Profile for Dac Vin, Unofficial Forum Lurker
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Displayed name | Dac Vin, Unofficial Forum Lurker |
Member number | 3096 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 103 |
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Registered | Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
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RP: Around the human body in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 3096
written Tuesday, April 27 2004 16:45
OOC: RE-Damnit, I was overloaded with homeworks and couldn't get the time to post. Now i'm gone, forgotten by the spirits. Oh jeezus... IC: I never felt so useless befor.e i got there. Now i'm sleepping in a corner, worn down by boredom. I wish that something happen... -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Gunbound in General | |
Member # 3096
written Friday, April 16 2004 15:09
If you have good partners and know how to use it well, Lightning can pwn ANYTHING you want. I once did 4 kills + 1 Double Kill with that misunderstood gem in a single game , without dying (although i had some help from my allies too). And it wasn't agains't newbies: Each teams had at least 1 battle axe (PRO), 2 axes (Average-Veteran. I was a silver axe when it happened) and 1 hammer (NOT really newbie). -Dac Vin, Unofficial Lurker and Lightning (alias LoveBot) Expert. [ Friday, April 16, 2004 15:10: Message edited by: Dac Vin, Unofficial Forum Lurker ] -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
RP: Around the human body in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 3096
written Tuesday, April 13 2004 13:27
Meanwhile... My pod had finally arrived, and with it all these tremors caused by it connecting to the main ship. A bit dizzy, i quickly got out and slammed the small pod door. "Now let's see where i can find that "Alex" dude whose package is destinated..." i said as i walked out the small "Pods" room. Another tremor shaked up the place. "Augh! Now WHAT???" I quickly looked behind... The pod was gone! Damnit, look like i'm stuck now... OOC: No, i dont know HOW the pod, which was supposed to stay there, simply departed by itself. -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
RP: Around the human body in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, April 11 2004 17:20
OOC: Wait a minute, there are pods too? They REALLY thought of everything... IC: "Why me, WHY ME?" Dr. Levy sighed. "They could have called somebody else to deliver that package," he said to himself. "But nooooooo, they woke me up in the middle of the night, because nobody else was "available". YEAH RIGHT..." He hopped in the small pod. "But if they think i will stay and do some chat, they're wrong: i get there, i give the package and then i resume my night!" he thought. He checked the package one last time, and pushed the big flashing button."Yet something tell me that i'm going to stay for way more time than expected..." -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
RP: Around the human body in however long it takes! in General | |
Member # 3096
written Thursday, April 8 2004 06:31
OOC: Damnit, everytime i want to join a RP, it's always too late! Guess i must spend more time on the board, instead of lurking every two month... ![]() ![]() -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Best Free RPG's and MMORPG in General | |
Member # 3096
written Saturday, March 6 2004 20:42
FairyLand It's cute, it's free (for now) and it's fun. Need to say more? ![]() And although it's not an RPG, Gunbound is good too, but watch out for morons... PS: Yeah, i'm back. Sorta. Call me a "lurker". -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
It happened: Pornography for nerds... in General | |
Member # 3096
written Wednesday, August 20 2003 05:45
You want more? ![]() -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
It happened: Pornography for nerds... in General | |
Member # 3096
written Tuesday, August 19 2003 18:35
Digital Data Porn Who could think it would get that low... -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Exile games you don't want to play in General | |
Member # 3096
written Thursday, July 31 2003 12:08
What about "Ermarian Idol"? -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
5 Random Questions in General | |
Member # 3096
written Tuesday, July 22 2003 15:53
Moist. -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Favorite Games in General | |
Member # 3096
written Tuesday, July 22 2003 07:11
Here we go: Exile/Avernum Series (DUH!) Doom series (Waiting for Doom III ![]() System Shock Series Deus Ex Etc. -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Inn Of Blades V2.0 in General | |
Member # 3096
written Monday, July 21 2003 14:58
"Yeah, not scary at all. I'd even say "boring"..." Butch sighed. -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
A Star Trek site! in General | |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, July 20 2003 16:13
I would join too, but now i'm busy trying to find where that "Star Trek meet Zero Wing" idea came from (is CATS a borg? ![]() ![]() -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, July 20 2003 08:10
You obviously dont know how to "dialog". Try again next time ![]() IC: As he entered the bar along with Dralnok, Sir David spotted a strange, bald but young guy talking with a girl. "Eh? I'd swear i saw that one before... Must probably be me..." he thought, while ordering a couple of drinks for the party... -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Hyperiums in General | |
Member # 3096
written Saturday, July 19 2003 13:38
You pay to play, so NO! -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Inn Of Blades V2.0 in General | |
Member # 3096
written Tuesday, July 15 2003 13:34
"Good point. But trust me, i've made worse." "Oh, you created that fungicide?" Wise man asked, apparently surprised. "Yep! I forgot to tell ya, but i'm actually an expert "Bio-Alchemist"." she said with a smile. Meanwhile, Kel-Aziz found the letter in his pocket. "It's from a friend." She then said to Kel-Aziz. "Bio-Alchemy? What that?" Wise man then asked. "Some kind of alchemy, but with the normal herbs, we add toxic, corrosive and radiant stuff. But do not worry; most of the dangerous stuff is nullified by da herbs, and it give you a kind of resistance against the disease. Plus, we can tweak it to do remedies for a specific disease!" "Sound powerful, but why we dont hear about it?" "Unfortunately, the top wizards consider this skill as "risky and dangerous". Only a scarce source of mages are willing to teach you." Butch concluded. -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Join Us Everyone Welcome and Needed #? in General | |
Member # 3096
written Tuesday, July 15 2003 12:17
OOC: And with an inn/tavern we start again ![]() IC: Another guy enter the inn/tavern/whatever you want it to be. Barkeep: What can i serve you stranger? ????: Nothing... For the moment... -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Tower of Babil in General | |
Member # 3096
written Monday, July 14 2003 17:32
quote:Agreed. Who start it? -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Tower of Babil in General | |
Member # 3096
written Monday, July 14 2003 06:53
*applauds* Nice ending TGO. And you say i am too quick ![]() -------------------------------------------------- At the "Absolution" ruins... Vynn (I dunno how he got there but hey, i'm not going to find a reason!): My friends, it is done. Sirius has been destroyed, and the Absolution is avenged. You can now rest in peace. Suddently, a ghost Vynn recognized as the master appeared in front of him. Master:You have done well Vynn. But the truth is, Sirius has not been truely defeated. He now lurk in the netherworld, waiting for his revenge on all of you. Vynn: Does that mean... Master: You got me right: you must find a way to the demon realm and kill Sirius once and for all. Now go. Find your friends, and others if you can, and finish your job. Good luck Vynn. *The shade faded away* TO BE CONTINUED... OOC: Now that WAS evil ![]() -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Tower of Babil in General | |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, July 13 2003 19:08
OOC: Heh. That my style. And FYI Sirius didn't became the tower; the "beautiful" illusion of the tower area dissapeared, revealing what it really was. That all. IC: Sirius: Amplify my power? I just found a way. One of you, to be more precise... Everyone look at Vynn, shocked. Sirius: Yep! Unfortunately, i cant seem to control him... but it doesn't matter, because he will destroy the barrier for me... Vynn: You included! Sirius: Not so sure... You see, the power of your madness is powerful... more powerful than everything. With mine, you're almost indestructible... TGO: What? Your true self in in Vynn? Sirius: Not exactly... A part of my power is. And that part... Is the only thing light in me. Ober: This cant be! Holy in evil? Sirius: Remains of those priests. And when Vynn going to do his duty, i'll suck it back. But i'll take Vynn's with it too... Oh wait, it is coming... Vynn: What's coming? Sirius: Yes! Your madness is gone! You can see bright, friend are friends... And the only power in you is MINE! This was the last thing Vynn wanted to hear. He ran toward Sirius at full speed, not paying attention to the barrier. Rathlan: VYNN!! NOOOO!!! But it was too late; the barrier shattered away with a deafening sound. Sirius: Finally free! The world is mine! MI- *receive Vynn's blade through the chest* Vynn: Oops, did i hurt ya? *smile* Sirius: Ow! You bugger! Wait till my power is gone from you! And then the demon chanted. But Vynn seemed still as powerful as before. Sirius: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MY POWER! Why cant i... Vynn: Because i am not like the others. *Smile again* Let's go friends! Help me kill the scum! Sirius: Not so sure! * Strike Vynn with a force bolt* Vynn: *Fall to the ground* Ow... Sirius: Not so powerful, little boy? *to the others* And now for the weakers... EDIT: Forgot about the light part. It is now fixed. EDIT 2: A little explabnation: Sirius imbued Vynn with the power the priests infused in him to... Well, torture him. While not under demon influence, Vynn's power, amplified with the holy part, was enough to shatter the spell and "free" Sirius. Of course, I apologize to TGO, now you're going to improvize a bit... ![]() ![]() [ Sunday, July 13, 2003 19:30: Message edited by: Dacovind ] -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Avernum 4 in General | |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, July 13 2003 17:08
So damn true. But i still want them to die from starvation... Uhh, is Jeff's hamster able to do coding? ![]() -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Avernum 4 in General | |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, July 13 2003 17:00
Okay, REMAKE of Exile 4. And I'd love to see those guys die ![]() BTW, ever heard of SARCASM? -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Avernum 4 in General | |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, July 13 2003 16:31
Jeff!! Create an Exile 4 then upgrade it in Avernum 4 fast!! Or 100 people will die!!!!! ![]() -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
The Enigmatic Question Mark in General | |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, July 13 2003 14:05
Who: Col. Mustard (Always him...) How: With the rope Where: In the library When: When eveyone wasn't looking Why: Because... -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
AVERNUM 4!!! in General | |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, July 13 2003 13:56
Why do this when you can do quickfire? ![]() -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |