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A discussion board for our Avernum Trilogy games: Avernum 1, 2, and 3. You can get hints, strategy tips, or just chat about these games here.
# Topic Topic Starter Posts Last post
1612 Av3: Under Troglo Castle? Captain Ackers 4 April 15, 2005 00:26
1550 Wanted: Ideas Captain Obvious 3 January 06, 2005 21:48
1651 Anyone feel like helping? Captain Obvious 7 June 07, 2005 12:30
1558 A3: guarded tunnel bug? carhu 10 February 08, 2005 12:16
2256 A1: Crypt Of Drath. Carla 2 January 17, 2008 10:50
2154 A3 I think i messed in Rhento's Carranzero 3 April 16, 2007 13:24
2059 alguien de chile? Carranzero 11 September 04, 2006 18:50
2139 A3: Where can i learn Dispel barrier? Carranzero 9 April 08, 2007 15:53
2138 A3: Can't clear Troglo msg quest because I killed vothkaro Carranzero 7 April 08, 2007 12:49
2140 A3: What special metal does Carmine needs? Carranzero 12 April 19, 2007 08:45
1648 I need a avernum3 trainer... Carsen 7 June 03, 2005 19:37
2166 time based events catphive 3 June 05, 2007 11:29
2162 avernum party makeup and size catphive 14 May 22, 2007 13:40
2170 how risky is changing day in A3 editor? catphive 16 June 07, 2007 11:19
2052 A2: Test of Strength Catweasle 4 August 24, 2006 21:15
2227 A3: where is Father Oriathon? Catweasle 5 November 02, 2007 13:08
2018 Avernum Walkthrough Catweasle 4 June 21, 2006 08:31
1542 A3 Fury Crossbow Chaosfox 6 January 01, 2005 17:56
1543 Stone Circle Demons Chaosfox 6 January 01, 2005 12:12
1355 rings cheesepile 2 July 14, 2004 12:12
1329 A1-3: Skill Points cheesepile 10 July 08, 2004 06:51
1321 Effects of time in Avernum cheesepile 7 July 03, 2004 10:34
1735 Weird Vahnatai Chief Spider watching The Simpsons 53 September 08, 2005 11:01
1775 The Isle of Big-Ail Chief Spider watching The Simpsons 32 October 04, 2005 16:50
1787 In the Sewers of Shayder... Chief Spider watching The Simpsons 36 October 31, 2005 17:58