Profile for Meeshka
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Displayed name | Meeshka |
Member number | 6908 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 203 |
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Registered | Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
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The Great SW Photo Captioning Contest in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Thursday, August 3 2006 08:09
quote:1. - I told you that kite is too large for me... 2. - Houston, Houston, we have a landing problem... [ Thursday, August 03, 2006 08:10: Message edited by: Meeshka ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Hitchhiker Media Poll in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Thursday, August 3 2006 07:29
quote:If someone is interested, I know that Universal is going to release a "Magic Kingdom for Sale" based on Terry Brooks fantasy novel. I'm not sure about the movie's title though. P.S. And it is a nice post about something interesting to be my 200th. [ Thursday, August 03, 2006 07:30: Message edited by: Meeshka ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Books and movies in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Thursday, August 3 2006 07:22
quote:What's the point of watching the movie then? :) Sometimes the movie has its own plot, rather interesting. Like I watched "Fight Club" first and after read the book. In this order I've seen a nice movie with good actors and read an even more interesting book. Should I read/watch them in other order, I should have read an interesting book and watch a movie, which should make me angry for the lack of information and action. The first way seemes more pleasing for me. -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Love in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Wednesday, August 2 2006 22:23
quote:Write that down somewhere, since once you'll be very surprised, when you read it again and see, that it were you, who said that. :) -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Books and movies in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Wednesday, August 2 2006 22:17
quote:That's some strange logic for me. If something is bad, then better see it first or never see it at all. If I've read the book, I'll probably be pissed of by a movie, following the book I liked. And the back order makes it more likeable. Because I can read a book with 3D images from the movie :) So, shortly, bad ideas are better studied before the good ones or not studied at all. That's what I think. Edit: Sorry for doublepost, I was sure I'm answering the last post, which is not mine. :( [ Wednesday, August 02, 2006 22:17: Message edited by: Meeshka ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Books and movies in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Wednesday, August 2 2006 22:12
quote:Hm. Not always. There are some exclusions to this rule, though I'd rather agree. For example, I enjoyed "The Highlander" by Christopher Lawrence Mac'Namara, though it was written on the basis of the Highlanders with Christopher Lambert and Highlander Series with Adrian Paul. -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Books and movies in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Wednesday, August 2 2006 21:58
This poll was enspired by the previous about Hitchhikers Guide to Galaxy. Since nowadays media industry often unites game-book-movie production in one media stream, I want to know your opinion. In my experience the movie based on the book always kills the plot. So it is better to watch the movie first, then to read the book to have the necessary explanations. [ Wednesday, August 02, 2006 22:02: Message edited by: Meeshka ] Poll Information This poll contains 2 question(s). 26 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=xUDSTWQCpVkt"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=xUDSTWQCpVkt"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Hitchhiker Media Poll in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Wednesday, August 2 2006 21:30
I've read all the books and felt no pain reading last two (or three). And I don't think I've missed something, since I've read them twice. Though I've never seen the TV series, in my opinion the book goes much deeper in allegories then movie does. My favourite part was the falling of the whale and the bowl of petunias, both in the movie and in the book for its life philosophy :) . Though the movie never explains the origins of the bowl. ----------------------------------------- The loudest of the voices tell me, it is Babylon 5 books they want to appear. Six please. Including prequels. :) [ Wednesday, August 02, 2006 21:49: Message edited by: Meeshka ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Abandonware in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, July 31 2006 00:47
I could never beat King's Bounty 2 though. It's a pity KB2 was made as a sequel to KB only in Russian language, otherwise you may have heard about it. As for the final score, I never tried to remember it. Every time I play KB is just to revive the feeling of those good days. -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Abandonware in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Sunday, July 30 2006 23:45
The first game I played was Digger, if I recall that correct. Then Lemmings. But most of all I like King's Bounty. I still play it sometimes when I get tired of conquering the world trying to win tough fights in the new turn-time strategies. And Prince of Percia 1, of course was my beloved arcade. Lode Runner: The Legend Returns once was like a drug for my family. Now I don't want to start it again. There's work I have to do. :) --------------------------------------------- Voices were sure that abandonware is something noone can remember the name of. Everything else for them is classicsware. I can think of some games whose names I don't want to remember. -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Avernum V ideas in Avernum 4 | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Sunday, July 30 2006 21:24
quote:You don't need to apply a graph theory here to make a maze with one right way and several wrong. There is much more easy way to do that. All you need is to define exactly how many wrong ways you'll have, then code in the definition of a vector, a bended(bent?) vector, and crossing of two vectors. The only place, where graph theory might come in handy is when you'll count how many vectors you'll need to finish the way. But that number better be fixed. Edit: UBB typo [ Sunday, July 30, 2006 21:25: Message edited by: Meeshka ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Family Sizes in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Saturday, July 1 2006 00:54
I have no doubts for the first question, since I have only one sister, living with my parents in Israel. As for the second, I have a family of my own consisting of three members: me, my wife and my son. And since I have two parents and sister, there are four of us. So I answered "three" and "six". -------------------- The voices are insulted, since I have forgotten to mention them, so that our family should have been endless. I don't know what to tell them. -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Yet another in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Tuesday, June 27 2006 11:29
HAVE YOU EVER SMOKED? for 13 years. then one day just thought it is enough. so I don't now. GOTTEN DRUNK? quote:seconded. football in summer is too hot to stay dry. STOLE YOUR FRIEND'S BF/GF? hmm... long ago at school, I think yes. PLAYED SPIN THE BOTTLE? Yes. GONE SWIMMING IN A WHITE T-SHIRT? What's the point? No. :) BEEN TO A NUDE BEACH? quote:seconded. who's camera is that!? it's not mine, I swear! BEEN CHEATED ON? No BEEN WALKED IN ON WHILE YOU WERE DRESSING? Yes, I have been. Her parents just returned too early... BOUGHT SOMETHING WAY TOO EXPENSIVE? No. PLAYED STRIP ANYTHING?(and you know who you are, plz don't lie :P ) YES. I DON'T LIE. PUNCHED YOUR PARENT? Age 3 or 4 they say I didn't always control than ball shooting toy gun. GONE TO SLEEP NAKED? I usually do. RAN AWAY FROM HOME? Yes. See my answer about being walked in while dressing. I ran really quickly. WORE YOUR PAJAMAS IN PUBLIC? I don't have one DANCED IN YOUR UNDERWEAR IN FRONT OF SOMEONE? Yes. MADE UP A FAKE IDENTITY WHEN YOU MET SOMEONE? Yes. I with my friend pretended to be foreign guests, but we failed when we answered to the questions said in "not our" language. BEEN IN LOVE? I am now. GOTTEN A HICKEY? Sure. SLEPT IN A BED WITH A MEMBER OF THE SAME SEX /OPPOSITE SEX? Yes. Hiking is a good thing except sometimes for lack of free space to sleep alone. However there were no beds. HATED THE WAY YOU LOOK? I hated some wrong expression of my face. But then I was told it looks like I'm smiling. CRIED YOURSELF TO SLEEP? Nope. DONE SOMETHING YOU TOLD YOURSELF YOU WOULDN'T DO? Too much to say. Yes, though. SUNG IN THE SHOWER? I tried. Next day my neighbour looked at me somehow strangely. Problem of sound isolation in my bath, definitely. BEEN TOO SCARED TO WATCH A SCARY MOVIE ALONE? Yes. LAUGHED SO HARD THAT YOU CRIED? Sure. Gods must be crazy part 2 did that. FORGOTTEN SOMEONE'S NAME? Yes. CRIED OVER SOMEONE? Yes... My grandma SKIPPED SCHOOL? The REAL school of life is not at school, you know. I've learned that long ago. So, yes. GOTTEN EXPELLED FROM SCHOOL? No DONE DRUGS? Some grass smoking counts? Waterpiping (hookah)? Yes yes, I have. GOTTEN A TICKET? Here we don't have tickets. We just pay cash. :) Yes. GOTTEN IN A CAR ACCIDENT? Tssss. He didn't see that. No! Go go go go... SCREAMED IN A LIBRARY? No. ASKED SOMEONE OUT? No. BEEN ON A PLANE? A flight you mean? Yes then. BEEN OUT OF THE COUNTRY? Many times. PASSED OUT? Yes. Drunk. BEEN IN THE HOSPITAL? I remember that HAD SURGERY? No. PLAYED A TERRIBLE PRANK ON SOMEONE? No. MOCKED SOMEONE? I'm trying to keep myself from doing that. People may get too irritated unfortunately. FAILED A CLASS ON PURPOSE? No. SEEN A GHOST? UFO. And there was one in the Dark Pit, I think. CRIED IN PUBLIC? Same as cried over someone. BEEN HIT BY A PARENT? When I was young and naughty. ATE DOG/CAT FOOD? No. Never tried that yum yum. WALKED INTO A WALL AND/OR DOOR? Being drunk - that's the way to walk. -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Civil Unions disallowed in ACT in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Tuesday, June 27 2006 10:41
Edit: Don't mind, some murmuring about a loonarmy from Thuryl's loon file. Just nothing interesting. Kel, seems like a metaphor is something really personal and shouldn't be used except for the cases of direct and clear analogy, otherwise misunderstandings are unavoidable. I learned that lesson. :) ----------------------------- The voices disagree to join a loonarmy. However, there is also a word "must" besides of "agree". [ Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:47: Message edited by: Meeshka ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Civil Unions disallowed in ACT in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, June 26 2006 20:58
quote:I think Alo is right with some translation being lost. May be I misused "to pay attention". I thought it was somehow similar with "to look at" or "to listen carefully". But not with "to oppose". :) Edit: "Nodo Gordian" is from interlingua. I'm Russian, you know. [ Monday, June 26, 2006 21:01: Message edited by: Meeshka ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Viva Italia !!!!!!! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, June 26 2006 20:45
quote:And that Ukraine won of course :) quote:Go, go, go!!! -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Civil Unions disallowed in ACT in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, June 26 2006 10:08
quote:Why do you continue to think I see something bad in the legalisation? With my analogy I'm saying that: legalization of gay marriage is to be studied from social point of view, so to say to find the advantages and disadvantages which will be brought by the new couples to the society we live in. They should be legalized since there are people who want that. But since we have NO HISTORICAL BACKGROUND to this threads in society, and I am not a full itme social or political observer, I shall not give any sort of conclusion whether it is bad or not. Imagine... OK, nothing. Just crazy thoughts of historical examples of mistakes of our so to say civilization. :( quote:No. I never said anything like that. May be saying "sneak up upon your dog's crap" was that horrifying? :) BTW, have you ever been to gay-bars or lesbian bars? Although I've seen many quarrels in common bars, I've never seen somebody even talk too loud in those places. They are much more peacefull then hetero ones. :) Edit: TYPO ------------------------------------- The voices tell me they did like the show in one gay bar. I try to dissuade them from going to any bar in nearest future. :P [ Monday, June 26, 2006 10:15: Message edited by: Meeshka ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Viva Italia !!!!!!! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, June 26 2006 09:50
So Australia didn't make it due to a referee's mistake (or else)? :mad: Anybody knows his addres an a good sniper? :cool: -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Civil Unions disallowed in ACT in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, June 26 2006 09:46
quote:Well, seems like I was too tired to make it way clear what I tried to say. And now I'm even more tired to untie this nodo gordian. May be tomorrow when I'm fresh I'll give it a try. On a second thought - no. I won't. Since I was called a loon, and in North Woodland tribes it was considered to be an animal of many folklore tales due to its unique appearance and mysterious call, I'd like to stay this way mysterious. Think of those posts as of some practice before a speech on tomorrows conference. Since it failed, I know now, that I have to find better way of thinking. :) quote:Thanks. :) quote:So it was true!? How on earth did he find that out!? I'll have to check my security channel. :D -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Civil Unions disallowed in ACT in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, June 26 2006 06:32
quote:Guys, do you usually read to get the meaning of the whole sentence? Where on earth did you see in my posts that it's me, who shall have a problem? :D Still, that doesn't mean that it won't ;) . Who knows what political situation we shall have in a year? in ten years? As for the latter part of your question, I didn't think that I'll have to explain the old as world idioms about the crowd blaming the neighbours first, especially when those have no idea of what is going on :D . If so, then you should study it from history of any country. The main idea of my post that I prefer always to be informed on what's going on not only in my small world, but everywhere else, and may be even take part. And so do you, since you are reading this thread. ;) Saying this I don't mean I want to deal with not my business or disturb someone's privat life. It's only politics that are worth keeping eye on, nothing more. No literally neighbours, no dogs with their craps, no birds and AIDS. :P So that should be the answer to the question "How does this decision affect you personally?" in context of the global discussion. Not only in Canberra. So I can understand Salmon's post, since he just wanted some detalisation from Ash. But Thuryl made it a bit too far trying to, heh, "decipher" my answer and failing in it twice. quote:That's good. At least you found a like minded person in this question. P.S. WTH is "loon" at last? :P [ Monday, June 26, 2006 06:36: Message edited by: Meeshka ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Something I think you guys might like. in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, June 26 2006 06:02
quote:One should definitely use a program to extract the .lzh archive -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Civil Unions disallowed in ACT in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, June 26 2006 03:43
quote:There are only two ways of a choice: you are so-o-o *cough*cough*sarcastically-cynic*cough* that I with all my cynizm can't get it, or you are a gay. I'm not a tiny bit of being opposed to same-sex marriage and never was, so I won't stand in your way, no doubt :P P.S. The third choice is that you are wrapped into Not Our Problem field, however. Though, judging on your first post here, it, unfortunately, may be true. Edit: Or, you never came across the situation with a scapegoat. quote:Flattery won't help you :D ---------------------------------------- The voices assure me there's the fourth case, involving mr.U making fun of mr.M, though I hope for better interpretation of mr.U behaviour. [ Monday, June 26, 2006 04:22: Message edited by: Meeshka ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Something I think you guys might like. in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, June 26 2006 02:32
Putting away the unreadable readme and instruction how to insert D3Dhook.dll into your application, the program is rather handful for some programs, which used to crush with Alt+Tab. -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Civil Unions disallowed in ACT in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Monday, June 26 2006 02:05
quote:Tsssss, that was a secret, you know. :P That is if you mean an "insane person" saying "a loon". Otherwise my babylon fails to interpret that. P.S. Did I miss a friendly graemlin in your post? All I wanted to say, that when you don't pay attention to something, which you are sure is Not Your Problem, you will be among those, who shall be blamed for irresponsibility, if something goes wrong with the political situation in your area, due to some same-sex marriages. I can judge that by people's reaction, when they start to seek for a scapegoat. Noone shall even listen that once that was Not Your Problem. So showing a mere interest in surrounding events is worth sometimes, IMO. [ Monday, June 26, 2006 02:09: Message edited by: Hurling Frootmig ] -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |
Flaming my questions. in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 6908
written Sunday, June 25 2006 21:09
quote:It aided Drakefyre in Episode I, you know :) -------------------- 9 masks sing in a choir: Gnome Dwarf Slith Giant Troll Troglo Human Nephil Vahnatai "If the mask under mask to SE of mask to the left of mask and to the right of me is the mask below the mask to the right of mask to the right of mask below me is the same, then who am I?" radix: +2 nicothodes: +1 salmon:+1 Posts: 203 | Registered: Tuesday, March 14 2006 08:00 |