Tower of Babil
Author | Topic: Tower of Babil |
Member # 3096
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 18:26
OOC: Damnit, clicked "quote" instead of "edit". Oh well. -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Thursday, July 10 2003 19:57
TGO:"Crap." *TGO runs up to where Vynn is. Everyone begins following.* TGO:"VYNN!." *Vynn ignores what TGO said. TGO runs up and helps Vynn fight the Doomgaurds.* -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3096
written Friday, July 11 2003 07:30
OOC: Eh? I thought i finished them. IC: And so TGO and the others helped Vynn fight the slowly decreasing number of Doomguards. Finally, the last of them fell to the ground. TGO: Whoa! That was a tough one Vynn... Vynn? They looked around. Vynn was gone! Oberisuku: Argh! We lost him again! At the tower... "Bloody persistents!" Vynn thought as he entered the tower. He had left the battle shortly after the others joined it, and continued his quest. Suddently, a voice echoed through the tower. Sirius: So you've finally came, poor soul. Welcome to my tower, Vynn! Vynn: *shudders* You cant show yourself for the last time? C'mon wuss... Sirius: ...The top... ...Meet me there... ...Future slave... Vynn: Slave? We'll see! *climb the tower* -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Friday, July 11 2003 10:32
TGO-"I am getting tired of this. I am going to intercept him from the fifth floor." Sir David-"But how?" *TGO musters a small smile.* TGO-"Easy..." *TGO closes his eyesa and begins concentrating. Then his eyes open quickly as he looks toward the sky.* TGO-"HORUSU! I SUMMON THEE!" * A giant falcon flys down from the sky. TGO mounts it.* TGO-"Anyone else want to come with me?" OOC:Yes, I know it sounds like a sexual reference so don't bother me about it. -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1220
written Friday, July 11 2003 12:43
OOC: Hey you stold my idea my character also have a gaint eagle named dasonna IC: "Fine I will come" alex then stouted dasonna while making a large hand gesture. The group situated themselves on both mounts and took to the sky edit:Why dosent everyone in the rp post so we can see who is still playing 2nd Edit: cool i'm now an adept and i've been here for 2 years ![]() [ Friday, July 11, 2003 12:48: Message edited by: Dolney ] -------------------- Ohh YEAH!!! -------------------- My god could kick you god's ass. -------------------- Getapc -------------------- Teh Flamin sworrd of bd gramer has now become the Flaming Sword of not perfict grammer. -------------------- Worning not perfict grammer behind. -------------------- DOLNEY HAS CHANGED TO A guy with not so perfict grammer -------------------- I shortened my sig. Posts: 484 | Registered: Monday, May 27 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Friday, July 11 2003 23:25
OOC: Okay, for one mine is a falcon NOT an eagle. Two, mine is based off the Egyptian god Horus...Anyway... *The party flys to the fifth floor of the tower. They dismount from the birds.* TGO-"Horusu, Dismiss....Now lets wait for Vynn to..." *Vynn comes running up the stairs.* TGO-"Wow, that was fast." Vynn-" GET OUT OF MY WAY!!! Rathlan-"We're here to stop you from rushing into this." *Vynn knocks over Rathlan and tries to rush past the group. Oberisuku stops him and throws him across the room. Vynn gets up.* Vynn-" Impressive, but you CANNOT STOP ME!" *Vynn runs up to the group. TGO stops in from of him.* TGO-"Holy Barrier!" Sir David-"What are you doing?" TGO-"I am holding him off...until you can find Sirius." Oberisuku-"Let's go. He might not be able to hold him off for long." TGO-"But first, Oberisuku give me a MP potion." *Oberisuku gives TGO a MP potion. As the party begins up the stairs.* -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3096
written Saturday, July 12 2003 06:52
Sir David: TGO! Wait! Remember what happened with- Too late. In a deafening sound, the barrier shattered as Vynn hit it. Just like with Kel-Aziz. Vynn: Forget it! You cant stop me from the absolute goal! He then started to chant a spell. Seeing this, Oberisuku dashed toward him in an attempt to disrupt it. But -Almost- there, Vynn finished his chant, and suddently, everyone but him froze in place. Before he resumed his quest, Vynn held his crystal and summoned three creatures: an horse (to go quicker) and two Dark Wyrms. Vynn: *To the Wyrms* If they try... Kill them. *Mount his horse* To the top! The horse then galloped the stairs at inhuman speed, the hoofs not touching the ground... -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1220
written Saturday, July 12 2003 08:43
IC: alex using his cloak of free movmenent dashed after vynn figuring the other would defeat the wyrms and catch up and he snuck by the wyrms un noticed. They got to a cordor with three ways to go vynn headed down the left one alex stabed a flaiming arrow into the wall there alex kept running but soon lost sight of vynn. [ Saturday, July 12, 2003 08:47: Message edited by: Dolney ] -------------------- Ohh YEAH!!! -------------------- My god could kick you god's ass. -------------------- Getapc -------------------- Teh Flamin sworrd of bd gramer has now become the Flaming Sword of not perfict grammer. -------------------- Worning not perfict grammer behind. -------------------- DOLNEY HAS CHANGED TO A guy with not so perfict grammer -------------------- I shortened my sig. Posts: 484 | Registered: Monday, May 27 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3096
written Saturday, July 12 2003 10:57
Finally, Vynn arrived at the top of the Tower of Babil. Looking around, he saw a shady, dark clone of him he quickly recognized as Sirius. Sirius: You took long, damned. Vynn: Like i didn't know! *spin his waveblade around* Sirius: I cant wait to start! Such a powerful slave... I'll conquer everything! The peoples... The world! And then the univ- Before he could complete his phrase, Vynn stabbed him in the throat. Sirius: ARGH! How can you... Alright! This is enough! Gone the dream of conquest! NOW THE PLEASURE OF DESTRUCTION!!!! HAHAHAHA... Sirius slowly reformed to his true form: A disgusting, fearful demon. But not exactly a demon like the others; this one was big, powerful, and majestic. Vynn quickly recognized a legendary Arch-Haakai Lord. Sirius: DIE FOOLISH HUMAN!!!! The battle began. Meanwhile... TGO: Argh! How can he... Oberisuku: I completely dunno. He seems to draw his power from madness, but i'm not sure. Rathlan: Maybe. *Notice the two Wyrms* Ehh... What we do with these? Sir David: Ignore them; they're probably not so powerful with the summoner away. But when the paladin tried to go upstairs, the two serpents spat glob of dark acid, one on the floor in front of David, almost melting it away, and another one that hit him directly, completly dissolving his armor. Sir David: ...Damn. We're gonna destroy these to continue, i fear. As everyone drew their weapons, each Wyrm prepared another glob of acid... -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Saturday, July 12 2003 14:42
OOC:Wow, Dacovind I would suggest cutting down on the speed of this topic. I was going to make it go slower than this. But I don't care. I also had an interesting thing involving Sirius staying in the Tower of Babil. So I'll go with it. *Vynn begins fighting Sirius. Vynn is suprised at how easily he is beating Sirius.* Vynn-"Sirius you may talk big but you fight as a weakling." Sirius-"You have not seen my true power yet..." Meanwhile... Sir David-"This looks like we may be in for a big one..." *TGO walks in front of all of them...* Oberisuku-"What are you doing?" TGO-"I have to summon him. If I don't we may be disolved to death by these beasts..." Oberisuku-"You cannot summon Amen-Ra, it costs too much MP. " TGO-"I have to..." Everyone else-"What are you talking about?" *TGO stops listening as he closes his eyes and begins to concentrate...* TGO-"I summon the Egyptian god...The god of sun, of light. I SUMMON AMEN-RA!!!" *A giant golden sphere appears in front of the party. It shines its own light." Rathlan-"What is that thing, it is so bright!" TGO-"It is Amen-R..." *TGO suddenly collapses on the floor. The Wyrms spit acid at it but it absorbs it as if it were nothing,* Sir David-"Whoa! That is cool..." *Oberisuku runs up and picks up TGO.* Ober-"I told you not to summon him, Micheal said you still need more training with handling him and higher MP stat." *TGO just hangs against Oberisuku as if he cannot hear him.* Oberisuku-"Are you listening to me! I know you are not unconcious. You cannot lose conciousness, if you do Ra will go out of control." TGO-"I know, give me a minute to regain my strength...give me another MP potion." Rathlan-"Hey can we get this over with and kill them already..." *Oberisuku gives TGO an MP potion. TGO remains to same.* TGO(wispering)-"Amen-RaTori mode transform..." *Ra begins to transform into a giant golden bird.* Sir David-"What's happening. TGO didn't give him any commands." Ober-"Commands do not have to be spoken out loud..." TGO-"Tori Ra, Phoenix Thunder Break..." *Ra destroys the Wyrms and a part of the staircase.* Rathlan-"Ahh, great now we have to jump over that hole and hope we don't fall and die." *TGO stands up* TGO(sounding like he is injured)-"Be glad Ra destroyed them and didn't level the tower. RA I DISMISS THEE." *Ra disappears. The party goes up the stairs after crossing the hole. The party quickly runs up the stairs. They will soon intercept Vynn...* Meanwhile(man this is a long post) *Vynn destroys Sirius.* Vynn-"Now Sirius, my revenge is complete..." *Vynn puts away his weapons and begins to walk down the stairs as his anger receeds...* Sirius-"Never trust anyone, not even your own eyes." *The illusion Sirius disappears. Vynn flys across the room and is attached to the wall.* Sirius-"Every few years people come here to fight me. Either I destroy them or they destroy my illusion. Either way I capture them and absorb them. You see it is hard to feed when you are trapped in a tower... OOC:Now lets make this go slower. I don't want the party to instantly get to the top floor. The tower is pretty tall and they need some demons to fight. Plus I want people to see my Sirius thing next time I post... -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Saturday, July 12 2003 16:05
I must say, I doubt that's what Dacovind wanted... at all... plus I'm still not with the group, I already said that... Oh well, I was going to go off and save the villagers from the demonic curse before they could be corrupted and march on us... you know... but forget that, RP's are more fun in groups anyway. I'd like my armor back, at least. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3158
written Saturday, July 12 2003 22:35
OOC: Hmm, pay attention I must well if you want to stay sure why not. I'll give you your armor back. But wait wasn't Alex also in our party. Well if that is the case then you can choose to stay with us or continue with your townspeople saving thing, it doesn't matter to me...Oh, and Vynn doesn't die but I needed to use something to slow him down for a bit because he seems to want to speed through this...Now someone other than me post something...but not to where we instantly get to the top. It is a huge tower. It would take 8 or 9 posts to reach the top not 3... *TGO gives Sir David a new armor(whether or not he wants to stay with us...)* -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1220
written Sunday, July 13 2003 07:03
OOC: alex is chasing vynn he snuck bye the wyrms and is about 1/2 way up and getting tired -------------------- Ohh YEAH!!! -------------------- My god could kick you god's ass. -------------------- Getapc -------------------- Teh Flamin sworrd of bd gramer has now become the Flaming Sword of not perfict grammer. -------------------- Worning not perfict grammer behind. -------------------- DOLNEY HAS CHANGED TO A guy with not so perfict grammer -------------------- I shortened my sig. Posts: 484 | Registered: Monday, May 27 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Sunday, July 13 2003 10:33
OOC: Uuhhh, in case you didn't read by big ass post. We killed the wyrms already... *The party go up a few floors and meet three demons.* Rathlan-"We'll take care of this." *The two(or three is Sir David is still with us) begin fighting these demons. The demons have great speed but they are no match for the party...* -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, July 13 2003 13:21
As they began to climb the (hopefully) last set of stairs to the top... Rathlan: Look at this, guys *point a big hole in the wall* TGO: Strange... I'd swear it wasn't there when outside... Ober: ...Because it was created recently... Very recently... Rathlan: Sirius... Or Vynn... Back to the top... Sirius: You again? How did you... Vynn: Old walls easily crumbles... *spin his waveblade* ...and an unusual use of my weapon. You should give up, demonic scum... Sirius: Give up? I'll never lose to you! Vynn: Maybe, but think about it: I am here... ...They are here... ...And he is here... Sirius: Who are you talking about? Vynn: *point his waveblades to the sky* Show your true self, foul illusion! Quickly, the sky covered itself and a lightning hit Vynn's waveblade. Then, he thrust the blade on the floor. An horrific change took place: The sky turned red, the tree, flowers died away, and the water turned to blood. The tower was not spared; It was now made of flesh and blood. And yet, nothing has changed; An illusion was gone, and the plagued area was now shown. As the others finally arrived to the top, Vynn removed his blade from the now fleshy floor, creating a blood fountain... -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Sunday, July 13 2003 18:21
OOC: Are you saying he became the tower? or something of that sort... hmmm strange well I still am in need of using my plot thing involving Sirius trapped in the tower...hey you did it again. Stop rushing this topic. I did not want to reach the top so soon. Blasted Dacovind... *The party reaches the top after a few hours. Everyone has recovered.* TGO-"Where is Sirius." Sirius-"I am here...human." *The party goes over to Sirius but Vynn blocks them off.* Vynn-"I will destroy this demon." *Vynn strikes his waveblade onto the figure in the shadows of the wall. The waveblade bounces off and flies out of the tower.* Vynn-"What!?" Sirius-"You cannot break the barrier that has sealed me here." TGO-"Show yourself, stop hiding in illusions Sirius..." *The shadows of the room recedes and the party see the true Sirius. They see a very thin demon chained to the wall with a red crystal imbedded into his heart.* Party-"What!?!?!" Sirius-"Now you know the truth. I am trapped here. You see many years ago I tried to steal this crystal here. They finally decided to stop me and they used priest entrapment spells to trap me. I am now attached to this crystal. I can only be freed if a person of light and not under demon influence takes the crystal from my heart." Alex-"So it has to be done by that persons free will." Sirius-"Yes, I may not look like it but I am quite powerful. This crystal supresses my physical form but it enhanses my magical ability. I may look physically weak but if I were to be released you would see how strong I am." TGO-"But why did you want me to come here? Why are you telling us all this? You actually believe we will release you?" Sirius-"You do not understand do you. My influence continually grows stronger and stronger. Each day more people become under my control. If I am not destroyed then I will eventually have the world under my control, you see. Under this spell both I and the crystal are indestructible. But also I would like to be free. Each day here is immense pain. Also I am stuck in this forsaken tower. But released I am not invincible. Which would you prefer? Now you are stuck here by me. I will give you a choice. Leave me here and I will kill you and take your life energy. Release me and I will kill you and use your blood to strengthen me. Keep me here I will conquer the world. Release me and I will destroy it. Which do you prefer human?" Vynn-"I've had enough!" *Vynn runs up to Sirius and tries to take the crystal but the magic of the spell burns his hands.* Vynn-"Ahh, Why can't I release him?" TGO-"He said one of light. You are being influenced by rage and revenge." *Everyone goes over the senarios in thier heads. What to do? Release him or leave him?* TGO(to himself)-"It could take a long time for him to conquer the world but what if he finds a way to amplify his power. Damn, what should we do?" -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3096
written Sunday, July 13 2003 19:08
OOC: Heh. That my style. And FYI Sirius didn't became the tower; the "beautiful" illusion of the tower area dissapeared, revealing what it really was. That all. IC: Sirius: Amplify my power? I just found a way. One of you, to be more precise... Everyone look at Vynn, shocked. Sirius: Yep! Unfortunately, i cant seem to control him... but it doesn't matter, because he will destroy the barrier for me... Vynn: You included! Sirius: Not so sure... You see, the power of your madness is powerful... more powerful than everything. With mine, you're almost indestructible... TGO: What? Your true self in in Vynn? Sirius: Not exactly... A part of my power is. And that part... Is the only thing light in me. Ober: This cant be! Holy in evil? Sirius: Remains of those priests. And when Vynn going to do his duty, i'll suck it back. But i'll take Vynn's with it too... Oh wait, it is coming... Vynn: What's coming? Sirius: Yes! Your madness is gone! You can see bright, friend are friends... And the only power in you is MINE! This was the last thing Vynn wanted to hear. He ran toward Sirius at full speed, not paying attention to the barrier. Rathlan: VYNN!! NOOOO!!! But it was too late; the barrier shattered away with a deafening sound. Sirius: Finally free! The world is mine! MI- *receive Vynn's blade through the chest* Vynn: Oops, did i hurt ya? *smile* Sirius: Ow! You bugger! Wait till my power is gone from you! And then the demon chanted. But Vynn seemed still as powerful as before. Sirius: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! MY POWER! Why cant i... Vynn: Because i am not like the others. *Smile again* Let's go friends! Help me kill the scum! Sirius: Not so sure! * Strike Vynn with a force bolt* Vynn: *Fall to the ground* Ow... Sirius: Not so powerful, little boy? *to the others* And now for the weakers... EDIT: Forgot about the light part. It is now fixed. EDIT 2: A little explabnation: Sirius imbued Vynn with the power the priests infused in him to... Well, torture him. While not under demon influence, Vynn's power, amplified with the holy part, was enough to shatter the spell and "free" Sirius. Of course, I apologize to TGO, now you're going to improvize a bit... ![]() ![]() [ Sunday, July 13, 2003 19:30: Message edited by: Dacovind ] -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Sunday, July 13 2003 22:36
OOC:Nice work, but one thing the crystal had to be removed for it to free him but that will work. Oh, and I'm not done yet. I want everyone to see the most powerful summon of all... *The party began to leave. The "tower" started to rumble. Sirius rose and he began to rebuild his old form back to its original glory.* Sirius-"I am not defeated yet humans. " *Blasts radiated from Sirius and destroyed the tower. Everyone was knocked unconcious. A few minutes later everyone awoke.* Sirius-"Don't dissapoint me. I want a fight you humans have no idea what kind of rage builds up when you are trapped with immense pain over thousands of years." Vynn-"Yes, I do. Having a friend hurt is worse than your own pain. Sirius you may need more teaching on the subject." *Vynn leaped at Sirius with all his might. Sirius swatted him like a fly. Everyone was stunned at how easily Sirius rejected the attack.* Rathlan-"But how.." Sirius-"Ha ha ha ha, foolish humans." *Sirius charged at Rathlan. Oberisuku blocked the attack as he struggled to stop Sirius.* Sirius-"My you are strong aren't you?" Ober-"You have no id..." Sirius-"AAAHH! What was that." *Rathlan had stabbed Sirius in the back.* Sirius-"Weakling." *Sirius knocked Rathlan down.* TGO-"Sir David blast Sirius with one of your paladin spells. Alex help Oberisuku hold Sirius. I am going to try something." Oberisuku-"You don't mean?" TGO-"Yes I do." Oberisuku-"If you summon him it may be like last time you did." TGO-"Oberisuku I have gained experience since then so I am confident it will not fail me." Oberisuku-"Fine take this then." *Oberisuku tosses a Stamina Potion at TGO. TGO catches it and uses it. Vynn gets up.* Vynn-"I'll help Oberisuku hold Sirius down." Sirius-"What ever measly plan you are schemig won't work. I will destoy you all." *Sirius begins resisting but then Sir David blasts him with the paladin spell. Sirius is paralyzed he is being held down by three people and a magic spell. He is helpless.* Alex-"I have an idea." *Alex stabs Sirius in the back with his sword and plants it into the ground. The three move away as Sirius is stuck or so they think. Sirius bursts up the three run and stop him from flying away as they hold him down. Sirius tries blasting each of them but their will is too strong.* TGO-"I will begin the summoning hold him there." *TGO closes his eyes as he begins to concentrate.* TGO-"Horusu,Apofupusu, Oshirisu, Ishisu, Sobeku, Anubisu, and Ra. I combine your summons. I combine your strengths, your powers, and I call forth the great Dragon." *TGO's eyes flare open(I don't know why but I like that for some reason.)Everyone looks at his retinas.* Rathlan-"Look, his eyes the left one is yellow and the right one is red?!?!" TGO-"I SUMMON THEE, WRATH OF GOD DRAGON ARISE!!!" *A gigantic dragon appears. The dragon has the markings for each Egytian god on its body. TGO falls on his knees.* TGO-"EVERYONE MOVE FROM HIS BLAST, WRATH OF GOD DRAGON DESTROY THIS DEMON, DESTROY SIRIUS!!!" *The dragon blasts Sirius.* Sirius-"Ooooohhh NOOOOOO!!!" *Sirius is destoyed. From where Sirius was standing, the red crystal falls to the ground.* TGO-"Wrath of God Dragon dismi..." *TGO loses consiousness. Ober runs up and grabs him.* Ober-"TGO? Damn..." Alex-"What is it?" Ober-"" *Everyone begins to run away as the uncontrolable dragon begins destoying everything in site. Oberisuku stops and gets a n idea.* Ober-"Sir David!" Sir David-"Yes?" Ober-"Do you have any banishing spells? Sir David-"Yeah I do." *Sir David begins to cast the spell. TGO gets out of Oberisuku's arms.* TGO(weakened)-"Wrath of God Dragon...dismiss." *The Dragon does nothing.* TGO-"Damn, just as I thought, well I guess we just have to wait it out." Everyone else-"Wait it out?!?!?!" TGO-"Yes, I can't dismiss it and no banishing spells work on it so if we give it time it will lose energy and dismiss on its own." *TGO looks into the Wrath of God Dragon's Eyes. The Dragon stops and looks back. They spend minutes stareing down each other. Finally the dragon disappears and TGO collapses once again. The party begins to leave. Rathlan then notices the crystal and takes it.* Rathlan-"Hey wait, we should take this and split it." Vynn-"Might as well after what we just did." *They take the crystal and sell it and get 3 Million Gold for it!!! They split it up in their own way and go their seperate ways.* THE END -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Monday, July 14 2003 02:04
What's that? Did someone just say 'god-characters'? Um, very nice. -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Monday, July 14 2003 03:27
Mmm...fair RP. Not great just fair. RP Evaluation. Cons: - It started at an Inn. - Ended too quick. - Too many almost god like characters. - No dead good guy. - Plots got mixed up in strange ways. Pros: - It had an ending. - Intresting original plot. - Every character got damaged at least one. - Fair group participation. Overall Score: * * * * = Pathetic * * = Bad * * * = Fair * * * * = Good * * * * * = Great! * * * * * * = Superb!! -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1220
written Monday, July 14 2003 06:38
I think we should have another one but no god summoning character and no super power character. One where there all about equal. [ Monday, July 14, 2003 06:41: Message edited by: Dolney ] -------------------- Ohh YEAH!!! -------------------- My god could kick you god's ass. -------------------- Getapc -------------------- Teh Flamin sworrd of bd gramer has now become the Flaming Sword of not perfict grammer. -------------------- Worning not perfict grammer behind. -------------------- DOLNEY HAS CHANGED TO A guy with not so perfict grammer -------------------- I shortened my sig. Posts: 484 | Registered: Monday, May 27 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3096
written Monday, July 14 2003 06:53
*applauds* Nice ending TGO. And you say i am too quick ![]() -------------------------------------------------- At the "Absolution" ruins... Vynn (I dunno how he got there but hey, i'm not going to find a reason!): My friends, it is done. Sirius has been destroyed, and the Absolution is avenged. You can now rest in peace. Suddently, a ghost Vynn recognized as the master appeared in front of him. Master:You have done well Vynn. But the truth is, Sirius has not been truely defeated. He now lurk in the netherworld, waiting for his revenge on all of you. Vynn: Does that mean... Master: You got me right: you must find a way to the demon realm and kill Sirius once and for all. Now go. Find your friends, and others if you can, and finish your job. Good luck Vynn. *The shade faded away* TO BE CONTINUED... OOC: Now that WAS evil ![]() -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Monday, July 14 2003 12:57
hmm thanks for the applause. Anyway... my character is far from ultra mega super powerful. He does not have a very high MP stat so he cannot go long without using MP potions. Oberisuku is purely physical. Magically he is very weak. He does have some resistances to status changes and what-not but he could not hold out against magic casting enemies very long...My character isn't the best physical fighter. He is agile and has some interesting lance techniques I made for him but in a physical fight he might not win as easily. ect... -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Monday, July 14 2003 16:12
Wow, that ending was WAY too fast. New RP. Not in this topic. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3158
written Monday, July 14 2003 16:45
Oh and it didn't start in a inn per-se. We went to an inn... -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |