An RP in the World of Avernum

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AuthorTopic: An RP in the World of Avernum
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #25
By not following the plot exactly (Alec I think you mentioned that), do you mean the new emperor does not necessarily have to rise to the throne in 230 IE as the 25 year Pralgradian Civil War ends, and it's not Ironclad II.?

I'll be thinking up a character tomorrow (Thursday), after my last examination. To even things, I'll be joining either the Kylens or Solarans, yet to decide. Expect another mage-type guy, or a crossbow- or bowman. :) Oh, and I might even try to play a female char this time. No promises though.

Nasty trickster stalking the web! 406 victims! "
"It is as if everyone had lost their sense
Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence
And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey.
The Encyclopædia Ermariana is growing. ;)
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #26
Well, here's my character:

Errrrrrr...I don't know what faction this guy will best fit into...(I want him to be in teh faction he'd best fit into.)

Name: Sejii(Pronounced Se-zhee)
Species: Human
Class: Heavily armored halberdier
Equipment: Metal(I'm not sure what kind would provide great protection and not be out of Sejii's financial reach) Breastplate, Metal Sleeves(Can't remember their name... Cloth wrapped around the elbows), Metal Gauntlets, Metal Pants(With cloth wrapped around his knees), Metal boots, Leather Neck Cover, Metal Halberd(Even the handle.), 100 gold.
Attributes: Devasting strikes, low attack rate, moves slowly, and heavily armored.
Personality: He prefers to fight in large groups, and is impatient and short tempered. Being heavily armored and well armed, he is often over confident. He always feels even more confident when there are more soldiers around him.
He is generous, and often gives some of his riches to poor people. But he sometimes uses his money for gambling and bribery. He nearly always takes the gold from the dead enemies' bodies. Although this would be hard, because it's hard for him to bend over in his armor.

[ Wednesday, December 17, 2003 16:03: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest ]

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 100 computers: read more! HAHAHAH!!!OH, I CAN'T BREATHE!! HAHAHAHA!!!! Think you're sane?
Enduring the worst, to bring you the best.
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 32
Profile #27
Sullust looked off into the distant and saw the faint glimmer of torches in the distance as night drew closer. He along with several other soldiers had been caught on the wrong side of the river during the uprising. Now a large contingent of the Kylenians stood between them and the main Iron Clad forces.
After considering the odds they were up against Sullust went back towards a nearby campfire. They couldn't do anything until a dispatch managed to pass across the river. They were alone, abandoned, and without orders.

Lt. Sullust
Cogito Ergo Sum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 27
Profile #28
OOC: Premonition check my early post for character descriptions before I make my IC.

IC: (Coming Soon.)

"Sook mee noots you fooking guy!!!"
Meh, not sure when my friends came up with that.

"Remember, to Slithzerikai you are crunchy and good with ketchup."
- Modified rendition of a bumper sticker. Long live D&D!!!
Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #29
"I think, Kylen, that it might well be possible to execute both plans at once."

"Eh?" A sharp response came from the leader of what was almost definitely the least legitimate faction. "All the other tacticians have told me that it's impossible to do it without risking severe weakness against the western Solarans..."

"True enough. Which is why we won't divert any forces from the fighting in the passes. Rather, we will take any weapons we can gather from the city -- of any level of simplicity -- and move through the southern pass with a group of powerful weapon smugglers. We'll arm the sympathizers in the Jsoulza basin and help them commit guerilla raids against nearby Ironcladists."

"Hmm. And I suppose your group would be spearheading this?"

"Naturally, sir. I assure you, I am doing it for the good of the true crown, and for its good alone."

"Good. The problem is, though, that we barely have enough weapons to supply our own forces..."

"That IS a problem, sir, I'll be buggered if it isn't." The general looks disappointed, then thoughtful. "I suppose we could talk to the Solarens about acquiring some..."

"No. You want us eating out of their hands? Instead, I believe we ought to focus our efforts on the passes. Once we've secured them all and flushed out garrison resistance in the Jsoulza Narrows Pass, we'll lead whatever group of elites you had planned to use to Ironclad territory and attack some southern armories. So not only will we be harming Ironclad power in the area, we will be doing it with their own weapons." Kylen tents his fingers, self-satisfied. The general sees the sense in the plan. "I'll get started on assembling an elite group, then..."

¡Viva Chile!
¡Viva el Pueblo!
¡Vivan los Trabajadores!

Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #30
OOC: Ok. I will try to come in casually.

IC: Petoria: "Potions! Potions! Potions!! Don't you ever have enough!? I am sick of laboring over a hot cauldron all damn day!! Why don't you send some people to help me for once you lazy bastard!!! Now get out and don't come back until you have some decent workers for me!!!"

Petoria stares over at the royal soldier standing in her doorway. He had appeared no more than two minutes ago and already she loathes his company. She is sick and tired of the constant orders for potions and now she hears that Kylen wants to gather up a group of elite soldiers for battle. And where there are elite soldiers, there are commanders and mages. When there are commanders and mages around, they order many potions. It means good money for her, but she is tired from the constant strain of her work and just wants some relaxation or maybe just some other people around to help alleviate her labor.

The soldier leaves her with a look of annoyance and surprise at the disrespect of this witch that sits at a desk in this hovel of a cottage and has the nerve to yell at him, who happens to hold good rank over her. When he was gone, she gets up from her desk, grabs a basket, opens the back door of her cottage, and steps out in her large luscious garden. She has herbs, vegetables, and medicinal plants of all sorts growing out here and breathes in what fresh air she can. The smoke from the enemy raids and campfires hangs like a light haze over the valley and makes the air rough to breathe in. He garden provides her with a safe haven of fresh air from the plants within.

She crouches down at a plant on the ground and drawing a small knife from her pocket, she cuts off a piece of root and some leaves and places them in the basket. Then she moves on a little ways and cuts a few mushrooms off from their stalks. She does the same with a few other plants and mushrooms and then goes inside to her desk, which doubles as her chopping table. She then sits down and starts taking the various plants out of her basket and preparing them for potions and the such. She also sets some aside for a meal for herself and goes about her other chores as well.

She summons a flame to light the fire under her cauldron and in her wood stove and brings in wood from outside to feed the fires with, which she has to chop herself. Soon she is busily cooking up potions and eating her meal on the side. She soon has some time to herself to relax a little and lie down for a rest while waiting for her potions to properly cook and settle. She sets a magical timer to wake her and falls asleep to the sound of birds chirping and the wind rustling outside slightly, wishing that the war would just end already and bring peace to the land.

OOC: I hope that wasn't too bad. I tried to incorporate as much of my style into this as possible while mixing it with others.

"Keep your wits about you, the game is afoot!" - Sherlock Holmes

Mrs. Peacock: "Everything all right?"
Colonel Mustard: "Yep, two corpses, everthing's fine."

"What do you think I asked you here for? COMPANY?!!!" - Bette Davis
Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #31
[ooc] Slith: that's fine. :)
Zephyr: just join a faction you think would suit.
Player List updated.


Morgan looked up. Her grey eyes were piercing in their intensity, but the slight smile that lined her lips was relaxed. "We've gained another three merchant-class ships and one clipper. The captains signed the contract two days past. All of them are based along the eastern coast. Most deliveries are on schedule, though we've lost a few caravans to bandits in the Central Pass. The growers in the north-east are contesting the increased rates, but we expected that. They haven't kicked up too much of a fuss."

Regarding the half-eaten meal in front of her, Vida took a thoughtful sip of wine. The goblet was real crystal, plain but delicate. The Sailor's Association was hers, from the time it had been composed of nothing but an idea and a few courier ships operating out of the delta, to the vast network it was in the present day. It had been hard, bloody work. Vida savoured the sweet spiced liquid that could not entirely mask the memory of wormy hardtack and swampwater she had survived on many times in the past. "What's the bad news?"

The lowlevel mage shifted in her seat. "The Solarans have tightened their blockade. Our shipment to Kylen's supporters in the Jsoulza Basin didn't get through. The Solarans have commandeered the Falcon."

Vida cursed, the foul stream of words at odds with the fine clothes she wore. "And after they got their own, I see. The gutless swine. We'll have to teach them a lesson."

"We can't embargo them," Morgan ventured. "That will cut our profits by a fifth at least."

"No. But you see what this means, don't you? The Kylens will accuse us of deliberately losing their supplies and giving them to the Solarans. The Ironclads have already started inspecting every ship that comes to their ports. They'll get more suspicious, and the Solarans will think they can take what's ours with impunity. No, I've got something else in mind." Vida's face was set with purpose. "How many pirates do we have in the delta?"

"Two, maybe three."

"Send them a message. I want the Falcon back. Don't tackle the blockade head-on, and don't attack any warship unless it attacks them first. The Falcon's in port at the moment, no doubt, but they'll put her out soon enough. I trust my captains will know when to strike."

Vida's smile was wolfish and showed some hint of pirating history that contrasted oddly with her appearance of a rich merchant chief. Morgan nodded, impassive as always.

[ Thursday, December 18, 2003 02:28: Message edited by: premonition ]
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #32
SAFT soon got their wish. The Falcon and two Solaran ships departed for Solaran ports along the west coast. As soon as they hit the open seas, three pirate vessels emerged and began advancing on the three other ships. However, they were not expecting the Solaran ships to flee, leaving the Falcon to fend for herself. The ship drifted north on course, but not nearly fast enough to escape the pirates.

When the Falcon was boarded, the pirates were not expecting what they found. On the deck were the Falcon's crew, bound and gagged, and a single Solaran Naval cadet was at the helm. When they searched the hull for the weapons shipments, they came up with nothing, besides several empty crates. Nonetheless, they did have the Falcon back, despite being unable to turn a profit. When they went to question the Solaran on board, he threw a purse of gold towards the pirate leader and leapt overboard.

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It - We're Everywhere
The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Member # 517
Profile #33
In his council room, Corim paced uneasily.

'This is ridiculous! We've got massively more manpower than them, more resources, more experience, more magic. Yet every engagement happens at their initiative, our scouts either find nothing or don't return. They're practically defeated, and yet we can't seem to do a thing to them.'

'With respect, sir. There's very little we can do to them apart from wait for them to run out of men. After all, every engagement, even ones they win, must be costing them dearly. Soon they'll be down to just a few groups of raiders, and they won't be a threat.'

'I disagree, Major. Have you looked at the figures for the food coming in? We started with lots of supplies, but they're almost run out. We need to get our farms going soon or there's going to be serious trouble. And as long as the Aizoans carry on destroying farms as soon as they're built, it can't happen.'

The others sat quietly for a minute. Then Major Taren spoke up.

'What about the mages, sir? Haven't they found anything?'

'No. They say that they're searching a whole continent, and it can't take less than a few weeks unless they're lucky somehow. But weeks are what we haven't got! It's no use relying on the mages.'

'Well, I have another suggestion. If the mages can't cover the whole continent, they can cover the farms at least. Put them in the cities with small detachments, and they can detect the raids and send the detachments out to block the raiders. Meanwhile, send out scouts. Magic can't follow trails in the ground, can't look for signs that people have passed. We've scouts who can will find the raiders a lot better.'

'We've tried scouts before. They were mostly killed, before you forget.'

'Yes, sir, but then you sent out the heavy infantry. My recommendation is to send out archers, dressed as natives. Hopefully the Aizoans will ask questions first and shoot later. If we pick the right force, they'll be able to talk their way out of most situations as well.'

'It could work. Very well, Taren. You have my permission to put together such a force. And we'll move the mages too. Colonel Haji, you are in charge of positioning the mages strategically and seeing that they are given the authority they need. Major Doras, make sure the infantry is available to counter the raids. And Taren?'

'Yes, sir?'

'I expect results. Soon.'


'Thank you, gentlemen. That will be all.'


'Londar, I've called you to my office for a very important reason.'

'What's that?'

The Major sighed.

'"What's that, sir". Do try to remember. And the reason is this. We need a specialised scouting force. They will be archers, disguised as Aiozans. You will, by infiltration or scouting, find the center of operations of the Aizoan natives and report back.'

The young archer stood uncomfortably, considering. The major felt an urge to interrupt the archer's thoughts. The trouble with these young'uns is they don't know an order from a request... But his thoughts were interrupted.

'How long do we have, sir?'

'Less than none. And I mean that. We are actually in a crisis situation for food already.'

'How many men are there, sir?'

'We're still looking. Sor far? Just you.'


[ Thursday, December 18, 2003 04:40: Message edited by: Omlette ]

Let them eat cake!

Polaris Boards: The misc board's thriving, and there're plenty good RPs. Join now! H00rj!
Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00
Member # 1877
Profile #34
Omlette, can I be a comander of a regiment in your army? Nothing big, maybe just something like 14 soldiers or something?
I will develop my guy when i get an answer.

"Only the wisest ruler can use spies; only the most benevolent and upright general can use spies, and only the most alert and observant person can get the truth using spies. It is subtle, subtle! There is nowhere that spies cannot be used. If a spy's activities are leaked before they are to begin, the spy and those who know should be put to death."
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #35
OOC: I guess Sejii will go with the army at the Aizoan front.
I'm not asking for a high position for Sejii.

Sejii: *Sejii walks along the ground, looking down at some soldiers he passes. It is easy for him to do this because he is 6 ft. 6". He has his armor on, and his rope is tied to his back with his rope. He has a toothpick in his mouth, as usual.* "I wonder when there'll be some action... Zeta(His Halberd. The word Zeta is inscribed in the handle) and I want to fight."

OOC: It'd be nice if I knew the current location of the army.

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 100 computers: read more! HAHAHAH!!!OH, I CAN'T BREATHE!! HAHAHAHA!!!! Think you're sane?
Enduring the worst, to bring you the best.
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3022
Profile #36
Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Linda attempted to restore a little self-respect by cleaning her favourite robe again. It would have been much more impressive, she admitted, if she could do it magically. But *that* incident with the chair had taught her a lesson in these regards.

She was rather annoyed when the commander of her section - whatever his name is - refused to recognise her excellent magical qualifications, even to perform the minimal favour of awarding her magi clearance. She was extremely annoyed when he committed her to manual labour. Manual labour?

Reinforcing walls is a task for peasants and idiots, not for the intellectual elite. Especially when there is any chance of enemy raiding parties. She most definitely was not expendable.

One day, Linda swore, she would make a name for herself and teach them for misusing her obvious talents. But not this day. And probably not tommorrow. Not the day after. A few months... possibly.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Saturday, May 24 2003 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #37
Firedrake - okay, but captain is the highest rank.

FZ, that's a different Linda, right?

Zephyr, the army is in eastern Aizo moving to the coast.

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It - We're Everywhere
The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #38
The houses Sol and Ironclad are the most powerful in the Empire. By unwritten law, the Emperor is always a member of one of these two houses. When this law was broken with the Viceroy I's corronation, Pralgrad was thrown into chaos. When this emperor was assassinated, three factions rose from the rubble. The Solarans, seeing their chance to return to power once more after the long rule of the Ironclads, quickly rose up behind Jehan Sol. A small group, the Kylens, broke away from the Ironclads. They were led by Viceroy I's councellor, Dorian Kylen. But, with the death of the unpopular Viceroy I, many turned to the house Ironclad to restore order.
Gideon Ironclad is a puppet-emperor. Although the Empire is ruled in his name, it is really the bickering Ironclad council that rules the land. The Ironclads have the most legitimate claim to the throne, since the last emperor before Viceroy I was an Ironclad. But they fight an uphill battle. They are hard to defeat, since they are the most organized of the factions, but the Kylens and Solarans will do anything to maintain and increase their new- (or re-)found power; therefore, the Ironclads are at a stalemate. They rely on their pikemen and fine archers, mainly; defensive fighters, for the most part. They do not have the kind of cavalry needed for glorious line-shattering charges, nor the swordsmen for steady, effective hacking at enemy positions.
However, what the Ironclads lack in leadership and offensiveness, they make up for stability. The peasants in Ironclad-controlled land remain largely unaffected by the war, other than the usual shortages caused by by war; blockades and Solaran attacks on the SAFT are the main problems. The roads are intact, the fortresses are generally secure, and the armies are relatively well-supplied. And when hope begins to fail, the promise of the army returning one day from the Aizoan front becomes a powerful restorative.
Gideon Ironclad does not fear a defeat at the hands of the bitter Solarans or the ambitious Kylens. What he fears is the council, the people, and those within Ironclad territory who would take power from him. His fears are not directed abroad; they are directed at his own Empire.

If you want to join the Ironclads, you can be no more powerful than a captain; there will be no PC generals. A leader of a small specialist force of archers, maybe, or a captain of an unimportant division of cavalry, angry about the uselessness of the horsemen. And every RP could use some common soldiers; there's nothing wrong with holding a pike and listening to the barked commands of a little upstart commander. It just makes for a better RP. And you don't have to be a soldier, either; healers, mages, even peasants are perfectly fine. If you want to be a member of the Council, go ahead, but don't overstep your bounds; make sure there are plenty of people above you.

I'm very tired right now, but I thought I should type something up just to make it easier for everyone else. If I've made any mistakes (major mistakes, I don't want to see "OMG LOLZ YUO SPELLD "AND" WROGN!!1!") then please let me know; if you want any specifications or whatever, also let me know. Basically, if you know more than me, make that not the case. Thanks.

EDIT: Drakey:
Originally posted by FZ: Unlike her infamous namesake, Linda is pretty dire in terms of actual magical ability.
Dire is the wrong word for that, but anyway, it's not that Linda.

[ Thursday, December 18, 2003 20:19: Message edited by: Sir David ]

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #39
The central hills. Colonel Karadas is the commander-in-chief of the forces of the northern mountains.

Under any other faction's control, he would be a brigadier- or even major-general. Here he is a colonel, and it has fallen on him to break the bloodbath in the House Ironclad's favor.

He arranged the troops he had left in a stiff turtle, ready to crush the ill-organized Kylenian mob storming the walls of the castle that controlled the breakoff point of the two passes. If this castle were to fall, the Kylenians would have no opposition from the two divided passes, and would control the mountains. Catastrophe would surely result.

As such, Colonel Karadas had more men and weapons at his disposal than any garrison commander in the Empire, and more than most provincial commanders. He was prepared to break the morale of the Kylenian mob.

Then the phalanx marched out. If they succeeded, the Kylenians would fall back, and the pitch wouldn't be necessary. If they succeeded, hell was liable to freeze over. They didn't succeed; they were too outnumbered, and it was something of a victory that they weren't routed at once. The Kylenians just had too much in the way of numbers on their hands.

Sadly, Colonel Karadas was no fool. The adage "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is one that is dangerous in the military: take it too seriously and you're liable to have all the eggs that matter broken.

Ignore it, though...

And ignore it Colonel Karadas did, putting all priority on breaking the Kylenians at the joint of the passes. He didn't notice the group of cavalry lead by General Hugo until the first explosion shattered a goodly portion of the east wall.

The fighting was horrendous, and clearly distractionary. Karadas couldn't do a damn thing about it short of killing off as many Kylenian cavalrymen as possible while they stole everything with a pointy end that wasn't nailed down and left. By casualties alone, Colonel Karadas had won that battle.

Then the firebomb that the cavalry set in the west wing of the castle went off. The garrison keeping the walls free of the Kylenians surrendered on the spot; many of them, only peasants who had been drafted into the Imperial army to stop brigands, were willing to fight those parts of the garrison which hadn't surrendered once offered clemency.

And Karadas set off to the south, bringing news that the Kylenians had taken the last fortress which kept them out of the mountain passes. He gathered a massive contingent of followers -- followers who would have joined the Ironclad forces and beaten the Kylenians back across the passes...

...if they weren't attacked from the south and east by more Kylenian partisans, armed by the weapons stolen from Karadas's old fortress.


General Hugo has become a hero among the Kylenians and a villain among the Ironcladians overnight. As for Colonel Karadas? Chances are, we haven't heard the last of him.

[ Thursday, December 18, 2003 20:29: Message edited by: USA-se Xenerali-boariku CUSITURA ]

¡Viva Chile!
¡Viva el Pueblo!
¡Vivan los Trabajadores!

Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #40
OOC: My vacations have started!! I have at last the time to forge a new character (for two reasons; 1, Rendall, Roy, and Eferas all seem to be inadequate for this world; 2, I could never pass up the opportunity to make a new one anyway. :D )

Let's see... what I want is a scholarly, bookish type; he shouldn't be too old to fight, and he might have picked up a cantrip or too. Since he's not really a hunk in terms of muscle, and he is far too unskilled magically, his major area in battle would have to be ranged combat. Since I prefer my characters to be independent, I'll make him a mercenary rather than politically involved. He's working for the Solarans.

Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Taron Gregor Merallion, learned historian, dabbler in magic, bowman for hire and soldier in the army of His Rightful Imperial Majesty(-To-Be), Jehan Sol IV.! :)

IC: Hang on for a few minutes, half an hour at most, then I'll post his entrance, complete with IC character description and all. ;)

Nasty trickster stalking the web! 406 victims! "
"It is as if everyone had lost their sense
Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence
And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey.
The Encyclopædia Ermariana is growing. ;)
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 3782
Profile #41
Red Warlock is traveling, walking through a large valley. He hears a noise, and hides behind a rock. He looks forward, and sees a large army marching his direction. Not knowing whose side they are on, he decides to wait where he is until he can get a better look.

I get energy from your jealousy. Ever wonder why I'm so hyper?

Bow to the blademaster of Exile.

The Abyss Scenarios, Forums, Graphics...
E-Master's Graemlins Come take a look.
Miscellaneous Get to the closed misc. forums!
Where's Waldo? Can you find Waldo in less than a minute? *Evil Grin*
End of World Da end is coming!
Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, December 13 2003 08:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #42
That is an exceptionally poor post, Blademaster...

¡Viva Chile!
¡Viva el Pueblo!
¡Vivan los Trabajadores!

Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 3782
Profile #43
*cough* spam *cough*


This is the reason I left the boards in the first place, all these ****ers lookin for reasons to flame people, and all the spam and ****.

[ Friday, December 19, 2003 19:31: Message edited by: Blademaster of Exile ]

I get energy from your jealousy. Ever wonder why I'm so hyper?

Bow to the blademaster of Exile.

The Abyss Scenarios, Forums, Graphics...
E-Master's Graemlins Come take a look.
Miscellaneous Get to the closed misc. forums!
Where's Waldo? Can you find Waldo in less than a minute? *Evil Grin*
End of World Da end is coming!
Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, December 13 2003 08:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #44
*cough* Also spam *cough* Although that was kind of useless, Alec. Calm down, Blademaster.

(IC Later)

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 3782
Profile #46
meh, sry, its 11:30 here, im tired as hell. :D

I get energy from your jealousy. Ever wonder why I'm so hyper?

Bow to the blademaster of Exile.

The Abyss Scenarios, Forums, Graphics...
E-Master's Graemlins Come take a look.
Miscellaneous Get to the closed misc. forums!
Where's Waldo? Can you find Waldo in less than a minute? *Evil Grin*
End of World Da end is coming!
Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, December 13 2003 08:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #47
"We do not have enough cavalry for that, my liege," replied Lord Barhain. "We cannot take that fortress, we can only reenforce ours near it."
"Then take horses from the city guard," the Emperor replied. "They can all patrol on foot."
"But what if there is a riot? Andrax is gaining power. His little army consists solely of drunkards at the moment, but who knows? They almsot killed Lord Grantis yesterday."
"If he gets any more support, kill him."
"We cannot do that, my liege, it would only make his followers angrier. They are drunkards, as I said; they are not reasonable."
"The footmen can contain his riots, I say! We need those horses at the front! Which of us is Emperor?"
Bahrain tilted his head to the side and smiled condescendingly. "I shall bring it before the council, Emperor Ironclad." He bowed out of the room.
"Lord Bahrain!"
The man kept walking, as if he had not heard.
Gideon sighed in frustration. He looked down at his robe, contemplating what to do.
"Erland. Come here."
The page stood up from his chess game, leaving the soldier glaring after him. What Erland lacked in size and age, he more than made up for in strenth and intelligence. He annoyed the Imperial Guard to no end, and often found out secret information that Gideon thought no one else knew; but he was Gideon's favorite page nevertheless, and always managed to cheer him up when the news was particularly bad.
"How much power do I really have, Erland?"
The page, looking up into the Emperor's boyishly handsome face, averted his eyes, then lowered his head.
"Not much, my liege."
"The council has taken over, haven't they?"
The boy looked back up at him. "Yes, for the most part."
"For the most part?"
"Well, the Imperial Guard is still very loyal to you, and..."
"Well, I think if you really tried..."
"I think you could override anything the council decrees."
Gideon thought about this.
"They think that when the army returns from the Aizoan front, they will be able to convince Warderson that Lord Janson is Ironclad I's true heir, not you. That is why they have gotten so confident. But if you can prove that you are well-suited to rule Pralgrad, they will probably lose that confidence. All you need to do is prove yourself."
"The cavalry... tell me, Erland, how much do you know about cavalry? And about the city guard?"
The soldier tapped his foot impatiently; Erland looked over at him, and at the chess game. He noticed that several more pawns had been captured since he had stood up; he glared at the soldier, and turned back to the Emperor.
"I heard your conversation with Lord Bahrain, my liege. Andrax is not as influencial as the council thinks; the city guard could do with half as many horses as it has now. They would be put to better use at the front."
"Thank you, Erland."
Erland bowed low, then went back to his game, arguing over the stolen pieces. Gideon Ironclad stood up and walked off in the direction of Lord Bahrain.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #48
OOC: Sorry. Yes, you may smack me now and ask what unit of time I define as 'half an hour', and how much that is in Terran days. :P

The problem is I don't know any specific place to start in. I only know that the Solarans are gathering their troops southeast of Solaria (could you pinpoint the city and the mountain range on that map, Drakey?), and that there is some reinforcement of walls at a fort or something going on. Looks like I have to make up my entrance scene from scratch. Well, here goes.


"Oy! You there! Whaddaya think yer doing! Get up and look lively, will you?"

Taron looked up irritably at the voice. A redfaced seargent was standing right in front of him, equally irritated.

Grunting something unintelligible, Taron took the book off his lap and stowed it into his backpack. After all these years army life seemed to have gone even more unpleasant than he remembered. He rose to his feet from the small stool he had been sitting on, and began to string his bow which had been leaning against the wall.

Standing up, Taron's age was more visible than while he was sitting. While not exactly stooped, his back was slightly bent from the many years of poring over old, dusty tomes. Nonetheless, he was not frail, oh no! The sixty five years had passed him by almost unnoticably, and he looked like a man ten or twenty years younger. His hair, of course had grown a pale shade of grey that could be called white, and his face was creased with deep lines. Unexpected for one with such affinity to books, Taron's skin was as weathered and tough as that of a sailor or battle-hardened veteran, and in his eyes was the fire of a ferocious fighter.

He was, as usual, dressed in a simple linen shirt and light leather armor. Taron was aware that this garb was not very suitable for someone dabbling in the arcane, but he had to decide on something eventually: Being a scholar, a minor mage and an archer meant that his garb could not reflect all his professions at once.

Still under the scrutinizing eye of the seargent, Taron sorted out the arrows in his quiver and checked them for faults. At least the pay is good, he thought as Red-Face continued to glare, it was seemingly a good idea to go for the side that controlled the mines.

Having finished his self-inspection after two minutes, he stood sharply — if a bit mockingly — to attention and waited for orders.

OOC: There. Hope that fits in with the general plot; I was trying to not be too specific. Taron is at the moment garrisoned within a fort/camp that lies somewhere in those mountains, if possible.

Nasty trickster stalking the web! 406 victims! "
"It is as if everyone had lost their sense
Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence
And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey.
The Encyclopædia Ermariana is growing. ;)
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 22
Profile #49
Londar was proud to be serving his army, not only doing something useful but something essential. However, he was slightly apprehensive. How could he, a humble archer, find the natives' base where all other well-trained scouts had failed?
There was no use, he thought to himself, feeling sorry for himself. It would do no good to desert - even if they couldn't find the natives, they always found traitors. No, there was nothing else to do but set out.

Early next morning, Londar picked up his bow and three quivers of arrows. There was no point taking food - he could never take enough to cover his whole trip, he would have to rely on his hunting skills.
He'd secretly been hoping for some kind of send off, but there was nothing as he left his small encampment. They had no idea where he was going (excluding the top officials), and why should they care?, he thought to himself, bitterly.
Once he was clear of the encampment, he picked up his pace. He had no idea where to start looking - every plan that formulated in his mind - searching wildly for the base, ambushing a patrol, etc. etc would have required dozens of troops - and all he had was his own marksmanship. The chances were, he could take five troops from a vantage point before being noticed - but once he was noticed, they would be upon him. Searching wildly could, and would, take years and even then, there would be little hope of finding the base.
He continued walking for hours, until sunset. The goblins would be out soon, he thought, even though most of them had been slaughtered by the Empire. It would be a tolerable food source - while not what he was accustomed to, it would not be as bad as other meats he could eat.
Soon, he came upon a group of four goblins. Removing the same number of arrows from his quiver, he shot two before they even knew what was happening. The other two began to ran helplessly - but they had no hope and Londar shot them down with ease.
He began cutting up one of the bodies and noticed a note on the goblin's body. This was almost impossible - he had no idea that goblins could even read, let alone in Imperial script.

"These goblins will provide excellent cannon fodder for you, my native friends. Begin your attack quickly, and I will do my best to split the Aizoan invasion in two. You will live in peace, and I will be ascended within the Empire beyond all my dreams."

This seemed treasonous to Londar. He continued to mull over it and noticed a small green tinge within the note. He pulled at it, to reveal a map, with the natives' base labelled upon it.

Best finish his mission before he reported this newly discovered treason.

KazeArctica: "Imagine...wangs everywhere...and tentacles. Nothing but wangs and tentacles! And no pants!"
Posts: 2862 | Registered: Tuesday, October 2 2001 07:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #50
Commandant Krilon paced back and forth across his tiny office. Staring at a map of enemy positions, he slowly moved a yellow figurine south, then east, and then east again. A knock on the door startled him, knocking the figure to the ground.

He opened the door to find a page with a message. After delivering it, he bowed and promptly went back to wherever he had come from. Krilon closed the door again and opened the note. He slumped down on his couch as he read the communique.

"Cmdt. Krilon --

We have withdrawn two battalions of infantry to bolster to southern front. In their place we have left Lieutenant Gregan and his unit of 75 specialist troops.

You also have new orders. You are to personally take Lt. Gregan's unit, along with an appropriate force of your own, down to the Pralgrad Mountains. We have sent new iron equipment as to make this as comfortable as possible. With them we provided Imperial Wizard Nihat. He will assist you in this mission.

Failure is not acceptable. Return victorious, or not at all.

-- General Fedoric."

Krilon went out to the barracks and began to round up his own team. Five hundred of the most loyal Solaran troops met Krilon and Lt. Gregan outside of the camp, and they set out to the southeast. Behind them trailed Nihat, an imposing figure on the horizon.

As they were out of sight of the camp, Lt. Gregan rode up to Cmdt. Krilon and shared his own views on the mission. An argument ensued, and both went back to their units unsatisfied. From afar, it was easy to see a smaller unit splitting off from the main group and going their own way.
Scene: In the forests of central Pralgrad.

Lookout 1: So, I was looking for a ring for Marissa the other day.

Lookout 2: Are you really going to do it?

Before the other lookout could answer, an arrow appeared through his throat. The second lookout ran for the alarm, but before he could reach it he too was struck down. Two figures in generic army uniforms took their uniforms, their passes, and the rest of their supplies.

They beckoned out to the woods, and set up in positions of defense. One man in the recently stolen Kylenian uniform frantically rang the alarm bell. When the Kylen troops arrived, they walked straight into an ambush. There were no survivors, and the troops moved further south.
OOC: Taron is part of Krilon's 500.

[ Saturday, December 20, 2003 05:25: Message edited by: Drakefyre ]

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It - We're Everywhere
The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
