Profile for kkarski
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Displayed name | kkarski |
Member number | 10304 |
Title | Apprentice |
Postcount | 24 |
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Registered | Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Recent posts
Author | Recent posts |
Geneforge 5 - March Update in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 10304
written Thursday, April 24 2008 10:52
As I have said before, the Trakovites don't present any solution to the situation. The world of Geneforge is completely dependent on shaping, starting from farming and simple labour, ending on more elaborate tasks such as medicine, tool making etc. And just as today's world would collapse without electricity, the Geneforge world would completely collapse without Shaping to sustain it. Trakovites just give a call for change, but aren't saying what are they going to do if they succeed. How will they keep order, how will they switch the economy to a completely human-labour based one, and how will they achieve it all and stop poverty and famine from spreading. The shaper council seems to me as the best option, simply because they're the less destructive one. Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Hei! in General | |
Member # 10304
written Wednesday, January 16 2008 13:20
Nie panimaju pa ruski, drugu. Zresztą polski lepszy. Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Hei! in General | |
Member # 10304
written Wednesday, January 16 2008 12:53
quote:Nem magyar vagyok, de magyart tanulok harom hónaptől. Nagyon szép ez a nyelv, akarok utazom magyarországon juliusban vagy augusztusban. Lengyel vagyok, i co za tym idzie mówię po polsku. Ågså, jeg snakker norsk a lytt. Edit: Finnül tanulni leszek következő évben. [ Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:59: Message edited by: kkarski ] Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Anyone find Avernum 4 not as good as 1-3? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Thursday, November 29 2007 05:59
Buy a mac and use bootcamp for any windows software you need to use. Among other advantages (macs are much more reliable, better for graphics and well, just nice) you'll get to play new SW games faster ;> What's the point of having a PC today if you can run both OS X and Windows on a mac? It is a fact that PC's are cheaper, but macs are a better long-term investment. Couple of years ago, I bought myself a PPC mac mini, and my friend bought a Athlon. I'm using the mini today, with no problems at all, the only downside is that I won't be able to run graphic-intensive games like Doom 3 (and seriously, I don't give a damn about it :D ). My friend's Athlon on the other hand had broken down about three times during this period. He had to purchase a new motherboard, a graphics card and a new hard drive. He spent more money than I did overall, and he's constantly frustrated because something doesn't want to work, or he's experiencing strange and critical errors of all sorts. Sorry for the OT, this post may be deleted if it'll be deemed necessary to do so. Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Tips for a A2 hard game. in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 10304
written Monday, November 19 2007 07:52
quote:Hm, you know, I've never used slow before A5. Nor did I use bind foe. I'll try that, thanks. And about the traits, I usually give the elite warrior to my slith, and the wizard gets a natural mage and brittle bones, so that he gets more experience and can pump up intelligence and mage spells to get more spell points. I dinnae what to give to the Nephil and the priest, any advice? Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Tips for a A2 hard game. in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 10304
written Monday, November 19 2007 07:23
Recently I've decided to replay A2, this time on hard difficulty. I found the game to be much harder and much more tactical, but maybe even a little too hard. I've finished A3 on hard without major problems, A4 too (almost, stopped playing after going into Spire fortress), but A2 seems much more difficult than these two. What I'd like to know is, what are your tips for a hard A2 party? I prefer to play with a Slith pole fighter/tank, nephil melee/archer/rogue and two human dedicated spellcasters. PS. I'm a longtime Spidweb games player (and a somewhat intelligent person as well), so tips like "Use haste and bless spells" etc are not necessary :D Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
A5 world in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Monday, November 12 2007 12:18
Any new details about delays/release date of Avernum 5 that beta testers are allowed to share with the public? Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Wednesday, November 7 2007 14:15
Well, Jagged Alliance is a classic and has all the gameplay elements that you've mentioned. No, there is no mac version, but if you have bootcamp or any software to emulate a PC with, you can easily run them on emulated Winblows. I think it's worth the hassle. I've no idea if there is a demo. If you're interested in trying it out, I'd suggest starting with Jagged Alliance 2, as the first part has DOS graphics that are a bit too much for a modern gamer to take. [ Wednesday, November 07, 2007 14:20: Message edited by: kkarski ] Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Wednesday, November 7 2007 07:31
quote:Ever played Jagged Alliance? Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
A5 world in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Tuesday, November 6 2007 01:22
quote:Oil! Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 10304
written Tuesday, November 6 2007 01:04
What makes Trakovite viewpoint flawed is lack of realism. They are idealists, presenting a philosophy that answers some questions of ethical nature, but they don't have a valid theory as how the world economics could be upkept in shape without shaping. Remember, in the Geneforge world shaping influences almost every aspect of life. The plant growth is aided with shaping, the tools are shaped, serviles were shaped strong so that they could do muscle-intensive jobs much more efficiently than humans. The Trakovites don't mention how would they see the world running without shaping. They only call it evil, period. As for the Shapers and the Rebellion, in both groups you can find different members, some compassionate, some very narrowminded, some with liberal views and some very conservative. But still, when looking at the top of these two organisations, whatever they say it is a simple struggle for power. The shapers want to keep their rule, the drakons want to replace them. You may think that the creations would be better off under the rule of the drakons, but it is very possible that humans would be used as a sort of slave race instead of serviles. And the drama would be the same, only with different actors. I would find it more feasible for me to join the Shapers, even just because that I don't believe in Machiavellan "The purpose makes every tool correct" that the non-human Rebellion puts into practice. Addon: I just thought of something funny. Imagine that the Rebellion is victorious, and the humans are completely annihilated as a result. You have a world ran by creations only, and because their creators ceased to exist, they stop being creations. Couple of hundreds years later, a member of the Drakon Council seeking to gain more power, in the secrecy of his laboratories started to create... Humans. Seeing how they are intelligent and useful, he started to make lots of them. Everyone starts to make lots of humans. Then the renegade Drakon goes to Sucia Island and takes his humans with him to work with no interference from the Council. Much later a young drakon-apprentice is sent on a living craft to investigate the island, and there you have it - Jeff could make another four games based on that, and it would create a loop of sorts, so that he could make hundreds of Geneforge sequels being obliged only to make some cosmetical changes (logo, about box etc.) :) [ Tuesday, November 06, 2007 01:14: Message edited by: kkarski ] Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
A5 world in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Tuesday, November 6 2007 00:39
Now that really is... interesting ;> I haven't noticed that resemblance. I just hope that in the game Dorikas won't be hiding in a bunker, somewhere hidden in Avernum. And that the mission of the player won't be, among others, to find evidence of magic of mass destruction that Dorikas is said to have at his disposal. Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
full screen? in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Monday, November 5 2007 15:32
The problem is probably the fact that you usually use a higher resolution than the game uses. You could try changing the resolution manually to 1024x768 before running the game. Maybe Vista doesn't properly execute the instructions from the application to do it by itself. You could mention it in the tech support forum. If it's a Vistawide bug, then perhaps Jeff would put a fix to that in the next patch (if he'll issue one) [ Monday, November 05, 2007 15:33: Message edited by: kkarski ] Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Monday, November 5 2007 01:38
The thing that can be easily introduced to almost every RPG and would make it a bit closer to what Synergy wants (and what I want too) would be to cut down profits gained from combat. I remember playing a usermade NWN module in which killing enemies gave you very little XP, and as such the module encouraged you to look for other options than combat - it was profitable for the player to try using stealth, or searching for another route, or using diplomacy if possible. It would also enlarge the "Role" in "RPG". When you have several possibilites and all of them give you the same benefits, the powergamer that always skulks inside won't tempt you, and you can try to make decisions like your character would - an evil fighter would make a roar and charge the enemies, a stealthy rogue would slip past them or assasinate their leader, a mage could make some sort of diversion with his illusions etc. etc. [ Monday, November 05, 2007 01:40: Message edited by: kkarski ] Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Sunday, November 4 2007 17:10
@Synergy: While your ideas are interesting, they are nigh-on-impossible to implement in a cRPG. The lethality factor which, as you stated, would require careful planning of every step from a player, would turn out to be an irritating save-load nightmare. Making a game where it is too easy to die renders all the planning useless at some point - you can't take everything into consideration and just imagine how frustrated you would be if your great plan would turn green just because a giant hurled a rock at you, lethally, instead of charging you in melee as you predicted. Then you would reload and create another plan which would work, taking the rock-hurling giant into consideration this time. If it happens a couple of times during gameplay, OK. But if the world would have such a degree of realism, it would be a horribly common case. My point is, even with excellent planning, in a game like that there always will be a chance that you'll die, even if you have an excellent party pitting against two goblins, a stroke of bad luck and your PC lies dead. There are a couple of FPS shooters on the market (quite popular) in which you die from a single enemy shot. My friend plays it often on the net, and from what I've seen the majority of his gameplay is waiting for respawning instead of having fun shooting at other people. And you should've heard him swearing when he plays, my ears bleed at the very thought :D The same would apply to a realistic cRPG. Unless the game would have a suitably toned down difficulty, it would be only swearing, reloading and trying again. I don't see how the game could give the player information based on which he could sufficiently (having a good chance of winning without reloading) prepare for the battle. Besides, if it would, where's the realism? It's exactly the same - in Avernum, you don't die easily but still you can if you act recklessly. The same would happen in a game where you can die from one arrow shot but you always know where the archer will be. Like someone before said, what you want is a PnP RPG. There you have countless possibilities in which you can resolve a battle; you can make feints, try to outwit your enemy or deceive him, you can set up a successful ambush because there is nothing to limit you, just your imagination. In a cRPG on the other hand, there are many limits - the AI has it's limits, the game engine and system has it's limits. And with these limits in mind, requiring careful planning of every battle from a player would be like making him to play chess every time he faces enemies. Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
More Melee attacks in Avernum in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Thursday, November 1 2007 12:12
New Avernum 5 screenshot: ![]() Jeff really takes user requests into consideration. Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
More Melee attacks in Avernum in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Thursday, November 1 2007 03:54
I'd love to see a rage attack. When activated, your character would scream "This is Avernum!" and deliver a lethal kick in the chest to your enemy. Works only on enemies of Avernum. Preferably near a pit of sorts. Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
A5 world in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Wednesday, October 31 2007 10:57
So like... This is probably going to be an OT, but what the hell :D Is there someone on these boards connected somehow with JV who could unveil a bit more precise release date for A5 than "we should have it done by november"? I'm waiting for it, and with each passing day I get more and more nervous and anxious ;> Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
One more quick question. in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Saturday, October 27 2007 17:58
quote:I think that it would be possible to make secret passages location somewhat discernable to an observant player; there could be some clues that would point you to casting faright or something. On the other hand, the hidden rooms' content would have to be nerfed so that the less observant(or dedicated) ones weren't too handicapped. Anyway, my posts in this topic are just a rant that the automap took the secrecy away from secret passages and room. Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
One more quick question. in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Friday, October 26 2007 14:29
The secret door system from AV 1-3 had a one major flaw - looking at the automap you could usually guess with ease which wall to molest for hidden content. ![]() Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Avernum 4 Observations in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Monday, October 15 2007 21:02
On the human usefulness topic, I used humans through A2, A3 and A4 quite efficiently for pure caster characters. Why? Because the slith bonuses aren't helpful at all for a character that's standing in the rear. Nephil gymnastics and bows in A4 can be nice, sure, but I prefer to get more XP and SP to put in spell skills and intelligence. Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |
Help! Avernum IV corrupted save game problem. in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10304
written Thursday, September 6 2007 04:53
I've recently gotten myself to play A4 again. I've reached Fort Draco and entered the haunted mines nearby, and... Something must have happened to my save game. Now the talk string got completely messed up, and when I'm talking with fe. Commander Anford i get only a blank window. On the other hand, talking with the miner you're supposed to bring seeds to gave me the line of Khrosth when you aproach him. Getting close to the talking crystal in the haunted mines gave me a conversation with Anford :( Is there something I can do to fix this, or it's lost and I've got to start again? Anyone had this problem before? PS. I suppose the A4 application and data itself are OK, because I tried starting a new game and the dialogs are correct. Posts: 24 | Registered: Thursday, September 6 2007 07:00 |