Deathmatch Tournament -- Round One, Part One
Author | Topic: Deathmatch Tournament -- Round One, Part One |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Monday, April 30 2007 15:30
ROUND ONE, PART ONE Apparently UBB limits you to eight images per post. That's probably a good thing... but it means I'm gonna have to double post a bit to get in all the trading cards. Since this is the first round, I'll wait to set a specific time limit. I'm guessing I'll count votes in a day or two, but it could go a bit longer if there are fertile discussions. If you visit Spidweb frequently, you might want to wait a bit before voting, so you can hear others' arguments first. LET THE DEATHMATCHES COMMENCE! GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE PARTICIPANTS! Poll Information This poll contains 8 question(s). 39 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=QVlCUCCAkvbS"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=QVlCUCCAkvbS"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Monday, April 30 2007 15:31
MATCH #1: The militant, liberal Israeli girl wielding Demonslayer vs. the stubborn, conservative Nevada boy wielding Excalibur. FIGHT! ![]() ![]() MATCH #2: The master of helium-based fighting vs. the master of clerical smiting. FIGHT! ![]() ![]() MATCH #3: o_O ... FIGHT! ![]() ![]() MATCH #4: The Queen of Clubs vs. the King of, um, Chickens. FIGHT! ![]() ![]() -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Monday, April 30 2007 15:32
MATCH #5: The undead vs. the undying. FIGHT! ![]() ![]() MATCH #6: The artist vs. the artifact. FIGHT! ![]() ![]() MATCH #7: The poison-using romantic vs. the mild-mannered dainslaifer. FIGHT! ![]() ![]() MATCH #8: The Queen Mum vs. the little boy. FIGHT! ![]() ![]() -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Member # 5360
written Monday, April 30 2007 15:53
1- Infernal. Excalibur is no match for demonslaying. 2- Delicious Vlish. They are the superior race. 3- Lord Grimm. Without him, the Silent Assassin has no outlet and explodes. 4- Thralni. Godly chickens will tear right through that dress. 5- Nalyd. Anything that comes back from the dead is classified as "Undead." And Nalyd, as their Spokesmage, controls the undead. 6- Almighty Doer. The nose grows faster than the acid can burn it off. 7- Nikki. Gotta go with the black clothes. 8- Saunders. Mother make stew. And as Stew's maker, Saunders can eat him whenever she pleases. Yay! Burning Smurfs! -------------------- May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |
Member # 4574
written Monday, April 30 2007 16:24
1. Conservatives wouldn't dare turn on Israel. Infernal wins. 2. Priestly abilities can't do nothing (intentional) against Geneforge creations. However, modly powers and mental spells can. Delicious Vlish wins. 3. Assassination doesn't work in the open fields. Lord Grimm is insanely powerful. Lord Grimm wins. 4. Dual clubs is exhausting. Chickens swarming isn't. Thralni wins, but some ruffled feathers have been ruffled. 5. Nalyd can send some zombies to take Lazarus down, until he dies. Then, Nalyd takes over the resurrected Lazarus, and wins by brain control. Good luck Nalyd. 6. Anything ADOS draws up, Randomizer can burn. Randomizer wins, though I'd prefer it if ADOS won. Meh. 7. Meh. Nikki wins. 8. Fluffy turtles like a little more variety then just sanity. The turtles have soup in their stomachs and Saunders advances to the next round. -------------------- All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran! Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00 |
Member # 7472
written Monday, April 30 2007 16:26
Note: this is as much to sort out who I will vote for as much as it is for the reasoning behind it. Match #1: The Demonslayer far outranks Excalibur. Add that to Infernal's insulting prowess and it's pretty clear who will win (hint: Infernal). Oh, and let's not forget that (s)he has more experience with the boards. ![]() Match #2: Oh crap. Alright, let's see... This thing seems to lean heavily in DV's advantage. He has more experience, and some pretty nasty abilities. However, his mental prowess is worthless against a Priest, leaving him mainly with only powerful melee attacks. In the meantime, Nioca (wait, did I just refer to myself in the third-person?!) has a powerful ranged attack that is fairly cheap to use (smite), and the purple bandits would easily be cannon-fodder to his violet ray, which would only make them that much more purple. Ice is an extremely damaging attack, one that I know for a fact that most things in Geneforge are not resistant to. Couple that with the occasional dual-casting, and a Vlish's low HP, and I'd say I'd come out on top. ![]() Match #3: I'd like to call a stalemate for this one, but since that isn't possible... It would have to be the Silent Assassin. Simply because he's a mastermind at manipulating people. ![]() Match #4: Thralni can just take flight and start pelting Andraste with vegetables without fear of retaliation. Without a ranged attack, this match is one-sided in Thralni's favor. So Thralni would take this one. ![]() Match #5: Nalyd has this one easy. Lazarus has experience and is immune to any cold effects, but Nalyd can flame and nitpick the crap out of almost anybody. Oh, let's not forget the creepiness. ![]() Match #6: ADoS would probably be finished by Randomizer, but that would probably be after the turtles got Randomizer. And since the turtles have both shells and fluff to protect them... ![]() Match #7: Nemesis is rather slow-moving, making him the perfect target for poisoned pencils. By the time he got to him, he would have already been KO'd. ![]() Match #8: Saunder's Motherly Love would likely cancel out Stew Boy's growling. And unexpected upsets only work when unexpected != impossible. Thus... ![]() -------------------- I tried to think of something witty to put here. Needless to say, I failed. Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00 |
Nuke and Pave
Member # 24
written Monday, April 30 2007 16:36
1. I am assuming Escalibur is a good boy and would hesitate to hit a girl. Infernal has no such disadvantage. Winner: Infernal 2. Nioca's Quick Action will allow him a first shot, which allows him to fire off his Smite at the start of the battle. However, DV has an impressive aresenal as well. His Daze spells can disable an opponent, while he closes in for the kill. The main uncertainty in this battle comes from the tendency of our favorite vlish to go rogue when he takes significant damage. If he goes rogue before he gets a chance to fire off Daze, Nioca can Smite him to death before he gets in mellee range. According to the episodes, DV can survive some wounds without going rogue, so it's Fiesty Tentacle Slap of Pain time! Winner: DV. 3. Lord Grim has a ranged attack (Ripper Disks) Silent Assasin doesn't. Lord Grim posts on these forums directly. Silent Assasin doesn't. Winner: Lord Grim. 4. First Andra clubs the chickens. Then she clubs Thralni. And she doesn't even have to use her "special" attack. Winner: Andra. 5. Nalyd kills Lazarus with a fireball. Lazarus gets up. Nalyd angrily complains and kills Lazarus again. Lazarus gets up again. Nalyd starts indiscriminately throwing around fireballs, frying himself in the process. Lazarus gets up and finishes badly burned Nalyd. Winner: Lazarus. 6. Spray Acid! Winner: Randomizer. 7. Dainslaif can easily beat a mechanical pencil, but the pencil is poisoned. Nemesis collapses next to Nikki's body and dies from poison, in a classic tragic ending. Winner: None. (Everybody dies!) 8. Saunders' fluffy turtles have no impact, because, being a long-time member, Stew Boy has no sanity left. She could still beat him quite easily, but her motherly instincts prevent her from hurting a little boy, who reminds her of her son. This allows Stew Boy to pull off first unexpected upset of this match. Winner: Stew Boy. -------------------- Be careful with a word, as you would with a sword, For it too has the power to kill. However well placed word, unlike a well placed sword, Can also have the power to heal. Posts: 2649 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 8014
written Monday, April 30 2007 16:40
Nalyd will win his battle. He can do extreme damage when someone is "dead". Also, Exculibur has magical abilities. Both of these things seem to be truth to me. -------------------- I can transform into almost anything, though not sanity. Muffins n' Hell. Note that revisions of the first part is down the list. Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00 |
Member # 6193
written Monday, April 30 2007 17:02
Match 1: Infernal I guess. She's more confrontational. Match 2: DV wins this one. Match 3: Who knows the Silent Assassins tricks bettter than Lord Grimm? Once his chainsaw ambush is foiled, Grimm wins easily. -Lord Grimm Match 4: "Do the chickens have large talons?" No, no they don't. Andraste wins. -Andraste Match 5: Undeath and resurrection are two different things, Lazarus is clearly human and immune to Nalyd's death control, or whatever the hell it is. Nalyd is left with the ability to talk in the third person, or some such nonsense. Lazarus has the Beast. -Get worked: Lazarus Match 6: Randomizer Match 7: This match quickly degenerates into a feeling-sorry-for-oneself and belittling-one's-own-scenario fest. Nikki decides to write a poem about how bad AGB was, and Nemesis cries himself to death. -Nikki Match 8: What kind of mother would Saunders be if she killed the boy next door? (A boy that's plotting her eventual death-by-upset, but still....) -Stew Boy -------------------- Guaranteed to blow your mind. Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot? Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6700
written Monday, April 30 2007 17:02
1. Demonslayer exists. Excalibur is a myth. Winner: Infernal 2. DV casts terror. Nioca is unable to cast Restore Mind while in Terror state. Winner: DV 3. A long battle of wits, pie, legos, and circuit boards ensues. Despite the outcome, Lord Grimm is the one who actually ends up voting. Winner: Lord Grimm 4. Flight is useless if your chickens get clubbed. Winner: Andraste 5. Lazarus sticks Nalyd into an impossible BoA scenario. Winner: Lazarus 6. None can stand the might of the turtles. Winner: ADoS 7. Nikki threatens to write Nemesis out of Project Spiderweb. Winner: Nikki xx 8. Saunders speaks. Winner: Saunders -------------------- The Silent Assassin is upset because he lost on a technicality. Ha ha. -------------------- -Lenar Labs What's Your Destiny? Ushmushmeifa: Lenar's power is almighty and ineffable. All hail lord Noric, god of... well, something important, I'm sure. Posts: 735 | Registered: Monday, January 16 2006 08:00 |
Member # 8014
written Monday, April 30 2007 17:11
Excalibur can probably resist any magical attack. I voted Excalibur. Also, I voted on other things based on what I think/read. -------------------- I can transform into almost anything, though not sanity. Muffins n' Hell. Note that revisions of the first part is down the list. Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00 |
Member # 6600
written Monday, April 30 2007 17:18
1. Both are flamefest-hardened, uber-sword-wielding fighters. But Infernal is more cynical and insulting, plus Demonslayer has more power on Spiderweb than Excaliber. Infernal. 2. Nioca may act first and get a smite in, but Delicious Vlish will barely survive. But he won't get hit again--Nioca can't act while paralyzed with fear. Delicious Vlish can then slap him silly. Alternately, Nioca could call his bandits in. But Delicious Vlish also has mind control, and can exert enough control over them to make them attack Nioca instead. Delicious Vlish. 3. Both Lord Grimm and the Silent Assassin are lethal, but they will not use their weapons on each other. Instead, the Silent Assassin will proceed to wreck the kitchen until Lord Grimm forfeits just to get some peace and quiet. Silent Assassin. 4. Thralni may be able to throw vegetables from a distance while sending chickens in, but Andraste can smack the chickens with one club while batting the vegetables away with the other. Plus, Andraste will get several attacks in before Thralni gets a chance to act--he works slowly, after all. Andraste. 5. Nalyd will not stop being picky and annoying. He wouldn't shut up, even if Lazarus was dead. But when Lazarus revives, he'll be both famished (being dead will do that to you) and ticked off. The result will not be pretty. Lazarus. 6. It takes time for spray acid to work. Time is not what Randomizer has when he is being mauled by two fluffy turtles. ADoS. 7. Nemesis should have an easy win here, since Nikki will spend the first part of the match whining about not being paired up with Nicothodes. Even if he's too polite to take advantage of that, the only attacks Nikki has is bad poetry and a poisoned pencil. But Nikki is not a Vogon and the pen is not mightier than the dainslaifs. Nemesis. 8. Basically, what Zeviz said. Stew Boy. Dikiyoba. Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Member # 8014
written Monday, April 30 2007 17:25
Nioca is not stupid. Also, I don't think mind attacks will work very well (spell-mindshield). What I mean by not stupid is not throwing in bandits. Also, smite should work well. Nioca wins. Edit -by the way, I think about a battle for a bit, then post. That is why I have done it bit by bit. [ Monday, April 30, 2007 17:27: Message edited by: Infernal Flamming Muffin ] -------------------- I can transform into almost anything, though not sanity. Muffins n' Hell. Note that revisions of the first part is down the list. Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00 |
Member # 1934
written Monday, April 30 2007 18:02
Slarty, I really want to know why you put me up against Thralni and his chickens. I don't remember ever telling anyone on here that I have a death wish for all chickens. And, Laz, chickens do have large talons. They hurt a lot too. [ Monday, April 30, 2007 18:15: Message edited by: Andraste ] -------------------- You acquire an item: Radio Free Foil Posts: 1169 | Registered: Monday, September 23 2002 07:00 |
Member # 4574
written Monday, April 30 2007 18:10
quote:Lazarus, let me break it down for you and everyone else. un- negative term, previously positive dead- not living undead- once living, not anymore This fits ressurection perfectly, still giving Nalyd the upper hand. The only way I could see you winning is if you could get in a good blow or two before Nalyd could react. That's possible, I guess. -------------------- All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran! Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00 |
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
written Monday, April 30 2007 18:14
1- Infernal... Even if all she did was show up to the match, Ex-calibur would be shell shocked and could easily be knocked out with one blow. Of course if he snuck up behind her and tried the snickety-snack attack, her Mossad minions would have to eliminate him before she even knew of the threat. Any way you cut it, the only possible winner could be Infernal. 2- Nioca... DV takes too long to recharge, so if he were to attack with Terror or Daze (effects which seem to have no affect on Nioca) he would be essentially helpless while Nioca plotted a compentent and ruthless counterattack of some kind. In the unlikely event that DV began with a physical attack, Nioca could just step out of the way, and trip him. The best offense is, after all, a competent offense. 3- I forget how I voted. But really, does it matter? 4- She wins. Chickens are not a ranged attack, nor do they have the ability of flight when loaded with vegetables. Chickens may be allowed to tear the sexy red slip, but that would only serve to weaken their collective resolve as they saw more and more of the 5- Lazarus... Brrrr. 6- ADoS... Usually, failure to stay focused long enough to participate would be considered a liability in the game of DEATHMATCH!!! but when fighting the Randomizer it is an overwhelming asset. By combining the proper rhythm of attention with alternating apparitions of Insp. Peanut and Insp. Walnut, ADoS knows he can win. Thus it is. 7- Nikki... Unrequited. Grows more powerful with the presence of his nemesis, even in namesake. 8-Stew Boy... after withdrawling into a protective shell in reaction to the presumed smothering of motherly love from saunders, Stewie finds that his inherent underness has unknowingly reduced his opponent into a quivering mass of overprotectiveness. Henceforth, StewBoy has a second in saunders. Now, on to Pt 2. -------------------- quote: Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00 |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Monday, April 30 2007 18:21
I don't really intend to be part of these debates, in general, but this is just grossly, horribly bad: quote:Except for the part about "NOT ANYMORE"... -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
written Monday, April 30 2007 18:21
Some of these will be close, but here are my views: Match 1 - Infernal fights dirty and goes in for the kill. Excalibur just can't take it. Match 2 - Delicious Vlish has experience and is known for using terrain to his advantage. All those years in Geneforge has hone his ability to lead his enemies to their doom where he can pick them off before they can attack him. Nioca doesn't stand a chance when those tenacles start slapping him around. Match 3 - I think the Silent Assassin beats Lord Grimm on creative traps. Lord Grimm might have range with reaper disks, but they don't help escaping the Silent Assassin's fiendish plans. Match 4 - Too close to call. It depends upon how much help the chicken gods give Thralni. Match 5 - Lazarus keeps coming back for more. Just when Nalyd thinks he's finally one, Lazarus will return. Plus he has more experience Match 6 - Too close to call even though I'm in it. I'm not worried about the fluffy turtles. It's those stick figures bearing TNT that scare me. Acid spray will take some of them out, but if the TNT goes off then I still can get taken out in the area effect. So I could lose by a nose. Match 7 - Nikki has it with those deadly mechanical pencils. Match 8 - Saunders on experience. Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00 |
Too Sexy for my Title
Member # 5654
written Monday, April 30 2007 18:32
1. Infernal would slash Excalibur before he even gets a chance. The girl is fierce. 2. DV. 3. Personally I'd prefer Lenar. But the SA is so destructive. Then again he is younger and might end up destroying himself. Winner: Lord Grim. 4. Andra. Quite an easy match. Poor Thralni doesn't stand a chance. 5. Lazarus. 6. As Zeviz put it "Spray Acid! Winner: Randomizer." 7. Nikki. 8. Mmm, probably the hardest for me to decide. I'd have to go with Saunders. Posts: 1035 | Registered: Friday, April 1 2005 08:00 |
Member # 4574
written Monday, April 30 2007 18:52
quote:It's not the best definition, but still, it's roughly correct. If you die and get ressurected, it's basically a perfected form of necromancy. Even there, people don't get automatically ressurected, not even Lazarus in the Bible. So, Nalyd still has the advantage. -------------------- All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran! Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00 |
Member # 6600
written Monday, April 30 2007 19:10
Originally by Goldenking: quote:No, it's not. Being resurrected/revived is fundamentally different from being brought back as a zombie or other undead because the person being revived (in this case, Lazarus) is brought back alive, instead of as some automation. That means repel spirit doesn't work on him, Nalyd can't control him, etc. Dikiyoba would like to emphasize the alive bit again. The Spokesmage for the Dead does not speak for the living. Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
written Monday, April 30 2007 19:17
1. Infernal. Like this is even a contest. 2. DV 3. Lord Grimm 4. Andraste 5. Nalyd only wins if he manages to take control of Lazarus' body in the time between dying and coming back to life. 6. ADoS 7. Nikki 8. Saunders EDIT: *grumble* people posting while I'm posting making what I say superfluous. [ Monday, April 30, 2007 19:20: Message edited by: Archmage Alex ] -------------------- Take the Personality Test! Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure. Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Monday, April 30 2007 19:33
quote:So undead means dead? Let's try again. Un: Not Dead: Not living Undead: No longer not living. To wit, alive. Okay, that's not any more satisfying. I'm going to have to go with undead meaning creepy, unnatural restoration of ambulatory power and possibly desire for brains in a corpse. Or a spirit, in a pinch. —Alorael, who thinks Alcritas would beat everyone here. That's the important thing. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 6489
written Monday, April 30 2007 19:56
1. Infernal would tear through Excalibur before he knew what hit him. 2. Feisty Tentacle Slap of Pain! Need I say more? 3. Grimm knows all of the SA's tactics, therefor the older brother will prevail. 4. Andra would know Thralni unconscious with her club before he even had a chance to call his chickesns. 5. Laz would just stick Nalyd in a scenario with tough combat until he gets worn down. 6. Go go,fluffy turtles! 7. Nikki's I foresee Nem forfeiting in order to remain in Project Spidweb. 8. Saunders would overwhelm Stew Boy with love and turtles. -------------------- "You're drinking liquor because you're thirsty? How nasty is your freaking water?" —Lazarus Spiderweb Chat Room Avernum RP • Summaries • OoC • Roster Shadow Vale - My site, home of the Spiderweb Chat Database, BoA Scenario Database, & the A1 Quest List, among other things. Posts: 1556 | Registered: Sunday, November 20 2005 08:00 |
Member # 7420
written Monday, April 30 2007 20:07
MATCH #1: Infernal. Infernal got banned that one time, right? I'm going to have to give this to infernal due to sheer experience in battle. Come back when you are better prepared, Excalibur. MATCH #2: Nioca. Nioca may not be a shaper, but any human is superior to a mere creation. The best thing a vlish has going for them is their mind altering abilities, but a preist has unshackle mind. You lose, vlish. MATCH #3: Lord Grimm. This is bizarre. Assassins are really great at killing people. But I guess that makes Lord Grimm the patron saint of assassins. Out of the two, the Silent Assassin seems to have less a chance of surviving on his own. MATCH #4: Thralni. He's a nephil? That changes things. He could easily dodge crude club swings. Plus, assuming Andraste is a KoL character, he could easily hit her oversized stick figure face with a well placed arrow... while flying. MATCH #5: Nayld. This is perfect. So Lazarus can't die, eh? Good. Nalyd isn't out to kill people, that would be any fun. He wants to keep them alive as long as possible to make the suffering last. I'm sure there are plenty out there with weak stomachs that would rather die than be with Nalyd for more than ten seconds. Lazarus doesn't seem to have that option. MATCH #6: ADoS. This was a tough one. Randomizer simply doesn't have as big an arsenal as ADoS does. I don't think even his arcane lore ability can figure out what most of the things ADoS has to offer are. MATCH #7: Nemesis. Nikki is a lover, not a fighter. This is a deathmatch. Nemesis once killed me! This was an easy one. MATCH #8: Saunders. The only thing worse than an inactive mod is an inactive member. I don't know a lot about Stew Boy really. Looking at his card, hmm, SubTerra sucked. As for Saunders, at least she responded when I called her inactive that one time... even though it took a month for her to do it. -------------------- You lose. Posts: 2156 | Registered: Thursday, August 24 2006 07:00 |