Profile for CyberWolf
Field | Value |
Displayed name | CyberWolf |
Member number | 1856 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 101 |
Homepage | |
Registered | Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
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For those who are interested... in General | |
Member # 1856
written Wednesday, June 30 2004 04:01
Welome back! Luckly for the next 5 years i have a garunteed job.. One with a Physical Fitness program. Every day except weekends. Did i mention every day? Gotta love the army! Bleaugh! -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Sir Alexander killed Internet Explorer in General | |
Member # 1856
written Wednesday, June 30 2004 03:51
Does firefox have the wonderful tabbed browsing? I cant live without my tabbed browsing.... -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Wedding= Off. in General | |
Member # 1856
written Wednesday, June 30 2004 03:44
wow.... To put it simply... That sucks. Sorry man. -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
I'm back in General | |
Member # 1856
written Monday, June 28 2004 02:50
ow. ow. *brain hurts* Okay.. i give up... he leves then.. Ahhhh! Ow ow ow... -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
GOODBYE FOREVER! in General | |
Member # 1856
written Monday, June 28 2004 02:48
one can only imagine... Perhaps he is *gasp* satan! *gives up trying to rationalize* -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Michael Moore - Unfairenheit 9/11 in General | |
Member # 1856
written Monday, June 28 2004 02:42
quote:I ahppen to object wit that statement Custer... The simple fact is that EVERYONE wanted it, at the time. is seemed like a good idea, move into Iraq, take his nukes if he had them, (cause he woulda used them) and move out. Unfortunaly we arent moving out. That is the only thing i have a problem with myself. As a soldier currently stationed in South Korea, the North Korean threat is everpresent, yet it palls to the threat of being deployed to Iraq where you could see your best friend get blown to bits by a militant who is in a bad mood. Sory for quoting something so early in the topic, but it had to be said. [ Monday, June 28, 2004 02:45: Message edited by: CyberWolf ] -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Ye Olde Wise Update in General | |
Member # 1856
written Friday, June 25 2004 19:10
odd, it does not seem to be working.... -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
BoA Music? in General | |
Member # 1856
written Friday, June 25 2004 18:13
I dont have a playlist either!, i just plug in my minidisk player ino my line-in and start jammin!! No i take that back, i hae a playlist ful of any music without words, so i can consentrate on doing whatever, like massive killing online! yay! -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Internet in General | |
Member # 1856
written Friday, June 25 2004 18:10
Your best, and cheapest bet, would be to finsd your local ISP. Its rater quite simple, draw a 50 mile circle on a map, with your house at the center, then visit all the computer stores within the circle, you are likely to fine at leat 20. I pay like $15 a mo for dialup, however now that i am stationed in korea, i have a 13Mbps DSL for $50 a mo! YAY! -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
This is so cool in General | |
Member # 1856
written Friday, June 25 2004 18:06
well, this proves taht even a former lurker like me can welcome someone! *welcomes someone* Hmm that didi not go as planned, abck to the drawing board... *goes to sleep in a corner* -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
BoA Music? in General | |
Member # 1856
written Friday, June 25 2004 02:56
I like to listen to my own mix of anime music, my favorite is Salva Nos, foun on ther series Noir! -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Gainful Employment in General | |
Member # 1856
written Friday, June 25 2004 02:53
Im employed by good old uncle sam! My MOS (Military Occupation Specailaty) Is 15S Or A Kiowa Warrior (OH-58D) Helecopter repairer! I basiclly work on choppers. I like it. -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
The Return Of The Melon Sex Topic in General | |
Member # 1856
written Friday, June 25 2004 02:44
While eating watermelon at the Defac today and having a seed propelled at the side of my head at great speed by my platoon sergeant got me thinking... Not the watermelon but the seeds!! Weapons!!!! YAY! And yes, it takes someone hitting me with it before i realise its a weapon! lol ![]() edit: wow, i clicked teh quote button at first instaead of the edit button, luckly flood control stopped me from an embarassing double post! [ Friday, June 25, 2004 02:46: Message edited by: CyberWolf ] -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
This is so cool in General | |
Member # 1856
written Friday, June 25 2004 02:37
*Remembers Uranus Alien and winces* Yeah,, i can dee where you are coming from FBM! lol -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Exclamation Mark in General | |
Member # 1856
written Wednesday, June 23 2004 00:40
WOW! he he! nice to see ya! TGM, good RPer that one! *wonders why cyber, a lurker, is welcomeing someone* -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
The Incarnations of Spiderweb Software in General | |
Member # 1856
written Monday, June 21 2004 02:10
WOW! I can see my long lost RP in the misc forum... Ahhh memory lane, I sucked at Rping then and i suck now... On the avatar note... I agree avatars give you that nice "I am ME" feeling, and i thinh the huge banners in the sig's were more of an issue. -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
8 years... in General | |
Member # 1856
written Monday, June 21 2004 02:03
Plan to get married soo but with me bing in korea and all that makes it diffucult... crap! -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Hi, nice to meet you in General | |
Member # 1856
written Monday, June 21 2004 01:59
quote:HAH! I thik everyone here knows i ahve the wors spelling ever! and teh fact that i a am too lazy to edit my post or proofread it gas gotten me flaamed may times in the past! lol, but i try to keep a semi low profile.. Nice page also! -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
best. name. EVAR. in General | |
Member # 1856
written Monday, June 21 2004 01:53
Well im perfectly happy with my name an im keeping it! so there! lol - Ive never hiddin my name, and iths aalyats the same wherever i go, either ericcarson, or CyberWolf or a combination of the two... it gelps avoid confusion and undue mental stress. -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Hello from South America in General | |
Member # 1856
written Monday, June 21 2004 01:49
Welcome to the forums! The only game i have played was Exile 1 who my best friend introduced me to. Have fun, and try not to be an incompetent, ingnorant dope like me! lol -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Ideas anyone? in General | |
Member # 1856
written Monday, June 21 2004 01:46
I occured to me thats simply changing the genra of a popular series of games would be striking.. Does anyone remember Command and Conquor renegade? Or Starcraft Gost? Possibly that type of spinnoff on one of Spidwebs games? -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
best. name. EVAR. in General | |
Member # 1856
written Saturday, June 19 2004 20:01
you could say that the exact oposite is IRC... you cvan change your name like 3000 times if you want... I ahve ven had name wars a couple of times! gotta love "/nick" command /nick PinkLittleGirl *pokes FluufyBunny in eye* FluuffyBunny is now known as TransformedDaemonOfDarkness *haha! now you cannot defeat me!* *FluufyBunnie pokes TransformedDaemonOfDarkness* *ow! crap...* lol -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Places to get previews of books and comics. in General | |
Member # 1856
written Saturday, June 19 2004 19:55
When i bought the 3rd book of the Honor Harrington series, i got this neat CDROM with ALL the books on it!! I just load them into my palm and read them whenever i want to! -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
Agh! I missed it! in General | |
Member # 1856
written Saturday, June 19 2004 19:53
quote:And whay not just create a new account when that happens? I think its just all sillyness anyway. ![]() -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |
best. name. EVAR. in General | |
Member # 1856
written Wednesday, June 16 2004 18:44
Wow... how did you come across that wise man? tahts... well WOW... -------------------- Please visit the RP Paridise. rgf-network! The chance of someone looking at you is directly proportonal to the stupidity of your act. The idea is not to give your life for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his. Posts: 101 | Registered: Monday, September 9 2002 07:00 |