Profile for Rowen
Field | Value |
Displayed name | Rowen |
Member number | 2123 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 228 |
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Registered | Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Recent posts
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Dear Moms in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Sunday, May 11 2008 07:30
I just wanted to say Happy Mothers day to all you great moms out there. :) -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Macintosh Architecture Poll in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Saturday, May 10 2008 14:14
I've had no problems with my Mighty Mouse in the 8 months that I've been using it. Its the bluetooth mouse and for a keyboard I have the really thin one but it hooks up to my MacBook with a UBS cables. Never had any problems with it and it feels a lot more comfortable for me to type with then the older blocky keyboards. But I might just be the odd sheep in the flock here. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
A question. in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Sunday, April 27 2008 03:28
quote:The book "A Planet for a President" is all about this idea. Kind of scary to think about. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
A question. in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Friday, April 25 2008 16:19
I this link will enlighen you greatly. We cant afford to have a mine shaft gap. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Another picture thread. in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Wednesday, April 2 2008 09:07
Thats funny, I just dyed my hair a very dark blue. I would post a pic but it wont let me upload one from my computer. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
A Question in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Sunday, March 30 2008 13:19
I got this email today from one of my professors here at that U. It seem that shorthand writing has rubbed off on the administration. Look out it might b u next. ;) quote: -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Indie Game Developers Showcase in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Friday, March 28 2008 14:38
Way to go Jeff. I hope you win. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Why can't we just be happy? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Wednesday, March 26 2008 19:11
To know is someone is unhappy you first need to know what happy is for that person. In my life, true happiness comes from living a certain lifestyle. I know this because I have lived contrary to that lifestyle also and found only a hollow happiness. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
New user titles in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Monday, March 24 2008 18:36
From what others here have said about the UBB this is what I understand in my own analogy: We are all on a boat and that boat is sinking. Many people wonder why we on a sinking boat and wish to move to a safer boat. We don't leave the boat because we can bail water as fast as the boat is sinking, thus there is no point leaving the boat because we are not really sinking. That make sense to anyone else? -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
The Survival Thread. in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Monday, March 24 2008 18:24
I had my 8 month old nephew throw up on me. I' only lived through it because my mouth was closed. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
New user titles in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Sunday, March 23 2008 16:26
What I see that will happen is that people will complain for a bit about the new titles, then they will get use to them, then the titles will be changed and once again and everyone will complain. This could all happen within a week or over the course of several years, the end result is that people will complain about change. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Behold II in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Thursday, March 20 2008 22:06
quote:Nice list, but you should worry about the people that aren't on it. They will seek out thier revenge for not being deemed worthy of your immediate attention. Sauron's defeat was brought about by a little hobbit after all. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Behold II in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Wednesday, March 19 2008 13:13
I must ask what the medal on the far right is for (the green one). Looking at the drawing on the medal all I see is a hand flipping me off. Also, congrats for the 2000 and for going into politics. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
A Question in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Tuesday, March 18 2008 14:13
All of my friends and I have unlimited txting but not unlimited minutes. So that means that we txt until the night time and weekend minutes kick in. The only down side to txting is when people txt and drive, it's the equivalent of drinking and driving in my mind. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Internal Server Trouble? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Saturday, March 15 2008 06:58
UBB lives by its own rules, we must comply or be eaten. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
The Abominable Glitch in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Friday, March 14 2008 17:43
quote:FYT -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
F-117 Stealth Fighter enters retirement in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Thursday, March 13 2008 21:38
quote:I'm glad that we are able to serve you so well. :P -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Nyyyoron~! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Sunday, February 17 2008 17:13
quote:He is trying to make up for my lack of not posting 3.3333 posts a day. Someone has to flood the boards since I'm not doing a sufficient job. ;) -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Nyyyoron~! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Thursday, February 14 2008 22:24
quote:I love pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes. My southeast Idahoan conditioning demands it of me. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
What is evil in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Tuesday, February 12 2008 15:20
quote:These are the same thing to me. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Scope of Ethics in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Saturday, February 9 2008 06:38
quote:I beleive that authority is the respect or honor that others give to someone. The moment that they loose that respect or honor, then they have no authority because they wont be obyed. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Spiderweb Demographics 2008 in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Wednesday, February 6 2008 23:40
quote:The word coward can be replaced with the word idiot and still have the same meaning. Its just plain idiocy. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Soccer Boots in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Thursday, January 31 2008 17:43
In Chile I played baby futbol and as such the only cleats that I own are ment for use on asphalt/artificial-turf. Mine are the Nike total 90 III seen here (only I changed mine to have blue laces): ![]() ![]() I really like them for Nike shoes. Otherwise I would go with some pumas. They seem always seemed lighter to me but had a heavy price tag. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
Spiderweb Demographics 2008 in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Wednesday, January 30 2008 00:42
quote:Coming from one Mormon to another, I feel its great that you are doing you beleive in. I've seen how hard the "ex-ing" can be but you need to do what you feel is right for you. Congrats. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |
What have you been reading lately? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2123
written Wednesday, January 30 2008 00:31
I just finished "A Planet For The President" by Alistair Beaton. Best book for any college class I have had to read so far. I can't wait for the class-lead discussion on it. -------------------- "The President finally had what he wanted. The President had a planet. All to himself." -A Planet For The President Posts: 228 | Registered: Monday, October 21 2002 07:00 |