Profile for Avis Insanis
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Displayed name | Avis Insanis |
Member number | 5886 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 52 |
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Registered | Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
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Can you code? in General | |
Member # 5886
written Wednesday, November 9 2005 14:27
I learned to code in C++ in school. It has been a while, and I don't have a compilation program, so I am a bit rusty. Right now, for my job, I am coding in Perl. I learned most of it from an O'Reilly book. But the main website has all the info one would need. Also, there are several free compilers available for this, for many operating systems. Though many of Perl's more interesting functions are based off of Unix directives, there are plenty of add-on modules that can mimic the functionality on other operating systems, assuming one knows the proper syntax( :mad: ). There is another scripting language called Skill, which was developed by Cadence. But, honestly, it's barely worth mentioning. [ Wednesday, November 09, 2005 14:30: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- We don't make the white chalky excrement that splats down and ruins your car's paint job. We make it stronger. Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Runescape anyone? in General | |
Member # 5886
written Tuesday, November 8 2005 14:48
Actually, the details of many updates are not reflected on the mainpage. Most likely, instead of adding new stuff to the game, they are adjusting some of the parameters, like drop rates. What has been the case for most all rare item drop updates is that they will keep the drop rates at a higher level at first, to get people motivated. Then they decrease the drop rates to keep the price of the items dropping too rapidly. In the case of the Waterbirth update, dragon hatchets, seercull bows, mud battlestaffs (gives earth and water runes), and three rings were added to the game. Of course, they could have been doing other things. Perhaps there were some bugs that needed to be squashed. Or they could have changed the behavior of certain monsters. I am Gabrho on runescape. That is the name of a company that exports pineapples from Ghana. Not that that was the reason I chose the name......Not that that is a bad reason to adopt such a name. I know you guys were just dying to know that. :D -------------------- We don't make the white chalky excrement that splats down and ruins your car's paint job. We make it stronger. Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Avernum 4? in General | |
Member # 5886
written Tuesday, October 25 2005 12:43
Well, if you are using windows, you can minimize any screen by pressing the 'window' key (between control and alt on the bottom) and then the 'm' key. Pressing window-shift-m will do the reverse operation, maximizing the window. I have not tried this with Geneforge 3. Perhaps those beta testing could try it out for Avernum 4? [ Tuesday, October 25, 2005 12:44: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Explore Mars now in General | |
Member # 5886
written Sunday, October 23 2005 09:09
Well, we could use it for mining purposes. I am not sure about the geology of Mars, but perhaps it is reasonably rich in iron? Of course, we would have to drastically improve our propulsion and landing methods in order to make this feasible, and cost efficient. I can't see this as being worthwhile until the cost of raw materials extracted here is high enough. -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
the golf coast in General | |
Member # 5886
written Saturday, October 22 2005 10:23
You know, you do have a point. It would be more original for them just to keep it real and whup my derriere (But then keepin' it real could go horribly wrong :P ). Then they can leave what remains of my tattered corpse for the wild hounds. So they are intelligent enough to realize that redundancy (and copying what a white person does would be self-polluting), but they can't get their monstrous ghetto-booties outta dodge when a huge storm is heading for them (yay back on topic :D )? So is that intelligence, or culturally motivated neuroticism? -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
the golf coast in General | |
Member # 5886
written Friday, October 21 2005 23:45
lol Sure. Why not have a little fun? Besides, they are welcome to mock me if they like. -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
the golf coast in General | |
Member # 5886
written Friday, October 21 2005 22:19
Yes, of course I am. That certainly doesn't stop me from mocking and imitating those I find amusing. :D -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
the golf coast in General | |
Member # 5886
written Friday, October 21 2005 15:30
Whut? U gat sum prabwemms wif chocklit? U sayin blak fokth can'play gof? Dag, chil', don' be tawkin. ![]() Yeah, she'll give you "King Evil" BIG TIME!!!!!!!!! [ Friday, October 21, 2005 16:51: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Kissing a girl in General | |
Member # 5886
written Sunday, October 16 2005 14:43
Stuffed Cow: "Yay! At least I know I am not the only useless one here. : )" -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Happy Birthday Eagle! in General | |
Member # 5886
written Sunday, October 9 2005 14:57
![]() "If you post any more nonsense here, I'll make sure you regret it! I'll 'mark' you when you're sleeping! Muhwahwahwa hwa." Weeee well-drugged kitty at high speeds! Oh, happy birthday Eagle, the Author Soul. [ Sunday, October 09, 2005 15:01: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Fav Accent in General | |
Member # 5886
written Saturday, October 8 2005 08:21
Originally written by Stugri-La: quote:Yes, I know! My russian literature professor came in every class like some kind of lucious fashion vixen. Mmmmmm......tasty. ![]() -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Politics and Beliefs in General | |
Member # 5886
written Saturday, October 8 2005 02:43
Concerning the political spectrum: I have known for sometime now that this thing is a farce. It makes false distinctions where there are none. And why, in political discussions, should we separate ends from means? Often, the means affect the ends, in ways not forseen, far more than any initial intentions. Thus, why should we make any distinction between fascism and communism? Honestly! Communism implemented on a large population scale can only feasibly be implemented by aligning many facets of a society, leading to the usual Gestapo-type regulation. Communism as it is idealized does work well on a small scale, where everyone's goals are situationally-aligned. There are many possible axes/dimensions of a political spectrum based upon the many values a person can have. But given that politics is primarily about how governmental power is organized/distributed througout society, doesn't it make sense to organized it based upon how centralized the power is? So one end should be utter anarchy, the other Stalinist Russia/China/Third and Fourth Reichs (hopefully only Third :D ). Say that the anarchy side is the left, and the fascist side is the right. I would lean a bit left of center I guess. I would describe many of my political beliefs as libertarian. Though regulation is needed in many cases. On the war: I can't say that I support the war, otherwise I would have to enlist. Even if the war is actually about oil (though I don't see how we have accomplished that goal either, there are other factors, like *oil refineries :mad: *), I am not going to put my physical/mental well being at risk on such frivolty. If the Iraqi people want democracy, rationality, and a freedom from the domination of tedious neurotic religion, they can earn it for themselves. If they earn it, they will appreciate it more. The problem is, if we let things go on their own, it would be several hundred years before any significant change occurs. But my life is too valuable to die for such a cause. How can one expect to cure neuroticism with violence? Unless of course the killing is so quick and efficient that the *Insert plural animal here, something furry* do not have time to spread the mental disease? By "mental disease" and neurosis, I specifically mean their rationalization that people should horribly die because they do not hold the same religious beliefs. People whom they call "infidels" and "polytheists." Which is kind of ironic, because most people in the world are monotheists. On abortion: Yes, we could go back and forth on this issue for ages. I am not Christian, but I do, as a living creature, naturally value life. Though I agree with Synergy67's general philosophy, specifically about support and compassion for our fellow humans, I do not think it applies here. People choose to have sex. Certainly, it can often be a strong physical desire. But it is not like eating, drinking and breathing. It is not in that sense, a need. Therefore, given that education about sex has been provided properly (this is extremely important), no one has the excuse to be surprised that they become pregnant after having sex, even with all of the standard protections. People need to be prepared for it, and stop victimizing themselves and blaming society on their own problems, which result from their own choices. If we were to lean on each other to the extent Synergy67 said, no one would take responsibility for their actions, and society would cease to function without coercion. I am willing to help someone out when they have demonstrated a strong desire to help themselves. Don't blame society, and certainly don't blame the unborn (I did not get the latter from your post Synergy67). Another point: We all keep dancing about the merits/legality of abortion itself, but why not just keep it legal? Except that subsidization for it from all levels of government should be revoked. I do not want my hard-earned tax dollars spent in that way. Of course there are the special cases where a woman has been raped, or her life is in danger. I don't mind subsidies for these cases. But there should be no subsidies for those who cannot take responsibility for their actions. Also, I think that there should be some way, if a woman does choose to have an abortion, to make the father of the child responsible for an equal share of the cost of the abortion. But then another, very large, problem arises. What if the father does not want to pay because he wants to keep the child? Or vice versa? Potentially a very large problem, but either way, the father should be helping out as well. And if the mother and father are minors, some other large issues arise. I don't pretend to have all of the answers here, but society should not be bearing the cost. Synergy67 does make a point that everything is interconnected. I have to agree with this, and perhaps, even if the monetary cost was isolated to just a few of the people involved, society ends up bearing that cost in other ways. But the point is that we cannot allow these people to feel that what they have done is ok. They have irresponsibly used their sexual faculty and they must understand that they cannot shove off their problems to others. [ Saturday, October 08, 2005 03:01: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Youth in Asia and the US Supreme Court in General | |
Member # 5886
written Friday, October 7 2005 23:49
Oh, duh, yeah, I get it, thanks. Hehe. -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Youth in Asia and the US Supreme Court in General | |
Member # 5886
written Friday, October 7 2005 23:33
The simple fact of the matter is, I own my life. I understand why some might be opposed to voluntary euthanasia. Many of the Christian faith, and perhaps others, fear that any kind of euthanasia has the effect of cheapening life and fear that this could influence society's views such that other justifications for it could be brought foward. However, this neurotic fear will not stop me from asking to die when I am in pain and terminally ill. Perhaps the real point of contention (this relates more to the second question) with this issue is that someone could possibly make a mistake: this person could actually get over their pain and disease and survive to live longer. There are many cases where this has happened. So yes, people can make mistakes, and our prognosis-developing techniques are flawed and based upon incomplete information. But since people own their own lives, they should be making the choice for themselves, at their own cost. Especially if they are elderly and have no dependents. Edit: I am sorry, this might be an ignorant question, but what does this have to do with youths in Asia? Did I reply too soon? Edit2: To answer my own question, it appears that yes, I did. :( [ Saturday, October 08, 2005 01:56: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Fav Accent in General | |
Member # 5886
written Friday, October 7 2005 22:14
I had a mathematics teacher once who had a lovely hybrid accent, between Indian and British. Very "proper" sounding, but with that funny "d" sound that supposedly no westerner can properly pronounce. This accent is not incredibly uncommon, as one would guess. I also find quite amusing the accent of southern African American women. They can express enraged indignation like nobody else. C'mon chil'! I don't know, often I feel that there is an accent for every mood/occasion. That's why I try to absorb them as much as possible. -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Tell me random events... in General | |
Member # 5886
written Friday, October 7 2005 13:34
Originally posted by WST ben: quote:Ok, since you asked: Here's a truth table for the XOR gate: a b|xor 0 0|0 0 1|1 1 0|1 1 1|0 It's just like the OR except that it is "exclusive", which means that when both inputs are true, the function is false. The XOR function is also known as the ODD function, because it is only true when an odd number of inputs are true. Thus, the XNOR gate implements the complement of this, called the EVEN function. This gate can have any number of inputs >=2. It is often used in microprocessor design in parity-bit-check circuits, which is a way to check errors in a word of data. The piece of logic "knows" that a piece of generated data has a certain number of 1's, then when the data is received at another location, it can XOR the bits of the data word together to determine if there are an even or odd number of 1's. Obviously, if an error occured where two ones became zeros or vice versa, this method of checking would not work and something more complex would be required. :D [ Friday, October 07, 2005 13:40: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Tell me random events... in General | |
Member # 5886
written Thursday, October 6 2005 02:35
Yes, yes. This particular xor4 gate is implemented using a certain configuration of Metal-Oxide-Silicon transistors. (Don't ask for more details :P ) Oh, and I decided to let mister house centipede go. He was probably helping to keep the silverfish/roach/ant populations down. :D Yes, in general, eating terrestrial carnivores is a bad idea. Now why is this? Protein concentration hierarchies? Taste? Stuffed mushroom caps taste good. A beam of light shines through a tattered leaf. Etc. ;) -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Tell me random events... in General | |
Member # 5886
written Wednesday, October 5 2005 14:12
I have spent the latter half of the day doing dynamic timing analysis on a 4 input xor gate. Yay. Currently, a large house centipede (the gray ones with long legs) is on the wall by my monitor. It clearly is well-fed, very plump, and juicy.....but they probably bite on the way down. :( -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Mathematical Logic... in General | |
Member # 5886
written Thursday, September 8 2005 10:37
I see that I was the only one who said (0,1) was a smaller set than R. Getting nervous..... :( Ok, maybe the explanation is more subtle than that. Perhaps merely restricting the endpoints to finite values does not make a difference for real numbers because there is always another to choose from in this set, whereas with any type of integers, finite endpoints means a finite set. -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Mathematical Logic... in General | |
Member # 5886
written Thursday, September 8 2005 10:23
Ok, going with that definition of size, I chose smaller for the first two questions, and true for the final question: rational numbers, integers, and whole numbers fit that. I guess in this case it is proof by example. :D [ Thursday, September 08, 2005 10:33: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Mathematical Logic... in General | |
Member # 5886
written Thursday, September 8 2005 09:54
What do you mean by the size descriptors in the poll? Are you counting different degrees of unboundedness? Or by "larger" do you mean that one set is contained in another? :eek: :rolleyes: :cool: -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Avernum 4? in General | |
Member # 5886
written Thursday, September 8 2005 05:37
quote: quote:Good, good, I am certainly up for any changes. By the tone of your responses, I sense that this is something Jeff would like to keep concealed for right now, so I won't inquire further. Though naturally, I wouldn't mind...... :P [ Thursday, September 08, 2005 05:50: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Avernum 4? in General | |
Member # 5886
written Wednesday, September 7 2005 05:54
I am also curious how Herr Vogel is planning to implement the outdoors. Hopefully, he will retain the Avernum/Exile outdoors style, rather than moving to the blocked-out locations in the Geneforge series. I guess I just like that sense of continuity between areas. This of course is really a minor issue. It won't stop me from playing the game. -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
How do we pronounce... in General | |
Member # 5886
written Saturday, June 11 2005 06:15
Ara-NAY-a Heer-SU-ta Open your mind to the absolute power of differential geometry. :P [ Saturday, June 11, 2005 06:27: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |
Avatar? Yours? Possibly? in General | |
Member # 5886
written Monday, June 6 2005 17:15
Pucker up! (nice pedipalps, eh?) A bit more reserved and stately: Now there's a nice piece of... [ Monday, June 06, 2005 18:03: Message edited by: Aranea Hirsuta ] -------------------- My friend! Do not fear the flames of the demonic legion! Let the flames incinerate your weakness, strip away all neuroses, and transform you into a newly-forged brazen GOD! Then you will show the subhuman supplicants the true meaning of domination and the proper use of POWER! --Daemon Pavidum Posts: 52 | Registered: Friday, June 3 2005 07:00 |