Profile for Paraniod Rock Star
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Displayed name | Paraniod Rock Star |
Member number | 7021 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 54 |
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Registered | Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
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What is inspiring you? in General | |
Member # 7021
written Thursday, September 14 2006 21:35
I'm listening to a very inspiring song at the moment: "Green Grass And High Tides" by: The Outlaws. It's got me wondering what inspires everyone else out there. -Music? :cool: -Friends? :) -Political Debate? :mad: -Spiderweb Forums? :P -Something else? :confused: Maybe this will turn out to be a good discussion? If not oh well, Da ist nitch zu machens. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
What have you been reading lately? in General | |
Member # 7021
written Thursday, September 14 2006 21:29
Well aside from the ever thrilling Websters Rhyming Dictionary, I'm begining to delve into: Todos Los Fuegos El Fuego" So far not bad if your looking for a short book to extend your Spanish vocabulary. Also good is "Rise Let Us Be On Our Way." And for SciFi Just go to the master Frank Herbert: Any of the Dune books (even if you've read them 12 times already), his othe stuff is good to. And a semi-lost fantasy novel that's fantastic: "Job: A Comedy Of Justice." -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
Favorite Television Shows in General | |
Member # 7021
written Wednesday, July 5 2006 06:18
To settle the question posed right now the greatest TV show of all time is... The Simpsons Now close runners-up include: The Colbert Report, Family Guy, Futurama, and M*A*S*H. Oh, by the way I have returned from my month long exile. Maybe it was more than a month. Oh well. I'm Back. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
What continent do you live on? (in which the voices take over) in General | |
Member # 7021
written Tuesday, June 6 2006 07:48
Whooo Africa! I this hardly comprises a reply but what do I care this is the last time I'm on this forum for a while anyway. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
A Farewell in General | |
Member # 7021
written Tuesday, June 6 2006 07:46
I will be doing a bit of "traveling" for ythe next few months and will not be accessing the internet. I post this as my farewell, for now but I may return some day. I will now name the people on this forum a secretly know in person... That is all. Adios. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
These pretzels are making me thirsty. in General | |
Member # 7021
written Friday, May 26 2006 08:17
What the hhem?! I'm afraid I don't understand what this thread is for. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
The Big Club Theory in General | |
Member # 7021
written Tuesday, May 23 2006 08:19
Soory Major I miss read, I thought you wanted to know if I didn't get my own joke. Ay Perdon. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
Ghosts of Stalin in General | |
Member # 7021
written Tuesday, May 23 2006 07:57
This sounds more like a fact than a topic. I for one don't care much for facts [I'm a Republican :D ]. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
The Big Club Theory in General | |
Member # 7021
written Tuesday, May 23 2006 07:50
quote:Yeah, I got that,it was kindda a joke. I guess I ain't that funny :eek: Well there goes my self-esteem :( Oh well. :) -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
Finland > Eurovision! in General | |
Member # 7021
written Monday, May 22 2006 08:18
Good For Finland! -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
The Big Club Theory in General | |
Member # 7021
written Monday, May 22 2006 08:13
I hate those 1 star morons! :mad: At leats until I put back on my glasses. :confused: :D -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
My God can beat up your God! in General | |
Member # 7021
written Monday, May 22 2006 08:09
"And God said 'Throwith the Holy hand grenade and blow thyn enemies to bits in mine mercy'" -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
The Ultimate Survey in General | |
Member # 7021
written Monday, May 22 2006 08:03
quote:Obivously you overlooked me in the photo thread. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
The Big Club Theory in General | |
Member # 7021
written Wednesday, May 17 2006 07:27
quote:No Offence Taken this idea was dreamed up by a friend of mine. I figured you people could put a spin on it but so far with the exception of Mung until not Mungible I've been disapointed. Come on you people should be able to distort a distorted natural selection theory. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
The Big Club Theory in General | |
Member # 7021
written Tuesday, May 16 2006 07:54
I was speaking with some friends the other day on the origins of Language, culture and tradition. When the most interesting theory was brought up, for lack of a better title I'm calling it the "Big Club Theory." I just thought this would make an excelet topic for the people in these forums to put their our twist on. So here it is. Now lets think about the first group of humans where ever they were. They have a basic language but are still having truble developing a language because they all named objects differently. Thus the name of an object would be whatever the person with the bigest club called it. For Exsample Caveman 1: Look at this club I found Caveman 2: That's not a "club" it is called a "Branch." Caveman 1: Club. Caveman 2: Branch Caveman 1: Club! Caveman 2: Branch! [Whack!] Caveman 1: Club. Caveman 2: Yeah, club. A simmilar senario could also have occured for tradition and culture. Thoughts on this break through theory. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
Dreams in General | |
Member # 7021
written Monday, May 15 2006 07:51
I don't remember my dream last night but whatever it was, it was bizzar. I should say I don't remember because I do I just can't describe. I know I was running but I don't remember from what, I fell then there was an odd seiries of events. Then I died or somthing or would have but I woke up. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
A real poll in General | |
Member # 7021
written Thursday, May 11 2006 08:07
The history of the Vals: There seems to be some confusion as aperently there are multipule langages called "Valish" So I wish to clear up some confusions. No Valish is not a nationality it IS and Ethnicity. Two actually. I am Ethnicaly European Valish. The other Valsh ethnicity is in India. There is also a made up language called Valish that is some where on the internet. Because I am of the European Vals I will now discuss their history. The exact roots of the Valish culture are unknown, but our language is a mix of Germanic Latin and oddly some Arab liniage. The Vlish ethnicity is said to have come from a French/Dutch/German heritages and probally started on the boarder of France and Germany. Latter the Vals somehow ended up in the Netherlands. The language changed dramatically and then political and linguistic shifts in the Valish community fragmented it. Now Valish communities are spread throughout the world the largest of which are in America as many Vals imigarted to America. I am ethnically Valish and have called many Valish communities home I now reside in Vacclan a Valish community in Oregon, USA. We govern independantly and try not to upset the US government to avoid future problems. So we are kind of an indian tribe situation. Dispite living in America, Valish is my native tonuge and I've usedit aLL MY LIFE. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
A real poll in General | |
Member # 7021
written Thursday, May 11 2006 07:50
quote:Unfortunatly you have looked up the wrong language my friend. That "Valish" IS NOT the Valish I am speaking of! For exsample the Valish you found translates the phrase: View this page in Valish as: Biou dis peitz in Valish In REAL Valish it would be: Veric ak cil tab web fi Valhim. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
A real poll in General | |
Member # 7021
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 08:20
Why not settle this now? it's not like this is a productive poll. So let's just argue this out not. What is better English or another languge (please specify). I say Valish is the best but I'm biased because it's my native toungue so I could also make a case for Spanish. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
A real poll in General | |
Member # 7021
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 08:16
quote:Oh, sure attack the English skills of the foriegner. It isn't like it's my fourth language and something I still haven't fully mastered. I'm not really as angry and sarcastic as that sounds but still, attacking my English skills, give me a break, I'm Valish. I could ramble off some flawless Valish but not English your languge is hard! I mean what were they smoking when they made this stupid language?! -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
A real poll in General | |
Member # 7021
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 08:10
Alright I guess that doesn't sound to dificult, but I still don't see it ever happening. Maybe this poll should just be the greatest topic ever I am not sure how to do that but there's got to be some way. (Crickets chirping) I give up. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
A real poll in General | |
Member # 7021
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 07:59
If yes post what you feel this greatest topic ever was. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
A real poll in General | |
Member # 7021
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 07:58
I'm going to set up the ultimate topic for discussion but I'll need everyones help. I plan to post a serries of polls and base the GREATEST TOPIC EVER, off of the results. Or I'll get board and move on. Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 36 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=rwiTzSFledHa"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=rwiTzSFledHa"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
Favorite song (to play) in General | |
Member # 7021
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 07:53
Wow! topic on this forum seem to be getting stale. Only so often do we get a really good topic. Like this thing, what the heck was I thinking?! Let's let this die and get some real discusion going. -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |
Church of the Nine-Headed Cave Cow in General | |
Member # 7021
written Wednesday, May 10 2006 07:21
I've decided to spread my radical dogma of Trump I'll see how I can tie it back to your nine headed cow. Today's teaching from the Gospiel Acccording To Trump: From the Proverbs of Trump: "A copyright is really just an invitation to steal and a challenge not to get caught." -------------------- "My Mazaradi goes 185 They Took my License Now I don’t drive But I got me a limo And I sit in the back Lock all the doors In case I’m attacked.” Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00 |