Profile for Kakashi
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Displayed name | Kakashi |
Member number | 521 |
Title | Lifecrafter |
Postcount | 956 |
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Registered | Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
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Member # 521
written Friday, July 18 2003 05:38
You bet. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Dial up in General | |
Member # 521
written Thursday, July 17 2003 22:35
Yep, thats why I have a cable modem. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Drawbridges-Free Combat RP in General | |
Member # 521
written Thursday, July 17 2003 21:13
Rock Lee, Human. Points: 600 Type: Human Level 10 (80) Health 100 (100) Melee 11 (55) Attacks 9d4 9d4 9d4 (135) Speed 10 (225) Resistances --c- (5) A Martial artist, his speed needs no armour, no binding, no weapon. His fist are full of righteous justice. He wears a green body suit, and posesses thick eye brows. [ Friday, July 18, 2003 09:25: Message edited by: Kakashi ] -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
10001th Post! in General | |
Member # 521
written Thursday, July 17 2003 05:01
Who would use a Japanese name? And TM, I am a Junnin, dang it. [ Thursday, July 17, 2003 05:03: Message edited by: Kakashi ] -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
10001th Post! in General | |
Member # 521
written Wednesday, July 16 2003 20:10
I'm with her. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Happy Fourth of July! in General | |
Member # 521
written Wednesday, July 16 2003 08:44
Oh, there a more than a few Irish Catholic. In fact most US Catholics, excluding those of hispanic decent, are Irish catholic. The rest have only a bit of Irish, and the Protestant culture over took them. Actually, the Scot-Irish are much smaller than true Irish. The Scot-Irish are mostly Southerners, while Yankees are Irish. Due to the politics of the times, few Scot-Irish ever moved North of the Ohio, or East of the Mississippi. You go out west, some says they are Irish, they don't mean only for a little while. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Philosophies in General | |
Member # 521
written Tuesday, July 15 2003 15:55
It means ef values quality over quantity. I have less posts, despite long association with the board. Many rpers have a huge amount of posts where they say little constructive. Some others with huge numbers, like Saunders and Drakey, have the numbers due to activity and posting on the help boards. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Happy Fourth of July! in General | |
Member # 521
written Tuesday, July 15 2003 13:48
A good overview X. But the US as Neutral? Anyone who volunteers for duty in Ulster in the US is gonna be pro-IRA. While we general like our British pals, being our best allies for some many years and not losing like our other great allies, the French, there is still a rememberance of Ireland and of Revolution. It's faint, and it's mostly backwater, but we remember stories of the plunder of Ireland by the British, how the mismanagement lead to the escaping of the Irish in the 1800's. The largest group Americans' are desended from are Irish, then Germans, then English. Blood ties are greater to Ireland. Thats why the greatest funders of IRA abroad are Americans, particually in New England. Now the funds are being watched to lessen the funds that get to the radicals. The radicals are now receiving most funds thru mafia actions. Same with many radical ulster groups. Its a mob war as much as it is cultural. Though I do like the idea of Americans helping out in Ulster. It might just work. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Happy Fourth of July! in General | |
Member # 521
written Tuesday, July 15 2003 09:49
Ireland is mostly over. The celtic tiger is making it so people don't give a rip. The fighting is mostly the die hards everyone thinks is crazy. Popular support is against them. The Irish have become patient, those that do care are willing to wait until Irish outnumber Scots again in 30 years or so. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Happy Fourth of July! in General | |
Member # 521
written Monday, July 14 2003 20:11
It is something to argue about. I think the verdict won't be heard for a few year yet. Right now alot of people are too pissed at the US to be objective, while the pro-American side is a bit to hyper-national. I think that it might of been alright if it was neutral like Austria, but when one considers that Germany, unlike Austria, would become an industrial power again with in ten years, one key to all of Europe, Germany becomes a tempting target to take. That was the fear of the US. Either that or a Germany with out strong allied control and without a German investment in Europe. Because Germany had an investment in Europe, it prevented a secondary rise of Facists. I think that also lead to a greater investment in the EU, which is good for pan-european peace. Perhaps Germany would of been better off without seperation, ok probably, but would Europe be better off? [ Monday, July 14, 2003 20:12: Message edited by: Kakashi ] -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
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Member # 521
written Monday, July 14 2003 17:04
Toward heat death or a big crunch, which ever comes first. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
United States Conflict Avatars (Cont.) in General | |
Member # 521
written Monday, July 14 2003 16:42
Yes ef, institutionalized slavery is a good thing. China and other Eastern nations had their glory, and bright spots, but were too insular and suppressed their tech. The communal properties of Confucius feudal systems have their high points, but the flaws should remind us of all it was no paradise. The slavery was rampant in many forms. Peasents were locked to the land, maids were kept as slaves, and the system prevented individual freedom. The lord and nobles used the excuse of civilazation to dominate their people totally, with only a coup to be the hope of the people. Of course, the west wasn't any better until enlightment, even then only marginally so. The west did not hide behind ritual as did the East. The flaws of Chinese medicine were never addressed, its harms in acute disease were not addressed due to ritual, thats why ancient greek text and islamic texts never elevated it to science. Still, there was once a time were being a Chinese peasent was better than any other. In fifty years, it may be again the time of the dragon, (actually I give the date more as June 4, 2009). The Chinese lords were well cultivated. So were all the feudal lords. It's usually a consequence of being a pillager and looter. The samurai were the vanguard of Japanese culture, the knights, Europe's. To want to emulate the romantic historic worlds is one thing, to want the real ones is quite another. I do not deny the great contribution of ancient China, I just doubt they themselves were great. All the golden ages are frauds. No real civilization has taken root on this planet. Maybe one day it will. [ Tuesday, July 15, 2003 13:29: Message edited by: Kakashi ] -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Avernum 4 in General | |
Member # 521
written Sunday, July 13 2003 18:09
That sums up my feeling on asking about A4. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
AVERNUM 4!!! in General | |
Member # 521
written Sunday, July 13 2003 18:07
Now I get to use this: -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Philosophies in General | |
Member # 521
written Friday, July 11 2003 22:23
Always have a backup weapon, and keep it loaded. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
I am back... in General | |
Member # 521
written Friday, July 11 2003 09:31
TM posted naughty things. He used a bug in the software to post things he should not. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Ask everyone anything. in General | |
Member # 521
written Thursday, July 10 2003 20:41
Why do the voices only stop when I do bad things? What is the divine move? Why don't more people play go with TM and I? Does the animal cracker lady like me? -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
United States Conflict Avatars (Cont.) in General | |
Member # 521
written Thursday, July 10 2003 15:33
Why did the sun never set on the British empire? God didn't trust them in the dark. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Go in General | |
Member # 521
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 21:57
Moku is 6.5 now. Black has been winning too much. I will play net go with anyone who pms me. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Driving (non-spidweb) in General | |
Member # 521
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 21:29
Due to budget cuts, there is a 120 mile place on I5 with 2 cop cars. And its even more fun in Washington. I hit the red line in my truck, and was being passed at the same time. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
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Member # 521
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 21:23
There was an emp from my nuclear testing behind the moon at my L2 base. Either that or you put the batteries in at the same time and they died at the same time. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
United States Conflict Avatars (Cont.) in General | |
Member # 521
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 17:58
731 killed 12 times the number that Mengele did. Mengele also did mostly crazy and worthless experiments with twins and midgets. He liked to try experimental dyes in the eyes, seeing if he could give people blue eyes. Unit 731 was biowarfare. Their research was secret, performed on POWs and Chinese peasents. The also liked to try dispersion and study how plagues spread, they killed hundreds of thousands via poisoning of reservoirs and spreading plauge flies via airdroppings. The bioweapons research was extremely valuable to the US and was done on Chinese, who were considered racailly inferior, thus the government did not have a problems giving a project paperclip pass on 731. While Japan had a fraction of the POWs Germany did, ten times as many POW's died. Many times the number of civilians were killed in experiments, the Nazis tended to just kill their undesirables. The Japanese experiemented or tortured them to death. More can be read here. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
Ask everyone anything. in General | |
Member # 521
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 12:51
Current leakage would heat it so far that the motor would expand and have mechanical failures. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
United States Conflict Avatars (Cont.) in General | |
Member # 521
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 09:38
While unit 731 is the most infamous, there were several more, some who specialized in chemical weapons rather than the bioweapons that 731 specialized in. These add up, and especially once you consider the lingering deaths caused by abandon weapons scattered over China. On cancer figures, the numbers are argued over heavily. There is a bit higher rate around the two cities, but its not a dead zone or any real danger now. If you include the most stretched figures of radiation deaths due to cancer, you only add about 70% more to the tally. Bad, but not as bad as the conventional weapons. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |
United States Conflict Avatars (Cont.) in General | |
Member # 521
written Tuesday, July 8 2003 21:03
I am new, um yeah. Japan might of had her offensive capabitlies taken down, but she still had a massive miltia and an Army believing that they were undefeatable. Russia would of been bogged down for a while, moving East would of had the difficulty of dealing with many revolts in the interior. The Russians would also have the difficulty of taking Korea to Reach Hokkaido. That would bog them down for years. All in all, the bomb decision was a split on interpretation on Japan's strength. The Emperor was only personally involved after the bomb, and he was the key to the surrendor. After all, none of Japan proper had been taken as of this point, and the death toll for taking Okinawa and Iwo Jima was extremely high, the Japanese fought nearly to the last man. Only a few hundred of over 20 thousand Japanese surrendered. The plan was orginally to invade Japan. This would of killed a staggering number of Americans, and several times that of Japanese. The Japanese were planing for this, and the wars aim of total surrender could only be done via invasion. The bomb prevented the invasion. Using the intellgance of the time, Truman believed he was saving the lives of millions of people. It also had the benefit of showing off the weapon in a way that proved its power. With hindsight, we can see that demonstration of the weapons on farmland would of probably been enough. However, Truman didn't have that hindsight. The one thing I want to stress is not to see Japan as a victim. Japan was the worst aggressor of the war, and commited huge war crimes that it has not as yet accounted for. -------------------- I am not really here. Posts: 956 | Registered: Wednesday, January 16 2002 08:00 |