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AuthorTopic: Dreams
Member # 7002
Profile #50
I had a very disturbing dream last night. I was walking through school, and everyone that I walked by stopped doing whatever they were doing, and stared at me. In a creepy sort of way. Then, I opened a door, and started screaming. I could never remember what's behind the door.

[ Sunday, May 14, 2006 21:49: Message edited by: Mr.Bookworm ]

Posts: 193 | Registered: Thursday, April 6 2006 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #51
Here's a guess: It was a mirror, and you saw you weren't wearing any pants. :P

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My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
Polaris is dead, long live Polaris.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 7002
Profile #52
Originally written by George Gammell Angell:

Here's a guess: It was a mirror, and you saw you weren't wearing any pants. :P
Quite possibly, yes. Though I lean toward me seeing my own "personal" monster. My deepest, darkest nightmare. It involves tentacles, and lots of water.

Posts: 193 | Registered: Thursday, April 6 2006 07:00
Member # 6403
Profile #53
Originally written by Dhole:

I had yet another dream last night that I've also forgotten most of, but two details remain:

I was standing in front of a mirror, but the mirror had a "lag" - that is to say, when I raised my left hand, it would take a few seconds for the mirror to copy my movement.

Then I asked my father (who was in the next room) why the mirror did that, and he launched into a dizzingly complex explanation about physics. The only part of it I remember is "time is divided into infinitely small instants that are alternatingly either 'light moments' or 'dark moments'. If the mirror drops the dark instants and reflects the light instants, that creates a field of compressed time around it, which would make it seem to you as if the mirror's reflection took some time to react."

As it turned out, however, he was wrong. In fact, the computer that runs our universe was overloaded, causing it to lag.

Does this have anything to do with my request of you? The timing was a little odd and the details are somewhat similar.

Originally written by Mr.Bookworm:

My deepest, darkest nightmare. It involves tentacles, and lots of water.

[ Monday, May 15, 2006 03:54: Message edited by: radix malorum est cupiditas ]

??? ??????
???? ?????
Posts: 883 | Registered: Wednesday, October 19 2005 07:00
Member # 7021
Profile #54
I don't remember my dream last night but whatever it was, it was bizzar. I should say I don't remember because I do I just can't describe. I know I was running but I don't remember from what, I fell then there was an odd seiries of events. Then I died or somthing or would have but I woke up.

"My Mazaradi goes 185
They Took my License
Now I don’t drive
But I got me a limo
And I sit in the back
Lock all the doors
In case I’m attacked.”
Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00
Member # 5437
Profile #55
I had a dream last night that I found myself in a strange office, which looked like a doctor's office but it really wasn't. There we're two offices like that, and I seemed to just be in one then I'd suddenly be in the other.

Both the doctors that worked there wanted to take my blood. The first one I called the sinister man, and he had a comforting presence. He was very kind and gentile, but he wanted to give my blood to people that the presence of frightened me. The people I saw there that were having their blood taken had a single IV, but seemed to be almost unconscious.

The second doctor I called the innocent man, and he had a very worrisome presence. He was very dominating, and always honest. He wanted my blood for himself (I have no idea why). The people that he was taking the blood from each had six IV needles all in a row, but seemed to be experiencing bliss.

A lot of conversations and experiences happened with both doctors, but I can't remember most of them. The first doctor had a forbidden cave that I wanted to explore, and found a portal, which had to be destroyed. The second had a very sick elderly man, which I had to help escape.

Apparently I chose the second doctor, as I was suddenly watching my blood being taken up thought six IV tubes.
Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00
Member # 3364
Profile Homepage #56
I've had another dream last night with the same theme as the recurring 'no private toilet' ones I mentioned in the last dream topic.

There are lots of people, mostly children, that need a place to sleep. All that is available is a large wooden barn like structure. I am in charge of finding a place for everyone. Once everone is in their 'beds' it's time for me to take a shower, which of course, is in the open along a wall. It's night time and reasonably dark. Most people near me are sleeping and those that aren't can't see much anyway. So I start my shower and carry on conversations with some night owls in the dark. Then a car pulls up outside, it's headlights shining in a window right on me. For a split second I consider screaming and grabbing a towel but I'm not done. I haven't even soaped my hair yet. So instead I finish my shower and my conversations before turning in for bed myself.

"Even the worst Terror from Hell can be transformed to a testimony from Heaven!" - Rev. David Wood 6\23\05

"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can." - John Wesley
Posts: 1001 | Registered: Tuesday, August 19 2003 07:00
Member # 869
Profile Homepage #57
Dolphin: Well, the obvious message from your latest dream is that appearances can be deceptive, but beyond that... I dunno. If someone wants your blood, don't give it to them? :P

The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure!
Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00
Member # 5437
Profile #58
As far as I figure as well :P

Guess that's what happens when you watch Discovery Health before bed.
Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #59
I just dreamt I got on an express train, only to realize that my ticket (although unused) was a year old and also was for the same train in the other direction. Rather than argue that point with the conductor, I prudently got off at the next stop, managing to get all my bags off in time before the train left. I mention that because that's one of the things I often can't do in nightmares.

From that scene, the dream seamlessly went to a conversation I had with someone about "Nodula", which is apparently a powerful web content management software whose only drawback is that it doesn't exist. I checked with Google. From that, it went to a conversation about a new political party that was recently founded in East Germany (somehow although the dream was set post-reunion, people kept referring to it as the GDR) by the remainders of the Stasi (which would be comparable to former KGB agents getting together to form a political party in Russia). Yes, it's weird.

Later, I dreamt that the Israeli secret service (Mossad) had for some reason tagged me as an email spammer and was hunting me down. This might have been caused by reading about Blue Security (Israeli anti-spam company) being shut down due to spam attacks.

And again there are a few details that vanish from my memory as soon as I try to focus about them, so I can't put them in words. I hate that... :rolleyes:

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My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
Polaris is dead, long live Polaris.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 1851
Profile Homepage #60
The dream that I can remember most of didn't actually happen tonight, but this morning. I usually manage to dream once or twice lightly on mornings and they're always the most interesting ones.

Anyway, I can't quite remember how it started, but it was basically eventually this. I'm with some friend's friends in my room, who later leave leaving me alone with my new roommate who seems a bit odd and terribly quiet and shy. We start talking once we realise that we're very alike. Our clothes are the same colors actually, black, light beige and grayish green if I remember correctly. When I move some books in my bookshelf to a proper order she says she's definitely a pizza person. Then she tells (we move to sit on my bed) that the pizza her mother loves to make makes her sleepy and at some point she actually falls off the bed and makes me drag her back up.

Then I realise that the pizza is actually a spell that I've performed before, but it's optional. It doesn't have to be a spell, it can be just an interesting pizza, but I want to make sure. So we go off and perform the spell. I'm not sure who I am at that point, my person changes throughout the dream. Anyway, I don't think I'm with my roommate anymore. The spell produces these frogs and I warn not to touch them because their skin will break like molten cheese. A mistake I apparently did earlier. There's more frogs and we somehow travel elsewhere.

Then the frogs change,I guess. There's dogs and horses, except miniature size. Somehow a friend's friend gets a bird and some other animal and we go back to frogs/animals and she's told that she should make one of her new animals hunt one of the dogs. I hope it doesn't get the one that I like. Hunting ensues, but it's not very spirited.

Around this time I become one of the dogs, except there's no dogs anymore. I quietly slip further away so I don't get caught. I've become a man and I'm sweeping with a friend of mine who's a dwarf. We're prisoners, but we're in open air. Sweeping. There are other prisoners too. We're all wearing these gray clothes and we have these tags to show who we are. Mine drops and I try to stand on it so people wouldn't be able to tell who I am. My friend starts crying because it's very harsh in there (very strong wind) and I look around and damn well hope something would come along and save us, because we've been unjustifiably prisoned.

Then I'm myself again and I'm with someone else who tells me that we've managed to get them free and she hands me these pins. They're symbols of justice and victory. We won after all. There's four. First two girls come (the ones in my room, I think), the friend's friends and I put one pin in place for this blond girl. We try and see if the others are coming yet, and I know that once I've gotten all the pins attached I'm going to hug the dwarf because I love him. Romantically? Not sure. But there would've been hugging.
Except I woke up.

It's a bit strange now that I go over it. Now why this long? I had a minor epiphany, see. The prosecutors, well, they were something akin to shapers from GFs, possibly. That or magicians from Jonathan Stroud's books. And I realised that those orders have much alike. I mean shapers are held in awe and they rule nearly everything, and they can get away with pretty much everything just like that. Same in the books for the magicians. I'm waiting to get my hands on the third book. Damn slow libraries and translators. :\

Also, I played GF3 last night till 3am. That might be partly at fault here too.

[ Tuesday, May 16, 2006 22:34: Message edited by: Rocks In ]

"I'm not crazy!"
"Well, whatever. Maybe you just ate something really questionable, or perhaps someone hit you on the head with something large, blunt and heavy just now. By the way..." Gil nudged Grul pointedly.

Ooh! Homepage - Blog - Geneforge, +2, +3 - My Elfwood Gallery and DevArt page
So many strange ones around. Don't you think?
Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
Profile #61
The best way to remember your dream is to hold a pencil and a piece of paper near the bed. It is strange, but people who tried that say it works if just after you are awake you write down couple of words (not even sentences) about your dream. When you look at these words later, when you are fully awake so that you understand you are not sleeping anymore, your dream comes to memory in almost every detail. I haven't tried it, cause I don't believe. But to write something here I think I'll try.

Now for my dream. I always see nightmares if I sleep on my back. Always. Tonight was it. I was along with some company on a strange Island in an ocean (at least a lot of water around). The strange thing was that its coast line all around the perimeter was lifted to an enormous height, forming rock coast. On the top there stands a building of roman-greek style with pylons by the peimeter and solid structure in centre. There are 3 of us, struggling hard to prevent a huge froglike (but furry and with sharp teeth) monster coming to make something bad to us. We make a final trap with a final hope to throw it off from the rocks. A simple shooting rope. Monster is too smart, so he can see it. Still the rope shoots and he flyes over to the ocean deep. But I saw that he was too sure about the trap, so I am the only one who is trying to convince the other two (a male and a female btw), that the monster is going to return from the other side. They already want to relax, so we have a conflict and they tie up my legs and leave me outside the building. That's why I'm the first who can see monster is coming back, hiding in nearby bush. Then I try to run with my legs tied, so I fail...
At such moments I prefer to wake up, so I did :)

9 masks sing in a choir:
Gnome Dwarf Slith
Giant Troll Troglo
Human Nephil Vahnatai
"If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?"

radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1
Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #62
Doesn't need to be a pencil and paper. Just make a clay bas-relief. Works for me.

(yay for HPL references!)

Edit: I do actually use this thread to note down my dreams though. The post above was made while I was still half-asleep.

[ Wednesday, May 17, 2006 01:20: Message edited by: Henry Anthony Wilcox ]

Encyclopaedia ErmarianaForum ArchivesForum StatisticsRSS [Topic / Forum]
My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
Polaris is dead, long live Polaris.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
Profile #63
A clay bas-relief? What on Earth is that? Is it a real bas-relief made of clay? Sorry, I really don't know what it is if it isn't my first guess. :(

Edit: And what is HPL? Except for Hewlett-Packerd LaserJet.

[ Wednesday, May 17, 2006 01:42: Message edited by: Meeshka ]

9 masks sing in a choir:
Gnome Dwarf Slith
Giant Troll Troglo
Human Nephil Vahnatai
"If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?"

radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1
Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #64
Your life won't be the same after reading this. :)

Edit: And yes, it's a bas-relief made of clay.

[ Wednesday, May 17, 2006 01:48: Message edited by: Henry Anthony Wilcox ]

Encyclopaedia ErmarianaForum ArchivesForum StatisticsRSS [Topic / Forum]
My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
Polaris is dead, long live Polaris.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
Profile #65
Neither page opened. Still, I know who is Lovecraft. Just didn't understand the abbreviation. Plus from the link name you gave me I found a very humoristic review of Call of Cthulhu.
Thanks, I didn't expect anything so funny. The author of a review burns.
By the way, it is not possible for me to create something of clay at the moment I wake up. So I better return to pencil and paper, although may be I shall draw something instead of writing :)

[ Wednesday, May 17, 2006 02:29: Message edited by: Meeshka ]

9 masks sing in a choir:
Gnome Dwarf Slith
Giant Troll Troglo
Human Nephil Vahnatai
"If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?"

radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1
Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #66
Weird... I could understand it if you were in China, but Russia doesn't block Wikipedia, right? I tried the links to make sure, and they work for me...

Edit: And to clarify, the clay thing was just a joke in reference to my current screen name (Henry Anthony Wilcox). Wilcox is an art student in Call of Cthulhu who had some very weird dreams of R'lyeh and made a clay sculpture. I myself don't really have a thing for sculpting. :P

[ Wednesday, May 17, 2006 04:23: Message edited by: Henry Anthony Wilcox ]

Encyclopaedia ErmarianaForum ArchivesForum StatisticsRSS [Topic / Forum]
My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
Polaris is dead, long live Polaris.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Dollop of Whipped Cream
Member # 391
Profile Homepage #67
Well I'm proud to say that I can remember most of my dreams. Until this thread started that is. I swear to god ever since Tyran created this thread; I haven't been able to remember a full dream.

I had this awesome, but dirty, dream last night. However, someone called me and woke me up. So it wasn't a full dream. This turned out to be great, since I couldn’t fall asleep again for hours. [/sarcasm]
The last dream I remember, on May 10th, was about my cousin. I dreamt that I was in a car with him and a couple of friends, and the police were following us. It was the last of a series of dreams with the same message. I suppose I worry about his friends more than I realized.

Ps. Aran: I'm curious, what exactly did the letter say? And why do you think led to you having dreams about Kel writing me things?

"Tyranicus is about the only one that still posts in the Nethergate Forum." —Randomizer
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Shadow Vale - My site, home of the Spiderweb Chat Database, BoA Scenario Database, & the A1 Quest List, among other things.
Posts: 562 | Registered: Friday, December 14 2001 08:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #68
Originally written by Leena:

I had this awesome, but dirty, dream last night.

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #69
Marlenny: I certainly know better than to read other people's lov--- private correspondence. :P

(Actually, I can't remember if I read any of it in the dream. If I did, I wouldn't remember anything it said...) Also, I have no idea why I dreamt about this. Some things I just can't explain, like the Riibu as co-worker, bit or the "Nodula". Seriously, who would name a CMS engine that way, even if it was based on nodes? It sounds like noodle sooup...

(Although I might have been dreaming about the CMS because I was working with Drupal so much recently. I have no idea about the name Nodula though.)

[ Wednesday, May 17, 2006 12:33: Message edited by: Henry Anthony Wilcox ]

Encyclopaedia ErmarianaForum ArchivesForum StatisticsRSS [Topic / Forum]
My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
Polaris is dead, long live Polaris.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 154
Profile #70
This is the only dream I can remember:

I turn on the computer, and type the first few letters of my password, when an independant, smaller login screen pops up that I've never seen before in this situation. It's popped up over the standard Windows login screen.

A few letters of my password have already gone into the password box of this new window. I'm still typing, and I look up, and I see it, and I suddenly stop, noticing it. I get this terrible feeling that it's already snagged the letters of my password which I've already accidentially typed into it, something like the first three letters or something, not having noticed it pop up, and make to hurridly remove the letters from the password field of this new window.

I close the window, and continue typing my password into the real password box, much slower in case the fake box should pop up again. A second or two later, it does, trying again to intercept my password. At this point I'm quite scared. The fake box is so obviously fake, and I've never seen it before. I'm scared because I don't know what this means or what else might have gotten on my system.

I can't remember anything more. The sad thing is that this was probably the only dream that scared me enough for me to remember it.

From that scene, the dream seamlessly went to a conversation I had with someone about "Nodula", which is apparently a powerful web content management software whose only drawback is that it doesn't exist.
This was one of the few things that actually made me laugh out loud. Really, I think that's hilarious. Do you often dream about Nodula, or do you simply desire a node-based CMS?

[ Wednesday, May 17, 2006 19:05: Message edited by: UA ]

Apparently still annoying.
Posts: 612 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #71
No, as I said, I had spent most of the previous day setting up a Drupal system. :P

Encyclopaedia ErmarianaForum ArchivesForum StatisticsRSS [Topic / Forum]
My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
Polaris is dead, long live Polaris.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
Profile #72
Tonight I didn't want to write down my dream, cause the only thing I desired when my alarm woke me up was to fall back to sleep . This night my 3-week old son gave a perfect concert all the night long.
Still a pair of interesting thing I still remember.
The first part was about me working as a guide in some sort of touristic expeditions. We just made a new route to an island on a river. The strange thing was that when you get to this island you have no possibility to come back. I'm not sure why. Something with the coastline and river stream speed.
The second part was a dream of my already gone pets: a cat and a dog. They were alive and lived with me with my family, but time for them ran backwards. It was a dream like a movie, I saw several days in a very short period. But when I asked my wife whether she can tell me the reason why our pets become younger, her answer frightened me to death. She told me that she can see no pets at all. So when I pointed at them she told me that nothing is there. And my phrase in my dream shocked me: I think I should consult a doctor...
I still try to figure out, what was that dream up to?
I dreamt that I was in a car with him and a couple of friends, and the police were following us.
That was my reality yesterday :) I was fast, but they were faster. :(

And to clarify, the clay thing was just a joke in reference to my current screen name (Henry Anthony Wilcox).
Since I'm a newbie here, it is the first time on these boards I see somebody outplaying his nickname :) Next time if I loose the meaning of conversation I'll try to find an answer in a nickname's background :)

[ Wednesday, May 17, 2006 22:16: Message edited by: Meeshka ]

9 masks sing in a choir:
Gnome Dwarf Slith
Giant Troll Troglo
Human Nephil Vahnatai
"If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?"

radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1
Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00
Member # 1092
Profile Homepage #73
I can rarely remember what I was dreaming when I wake up. There are few occasions where I can but then it is also quickly forgotten.

When you think you can't get any lower in life and hit rock bottom, God hands you a shovel.

Why should I say somthin intelligent when idiots like you make me look intelligent in the first place.
Posts: 615 | Registered: Friday, May 3 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
Profile #74
Originally written by Cairo Jim:

I can rarely remember what I was dreaming when I wake up. There are few occasions where I can but then it is also quickly forgotten.
See one of my previous post, where I suggested to write it down in thesis. But not in the sculpture!
It is sometimes interesting to remember your dream delirium.

HHGtG: Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is not the only option on Ermarian to have picturesque dreams. Mixing Unshackle Mind Cryslal in a Knowledge Brew does a good job, too.

9 masks sing in a choir:
Gnome Dwarf Slith
Giant Troll Troglo
Human Nephil Vahnatai
"If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?"

radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1
Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00
