UA and Control (Topic Split)

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AuthorTopic: UA and Control (Topic Split)
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #0
This topic split from the Suicide topic due to being a ruin of a perfectly good philosophy topic.

---Unseen Avocado---
Alec (if you are the Custer person), when I was younger, my parents did everything they tried to make me co-operate. Believe me, they tried, and spanking was part of it. Nothing worked, because I refused to give in to them, to allow them to manipulate me, so however hard I disliked the punishment, I would not give in, I would not let them control me, I would not let them make me cooperate. I was always, totally determined not to let anyone manipulate me. I tend to manipulate my parents, in fact, making them get a bottle of water or some other menial task I could easily do myself.

I used to be an awful lot more annoying than I (hope) I am now.

Oh yeah. And it's also my opinion that I should be able to manipulate people however I want, although they shouldn't ever be allowed to control me in any way. Life isn't fun without an unfair advantage! IMAGE(biggrin1.gif)

I refuse to be manipulated. I refuse to do something without a good reason. I refuse to be like everybody else. I refuse to talk to people at school. I refuse to take a shower daily. I refuse to accept that I do not control the world. I refuse to conform.

Since I was her first I bagsy the "taking the right-royal" rights:

UA: WHOAH! Down with the pent up rage. Yeah Alec is the ole Custer. However for someone who claims to never be manipulated you fell into that one TOO easily. You were manipulated into rising to his challenge. And before you even THINK about technicallities, DON'T. I wrote the rulebook and then burned it, when it comes to technicallities and picking holes in arguements.

Not being nice to people just because they exist is not only fascism but is also idiocy, hypocrasy and being plain bloomin'-minded. Making someone do something just because you don't want to is also NOT manipulation. They just see that you're a difficult brat and don't bother.

Also if you were MORE annoying THEN, then whooooh. Yasuaih! Like spurting out that you're a pain to everyone you know isn't?

Your opinions, proverbially speaking, BITE. That's not being human, that's being an insane despot. And you are controlled. Always. You live in a house, you are controlled by the owner. You use money, you are controlled by the government. You do ANYTHING, from walking down the street to having a Coke, and someone is in control of you. If your parents wanted they could take you to a psych and they could give you drugs whether you like it or not. And if you have an unfair advantage in life that you use too uch, you deserve what you get: knives in the back. Fair advantages are all well and good but what your suggesting will both, never happen and if it did, will earn you a good deal of enemies. I assume even you need sleep?

You refuse to do anything without a good reason? What about these boards then? What's the good reason for these? To not be like everyone else, well you've kind of missed out some fundamentals there - you breathe, eat, sleep, walk all of that sort - you also look like a human which is just like everyone else, and you think you're the FIRST person to take that exact attitude? Heck no! At least add a LITTLE originallity.

Me? I like being me. Flexible hours, good pay. Most of all I, like nearly ever person I know, don't like people who are too similar to myself. But with me, I've never found ANYONE who is remotely like me. It's fun.

Not talking to people? That is just plain biggotry. It'll be the same old case: gets pushed around by a couple of older kids, so shuts EVERYONE out - even the ones trying to befriend him. Classic.

Refusing to shower daily? HAHAHA! COME ON! That's a big stand against authority? That's just poor hygiene. Nothing more.

Refusing to conform? Impossible. You wear clothes do you not? If someone fires a gun at you, you run away? (yes, you would so don't) You believe the Earth is round? They're all examples of conforming to the social norm.

Lighten up! Don't be a big ole loner who dies lonely. Get out there, get a life, some friends. Trust me, despite whatever you put some people through, they'll still welcome you with open arms. You, most likely, won't live past the average (like the rest of us "plebs") and after you are gone, there will be only one thing that matters - how you are remembered. You could be remembered for being nice, creating world peace, inventing something or just being a nice family person. Equally you could be an evil tyrant (the path that you currently follow) and people will spit on your grave, burn your image, and generaly badmouth you. You could also be unremarkable and forgotten.

You can't do anything after your gone so do something now before it's too late.

Oh yeah! Rantilicious! Yeah!
Bleh, meh, feh.

N/O mate. Life is what you make it.

Unseen Avocado:
I hope you refuse to come to Paris too so I am sure not to meet you IMAGE(biggrin1.gif)

---Unseen Avocado---
Originally written by FatBatMonkey:

Since I was her first I bagsy the "taking the right-royal" rights:

UA: WHOAH! Down with the pent up rage. Yeah Alec is the ole Custer. However for someone who claims to never be manipulated you fell into that one TOO easily. I'm afraid not. It's merely you, trying to play with my mind. I replied to Alec of my own free will, and was not forefully manipulated to do anything. You were manipulated into rising to his challenge. And before you even THINK about technicallities, DON'T. I wrote the rulebook I think not. You've evidently never seen one of my tiring legal agreements. They deal with technicalities down to the bone. and then burned it, when it comes to technicallities and picking holes in arguements.

Not being nice to people just because they exist is not only fascism but is also idiocy, hypocrasy and being plain bloomin'-minded. I'm afraid not. It's because if I do talk to people, there's a chance they'll make fun of me, or similar. Making someone do something just because you don't want to is also NOT manipulation. They just see that you're a difficult brat and don't bother. I'd like to inform you that when I order my parents to get water, they do.

Also if you were MORE annoying THEN, then whooooh. Yasuaih! Like spurting out that you're a pain to everyone you know isn't? You seem a little over excited. Calm down with the vocal noises.

Your opinions, proverbially speaking, BITE. That's not being human, that's being an insane despot. I know I'm insane. I don't care. And you are controlled. Always. You live in a house, you are controlled by the owner. The owner is my dad. He is not in control of me, because he cannot control me to the atom. Can he make me die within 2 seconds by telling me to? No. So he is not in absolute control. And, in my opinion, there is only no control and absolute control, and if you don't have absolute control, you have no control. You use money, you are controlled by the government. You do ANYTHING, from walking down the street to having a Coke, and someone is in control of you. If your parents wanted they could take you to a psych and they could give you drugs whether you like it or not. And? They can do all sorts of things like that, but they do not obtain total control of me as a result. And if you have an unfair advantage in life that you use too uch, you deserve what you get: knives in the back. and if I had a decent amount of unfair advantage, that wouldn't be able to happen to me. Fair advantages are all well and good and no fun but what your suggesting will both, never happen and if it did, will earn you a good deal of enemies. So? I assume even you need sleep? Unfourtunately.

You refuse to do anything without a good reason? What about these boards then? Boredom. What's the good reason for these? Boredom. To not be like everyone else, well you've kind of missed out some fundamentals there - you breathe, eat, sleep, walk all of that sort - you also look like a human which is just like everyone else, That is unavoidable right now. That doesn't mean I can't be as different as possible. and you think you're the FIRST person to take I never stated that. You have merely made an assumption and thus this section of your argument is nullifed. that exact attitude? Heck no! At least add a LITTLE originallity. You ought to calm down.

Me? I like being me. Flexible hours, good pay. Most of all I, like nearly ever person I know, don't like people who are too similar to myself. But with me, I've never found ANYONE who is remotely like me. It's fun. And I've never met anyone who says "Goodbye" when I say Hello to them.

Not talking to people? That is just plain biggotry. It'll be the same old case: gets pushed around by a couple of older kids, so shuts EVERYONE out - even the ones trying to befriend him. Classic. I'm afraid not. It's more that I classify everyone as an idiot, because they a. try to talk to me for no good reason. b. on the internet, they fail to use proper English and Grammar and instead use text talk (resulting in a block).

Refusing to shower daily? HAHAHA! COME ON! That's a big stand against authority? That's just poor hygiene. Nothing more. It's more that I classify everyone who showers more often than once a week a hygiene freak.

Refusing to conform? Impossible. You wear clothes do you not? If someone fires a gun at you, you run away? (yes, you would so don't)Whoever said death is bad? You believe the Earth is round? They're all examples of conforming to the social norm. I have stated this before and I state it again. Some things are unavoidable.

Lighten up! Don't be a big ole loner who dies lonely. Get out there, get a life, some friends. NO. I would rather die without friends than take a chance of being made fun of. I don't need friends that use text talk. Trust me, despite whatever you put some people through, they'll still welcome you with open arms. I know. I can do whatever I like and people still welcome me. HAAHAHHAA. You, most likely, won't live past the average (like the rest of us "plebs") and after you are gone, there will be only one thing that matters - how you are remembered. By the time I die I will have classed everyone in the world as an idiot, and as a result, nobodies's opinion will matter to me. You could be remembered for being nice, creating world peace, inventing something or just being a nice family person. Equally you could be an evil tyrant (the path that you currently follow) I like the sound of that. and people will spit on your grave, Those people are childish. burn your image, and generaly badmouth you. You could also be unremarkable and forgotten. And I could classify everyone in the world as an idiot because I am unable to have total control of the world, and be glad to die because I don't need to reside in some stupid place where I can't play god.

You can't do anything after your gone so do something now before it's too late.

Oh yeah! Rantilicious! Yeah!
Bleh, meh, feh.

N/O mate. Life is what you make it.
See italics.

---The Almighty Doer of Stuff---
But you don't exist, so it shouldn't matter whether he goes to Paris or not.


UA, why don't you kill yourself then? Honest question. I'm not telling you to do it or anything.

---Unseen Avocado---
The reason is likely because I don't mind living in life too much right now (it's not that bad, except for no control.). And I like classifying everyone I meet as idiots.

Did I mention I can't recognise faces? I very often confuse one face on television with another. The reason likely being I seem to recognise people solely by their hair. (I never go outside, so television is pretty much the only place I see faces.)

---Nemo Custer Impune Lacessit---
The pharmaceutical industry is a wonderful thing; I am quite sure that there are drugs which can fix UA, and equally sure that, due to the institution of government being basically good and in the interests of its people, he will eventually receive them whether he pleases or not.

---Unseen Avocado---
Alec: True. But it is impossible to control to the atomic level. That is, I am doubtful that there is a drug out there that would make my skin turn green and blue within 60 seconds. And, as I mention above, there is either Total Control (in my definition, the ability to change the universe or anything in it instantaneously), or No Control at all. All or nothing - anything in between is pathetic. As a result, I do not consider drugs to be able to control be to the atomic level, and thus they do not control me to any extent that would be considered Total Control, as by me.

Unseen Avocado:
Maybe you should look towards hinduism.
They also speak about controling their own body.
Maybe you just want to feel that you control yourself, and maybe hinduists just want the same thing.
I don't know for hinduists (because I don't know any directly), and I don't know you either, so I think I am insulting no one speaking this way IMAGE(biggrin1.gif)

---Nemo Custer Impune Lacessit---
Originally written by Unseen Avocado:

Alec: True. But it is impossible to control to the atomic level. That is, I am doubtful that there is a drug out there that would make my skin turn green and blue within 60 seconds. And, as I mention above, there is either Total Control (in my definition, the ability to change the universe or anything in it instantaneously), or No Control at all. All or nothing - anything in between is pathetic. As a result, I do not consider drugs to be able to control be to the atomic level, and thus they do not control me to any extent that would be considered Total Control, as by me.
You can't control anything at the atomic level, either. Doesn't that make you a failure, too?

Sorry everyone! Excuse me while I laugh! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAA!


There all done now.

Okay ridiculous assumptions and stupidity aside:

Thuryl: actually I hate to admit it but I kind of failed to examine your post IMAGE(smile001.gif) so what I wrote wasn't in response to yours. Your philosophical ramblings look very interesting but I'm half asleep at the mo and can't understand some of it.

Fruit: By the numbers;

1) You were manipulated, it doesn't have to be forceful to do anything - in fact manipulation is best done subtely. He challenged, taking into account your easily sparked aggresion and left you with the option of backing down or rising to it. The result was obvious. In this case "free will" was an illusion, one that only you saw if I might add.

2) Legal agreement? Yeah, right and I'm Dick Clark's hair. If you're so convinced as to the watertightness of said documentation (if it even exists) send me a copy by all means and I'll be happy to show you where it's just plain silly. My e-mail address is there for all to see.

3) Fer cryin' out loud! And you don't think ANYONE ELSE has to deal with that? Of course talking to some people is a bad idea because they're downright not nice. So what? There's a chance that a meteorite could crash down and kill me as I write this now, but at the end of the day I'll still take the chance. "The path of least resistance will rarely lead you beyond your front door." Then again considering your words this quote is probably not apt and you most likely think that a good thing.

4) You order your parents... YOU HAVE ISSUES!

5) What's wrong with my emphasis? And I am perfectly calm. It takes a heck of a lot to strike one of my nerves. Whereas the opposite seems true in your case. (Yasuaih isn't a vocal noise by the way.)

6) No, it wasn't the insane part that was bad, I'm insane, freely admitted, quite a few people on these boards also - more than you would think. Despotism, however, is extremely... ahm, stupid, in this day and age.

7) You take the "three-year-old" arguement. How "mature" of you. However - to take the philosophical standpoint - control is irrelevant. Due to the Chaos Theory and the whole field of entropy, everything will wind down. Control is a temporary thing - it can be gained in many ways - but once it is gone, it can never be taken back. But you aren't really talking about control, you're talking about power - raw and unharnessed. Those who seek power only find a means to an end. Those who seek wisdom find a tool.

8) Who WOULD want control over you anyway? There's obviously no point - you have no apparent intelligence, you cannot socially interact with others and you are, without a doubt, not that big.

9) Trust and believe: the universe does not like unfair advantages. Where there's a will, I can always find a way.

10) When WON'T it be unavoidable? And the way you're doing it, you're not going to be that different. I'm very much more different than you or probably anyone on these boards in ways I really don't care to name.

11) I never assume. Assumption is (as I have always said) the mother of all f ups. And I am still very calm.

12) I'd swear blind that you would be lying on that one, but hey, if you don't talk to ANYONE then that actually may be possible.

13) So EVERYONE'S an idiot now? Well... yeah. Every single person alive I would actually have to class as an idiot. In your case the problem is that you forget that you are a person alive and are also an idiot. I never made that mistake. People talking to you for no good reason? Have you actually thought about this or have you just said it? I REALLY do think it's the latter. Put some thought into it. And no you're not the only person to be an English and grammar freak. (GRRRR!) But you're in the minority who snubs people on that basis.

14) Do you even bother to wash your hands after going to the bathroom?

15) I never said death was bad. But humans have an inbuilt "survival mechanism". When something is trying to kill you generally your "rational" (I'm using the term VERY loosely in your case) thought will not enter into it.

16) You have no anger management do you? Nor any real idea about "reality" and social conduct. Nor ettiqute (sp?). In your case it sounds like you need friends full stop.

17) You really are a spiteful, evil person. Are you aware of this?

18) Nor will your's to them. EVER. But they're the ones that are still breathing.

19) Oh now you stop being childish! For crying out loud! Act your age, not your IQ! Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean jack!

20) (and finally) And still no-one would give a damn! You can't play god wherever you try it so get off your high horse and fight like a man.

Seen italics, they bored me. Just watch your tongue, at some point you'll graduate from the baby pool and then you'll have to swim with the sharks. And something tells me you won't like that.

Scrap the N/O, you're just being selfish and annoying.

It's long. It's a rant. It's rantilicious!
Bleh, feh, meh.

BTW: When it comes to drugs there is no choice. And actually maybe not blue and green in 60, but dead in 13? Yes. Called nerve gas. Fun thing that it is. Gwan Alec.

---Nemo Custer Impune Lacessit---
UA, there is such a thing as levels of control. 'He doesn't control me down to the atoms' is true, but 'he doesn't control me at all' isn't. Legally, he can have you committed and you can't do jack about it. On the other hand, you consider yourself 'in control' because you can tell them to get you things and they do. (By your own arguement, you don't control them because you have no atomic control over them either, but that is neither here nor there.) If you told them to get you an elephant, they would say 'Sod off, Hugo' or some variant thereof. If you pitched a fit over not getting an elephant, they'd have you committed.
It's not 'control' at all, it's just being a whiny little snot until people do things out of pity for you. There's a difference; you can't behave like whiny little snot and expect people to do things for you outside of the situation in which you now live.

In other words, they can say 'Sod off, Hugo' if they don't care for your merde, and you have no reciprocal ability. So face it: your parents do control you. And saying things like 'WELL THEY DON'T CONTROL MY RESPECTIVE SUBATOMIC PARTICLES!!!!!!!' just makes you sound like a freaking idiot. And people act like idiots to conform to the masses.

---Unseen Avocado---
You all seem to forget that since it's me so obsessed with not being manipulated, your definitions of control, manipulation, etc, etc. do not matter.

This always happens when I release the views I have, above. I have a finely balanced definition of control and manipulation and I don't need everyone in this topic trying to guess exactly what balance it is.

If something someone does does not fall under my category of 'manipulation', and it does you, I don't need you running after me to try and correct me. A lot of people will know that people like me cannot be argued with because they will never give in and admit they are wrong. Thus, your attempts to convince me that my view of manipulation will not work.

Control that is not unlimited is irrelevant, but I will use it whenever possible as it is preferable over no control.
Manipulation that is not significant to me (i.e. replying to a post) is irrelevant and I am not bothered by it. I have no desire to screw my brain up by thinking about such things.

I am, quite simply, all or nothing to the above, and I find it highly unlikely you can change me over the Internet.

Oh, and I never started talking about subatomic. Only atomic. Nor did I start shouting. It would help matters if you didn't exaggerate unneccesarily.

Alec, frankly: I dont' care. If you threaten to destroy my beliefs using logic, I stop respecting your opinion and thus stop listening to it. It is useless to argue with insane people, because they can never admit they are wrong.

FatBoyMonkey: I don't bother to wash my hands after using the bathroom. Ever.

"Who WOULD want control over you anyway?" I can be as paranoid as I like for any reason, including none.

"So EVERYONE'S an idiot now? Well... yeah. Every single person alive I would actually have to class as an idiot. In your case the problem is that you forget that you are a person alive and are also an idiot. [continued]"
I have all sorts of idiotic points about me. I don't deny it. Like being an insane, anti-social retard.

Listen to this; I don't like reality because I feel insecure because I have no power. As a result, I detach myself from the real world as much as possible. I find the Internet presents an excellent way to detach myself from the world.

"You really are a spiteful, evil person. Are you aware of this?"
Yes. Depending on my mood, my insanity level adjusts accordingly.

"And still no-one would give a damn!"
And I dont' give a damn to you, either.

Hmm... you really need to calm down. BTW, just because someone puts something in Caps doesn't mean they're shouting. In my case it's always to put emphasis.

The problem is that it is so far out of the norm that posts like your earlier ones are not the sort of thing that get left alone. You want to try and emphasise the good points (everyone has them even you) and minimise the bad ones. Things like that always come under fire. (Especially in a board like this where there are many experienced flamers just itching for a good fight since they no longer have Misc.)

No-one is querying your view of balance. (except for those who believe you are insane) And certainly no-one is trying to guess it.

And talking of people who will never have their minds changed: Hello I'm me. No-one has EVER managed to get me to admit I was wrong. And life is always fun, you just need to see the irony.

We are not trying to convince you of anything (with the possible exception of Alec who is always trying to convince someone of something IMAGE(smile001.gif) ) we are all merely expressing our opinions. Whether they be faulty or not, their our opinions and we love 'em.

Settling is not a good mental attitude to take; it makes you feel that you aren't good enough. And if you were to mess your brain up, you wouldn't be alone: once again, hello I'm me and I'm 100% guaranteed genuine insanity-on-a-stick.

The all-or-nothing attitude is a dangerous one, simply becauseit is rarely accurate and is a risky gambit full stop. And of course you are right - I doubt I could change anyone's mind simply by talking to them; first rule of hypnosis: you can never get anyone to do something which violates their basic nature. Same is true in general.

However, if I could show you some of the things I've seen, people I know, thoughts that I have that are so abstract that they almost move up a level... I know that convincing you of anything would be simple after that.

Also you classify yourself as an "insane, anti-social retard", now, the first, from talking to you and my basic RoH, I would agree. Second, by the same yes. Third? Probably not. I would say that from your arguments that you are not and it is merely a label attached to you that you've had so long that you use it yourself. Unless you have my sort of "disability".

Never be insecure. I learnt this and can use it. It's a kind of mental toughness. Physical's all well and good, but this will give you the ability to do anything you want to.

Finally, and certainly by no means unimportant. I only said that if you continued on this course that you would most likely be hated for long after your death. That people wouldn't give a damn about what you thought. I was probably right about that. But listen to this if nothing else: I care. I, most likely, care too much for my own good. I don't like to see people unecessarily hurt (whether physical or mental). But I have an "understanding" of humans. It runs deeper than mere psychology. I call it my Rules of Humanity: the set laws and paths that it follows. Everyhuman acts within this mould and act for a reason - a kind of cause and effect.

I digress. The whole point is, is that were you to (theoretically speaking of course) walk into my house tomorrow and kill all of my family while I watched, then while I would be displeased about their demise, I would never feel anger towards yourself. You acted and for a reason. Whatever the reason, you thought it was enough to perform the act and so did it. And if that reasoning is such, then... fair game. I must however make the distinction between "for a reason" and "felt like it" one you do because you feel you must, the other, a pointless whim. One I give lee-way for. The other... not.

This, most likely, raises more pointless queries than it answers. Oh well. It's just another production of rantilicious inc.! Back with the N/O.

---Nemo Custer Impune Lacessit---
Originally written by Unseen Avocado:

You all seem to forget that since it's me so obsessed with not being manipulated, your definitions of control, manipulation, etc, etc. do not matter.
Yes they do; when twenty people are unified of opinion on something against someone else, the twenty are often right.

This always happens when I release the views I have, above. I have a finely balanced definition of control and manipulation and I don't need everyone in this topic trying to guess exactly what balance it is.

A definition you refuse to release or even qualify in discussions is not a definition you can expect to be used.

If something someone does does not fall under my category of 'manipulation', and it does you, I don't need you running after me to try and correct me. A lot of people will know that people like me cannot be argued with because they will never give in and admit they are wrong. Thus, your attempts to convince me that my view of manipulation will not work.

Fine, then; I can only assure you that your particular brand of idiocy will get you nowhere with anyone, and I can exercise a far greater degree of control than you'd ever be able to imagine having without being a jackass, neglecting my hygiene, or having a manic phobia of anything anyone else does.

Control that is not unlimited is irrelevant, but I will use it whenever possible as it is preferable over no control.

No it isn't -- you said yourself that there is no difference between limited control and no control. Make up your mind.

Manipulation that is not significant to me (i.e. replying to a post) is irrelevant and I am not bothered by it. I have no desire to screw my brain up by thinking about such things.

Yeah, but any manipulation is the same as complete manipulation when it's happening to you, as you don't have total control.

I am, quite simply, all or nothing to the above, and I find it highly unlikely you can change me over the Internet.

You contradicted yourself again. Perhaps it would do you best to contemplate your personal beliefs further before you do something astoundingly stupid and wind up in an institution.

Oh, and I never started talking about subatomic. Only atomic. Nor did I start shouting. It would help matters if you didn't exaggerate unneccesarily.

Atomic control is as physically impossible as subatomic control. Not even God can know where an atom is and where it's going exactly, and molecules are far more shifty than anything we'll ever be able to tool around with. Even cellular control is flatly impossible due to scalar limits; tissue control is impossible without decades of technology that does not yet exist, organic control is a mixed bag -- and mixed bags, by your definitions, are as good as empty ones -- and the next level is organismic. Physical organismic control is only possible with organisms with no or very small nervous cystems, so you can rule that out. Mental organismic control is, quite frankly, not something most people are capable of, especially not one as incoherent and plainly incapable of holding consistent thoughts as yourself.
So there you go. Unless your parents happen to be the emperor and the empress of the world, you can throw any degree of 'control' right the hell out the window.

Alec, frankly: I dont' care. If you threaten to destroy my beliefs using logic, I stop respecting your opinion and thus stop listening to it. It is useless to argue with insane people, because they can never admit they are wrong.

'Theaten to destroy your beliefs using logic'? That's absurd. You can't destroy an abstract construct.
FatBoyMonkey: I don't bother to wash my hands after using the bathroom. Ever.[/qb]
That's lovely. You are aware that that sort of behavior is liable to get you killed at a young age, right? Screwing around with e.coli and company is an exceptionally poor idea.

"Who WOULD want control over you anyway?" I can be as paranoid as I like for any reason, including none.

Don't expect anyone to take you seriously with that sort of attitude, much less seriously enough to allow any kind of 'control'.
"So EVERYONE'S an idiot now? Well... yeah. Every single person alive I would actually have to class as an idiot. In your case the problem is that you forget that you are a person alive and are also an idiot. [continued]"
I have all sorts of idiotic points about me. I don't deny it. Like being an insane, anti-social retard.

Admitting a problem exists and allowing it to continue is the sort of behavior people get institutionalized for. Just to let you know.

Listen to this; I don't like reality because I feel insecure because I have no power. As a result, I detach myself from the real world as much as possible. I find the Internet presents an excellent way to detach myself from the world.

Perhaps you could reconcile yourself to the fact that next to no one has any power, and people would like you a lot more if you bathed regularly, treated them civilly, and stopped ranting about total control of things.

"You really are a spiteful, evil person. Are you aware of this?"
Yes. Depending on my mood, my insanity level adjusts accordingly.

That's a stupid answer to a stupid question, so I suppose it's fair enough.

"And still no-one would give a damn!"
And I dont' give a damn to you, either.

Doesn't brook an answer.

Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 3621
Profile #1
Is that only one post ?
Oh great, now the record is difficult to beat IMAGE(cool0001.gif) .
(and I hope I am on a new page to prove that the previous post is really long IMAGE(biggrin1.gif) )
Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00
Member # 73
Profile #2
Imban, laoran's post before mine is missing, making my "But you don't exist" comment confusing.

UA, Alec is right. If you release your finely balanced definition of control, maybe we can help you get more control or peace of mind or whatever. Help us help you.

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Originally written by Unseen Avacado:
A lot of people will know that people like me cannot be argued with because they will never give in and admit they are wrong.
(A bit later)
It is useless to argue with insane people, because they can never admit they are wrong.

Apparently, you once again call yourself insane.
And insane people sometimes DO admit they're wrong...don't forget that. And it's not wise to never admit you're wrong(It's a blatant sign that you're stubborn.). People won't like you if you do that. And as for that All or Nothing control thing(And saying anywhere between is pathetic), you're basically saying EVERYONE is pathetic. It is utterly impossible to have total control over something(OR everything). Having control over something is possible, and having NO control over something is unavoidable. There will ALWAYS be someone who, no matter what you do, will refuse to do what you say or do. But you WILL always have control over something, UA. You have control over your computer. That's power, isn't it? And there will always be people out there that would be kind enough to do you favors. Wouldn't THAT be a bit like real power?
Originally written by Unseen Avacado:

Listen to this; I don't like reality because I feel insecure because I have no power. As a result, I detach myself from the real world as much as possible. I find the Internet presents an excellent way to detach myself from the world.

I have no real power, either. I don't try to detach myself from the world. Sure, I use the internet a lot...but I would like it if I could see the wonders of the world and make friends and make MONEY(Who wouldn't want to make money?)!
Originally written by Almighty Doer of Stuff:

UA, Alec is right. If you release your finely balanced definition of control, maybe we can help you get more control or peace of mind or whatever. Help us help you.

I agree with ADoS, UA.
And if you lose your temper, try deep breathing. Trust me, it helps to calm you down.

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Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 154
Profile #4
Okay. Now people are stopping telling me how I have no control, I'm pretty sane. I'm actually listening to your opinions now.

"It's a blatant sign that you're stubborn."
I am. IMAGE(rolleyet.gif)

"It is utterly impossible to have total control over something" Yeah. I know. I fantasize about having raw, unstoppable power a lot, so sometimes reality and my imagination get a little blurred, like I did above.

"There will ALWAYS be someone who, no matter what you do, will refuse to do what you say or do. But you WILL always have control over something, UA. You have control over your computer."

Thanks. That kills my feeling of insecurity.

As for my definition of being manipulated..I don't know. I don't see replying to a topic as manipulation because I did it of free will. (Although my beliefs are that we, in this universe, we have no free will, and that life is just a video, I'm acting like there is free will for the sake of the argument.)

As for my "all or nothing" attitude, just ignore that. It's me raving about what I'd love to have, and which I never will. But if there is control available, I'll take it, because control is preferable to none.

[ Sunday, April 11, 2004 08:43: Message edited by: Unseen Avocado ]

Blades of Avernum Script Archive - Submit your script now!
Posts: 612 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00
Member # 34
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Dude, guys, you realize that he's manipulating us now? Stop replying to him: it's what he wants. He's saying all of this stuff with the perfect knowledge that it's blatantly response-provoking and he's just trying to evoke a fight. Trust me, he'll be much better off if we let him stew in his own juice and we'll probably be better, too. (I find it interesting, though, that so much of this discussion partains to entropy and the concept of the Id-ego. The desire for control and power is chaotic, since it appears to be the natural order of things as it is far easier to be power-hungry than equality-adamant for the most part. The desire for power is also more-or-less a base charactaristic of the subconscious. So in a way, what we have here is an argument between one technically "more human" person [human-ness can be debated as it is somewhat relative, but what the heck] and several more-evolved or complex beings. Wow. But anyway, enough of Freud and philosophical cosmology)
Now, I know that leaving off the potential to fight isn't desirious because, frankly, we all like to fight on these boards. But seriously, just leave the guy alone.

Always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else.
Posts: 702 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 618
Profile Homepage #6
Whoah! Sensibility. Ambition but not much in the way of plans... hmm... I would say welcome to the human race but your earlier posts really don't allow me to. Not my job anyway.

Steer yourself on the path that you know is right. Not the path that you think is right (nor none of that "from the heart" bull). Remember this above all:

A huge number of people on this planet want to rule it. Or at least "wouldn't mind". But they forget a fundamental; ruling a planet is very hard work, if you frag up then you're te one who takes the fall. One mistake and it's all over. Anyone who dislikes your rule will directly dislike you as a person. There are no two ways about this: you will always have people who dislike you. This can lead to all sorts of unrest. This - to put it simply - is not conductive for a healthy working enviroment.

Knowing this I realise one thing: I, personally speaking, wish to aid this planet, in the sense of not letting itself get blown up or nothing. I have mentioned this several times on this board previously I believe. Therefore, to do this effectively, it would be necessary to work low profile. Without interference of the average eejit to mess it all up. Reasonable power, low profile.

I hope you see the distinction. I would - being me - try to do good things. Albeit I have a "warped" sense of morals, I consider the survival of the race the most important thing. Whatever the cost.

Ah! Philosophical rantlicious!

I like to say quack because I can, I like to say moooo because I can, but I don't like saying ergle flmp because I can never pronounce phenomenon first try.

In conclusion, quack, moooo and phenonemenonmenonnon... Oh Poo. Try it!
Posts: 1487 | Registered: Sunday, February 10 2002 08:00
Member # 4213
Profile #7
My God, was that Zephyr Tempest FB??? IMAGE(confusee.gif)

It came from the Misc Abyss...

Currently breaking my head:
-In Victoria: An Empire under the Sun
-In BoA Editor
-Because of bad weather
Posts: 23 | Registered: Tuesday, April 6 2004 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #8
If that wasn't a rhetorical question, yes. IMAGE(tongue01.gif)

(ADoS - I felt that his post was best left in the other topic. Or maybe I just forgot to move it. Oh well.

laaran - TM's beaten my record by a LOT.)

[ Sunday, April 11, 2004 10:16: Message edited by: Imban ]
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 4213
Profile #9
When did he grow up? IMAGE(confusee.gif)

It came from the Misc Abyss...

Currently breaking my head:
-In Victoria: An Empire under the Sun
-In BoA Editor
-Because of bad weather
Posts: 23 | Registered: Tuesday, April 6 2004 07:00
Law Bringer
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UA (paraphrased): "I am incapable of admitting I am wrong."

That is not insanity.

That is merely stupidity.

Everyone knows that to ever gain any intelligence of any sort, the mind has to be able to revoke opinions it forms for the event that such opinions prove false at a later time. Otherwise the mind is malfunctioning, and its owner incapable of ever ending up in anything other than a a prison, a mental hospital, or a grave, or all of them in that order.

In the hope that it will contribute to the probably futile process of repairing your thus malfunctioning mind, I tell you this:

You are an ant. Nothing more. You are an ant in an anthill, dreaming of controlling that anthill and every single little ant in it. Right now you are a baby, and those close to you step around you carefully in order not to upset you because you are a cute little ant. This gives you the illusion of being able to 'manipulate' (that was your definition for imperfect control, I believe) others.

Oh, the dreadful realization that you will come to when you see that those that 'obey' you are but few in the large anthill, and that all the others refuse to even bother with you, the stupid little ant unable to think or converse intelligently.

And then, the terrible disillusioning despair that will grip you in the moment of realizing that the anthill is but one among millions in your country, your country but one among thousands on this planet, this planet but one among an infinite myriad in this universe, and even the universe just a limit that you cannot ever think beyond, let alone ever cross physically, let alone ever control.

When you come to that realization (and you will, if you pursue your present path down far enough), you will either change your current philosophy (if that term can be applied to this rubbish) or kill yourself. If I was Alec, I would say that would be no great loss, but I don't. I hope, for your sake, that you will be capable of developing an intelligent and sane mind before you fall into that abyss of disillusionment. In that case, as Morpheus would say, "Welcome to the real world." Good luck.

And that is all I have to say about this, really.

Visit The Santharian Dream and its RP board. Or the Encyclopaedia Ermariana!
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"It is as if everyone had lost their sense
To a conspiracy for downfall and desperance
And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey (freely translated)
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 3621
Profile #11
When I read your post, I just like some good economical crise to develop (like the internet, but a bigger one, maybe coming from China from example).
Just to see how "the real world" stands such silly stupid small problem.
Posts: 62 | Registered: Thursday, October 30 2003 08:00
Member # 618
Profile Homepage #12
If you keep your gaze too fixed on the whole - the macro - then you will forever be walking into things that lie in front of you. Seeing the whole is all well and good but if you can't use it to make applications to the pieces, then it is a useless pursuit from the start.

Zephyr Tempest? Que?

I like to say quack because I can, I like to say moooo because I can, but I don't like saying ergle flmp because I can never pronounce phenomenon first try.

In conclusion, quack, moooo and phenonemenonmenonnon... Oh Poo. Try it!
Posts: 1487 | Registered: Sunday, February 10 2002 08:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #13
Zephyr = Avacado? I was wondering where he had gone...

He'll snap out of it, whoever he is. Alec's right - if he gets out of control in a Hitleresque sort of way, the government will take care of it.

Manipulation is fun, I'll give him that. I've gotten quite good at manipulating the people I know in real life, and that skill usually allows me to avoid being manipulated myself. However, to be utterly obsessed with it... it's kind of screwed up.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #14
*whaps a few people (Sir David among them)*

Zephyr Tempest is Zephyr Tempest was Flaming Blade is FB.

Unseen Avocado is UA was UranusAlien.
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #15
Sorry, didn't read the whole topic. Eh. I feel stupid, more so than usual. UA seems less... methodical, I think. Less organized and mechanical. But maybe that was just in RPs.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #16
I disagree with Arancaytar- by the time UA actually gets a modicum of sanity, the rate at which he is currently progressing placing this event well after the end of the world, he will have wasted more than enough resources and oxygen to justify euthenasia.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 1768
Profile #17
Anyone notice that if (quoteth the UA) "By the time I die I will have classed everyone in the world as an idiot, and as a result, nobodies's opinion will matter to me." then he classifies himself as one? We're all human, whether we like it or not (Hitler included).

"Oh, North Wind, why frighten others?
In Nature's family all are brothers.
Puff and blow and wheeze and hiss;
You can't frighten Shingebiss.
Bring your frost and ice and snow;
I'm still free to come and go.
You can never frighten me,
One who never fears is FREE!"
-Shingebiss, the mighty duck
Posts: 830 | Registered: Tuesday, August 20 2002 07:00
Member # 154
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I have already stated somewhere that I will be classed amongst those idiots, for various reasons including the fact that I will never admit I am wrong.

(And for those telling me I'm childish. My father is over 60 and cannot admit he is wrong either.)

And also, It's the complete opposite. I don't want people to reply to this topic, because I find the opinions in it annoying to me.

[ Monday, April 12, 2004 03:24: Message edited by: Unseen Avocado ]

Blades of Avernum Script Archive - Submit your script now!
Posts: 612 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00
Member # 618
Profile Homepage #19
Okey I get it now Immy.

UA: You didn't say that in this topic and this is what has easily throw people. If you sound as if you classify everyone as stupid, while refusing to accept yourself as such, then people get a little irate.

Why childish? A child is merely someone who is younger and (generally) smaller than an adult. A child can easily know more than an adult, be more sensible and more objective, yet when someone is being stupid we classify it as "childish". Personally, being a minor I find the term derogatory and offensive as I am taller and broader than any person in my town. I am also a fair bit smarter than the average adult, and act a heck of a lot more sensibly. It confuses.
Je suis un muir.

If you didn't want anyone's opinion, then why did you bring this up in the first place? Why didn't you just ignore it? You can't stop people having an opinion. It's part of being human. And it really is your own fault for taking offence. Oh well.

You know it by now. But for y'all: Bleh, feh, meh. Rantalicious. At half rant.

I like to say quack because I can, I like to say moooo because I can, but I don't like saying ergle flmp because I can never pronounce phenomenon first try.

In conclusion, quack, moooo and phenonemenonmenonnon... Oh Poo. Try it!
Posts: 1487 | Registered: Sunday, February 10 2002 08:00
Member # 22
Profile #20
You seem to have made the vast majority of this topic making excuses for yourself, UA.

You don't agree with me? Well that's because I'm insane, and therefore logic will not work around me.

You say others have control over me? Nu'uh, because they can't control me on an atomic level. Hah!

You think I'm a bit antisocial? That's because I'm, um....afraid of rejection!

You don't feel sorry for me? I never go outside! I can't recognize faces! How could you not feel sorry for me?

You say I'm childish? It's not my fault, it's a genetic thing! My father's the same way!

In fact, in this whole topic, the thing you've reminded me most of, UA, is a toddler who screams and screams until he gets what he wants. Of course, there's a major difference - once someone gets to your age, people expect you not to be such a whining little idiot.

KazeArctica: "Imagine...wangs everywhere...and tentacles. Nothing but wangs and tentacles! And no pants!"
Posts: 2862 | Registered: Tuesday, October 2 2001 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #21
*burns this topic with the flames contained inside*
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00