Profile for laaran
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Displayed name | laaran |
Member number | 3621 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 62 |
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Registered | Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Recent posts
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Over my rather deceased cadaver. Rrrrrrr. in General | |
Member # 3621
written Friday, April 23 2004 23:13
You are right. Always manifest during april, mai, june, july, when the weather is pretty. We learned that some two hundred years ago. Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Over my rather deceased cadaver. Rrrrrrr. in General | |
Member # 3621
written Friday, April 23 2004 12:56
> Anyone who cannot produce one upon request > can be arrested That is already like that in France. That is pretty cool. But I never take it. So I always feel very courageous. > childrens bill which reduces our rights and > allows files to be kept which anyone EXCEPT > the child to see it What do you mean ? (I really do not understand) Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
I need the strength of numbers, please help. in General | |
Member # 3621
written Friday, April 23 2004 01:13
I am 32, have bought games two years ago. No problem. Live in France, Paris, works as consultant. Really have no fear (except that there are better things to do than playing games on a computer...). Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
More classical music and such... in General | |
Member # 3621
written Thursday, April 15 2004 23:50
Music classic can be useful at least for : (I read in a study that) spiders like classic music, and if you play it in a room, they even sometimes move inside... (not bad for the spiderweb forum ![]() Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
My apologies in General | |
Member # 3621
written Thursday, April 15 2004 04:06
> Yeah for little sisters! As long as it is not my sister ![]() But I could teach her a lot more stupid things to do ![]() The sad point is I don't have a small sister ![]() Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
UA and Control (Topic Split) in General | |
Member # 3621
written Sunday, April 11 2004 10:58
Arancaytar: When I read your post, I just like some good economical crise to develop (like the internet, but a bigger one, maybe coming from China from example). Just to see how "the real world" stands such silly stupid small problem. Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
UA and Control (Topic Split) in General | |
Member # 3621
written Saturday, April 10 2004 22:09
Is that only one post ? Oh great, now the record is difficult to beat ![]() (and I hope I am on a new page to prove that the previous post is really long ![]() Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Happy Easter in General | |
Member # 3621
written Saturday, April 10 2004 02:12
Easter heter påsk. Nu förstår jag ![]() [ Sunday, April 11, 2004 02:52: Message edited by: laaran ] Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Mac or PC? in General | |
Member # 3621
written Saturday, April 10 2004 02:10
> THIS APPLIES TO BOTH MAC AND PC Yes, Commodore 64 was the best one ![]() Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Mac or PC? in General | |
Member # 3621
written Friday, April 9 2004 23:40
Sometimes I get very stressed by computers (and angry specially when I lose in some action games). So I just punch the notebook (hard disk does not always like that). Which is the more robust : mac or PC ? Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Need information on the Strategic Defense Initiative in General | |
Member # 3621
written Thursday, April 1 2004 22:47
The laser that shoots birds !!! Cool, more fun than normal hunt !! Is it a laser on a satellite ? From an airplane ? Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Need information on the Strategic Defense Initiative in General | |
Member # 3621
written Wednesday, March 31 2004 08:06
Yes, they think that Nasa shuttle can be dangerous when they explode. So they want to destroy them before they take off. Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Favourite Smells in General | |
Member # 3621
written Tuesday, March 30 2004 22:52
Johann's skin. OK, you don't who is Johann, and I probably won't meet her again. Anyway let's keep a trace of our history ![]() Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Suicide in General | |
Member # 3621
written Monday, March 29 2004 09:35
Spongiform Stug, sorry, my last message is rather stupid. Really words about religion do not speak to me ![]() When I read your post again, suicide seems really a detail for you. As I understand it, you mean that it is a detail in front of your religion. But what is it for the one who don't suicide (and remain in life) ? Suicide - like death - is always a separation. Does the death signify the same sadness for you than for us ? Do you also think about someone who suicides : "a life that ends too soon..." ? Or do you think : OK, I am sad because I am not going to see him/her any more, but I hope his next life will be better, so part of me is happy ? Oh really, again my words are stupid, but after your post, I am really not sure we feel the same emotions. So thanks for your answer. Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Suicide in General | |
Member # 3621
written Monday, March 29 2004 08:54
> All atman desire unity with the universal > Brahman ? That means ... ? They are immortal but their wish is just as stable as a piece of stone ? Is it the price for immortality ? Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Suicide in General | |
Member # 3621
written Monday, March 29 2004 00:04
The thread is becoming more difficult for me 'cause I don't believe in God. But > nothing ever touches or hurts the spiritual > being you are, which though within a body is > not confined by it and survives undamaged and > whole Really please no. I prefer a crual God. I have done so much during my youth to control my body, and you just say it does not change my spiritual part, so it was a really a waste of time. Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Suicide in General | |
Member # 3621
written Saturday, March 27 2004 07:26
> Unless you're being hunted down and KNOW > you're gonna be killed (lol, fat chance) Why choose this violent example ? (it is not the subject of the thread ?). And why don't you write it another way : if you know you will have to kill/torture (like during the two world wars), is it better to accept it or refuse it (and sometimes being killed by your chiefs ?) ? > I am so blunt you could pick me up and use me as a murder weapon From what I know, violence calls violence... > WHY THE HELL would nature screw around so > badly during these years? Looks like the original question of the thread (hopefully it didn't go so far). Yes, no sense, but that happens. But now you can think about it, and maybe find reasons. After a suicide, that is the other way around, surviving people ask why and try to find reasons. In both cases (still pretty different), searching for reasons may be painful. So why do we do it ? My only explanation is that we want to avoid that it happens twice. Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Suicide in General | |
Member # 3621
written Tuesday, March 23 2004 06:39
Oops... Maybe I'd rather not speak about drug... I mean suicide and drug is not the same, many people take drugs all their life and never commit suicide, and I suppose that plenty of people commit suicide without being drug adict. What I mean is that some people need to explore inside themself (something less apparent that sport, or "adrenaline junkies"). Or more exactly the process that leads them to suicide is like an exploration. > I cannot believe that there is anything to be > learned from letting them go. And as any exploration, there are good points in this process (I never meant that the suicide is a good point, it is a risk of the process). Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Suicide in General | |
Member # 3621
written Monday, March 22 2004 14:34
The subject is very difficult, just because I don't know if I am going to help or to cause harm. According to me, suicide has ties with the need to explore. Humans like to explore : traveling, sport, feelings (drugs), taking risk. Suicide is, according to me, part of the risk. Drugs is not only for sad/depressive people. It is also an exploration (many great singers died because of drugs). I really appreciate that some people want to travel as far as their mind wants to go. I know it is dangerous, and sometimes I'd like to stop the process (what normal people call help), but sometimes I prefer to just let them go. Sometimes people go too far, but you could say the same thing for sailors. And sometimes people come back, and they may then bring us things (thoughts, feelings) than only they can bring. Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Geneforge2 for left-handed in Tech Support | |
Member # 3621
written Friday, November 21 2003 14:48
Oh yes, it is just this silly question of button. I just discovered these setting some time ago, and it is really great for a left-handed. Also left-handed players are quicker to cast spells and better at tennis ! Hum, maybe just better at tennis (really that is true). Seems anyway that no one has a solution. Too bad, but I can still play with right-hand :) Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Geneforge2 for left-handed in Tech Support | |
Member # 3621
written Saturday, November 1 2003 12:07
I have a notebook with both a touchpad and a USB mouse. Both are configured for left-handed. But Geneforge2 doesn't care about these settings. Probably it seems a detail, but I am used to these settings since two years, and it's really difficult for me to change. Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |
Geneforge2 for left-handed in Tech Support | |
Member # 3621
written Thursday, October 30 2003 13:29
Geneforge2 looks very nice. But I am left-handed and I did not find an option for the mouse (: Is there an option somewhere ? Or will there be an option in a near future ? Cordially [ Thursday, October 30, 2003 13:31: Message edited by: laoran ] Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00 |