Profile for Slarty
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Displayed name | Slarty |
Member number | 261 |
Title | Raven v. Writing Desk |
Postcount | 3560 |
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Registered | Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
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Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Monday, December 3 2007 22:06
I'm not really clear what's unique about Psych-K. It's official website talks on the one hand about "conflict between your conscious desires and your subconscious beliefs" -- which is Freud in a nutshell, the basis of classical psychoanalysis and of much of the psychodynamic school of psychotherapy. It further says that Psych-K "was a response to the frustration that came with the realization that typical counseling techniques, which rely almost exclusively on "insight" and "motivation," seldom create real and lasting changes." This sounds like a direct complaint against the evocative psychotherapies, a.k.a. the ones listed above and their offspring. It then says the founder's "background in business and psychotherapy creates a results oriented approach to personal change." So basically, he threw evocative therapy out the window and ushered in cognitive-behavioral therapy. The discussion of "outdated subconscious perceptions and beliefs that may be sabotaging your goals in life" confirms this suspicion. Indeed that page (on therapeutic differences) made me think of a video I saw of a therapy session run by Albert Ellis, founder of Rational-Emotive Therapy, one of the earliest cognitive-behavioral therapies, in which he railed at his patient about "the insane sentence" in her brain that was quietly making her do irrational things. Glancing through the website briefly, it seems like the program is relatively reasonable and could certainly be helpful to people who connect with it. This is something that is true of numerous therapies, including many forms of self-help, psychotherapy, and so on. But as theoretical frameworks go it seems both derivative, and simplified, simplified in ways that are arbitrary rather than elegant. And I can't get over the fact that the main page immediately reminded me of the ads placed by Beetlejuice. I am always suspicious of any therapy that feels the need to hawk its services. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Chimney in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Sunday, December 2 2007 06:20
Windows and Mac are themselves operating systems, so it doesn't make any sense to say "every operating system known to man" if you are only talking about two of them. If what you meant was "every contemporaneous operating system that runs on Macs and PCs" then the statement is just wrong, because there are lots of OSes that run on Macs and PCs besides Mac OS and Windows. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Mental training in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Sunday, December 2 2007 06:17
Interesting, Alex. My first reaction is that most of this has nothing to do with the unconscious. Touch typing I think is just muscle memory, much as playing a musical instrument is. And I, at least, can also touch type at the same speed while focusing on it consciously; and it seems to me more like a set of things that I have so practiced and rehearsed that they are always easily grabbed from the storeroom of my memory -- just as words are. (That may be related to the fact that I refused to train to touch type, and just pecked over and over until I knew Qwerty biblically.) The getting to sleep bit just sounds like relexation -- and perhaps that "just" is unjustified, but relaxation does seem to describe everything you mention doing. I'm also not clear what visualization has to do with the unconscious -- isn't it just memory (or creative generation) plus a conscious process? -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
What have you been reading lately? in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Saturday, December 1 2007 18:05
Great Expectations has to be my second least favorite book I ever read in an English class, coming in ahead of only Tess of the D'Urbervilles. I suppose that says something about the kind of writing I prefer. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Slartucker is going to have a cow when he hears about this," Synergy said. Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Mental training in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Saturday, December 1 2007 17:59
Out of curiosity, what are "the things you can already do with your mind" and how did you come to explore and develop them? -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Exile III deadlines in The Exile Trilogy | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Saturday, December 1 2007 12:27
Huzzah for replays of Exile III. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Endeavour in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Saturday, December 1 2007 08:12
Alec, I am reminded of the Nobilian prophet in Secret of Evermore. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Meadows of Heaven in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Saturday, December 1 2007 08:08
This really is a different set of music than I've noticed in past polls. Captain Beefheart, the Flaming Lips, Pavement, Blonde Redhead... plus, we hate Coldplay. All we need is some Sonic Youth and we can be the hippest art rockers around. :rolleyes: But seriously, it's a neat change. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Meadows of Heaven in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Friday, November 30 2007 18:44
Winnemucca, Nevada -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Meadows of Heaven in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Friday, November 30 2007 16:36
I knew I'd heard of Winnemucca somewhere before! It was in the Youth in Revolt books. That explains everything. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Eat It! in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Friday, November 30 2007 15:58
quote:Heh. Now that brings back memories. "You know you spent listless afternoons in San Mateo when..." -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Meadows of Heaven in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Friday, November 30 2007 09:28
I believe you mean "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt. 1"... quite a stellar piece of music. 1. What was the last song you listened to? Pavement, "Carrot Rope" 2. What was the last song / album you bought? M83, Dead Cities, Red Seas & Lost Ghosts 3. What is your favorite song? Ridiculous question. Um... Prick, "Communique" 4. What is your favorite record album? Stereolab, Margerine Eclipse ...hands down. 7. Who is your favorite composer? As far as people traditionally referred to as composers go, Bartok. 12. What artist do you absolutely hate? Coldplay. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Post-Avernum 3 Story in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Thursday, November 29 2007 07:18
That's true. Also, it's unclear that the surface portal just goes to Upper Exile. Since the original Exiling portal went from the surface down, presumably there's at least a possibility the the new surface portal actually goes to the surface. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
*becomes violently ill, vomits profusely* in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Thursday, November 29 2007 07:10
Drew is right. The one thing that is concerning is that this information *could* be put to unscrupulous use. Not against your average Joe, but against those who speak out for positions the people in power find disagreeable. That is unlikely, and it doesn't affect most people. However, if you put a structure in place that makes it possible, and wait long enough, it will eventually happen. That's why this *is* an important issue. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Did Thralni leave? in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Tuesday, November 27 2007 06:32
You wrote a dramatic post, but presumably not that one, since Thuryl fits the bill rather better than you. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Do you think that your creations should be able to carry stuff? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Friday, November 23 2007 21:07
This isn't such a bad suggestion, or at least, it wasn't prior to G4. I remember suggesting the ability to create an auxiliary, noncombat animal comparable to a bag of holding, with more in common with a living tool or thorn baton than a fyora. That was back when encumbrance applied to carried items, though. Jeff listened to us about encumbrance, and now everything is happy; so we don't need to sing about being married and holding each other close. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Do you think that your creations should be able to carry stuff? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Friday, November 23 2007 18:20
Brian Wilson is reeling. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
The Continuing Story of Spiderweb Software in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Friday, November 23 2007 16:34
I suppose that's Alorael's version of "This one time, at band camp..." -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
I'm Curious in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Monday, November 19 2007 06:55
Wikipedia gives several suggestions for the origin but not that one. If you have a better source, I'd be interested to hear about it; the article doesn't sound very authoritative. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Am I An Idiot? in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Sunday, November 18 2007 19:46
The logic problem tests such as you can find online aren't real IQ tests, which normally involve a "battery" of different types of tests. Real IQ tests don't test consistently for what we consider intelligence, either, though they do test consistently for certain subsets of it. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
The abandoned mine. in Nethergate | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Saturday, November 17 2007 20:30
You'll be able to get there later in the game, after a certain event. Until then, you can't get to 'em. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
G3 Errand Boy in Geneforge Series | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Saturday, November 17 2007 19:00
The items he wants are very specific. As I recall, one of them looks almost identical to another item -- maybe a teacup? Check the list against your inventory directly. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Slartucker is going to have a cow when he hears about this," Synergy said. Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Slith Spear in Avernum 4 | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Saturday, November 17 2007 11:52
I like Goethe on censorship. The censors wanted to censor his use of the word "farting", as in "the farting witches." (There are farting witches in Faust, really.) So Goethe allowed them to censor it, and it became "the f---ing witches." -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Call of Cthulhu in General | |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Saturday, November 17 2007 05:29
Does that mean we can take communion with the Cthulhu Head? Call it the euctharist, say... -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central "Making poorly-sourced claims is not the same as determining something." Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |