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An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #276
Two things TM, the guy who got killed was Kelvin, and the messanger getting killed was killed why? Oh yeah, we're not representing the Order of Krell. We built one temple, that's all that we have with the Order.

All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran!
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #295
I never said anything about the temple being practiced in. It's a replacement for the destroyed temple. The reason McCallister allowed it was because it was a sort of sign of peace to the Order. Oh and to your first question, yes the Slayers were edited out.

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #273
OOC: Scrap the old letter I was going to send you Dintiradan.
A minor usurping had happened in the Alliance's army. About 500 soldiers who had belonged to the Church of the Bright Star had joined some new charity group. The "charity" group in question was the Army of the Bright Star.

Saint Kelvin had lead the military section to battle off the Hunter resistance outside of Krizsan. Unfortunately he died in the attack. That left Saint Martin in control. He had, with McCallister's permission, created a Order of Krell temple in Krizsan. What's more the none military half of the Army of the Bright Star was working on rebuilding Krizsan.

Saint Martin sent couriers to all cities that belonged to the non-existant Hunters to tell the news. Saint Martin's final deed was to go to Director McCallister's throne room to give him some advice. "Director McCallister," Martin said as he bowed. "I would like to urge you to abolish magic in your territory. After all, was it not magic that Tygra used to mindlessly control us? Also with magic you can more easily tap into the powers of science, whatever powers those are. With magic your people would be more likely to take the easy way out. Why would they want to research science when they could use magic? That is all Director." and Martib left without another word.

Constitutional monarchies are the in monarchies.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #283
FINE! I'll edit it to something else. It's just I had them in mind for being the rebels I mentioned! :mad:
EDIT: There is the Alliance of Science and Education any better?

[ Saturday, April 08, 2006 18:40: Message edited by: SpiderwebSoftwareking ]

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #280
For god sakes!
1. They didn't instantly stone him, and he wasn't at the roof of the capitol building. I never said he was! What's more they stoned him because he was basically another guy supporting the Hunters ideas!
2. It is very foolish to assume that every officer is in Krizsan. What's more McCallister was telling them how they would set the Hunters straight! The people don't want the Hunters or any different form of them!

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #268
Lyonard sent McCallister to tell the news to the people, and also they're plans. He watched from the Tygra's office what would happen.

Meanwhile McCallister gave his speech. He broke the news out immediantly. The crowd looked at him with a funny look. Then they started to cheer.

McCallister waited for them to quite and then said, " Now, we promise to protect you! What's more we will not use magic! Magic was the thing that like locusts attracted war to our lands. NO! Instead we will use science! We will research science and use it against those who wish us harm. Yes and what's more the Alliance of Science and Education wishes an alliance with the Enlightened Anama."

Both Lyonard and McCalliste were relived to hear the crowds roars of approval. However as Lyonard celebrated with the other officers a gaurd came rushing in. "Hunter resistance against the Alliance sir! There are only fifty or so, but they're swift!"

OOC: I'm going to let someone else control the Alliance of Science and Education whoever wants it, it's all yours. Plus you can share it with someone else. I personally think that it should go to the Enlightened Anama.

[ Saturday, April 08, 2006 18:31: Message edited by: SpiderwebSoftwareking ]

Constitutional monarchies are the in monarchies.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #277
I don't intend on letting this faction becoming near as screwed up as the Hunters. Oh and TM if you make a new death do it soon. I want to be able to do stuff in the RP soon.

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #275
First of all TM, I never had soldiers in Avernum. The soldiers I think you're talking about are the ones on the surface side of Fort Emergence. Also Tygra didn't kill himself. He was killed by a random archer. Alos not all spells last after their caster dies. Tygra's spell was one of them. That is why the destruction of the Hunters happened so fast. What's more there is still the rebels which I have pointed out numerous times.

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #272
I personaly want them dead now.I also think that the death I gave them was good. Oh and Dintiradan if we vote the Hunters dead you automatically get that letter I wrote.

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #268
Okay. People are getting confused. We need to decide if the Hunters are still alive or not. Dintiradan assumes they aren't. I want to assume they aren't. What's more Ephesos and TM assume that they're alive. So are they or aren't they alive? (Not counting the rebels) Oh and Ephesos, if your worried about your taskforce then have that be the first contact between my new faction and yours.

[ Saturday, April 08, 2006 13:54: Message edited by: SpiderwebSoftwareking ]

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
for those of you with humor in General
Member # 4574
Profile #31
This one is mine:
"Hello, this is (your name here), if you are calling please leave your message after the beep. You are a"
After that the beep comes on.

Constitutional monarchies are the in monarchies.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #247
Technically there are still the rebels. Drastically weaker, in hiding, no mages or priests, and forced to avoid direct warfare.

Oh and doesn't FF4 have a random name generator?

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #245
Originally written by Ephesos:

Originally written by Goldenking:

We are dedicated to the general good.


That screams suspicious... let actions speak instead of words.

And again, this transition of power happened way too quickly. Please make it less abrupt, Goldenking.

The Army of the Bright Star didn't take over. The army really doesn't have any property. They wander around helping people. Oh and I'm assuming that post was based before Tygra's death, TM.

[ Wednesday, April 05, 2006 12:54: Message edited by: Monikerking ]

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #236
TM, I just realized that there is another large guild running about. It would probably be global by 300 years. The Thieves Guild. All though much more secretive they would still be known of. It would be interesting to see someone play out these secretive people.

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #248
Seeing as no one has any objections to my new faction I will continue progress.

A courier had arrived in Redmark Colege. The gaurds let him pass, he was the usual courier after all. When he arrived in Demetrius's office he handed him the scroll he was carrying and left.

The scroll had a different seal than the Hunters, and upon opening it it wasn't in code and not Tygra's handwriting. Puzzled Demetrius look at the letter.

Dear Demetrius,
I would like to tell you that Tygra was assasinated. In the aftermath many horrible things have been discovered about the Hunters. I would like you to know that the Hunters are all but destroyed. There are fifty or so who still cling to the beliefs of Tygra. These fools lead guerilla warfare on the lands of the former Hunters. I would like to also tell you of our organization, the Army of the Bright Star. We are dedicated to the general good. We would like you to expect many immigrants to reach your organization. You can also expect a carriage containing the contents of the magical library that the Hunters had before there destruction.
Leader of the Army of the Bright Star, Saint Martin

Martin looked at his people, his flock. They had to kill thos rebels before they could leave. What's more they needed to rebuild Krizsan. Something biting at Martin's nerves even more was that eventually someone was going to try to take over Krizsan.

OOC: It would be kind of cool if that guy ruling Shamirik took over.

Constitutional monarchies are the in monarchies.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
How do i iluminate the dungeons!! in Avernum 4
Member # 4574
Profile #1
No. Unfortunately you can't make light. I suggest increasing brightness on your computer.

Pass the sauerkraut and chips please.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #244
OOC: As promised that fateful post of death.
It was night. Tygra was going to give a speech. The regualar huge gathering was coming to listen. Tygra began to clear his throat when someone shouted, "Death to the Empire!" Before he knew what happened an arrow flew from the crowd. Tygra watched in pure terror as the arrow buried itself into the center of his chest. "Damn"
AFTERMATH: In the resulting week or so the veil of Tygra's madness nearly completly disolved. There were many suicides in the army of the former Hunters. What's more the palace of bone and the Garden of Tranquility were burned. The slaves were killed by those diluted fools who still followed Tygra. After that the fools fell into hiding, spreading across to every continent (including Exile).

Most people simply tried to return to regular lives. Many others moved to the Enlightened Anama and the Dominion of the Learned. The blockade set up by the Guild was removed, no longer being required. The army sent to attack the Looters was killed due to the Looters and suicides.

Many people seeking to heal their horrible lives started a group. This group is called the Army of the Bright Star. They did all they could to help the cause of good. They were not really all warriors. About half of them work in other pursuits.

Name: The Army of the Bright Star
Founder: Saint Kelvin
Leader: Saint Martin
Number: Roughly 1,000 half of which have any military past
Location: Most of Valorim, Founded in Krizsan Province, Started in Krizsan
Religon: Church of the Bright Star
Description: After the fall of the Hunters many people wanted to undo their crimes. They're dedicated to doing what is good. The majority of them are former Hunters. Also due to the eradication of non-humans in Krizsan province they are mainly human.

They're first and so far only great deed was the reconstruction of the Order of Krell's temple in south Valorim.
OOC: If you guys want me to stay out then I can edit the new faction out.
EDIT: Better death for Tygra thought up. Details following.

[ Saturday, April 08, 2006 16:44: Message edited by: SpiderwebSoftwareking ]

Constitutional monarchies are the in monarchies.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #211
Originally written by *Milla:

Are you going to pick up another faction if you disable the Hunters so you can start again or something?

Actually I'd find it interesting if one of the bigger factions suddenly fell apart. Imagine all the other players quickly trying to snap up land.[/QB]
I don't think it would be good to start up another faction. Well, I could... Maybe a faction of former Hunters trying to repent for there deeds. Anyways it would be small. I'd also illustrate the things happening shortly after the fall.
EDIT: Sorry, it is supposed to be eleven. Just a little slip of the keyboard. There are the warriors going to warn the Looters of the army. There is one priest going to Bigail to talk with the Enlightened Anama.

[ Monday, April 03, 2006 17:26: Message edited by: Hunterking ]

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
OoC Thread for "An RP in the World of Avernum... *Reloaded*" in General
Member # 4574
Profile #208
Okay. I am trying to tone down the insanity. I plan to kill Tygra. Lifting the veil from the people and throwing the Hunters well, ironically, into insanity. Now, please give me one last chance to fix the mess called a faction. Or atleast end it's life.

The ending has not yet been written.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #241
Dintiradan, you can stop filling in for me. I'm back for a good log time.


Tygra was at his newly erected bone palace. Well, the first floor was up, and the second was on it's way. Tygra was going to give a speech to the masses. They were all there, all the people who would come, and that was quite a bit.

"My people, I have gathered you here to discuss recent happenings. First, the rebels, as I have no doubt you have all heard there are eleven rebels running about. One of them is a mage, and two others are priests. Don't fear, they are being hunted down and will be killed." Tygra paused to let the knowledge sink in.

"Next, we have hired a new army. This army is on it's way to the Looter territory. They're soul intention is to destroy the Looters. I cannot disclose the armies location or it's size. Also on the topic of the Looters, we have three mages accompanying our army." Tygra had told the truth, he finally decided to send a branch of his army. The mages were acting as generals.

"The final bit of news is that the Inn of Blades and Porter's Retreat are now make-shift forts. What's more we have our slaves work on costruction of the fleet. Meanwhile, our regular workers are fixing up Krizsan. Also, we have begun construction of seige weaponry. That is all, long live the Empire!" Tygra said, breathing deeply.

OOC: The rebels, the mage went to the Dominion, but died. The priests went to Bigail, one died but the other arrived in Shayder to talk to the high priest. The rest arrived in Looter territory to warn of the army. About the army, I'll let you control them Wonko. They're 500 strong, also the mages are weak...
EDIT: Post changed to tone down sanity. Also trust me whenever I can a dreadful thing will happen to the Hunters...

[ Monday, April 03, 2006 17:22: Message edited by: Hunterking ]

Constitutional monarchies are the in monarchies.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #215
Tygra looked at the devastated city. There was nothing left for him here. He summoned all his mages up and told them to resort to necromancy. Tygra would kill the raiders in waves of undead. Tygra pulled out a Far Speak crystal and talked to the people with the tome. "The situation is desperate, burn the book." he said to them.

Tygra evacuated Krizsan completly so that the necromancers could do their work. Now to sit back and watch the show. He would build a new capital from solid bone. After this his undead army could kill the Looters in their home.
OOC: Dintiradan, your still in control for now.

Constitutional monarchies are the in monarchies.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #86
OOC: Okay Dintaradan. I'm handing over control of my faction to you until I get back. Defend from pirates, invade Bigail, and help defend you. Of course with the occasional scene in Upper Avernum. Remember: we need allies

All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran!
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #78
Originally written by Imban:

((Well, he probably didn't plan on immediately leaving when he joined... anyway, this isn't gonna do. Goldenking, you can't just wipe out or otherwise defeat someone's army in one post, especially with "secret forces" that you miraculously have just when they're needed. Don't do that. :P ))
He might come back. If not I have some editing to do... Also I pushed the pirates away. I didn't kill them. We'll I killed a few but other then that... :rolleyes:

All praise the greatest mod of all time! Long live Master Aran!
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #72
OOC: TM, it's not a mind control spell. It makes me extremly convincing, that's all. Oh and Tygra doesn't watch it all the time, he get's a servant to do it.
EDIT: Due to vacation for the next week or so I wouln't be able to play. Please don't do anything bad like invading me while I'm away. That would be mean.
Tygra was back in Krizsan. The pirate ravages were bad, but not too bad. Tygra had started building a navy, he had meant it for invading Bigail, but that could wait. Whoever the boss of these pirates was, they had no idea who they were messing with.
Tygra had started trade with the Dominion of the Learned and from them gotten some rechargable wands. Tygra had loaded his new navy with them. Tygra gathered his people for a meeting.

"The foolish pirates and their idiotic leader are weak! If they knew who they were messing with then they would be fleeing in terror! I have started creating a fleet of ships to destroy them, and soon they will all be dead or Hunters! My people, even though we've lost contact with our allies from across the sea, however we have our allies in the Dominion of the Learned. What's more, we have started to build a massive flag ship to lead the assault!" Tygrus boomed out to his people.
Tygra's "fleet" was not experienced, however their weapons made them enough of a threat to the pirates. Within a few bloody battles the pirates had stopped attacking the mainland. Instead they were attacking ships going away from Valorim.
With the immediate threat of pirates gone Tygra had his royal slaves work on his royal slaves work on the flag ship. Also Tygra had sent a band of twenty or so soldiers down the tunnel. He told them to get a fort set up and protect it at all costs.

Finally Tygra walked to the new garden he had set up for thinking. The garden was a square mile of beautiful, exotic flowers. Tygra had called it the Garden of Tranquility. I need a way to stop those pirates once and for all. Tygra twirled his hair around as he thought.

A soldier quietly came up. Bowing deeply he told Tygra two things, "I have been informed that your ship is near done and that your fort in the cave has been established. Also they've found that the cave has that mysterious glowing moss." the soldier said then went away. Tygra looked up, at the flag of the Hunters, a black background and a red eye with a golden outline, flapping above him constantly looking for non-humans.

[ Monday, April 03, 2006 14:53: Message edited by: Hunterking ]

Constitutional monarchies are the in monarchies.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum *Reloaded* in General
Member # 4574
Profile #67
Tygra was in the recently built barricade near the tunnel to Fort Emergence. He was in a pinch. He had nothing against the Enlightened Anama, but the obvious choice of an ally was the Dominion of the Learned.

Tygra woke up. He hadn't even realized that he had fallen asleep. I'm getting too stretched with all the new initiates. I need help, perhaps if I have the person I tell the spell under my direct control I could get it done.

Tygra saw a group of people in robes heading towards him. They were on horseback and Tygra could immediantly tell they were not Hunters. judging by their aura Tygra guessed they were mages.

When the riders arrived the gaurds stopped them. The common questions that you'd expect to hear. The people dismonted trudging towards Tygra. They told him who they were and why they were here.

The Dominion of the learned, perfect. Now I can cement my alliance. He told him that they would be allowed to pass with some elite soldiers of his own. "On one condition, one of you goes back to your master and tell him that I want an alliance." Tygrus told them. Finally one of them got back on their horse and headed back.

Constitutional monarchies are the in monarchies.
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
