Settings you would like to see future Spiderweb games take place in

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AuthorTopic: Settings you would like to see future Spiderweb games take place in
Member # 4404
Profile Homepage #0
Personally, there are a few settings I think would be really really cool to see:

Norse Mythology

I would of said Cyberpunk, but I read in an interview one that Mr.Vogel doesnt like to do such Sci-Fi settings due to how hard it is to balance everything (like laser guns). Post-Apocalypse and Steampunk do have guns (usually) but are easily balanced due to P-A has limited amounts of ammo/guns/etc and most you find are damaged or broken, Steampunk has early and/or simple guns, and ammo can be hard to find at times, also you can go the route of Fantasy Steampunk (Steampunk with fantasy stuff, like the game Arcanum) and add in magic as a balancer too. Norse Mythology would be real cool to see because there arnt really any good Norse Mythology games, doubly so for RPGs.

Also, hello everyone.

[ Wednesday, May 19, 2004 01:23: Message edited by: LlamaGod ]

People says Microsoft paid 14 million dollars for using the Rolling Stones song "Start me up" in their commercials. This is wrong. Microsoft paid 14 million dollars only for a part of the song. For instance, they didn't use the line "You'll make a grown man cry".
Posts: 42 | Registered: Wednesday, May 19 2004 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #1
It would be a cool concept to have a game inside a spiderweb.

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Member # 1993
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Are there not already norse myths in Spiderweb-games? Nethergate or Avernum seem to be very celtic - with all the herbs and stone circles

For the Sci-Fi-approach: I don't need it. Magic spells instead of laserguns fit fine for me. And I like that ancient touch of SW-games. In addition there is no lack of spaceships and intergalactic wars on the game market.

edit: welcome LlamaGod IMAGE(smile000.gif)

[ Wednesday, May 19, 2004 03:59: Message edited by: spy.there ]

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Posts: 1420 | Registered: Wednesday, October 2 2002 07:00
Member # 2476
Profile #3
It would be a cool concept to have a game inside a spiderweb.
That's intriguing.

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Member # 1877
Profile #4
Norse mythology sounds really cool, especially since I come from Norway.
And Celticsicm (is this a word?) and norse mythology is quite diferent, even though it may seem like they have a lot in common on the surface.

Rune is one of my favorite games, and thats norse mythology, alltough I don't know whats "real" mythology and whats made up...

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Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
Profile #5
I'd like to see post-apocalyptic, since having put up with Avernum 3 I'm not sure I really care about balance. The only trouble is that you can't really improve upon the Fallout series on Jeff's budget.

"I particularly like the part where he claims not to know what self-aggrandisement means, then demands more wing-wongs up his virgin ass"
Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
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Maybe, just maybe, Jeff could try to invent an unique mythology without cadging from blatant RPG stereotypes as seems to be the rage anymore.

AnamaFreak (3:59:56 AM): Shounen-ai to the MAX
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Shocking, isn't it?
Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 3310
Profile #7
I don't really care what the settings are, as long as the game is really weird. And with really, I mean really. Such games are always refreshing.

Drakefyre gave me the idea. What if Jeff would make this game about a discussion forum? You could play as "the spammer", the "besserwisser", the "wannabe-popular", the "witty", the "serious" and many more! Of course, special abilities would differ from class to class. The quests available would be limitless! Seriously flame someone, play two persons against each other, gain the respect of an older member, raise your status/karma, you name it!

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Posts: 756 | Registered: Monday, August 4 2003 07:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
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And you're married to a Czech.

AnamaFreak (3:59:56 AM): Shounen-ai to the MAX
Misogynism is the wave of the future,
but it sure pisses the womenfolk off.

Shocking, isn't it?
Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 4278
Profile Homepage #9
Originally written by The Articulated Ronald Dominator:

I'd like to see post-apocalyptic, since having put up with Avernum 3 I'm not sure I really care about balance. The only trouble is that you can't really improve upon the Fallout series on Jeff's budget.
Agreed. But if it worked, you could turn all those waiting patiently for Fallout 3 onto Spidweb games, and tap into a huge new market.

Pathological Smirker
Smirking at Spiderweb since 1999
Posts: 143 | Registered: Sunday, April 18 2004 07:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #10

AnamaFreak (3:59:56 AM): Shounen-ai to the MAX
Misogynism is the wave of the future,
but it sure pisses the womenfolk off.

Shocking, isn't it?
Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 4267
Profile Homepage #11
I think a psuedo-theological series would be nice, you know, one that reexamines old religious lore through the eyes of modern science and thinking, it might turn out very interesting, [think biological technology, artificial winged beings, and a haplessly tricked mortal populace, all teetering on the verge of revelation to the truth for those christians in the crowd *and no this isn't ment to offend you*]
Posts: 50 | Registered: Thursday, April 15 2004 07:00
Member # 3349
Profile Homepage #12
I personally thought that SpidWeb wouldn't make any more games...

Espresso hasn't been invented yet. That stinks.

Xian Skull-
Avernum 3
Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00
Member # 4404
Profile Homepage #13
I think a psuedo-theological series would be nice, you know, one that reexamines old religious lore through the eyes of modern science and thinking, it might turn out very interesting,
You can do this to a degree in fantasy Steampunk games, where the new science and technology usually goes over the old religious beliefs of the past, while the past tries to fight back against the new stuff. Dwarves usually end up a mixture of the two, they have a religion, but their theology is scientific and technological like.

People says Microsoft paid 14 million dollars for using the Rolling Stones song "Start me up" in their commercials. This is wrong. Microsoft paid 14 million dollars only for a part of the song. For instance, they didn't use the line "You'll make a grown man cry".
Posts: 42 | Registered: Wednesday, May 19 2004 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #14
I am a little unclear on the meaning of Slasher's post, whether it is intended as humor or not.

Jeff has already touched on one major taboo issue (slavery) in the Geneforge series. On the one hand, that might mean that he has the sensitivity to handle an issue as potentially charged as religion. On the other hand, it might mean that he shouldn't press his luck.

GF actually had some religious themes, come to think of it. I hadn't really thought about that before.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!! (The home of BoA's HLPM, newly updated to v1.1!)

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Northern Kingdom 0: Prologue
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Law Bringer
Member # 335
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Pseudo-intellectual is almost universally bad, and the few exceptions succeed despite the theme, not because of it. Truly intellectual games can exist and work, but that's a very different crowd to cater to. Probably too much a niche market for a rather obscure shareware outfit.

I'm with Alec. Something really new is always good. Geneforge looks like it isn't stock fantasy, but I just really don't like the engine. Reaching even further into the realms of new fantasy concepts... (pause for gasps of shock) really a good idea.

?Alorael, who has seen quite enough Spiderweb games in spiderwebs, or at least pieces of games in webs. Really, how often do you want to press '5' so you can wait and clean webs? It's no fun!
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 4180
Profile #16
Diff'rent strokes, and all that... I don't like the Avernum engine and think the GF engine has made huge strides forward from it. I registered BoA in spite of the engine and the more-or-less stock fantasy setting, simply because it allows me to "roll my own" adventures. IMAGE(smile000.gif)

As far as what I'd like to see for a game setting, I wish Spiderweb (or someone, though I'd love for it to be JV) would do a post-apocalyptic/horror. We've had post-apocalypse RPGs, we've had vampire/werewolf RPGs, but we haven't had them combined. Limited technology, a healthy dose of 'magic' and a whole lot of horror sure seems like fertile soil for a RPG to me...

Posts: 200 | Registered: Wednesday, March 31 2004 08:00
Member # 3442
Profile Homepage #17
Going back to Keladon's post... I thought that GF centred on racism as well. Especially segregation. For instance the Shapers deemed themselves the ultimate race, with serviles being inferior. This is of course linked to slavery, but I feel it goes deeper.

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Thus endeth this post.
Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00
Member # 3521
Profile #18
I'd be interested in another historically-based RPG like Nethergate, but perhaps with the exclusion of magic altogether. It'd be interesting to see a game from Jeff which compensated for this lack of magic with increased complexity in terms of skills relating to the use of conventional weaponry.


"The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others."- Theodore Roosevelt, 1903.
Posts: 1798 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #19
My first thought was: EWWW NOO DON'T TAKE AWAY MY MAGIC!!

As I think about it more, though, this could work. It would require some additional boosting of archery (I mainly use magic for long-range attacks)... and taking Bless and Haste away from fights would be interesting... and no Healing! Wow! That would change everything!

I don't know what to think of this idea. It would probably require us to learn something fundamentally different from any of the SW games that have come before, which sounds interesting but difficult and possibly not worth it.

But I do like the idea of something else having to do with Nethergate, one way or another.

[ Thursday, May 20, 2004 14:23: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!! (The home of BoA's HLPM, newly updated to v1.1!)

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Northern Kingdom 0: Prologue
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Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 4407
Profile #20
Personally, I would like to see a Spiderweb game based around the Aztecs.

Another could be a game set in Carrabian where you can be a pirate, buy a ship and rob people or be a lawfull citizen and explore many islands...


There is a knack to have to aim at the ground and miss
Posts: 2 | Registered: Thursday, May 20 2004 07:00
Member # 2210
Profile #21
I would like to see Jeff do a combination strategy roleplaying game. Your characters would be linchpins- deciding factors in several battles,
sieges in addition to the regular roleplaying features. They would be the peole who would make the tide turn or stand in several battles. Set in either Avernum or Geneforge.

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Buttered Toast's Short Short Scenario Design Contest- Blades of Avernum
Posts: 1084 | Registered: Thursday, November 7 2002 08:00
Member # 3521
Profile #22
Originally written by Kelandon:

My first thought was: EWWW NOO DON'T TAKE AWAY MY MAGIC!!

As I think about it more, though, this could work. It would require some additional boosting of archery (I mainly use magic for long-range attacks)... and taking Bless and Haste away from fights would be interesting... and no Healing! Wow! That would change everything!

Actually, healing would still be possible, although it would be accomplished solely through rest and first aid skill/first aid kits. Each character would have to possess quite a bit more inventory space, as the lack of magic would make it necessary to carry around light sources, lockpicks, first aid kits, food and the like at all times.

I've been attempting to play through the available scenarios for BoA again using a two-person party consisting of a fighter with decent thrown missile skills and an archer with decent melee abilities. I haven't invested any skill points in mage or priest spells, although I have invested in intelligence for the purpose of protecting against mind control. I've also refrained from using wands or magical crystals, except in the rare cases where it's been almost necessary to dispel barriers in order to beat a scenario (such as RoR). It's been interesting, although it often feels like an exercise in futility. The inability to attack more than four opponents per turn is often agonizing, and I've missed out on quite a few fine items due to my refusal to utilize piercing crystals or my inability to magically unlock doors. However, my characters have gotten quite powerful through their rigid specialization, and so the experiment seems to be quite a success thus far.


"The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others."- Theodore Roosevelt, 1903.
Posts: 1798 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00
Member # 4389
Profile Homepage #23
Geneforge struck me as being inspired by the whole BoE community issue...

You created something; now you have to take responsibility for it and listen to its demands.


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Posts: 407 | Registered: Friday, May 14 2004 07:00
Member # 1856
Profile Homepage #24
it occured to me that it might be rather simple fot the game to take place in the future, yes a science fiction theme. But like in the "compleat enchanter" (a book) they are fighting some battle, and are dropped into a world where technology does not work, or it works, but not well. The caharecters are forced to learn a whole new way of doingthings, and a plot unfolds on how to get back.

Whata ya think?

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