every valuble in sight, while leaving any of those "family heirlooms" alone. I don't need anybody killing me for something as idiotic as that... Rasil went into a small coughing fit as he tried to regain his balance. He heard the scream of soldiers and such and decided that if he was gonna get out of here, he would have to help them. He hobbled down the stairs, taking with him someone else's quiver of arrows.

Out upon the battle field, hell was breaking loose toward the front. The dragon had been slain, but many more undead ran about, killing anything in sight. Rasil reached an outpost already built and climbed up. He grabbed a chair that was up there, sat down, and began sniping at the undead with his bow.

OOC: That dragon is dead... right? And sorry about the rather cruddy description, but I need Rasil in the battlefield already!

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Around the Universe in However Long it Takes! in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #26
OOC: Awww, darnit. I missed the trip. Ah well... So much for it. I'll wait for some insane thing to happen. That shouldn't be too long the way this RP is going... =P

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Zombie Attack RP in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #111
Rasil sat on at one of the inn's table, with bandages wrapped around his burned leg. Looks like everyone else has gone out... He gave a slight cough as he rubbed his leg, still aching with burning pain. He was feeling somewhat woozy, and decided it be best if he stayed here a little. Then the blast of rotten stench came.

It hit the town with a force of an ice storm. An undead dragon was afoot, and one lone person was racing toward it, while others were bringing up the rear. Rasil looked out of the window to see the action. Hmmm... I think its time I go take a visit upstairs... Using his bow as a crutch, he went upstairs to "check" on things.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Hello everyone! in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #16
Yay! Japanese here! I'm half-Americain and Half-Japanese, so maybe I can help you a little. Anyhow, welcome to these forums.

Doko ni tsundeiruno? (I'm not too good with Japanese... have to get my mom for help X_x)

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
hello in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #23
Welcome, Mortification, to the Spiderweb Forums! Hope you enjoy your stay (which we're going to make bets on*), and ask that you don't spam... like you won't. Right? =P

*Je-ust kiddin'.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
The War of the Races in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #22
Whoops. My bad on that, Party Animal. I should replay Exile 2 or A2 again... =/

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
The War of the Races in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #19
Very good point, Aran, but greed in my term was what they would get out of the war. Sure, a bunch of caves are not much, but when they find minerals and all that, plus all the Vahantni stuff, don't forget the slith and nephil stuff along with that, the Empire is sure to get anxious to have that stuff sooner or later. They stole a soul crystal before, they can do it again! IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards The War of the Races_files/wink.gif)

However, I would actually prefer sliths (not saying they'd win, but I still would woot for them). They can take out many, [i]MANY[/i] soldiers before going down, and are much more powerful than the nephils or humans. Although, I don't know how they would hold out against the Tower of Magi (If it still exists when the war happens.)

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Zombie Attack RP in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #71
OOC:Alright! Thanks to giving me the ok. I'll just go ahead and hit a character description first.

-Rasil, The "Happy-Go-Lucky" Theif
-Natrual Cunning, Witty, and even has his own honour code. Even with all these attributes, he somehow, out of the worst of luck or his own clumsiness, gets into the strangest situations.
-Look: He has brown bushy hair, with a bright face. Rasil is skinny, and somewhat tall. He wears two gold rings around his neck (Will be discussed if he lives.), and a flowing red tattered scarf because Rasil just loves the effect it makes. He has on a simple green shirt, with an insignia of a lion on the back. He wears pants (Yeah! Something that you need to wear just because in Exile! IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Zombie Attack RP (3)_files/wink.gif) ) which are also green, and some leather boots made from a cow's hide. He wields two double bladed daggers, which are ringed around his wrists with iron rings and a taunt rope to allow quicker attacks and swift blows. He also carries a bow on his back (Though, no arrows.) He has on brown leather gloves from lizard skin.
-Age: Only 19, and is still learning.

Ok, Now for the real stuff. Since the third wave has already started, I'll have him come from behind (A path from a different city).

In Character:
Rasil was a step ahead of his persuers. He camped out with a small band of soldiers, and left the morning when they were all asleep. He just "borrowed" a couple things and left. Thank god for that forest, he thought to himself. a couple of quick turns in a forest always does the trick.
Rasil began to hum a tune until a sickening smell came to his nostrils. He opened his eyes, and there were zombies coming after him! Crap! Where did this stuff come from!? He immediatly brang out his daggers and charged headlong into the small roving band that came from the little town. He dashed up to one and drove the dagger strait up, cutting the zombie in half. Two other ones came from behind and grabbed his legs. He was pulled down to the ground, flipped around, and cut the hands off the zombies. The fourth and last one went for his head, and Rasil did a neat recovery off the floor, and whacked the zombie with the bow. He then turned to the other two behind his back and dismembered them into a package.
Where did these things come from? Rasil took a look into the distance and saw a town under siege by something. He raced toward it.

OOC:Yeah, this is just an intro for my character. He'll probably reach the town by around the end of round three. That, and I want to know how I did. I'm not that great a roleplayer, so please, can someone tell me how my actions came out?

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Zombie Attack RP in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #63
OOC: I know, I'm posting in very, very late, but I just needed to know if I can toss in a character right now. Thanks.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
The War of the Races in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #12
Of course, the humans would obviously win. They got numbers, greed, mercinaries with amazing crap. Heck, the only thing I see which would be a major disadvantage to the humans would be the amount of casualties they will rake up. Sure, nephils, sliths, and the Vahnatai are going to be overwhelmed sooner or later, they will go out with a huge bang none the less. Hmmm... maybe this could be a huge campaign scenario for BOA... IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards The War of the Races_files/wink.gif)

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Spiderweb mention in MSNBC article in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #12
Congratz to Jeff is all I can say. I belive I found his REALLY old Exile game (With older graphics than you think) on a simple cd with 1000 demos. His games have gotten real good ever since then. =)

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Favorite Games in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #23
Heck, to say the least, there is NEVER going to be a one favorite game for me. There are just way too many games to choose from.

For a list of them... Hmmm...

Heroes of Might and Magic II
Pits of Angband
Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Exile series
Sim City 2000
Black & White

...I think thats it. Eh, I'll think of them some other time.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
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Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
