Tower of Babil
Author | Topic: Tower of Babil |
Member # 3096
written Friday, July 4 2003 14:27
*Suddently, Vynn got back up and advanced toward Kel-Aziz* Sir David: Vynn! What are you doing? Vynn: Reasoning. *Stare at Kel-Aziz* Listen, i dunno what happened to you, but it seems that you forgot the three commandments of the Darubians Knights. Wanna refresh? K-A: What are you talking about? I dont recall such things to exist! Vynn: Then let me tell them to you. The first one: quote:K-A: You let Kel-Azur die! You are a traitor! Vynn: Fine. Second commandment: quote:K-A: You lie! This never existed! Vynn: We'll see. And now the third and most important one: quote:K-A: NO! The king is dead! This rule doesn't apply! Vynn: But the "nobody else" part still does. So... Sirius, GET OUT! YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHTS OF OWNING MY FRIEND! Kel-Aziz, weakened by the gold and the flashbacks, couldn't endure that final blow given by Vynn, and lost consciousness. As he fell, his armor lost the red tint it has, replaced by a bright, pale, beautiful yellow. Just like the sun that has awakened from his sleep. The demonic influence was gone. But for safety, Vynn stripped Kel-Aziz of all his weapons. -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Friday, July 4 2003 15:03
OOC: A few lessons about RP: Ok, listen well Daconvid, you have learned to go slow on the plot and that earns a thums up. ![]() One problem you have is that you are too impulsive and dont think the plot well before posting, you are falling in the same mistake Sir David had and that is to NOT TO READ THE POSTS ![]() ![]() [ Friday, July 04, 2003 15:46: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3096
written Friday, July 4 2003 16:15
OOC: The gold take quite some time to remove the demon. I just accelerated the processus ![]() Anyway, if you really want to know, I am of the impulsive kind. No one can do something about it -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Friday, July 4 2003 16:59
OOC:Yay, I'm back. Wow nice job, but, this isn't over yet. Ha ha ha ha. Anyway...Yes, Oberisuku cannot be controlled. If you want to know about my characters go here (I would put a link but I am too lazy to...) *TGO stares at the tower for a minute and then at K-A.* TGO(to himself):"This is what we are us against. This may be immensely more difficult than I expected. We should leave for now. I can feel Sirius's darkness here...* TGO:"Hey, we should leave here to regroup and recover." *The party regroups a mile and a half away.* Sir David:"Oberisuku, how were you able to hold K-A so easily?" Oberisuku:"Easy, I have immense physical strength." TGO:"Yeah, one time this drunk guy tried to get into a bar fight with him. Oberisuku launched him through the wall oon the other side of the bar...but we cannnot go back there anymore." *TGO laughs* OOC: Now lets keep the story at an acceptable pace, please... [ Friday, July 04, 2003 17:01: Message edited by: TrueGamer-Omega ] Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Friday, July 4 2003 17:29
EDIT: Ok, this message goes before the one above. ![]() OCC: (to Dacovind) Whatever, just remember to read before you post, you know you can always view the post while you are writting. Theres a window at the bottom of the page (scroll down and you will see it.) It may help you. Kel-Aziz: head too...I havent felt like this since the last new year's party. *Everyone relaxed to see Kel-Aziz back in his former self. K-A: Mmm...whats this? This is not my rusty old hel... The Party: Noooo!!!! *Al the party jumped over Kel-Aziz squahing him against the ground. K-A: Grrrouurtmiii Oberisuku: What was that? Alex: I think he wants us to get off him. TGO: Lets do that, just make shure he doesn't take off his helmet near us. K-A: OMG!!! whats wrong with you people, who are you anyway...wait! I dont care just leave me alone. Sir David: Relax, you'r safe with us now, and with that helmet, so dont take it off or we will be forced to kill you. K-A: Ha! who do you think you are fancy armour, the blue prince? I'll show I can do just about anything I plea....wh...what the....where are my waveblades?...thieves, give them back or you will be sorry. Renthar: I think I liked him more when he was possesed. *The party laugh's. K-A: Whats so funny? Posetions what are you talking about... TGO: Easy there, remember your a Royal Guard of the Darubi. K-A: How did you...? Just give me my gear back!!... Sir David: You seem a little jumpy... K-A: You bet I am...I demand an explanation!! *Sir David tells him about the fire, the possesion the fights, the demon, the shield, Vynn and the golden helmet. K-A:...he..hehe...ha..ha.HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Sr.D: What's so funny? (Kel-Aziz laughed on the the floor now.) K-A:*tears* you people are funny. You know, you dont have to make that up. I'll forgive that you people tried to steal my stuff, I wont kill you or anything...its..its not like a deeeemon (waves hands above his head) is going to posses me or anything, HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Vynn: I'll give you your swords back, just promise you wont take that helmet off until you are far away from the tower. K-A: Cause the deeeemon (waves hands above his head) will poosseees me right?, HAHAHAHA!!! *Vynn hands over his Kel-Aziz's weapons. K-A: Thank you very much alien abducted, royal guard wannabe!! know, you people should cut the drinking when going around robbing people, bad for business ya know. Vynn: I'm starting to wish we had just killed him. *With that said, Kel-Aziz covered himself with his cloak again, and all the majestic look he once had disapeared, now his looks were more like an ordinary beggar... K-A: Give me these shortie, their mine... ...took some speed and magic inmunitie potions from Rathlan's bag and headed to the west, far from the demon and his mental power range, were other adventures awaited him. Before he left he turned to see at the dirty and tired party... K-A: By the way...I hope some of the Royal Guard lessons help you in your quest. With that said the beggar disapeared into the woods and off to the untamed western lands in hope that someday he would prove himself and any remaining Darubian out there that he was a noble Darubian Royal Guard. He did not know, however, he had already proved himself, to an elven scout, a noble paladin, a crafty gnome, a powerfull wizzard, a huge semidemon and an abducted Darubian. [ Friday, July 04, 2003 17:37: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Friday, July 4 2003 18:00
Wait, does that mean you're leaving the RP? or just the group, temporarily? -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2940
written Friday, July 4 2003 18:22
I think Im done with this one...I had planed an intresting plot but it was messed up with the Kel-Aziz and Vynn related past...oh well, I'll leave it for another RP. Still you must admit I did quite a good rol in this one, besides I'm taking too much of the original plot and TGO has arrived so he will replace me ![]() ![]() -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3096
written Friday, July 4 2003 18:35
Vynn: I dont know why, but i think we'll see him again. Anyway... *Get back to the party* EDIT: And a whole idea get scrapped. A new one take place ![]() [ Friday, July 04, 2003 20:04: Message edited by: Dacovind ] -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Friday, July 4 2003 19:35
OOC:Okay I will start off wil Nazgul's last post. You people should read more carefully... TGO:"We should regroup and heal somewhere away from the tower for now..." *The party camps a mile away from the tower as they prepare for the fight the next day...* -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Friday, July 4 2003 19:40
-- plot under construction. do not post -- RP TIPS: Its a good idea to do this when you think you'r about to write a lot to prevent situations like before. ![]() EDIT: Oh...too late, im afraid we cant have the fight Vynn, maybe some other time, as long as the characters are conserned inlcuding mine, nothing happened after Kel-Aziz left the scene. TGO, you may continue with the plot... [ Friday, July 04, 2003 19:52: Message edited by: The_Nazgul ] -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3096
written Friday, July 4 2003 19:56
EDIT: Forget it. [ Friday, July 04, 2003 20:00: Message edited by: Dacovind ] -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Saturday, July 5 2003 00:07
Nazgul: just one little note, although you seem to have left for a bit: my character was called Rathlan, not Renthar. TGO: reading your character descriptions, don't you think 'ability: summons deities (ancient Egyptian)' makes you a bit of a god character? One ancient Egyptian deity could kill Sirius completely, whenever you wanted to summon one. And then, what'd be the point? IC: Rathlan looks at TGO. 'Well, why did you call us all back here?' 'I think we need to come up with a more definite plan before we attack Sirius.' 'Fine, do you have one in mind?' 'Well, could you do anything with gold, like you did to Kel-Aziz?' 'I could, but with the gold I'd need, I could probably pay for a couple or armies to come and do the job for us.' 'Alright, we're back to my origional plan, then. Here's what I think we should do:' OOC: TGO, you obviously have somthing in mind, so I'll leave things a bit, but please post soon. -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3158
written Saturday, July 5 2003 10:04
OOC: my character is far from god-like. None of the SoMG are god-like. They just inherited the ability from the person who had it before. I would say how but it would make my character easy for someone to take away his powers. He has his weaknesses. Also, these are not really gods, just magical beings that take the forms of different gods from different mythologies and religions. TGO:"First we must incapasitate or destroy all the possessed and ect. people, that way he has no army to call upon. Second, we must make a magical barrier so that none of us becomes under his influence. Then we storm the tower, find him and destroy him. But I still wonder why he stays in that tower... -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1220
written Sunday, July 6 2003 08:21
OOC: sorry i was gone alex makes healing potions but dosen't carry holy ones and only has like 4. Sure i'm just a scout. IC: Alex: "We schould take a few scrolls to create barriers and i schould make a few healing potions and we schould rest for the night no sence going into battle half asleep. Alex cooks an elegant dinner for everyone and the all sharpen there wepons and prepare spells and sleep through the night. Alex: "Why have we only seen a few shades i've seen countless before. -------------------- Ohh YEAH!!! -------------------- My god could kick you god's ass. -------------------- Getapc -------------------- Teh Flamin sworrd of bd gramer has now become the Flaming Sword of not perfict grammer. -------------------- Worning not perfict grammer behind. -------------------- DOLNEY HAS CHANGED TO A guy with not so perfict grammer -------------------- I shortened my sig. Posts: 484 | Registered: Monday, May 27 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Sunday, July 6 2003 13:41
*As TGO lies in bed he begins to think about the next day, which causes him to get restless. He gets up and sits on a rock next to Oberisuku sleeping on the ground. Oberisuku is awakened by TGO's precence.* Oberisuku:"Cannot sleep brother?(don't ask it is a long story having to do with us being created by the same guy just to create conflict...) TGO:"No, this thing has got me. Why would he stay in that tower?" Ober:"Maybe he is still imprisioned." TGO:"If that is so, then why can't his minions release him..." Ober:"My only guess is that they cannot enter the tower." TGO:"hmmm..." -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Sunday, July 6 2003 15:07
Sir David, asleep once more, began tossing and turning. TGO tapped his shoulder, causing him to roll to his feet and draw his dagger within seconds. He stood panting, looking enraged, then slowly calmed down. TGO: Is something wrong? Sir David: Just a dream... listen, what you said about his army earlier... let me take care of that. I will rejoin you as soon as I can, but... I must go. And with that, Sir David took off, leaving TGO and his brother staring after him, bemused. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3096
written Tuesday, July 8 2003 18:50
OOC: Oops! I forgot to bump the topic! IC: Meanwhile, Vynn was wandering around, enjoying the outdoor before he, and the others, entered that damn tower. As he looked around, he saw the hill where they fought Aziz a day ago. So this is where my friend got corrupted... he thought as he walked up the hill. At the top, a perfect view of the Tower of Babil greeted Vynn, shocked. At the same time, some kind of force entered his mind. Forget it Sirius! You aint gonna do that to your future slayer! As he said these words to himself, hate built inside him. Looking again at the tower, he suddently remembered: Kel-Aziz... Sharp words... Barrier... In one blow... His rage and Sirius power quickly building in his head, Vynn was faced with a dilemma: let the rage fill him up and transform him in a out-of-control killing machine, or calming down and let Sirius control him? Either ways, the others may not like it. -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Triad Mage
Member # 7
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 01:26
So, TGO, your characters have weaknesses but nobody knows what they are? -------------------- "At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander ==== Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It - We're Everywhere The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead ==== You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse! Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3096
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 07:20
Are you talking to me? If so: 1) I am not TGO 2) Weakness? You probably meant "Defaults" (Much better) -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 517
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 08:24
What Drakey means is that TGO has two characters, one an invincible super-warrior and one that can summon Egyptian gods. He claims they have weaknesses, but if he's not going to describe them there's no point. Anyway: As soon as Rathlan wakes up, he takes out the gold again and begins to heat it up. Removing his own helmet, he dips it in, and leaves it to cool. 'You people, if we're going to attack Sirius, we'd better all make sure we're protected against his mind control. Sir David?' Sir David hands Rathlan his helmet, and Rathlan quickly coats it in gold. 'TGO? Oberisuku? Neither of you wear helmets. I can make you helmets of pure gold, but they will be quite fragile. And how about you, Vynn? Vynn? Where's Vynn got to?' -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3096
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 10:02
OOC: Oh. IC: Loud screeches are suddently heard nearby. Rathlan: *Running there with the others* Vynn! What going... What they saw froze them: near the hill, the remains of an unfortunate group of merchants layed there. Everyone was dead, cut in tiny pieces, and a river of blood flowed the road. But worse, someone else stood in the middle of the carnage. TGO: ...Vynn? Vynn: Go away. Rathlan: *Approach Vynn* But how could you- Vynn: *Grab Rathlan by the throat and throw it away* I told you to go away! This is none of your buiseness. Oberisuku: But we are friends! We share the same goal: Killing Sir- Vynn: I will kill Sirius! This jerk has done unimaginable things to me, and he's going to pay hard! TGO: But... Vynn: BE GONE! Or you'll share the same fate as these! Vynn then summoned his horse, and headed to the tower. Alex: But what are you doing? Stop him! TGO: Useless; Kel-Aziz was controlled, but he is... Out of control... Rathlan: And he would break your magic barrier if you casted it; Remember? Alex: But then, what we do? Rathlan: We continue. But this time we need to be a lot more careful... [ Wednesday, July 09, 2003 18:28: Message edited by: Dacovind ] -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3158
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 14:06
OOC:My character does have weaknesses. But telling them would make mt character much easier to kill. It is like a riddle. Read my disadvantages and see if you can figure out my weaknesses.... TGO:"Hmmm, anyway...Sure Rathlan you may make me a gold helmet but I doubt you can make one for Oberisuku's strangely shaped head..." Rathlan:"Alright." *Rathlan goes to work on a helmet for TGO. A wraith walks in the area the party is at.* Wraith:"Oops, wrong RP..." -------------------- Where all have fallen I will rise as the last TrueGamer....TrueGamerOmega. My Sig My site Posts: 35 | Registered: Sunday, June 29 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2940
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 14:42
I hope that wraith is not Nazgul my other RP character. He is busily RP'ing somewhere else. -------------------- "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying." Posts: 469 | Registered: Thursday, May 1 2003 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 15:48
Omelette, I wasn't here for the gold helmets thing... but whatever, I'll just pretend my helmet is already pure gold. Painted green. Hmm... =] Whatever, that doesn't matter. And Dacovind, my job will take a lot more time than that, btu I guess that doesn't matter either; at least I didn't have a leading role in your post. EDIT: Nazgul, even if he did mean you, it doesn't matter; he was just adding humor. I'll post IC tomorrow. [ Wednesday, July 09, 2003 16:01: Message edited by: Sir David ] -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3096
written Wednesday, July 9 2003 18:24
OOC: Replaced. IC: Away from the others, Vynn saw two big armors running toward him. Doomguards? You can do better, Sirius! he thought while he dismounted his horse and waited for them. As they got there, Vynn repeatedly slashed them, splitting more Doomguards in the process. Normally, he would have been outnumbered and diced, but in his state, he was too quick, too strong, too powerful. Half an hour later, metal layed on the road, another victim of Vynn. He had suffered some nasty cuts, but he didn't care, and resumed his quest, laughing. Wraith: Whoa!! That's some powerful guy you got there Daco! Daco: Isn't it? I got him by crossing me and Hulk, then... Wraith: I never knew you were a Tourette Daco. Daco: Heh... [ Wednesday, July 09, 2003 19:03: Message edited by: Dacovind ] -------------------- You go in, You go out, Repeat if necessary. - The Official Moron Guide For Sex Be disgusted! (Not really) Posts: 103 | Registered: Wednesday, June 11 2003 07:00 |