Profile for Marooner
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Displayed name | Marooner |
Member number | 1695 |
Title | Apprentice |
Postcount | 42 |
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Registered | Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
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Best Free RPG's and MMORPG in General | |
Member # 1695
written Tuesday, March 2 2004 09:32
whats the deal with furcadia its probably the most boringe game ever, i couldnt even find a purpose or goal to it Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Purpose? in General | |
Member # 1695
written Sunday, February 29 2004 04:35
Dolphins do it for fun... why couldn't we! I mean we must be at least as good as them no? Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
What are some good RPGs? in General | |
Member # 1695
written Wednesday, January 28 2004 04:49
I have recently discovered a rather nice MMORPG called "Ashen Empires" which has proven somewhat addictive, even if it still is in beta-testing phase. Ohhh and Fallout Forever!!!!! Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
What does THAT make me?! in General | |
Member # 1695
written Wednesday, January 14 2004 04:22
Hello to you all, some of you may have noticed I haven't writtend in a while... others might never have noticed me, but still... I know you guys (and gals) love to argue, ponder and discuss above all else, so, today I bring you a topic to do just that... I have recently begun the application for the RCMP (aka Royal Canadian Mounted Police, aka Mounties) you have probably seen them on one show at some time, its a Government-base national police force, which is Canadian like equivalent of the FBI and CIA mixed together and with some state policing thrown in. Not to bore you all with details, lets just say the application process takes frome 6 months to one year and is very challenging (0.7% to 1.4% make it to the final interview and half of those are rejected) Now that I've gone through briefing you about what it is, the questions. What's your opinion on Government agencies such as these? Does that make me a bad person? What do you think of undercover-funding based on recuperation and reutilisation of seized property and material? What of police corruption? Please give it a good go people. Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Here We Go Again (Political Compass) in General | |
Member # 1695
written Thursday, January 8 2004 14:03
Economic left/right: 2.62 Social libertian/authoritarian: 1.13 hmmmmm.... Does that mean that I'm a bad person or something?? Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 1695
written Tuesday, November 18 2003 15:16
Maxim kept looking at the room from his outside perspection, he couldn't quite see who the other person inside the room was... The Maxim within the vision woke up. He backed up against the wall and got into a fighting stance. Slowly, the stranger raised his hand at Maxim, lifted him and threw him across the room. It was like a horror scene with no sound. Maxim was floating a foot above the ground, his arm stretched apart by an unseen force. The dark figure came to stand right next to Maxim, then leaned as to whisper to his ear, but there sure was no whispering as Maxim could see himself screaming in the image. As the vision started to blur, he could hear himself screaming, blood covered his eyes, and reality shifted back in. The screaming from the vision grew quieter as sounds from a battle nearby grew more intense and louder. Maxim got up, look around, grabbed his belonging and headed towards the commotion... but not before checking his neck. Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 1695
written Saturday, November 15 2003 08:28
Young Maxim, whom had been unconscious for a while now, came to his senses, with pain, he rose to his feet and looked around. lots of warriors and adventurers were moving around, he was in some sort of crypt or tunnel. He could feel the searing pain in his head and neck, he remembered it all to well, the ambush, the talking, the horrors, and finally his revolt... which ended with him getting bashed on the head with a chair... and now he was here... "Lord, do I feel thirsty" he thought to himself. He inquired a man nearby, dressed in an arch-wizard's robe about his location and situation. The man spoke, "We are closer to hell than heaven, we are trapped, surrounded and probably going to be ambushed any minute now, we need every able man and woman to help with the fighting, so, grab a sword and tag along youngster." Maxim examined his possessions and replied "I already have a sword" with that he took out his trusty fencing sword, which immediatly became crimson red. The Arch-Magi said "hmmm looks like a fire enchanted sword, nice, nice..." Maxim corrected the man "No, it was my father, its called Devil Tongue... it reacts strongly to the unholy and evil forces... but I have never seen it so bright before... surely there is some great evil at work here. The man, intrigued asked Maxim if he could examine the sword. Maxim nodded and handed over the sword. It slowly started to get dimmer a bit... hardly noticeable but still a bit... Maxim had a vision, he saw the room he had slept in, clouds covering it, he saw himself in the bed, slowly the clouds began to dissipate, then the door opened he saw a small framed figure enter. A pain seared from his back, to his neck, to his skull, then he collapsed in the darkness, once again. Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 1695
written Tuesday, November 11 2003 14:12
OOC: maybe some people would just like the cryobeast to die... but who would would want the beast to die, who would be so cruel to reserve it such a fate.. [ Tuesday, November 11, 2003 15:51: Message edited by: Marooner ] Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 1695
written Saturday, November 8 2003 05:16
As the group prepared to retreat to the lower levels of the crypt, a huge creaking sound was heard. As everyone drew their weapons, they saw the northern door, which had not been assaulted since the beggining of the assaults, burst open. Three cloaked figures, carrying a forth an unconscious one, entering the shrine. One of them took off her hood, she had the look of a young woman, yet some could sense an aura of wisdom about her, she spoke : "I am Maïka, and by my sire, I have been ordered to assist you until the death of either Osvello, Calisto or this man, whom is named Maxim. Wether you accept or not such help, is entirely your decision... With that she stood in front of her two male companion, waiting for either an assault or an invitation. /ooc: I'll let you describe the reaction of your characters to the vampires, I believe the older ones, like Osvello and Kel-Aziz, would know what a vampires is/feels like, and Osvello do know them, Lavius, being a cleric, should be able to sense some of their dark nature, wether these three tell the other about them, is their choice. and as for the other, its entirely your choice to either know/like them or not . Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Scholastic Interests in General | |
Member # 1695
written Thursday, November 6 2003 05:31
Hopefully in my last years of studying. I am a student at U of Ottawa, baccalaureate in "Economics-Politics" and "Criminology with credits in, Sociology and Psychology." After Major is over with will seek employment within the RCMP... Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 1695
written Tuesday, November 4 2003 14:01
*sigh* Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
I'd just like to inform you... in General | |
Member # 1695
written Tuesday, November 4 2003 05:23
Why doesn't someone get rid/ban/murder public enemy no.1... after all, he IS the publick enemy no.1! Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 1695
written Tuesday, November 4 2003 05:13
The thunder was raging, the roars and hissing in the distance were becomming barely audible. Some people inside were getting warm from the fire others were playing card games to distract themselves. Then it came, *boom* *boom* *boom* *crrrrrrr* it immediatly became aparent that the eastern door came under assault, clawing and bashing could be heard in the storm, some warriors took arms, ready to act as soon as the eastern door fell. Some soldiers could be heard screaming outside, "probably that hooded stranger's party's under attack" -some soldier thought. Then human screams: "open the door!!! and bashing on the western door was heard two man slowly opened the large oak door as two archers stood, their bow banded, ready to shoot through the first undead that would come through. As the door opened wide enough for one man to come through some advanturers immediatly went in, much to the archers relief. Then, when what seemed like the last of them came in, the soldiers at the door were about to close the door when Lavius shouted: "Wait! Kel-Aziz is still out!!" "Kel-Aziz? That stranger? He's dead for sure..." -the soldier at the gate said. "No look!" -an archer said before letting his arrow fly in the head of a distant zombie. In the distance, a cloaked man could be seen, fighting several undeads at once, walking backwards towards the door as the undead horde became overwhelming. As soon as the man entered the building and sheated his sword, half a dozen arrows flew out the gap between the doors and hit the closer undeads. The guards then closed the doors on some unlucky undead, a few arms and a head were crushed and moved a little on the floor before dying one last time. The Eastern and Western doors would hold some time. The advanturers would have peace for some time, and precious time to prepare defences, some were already building barricades to protect the Western door, but they lacked someone to direct their work, they lacked the experience of someone who had fought the undeads before and was trained in the art of warfare... Meanwhile, across the town, three pale figures were dragging an unconscious man across the rooftops, towards the shrine. Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Adieu, Adieu, Adieu in General | |
Member # 1695
written Monday, November 3 2003 10:44
NOOOOOOOO! Dont kill yourself!!! Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Ruined RPs in General | |
Member # 1695
written Monday, November 3 2003 04:38
I'd go for godlikes too, I think its rather fun to have a weaker, struggling, character, than a brute who goes on a rampage and kill that monster in a swordmotion, which you had planned for your character to take 3 posts at least to maim. Weak characters are more realistic. I think a good exemple is the zombie rp, definitly these rps interest lots of people, but wouldnt it be more fun if instead of the goddies from out of town, we limited to weak citizens and town guards, caught within the horror? Also "some" godlikes are rather useful/balanced, Who's your favorite godlike character? Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Ruined RPs in General | |
Member # 1695
written Sunday, November 2 2003 14:36
What elements or factors do you think are most often found responsible for ruining RPs? Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Happy Halloween in General | |
Member # 1695
written Saturday, November 1 2003 12:20
Post I dressed up as super-man, with a tight suit and all, I also had a fake "apparel" which was about 3-4 inches thick, reached down to my knee and was about 1 foot long hidden under my suit... the girls at the bar kept asking if it was real... hehehehe, too bad my girlfriend wouldnt let them touch... oh and she dressed up as a teenager/rapper/guy, so i guess we were sort of a gay couple! Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Rod Roddy in General | |
Member # 1695
written Wednesday, October 29 2003 09:29
Sandy is dead!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh No!!! Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 1695
written Tuesday, October 28 2003 10:30
Slowly, Maxim opened his eyes, then he noticed he could't recognize where he was, or why he was here, piece by piece, his memory came back together, destruction, death, sorrow, pain, loss, worries, yep, he could remember all those things, and last came terror. "The Vampires" he thought out loud, some of them didn't seem all that evil, but still, they HAD captured citizens, and they had admitted to creating some of the undeads. He looked around. He was lying on the sole bed in this room, his equipment, strangely enough, had been placed on a desk nearby. He could now hear someone coming. He quickly unsheated the Devil's Tongue and put his back against the wall. As the door oppened he heard a deep raspy voice "Time to get up whelp!" -he recognized this voice as Dorgar's. As the Large man entered he crept up on him and took him by surprise. He put his sword to his chin and yelled. "Step back Devil! One movement and I'll not hesitate to pierce your skull!." The large man fixed something behind Maxim and quickly, unsure if this was a bluff or not, Maxim slashed Dorgar across the chess with his sword, leaving a large scar on his throat and scratching his thick armor, and turned to face what was behind him. Dorgar screamed in pain, promising to make him suffer and such, but Maxim couldn't pay attention to him, in front of him stood young Maïka. "Surely you wouldn't hurt a lady" -she said "If I truly knew what you were, then I could be sure of what to do but for now lets just pret..." BOOM! with a large thud, Maxim fell a chair crashing against his head, his vision blurred, he could see Maïka looking surprised and worried, and as he hit the floor, he saw Dorgar, grinning stupidly, holding the now broken chair leg. His last thought before the darkness fell on his mind were: "not again, why do I always get bashed on the head!" Then noting... Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 1695
written Saturday, October 25 2003 11:32
Well that exit sucked, you'd have to be a heck of a loser to abandon everybody in an emergency hopeless situation for some unknown thing... Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 1695
written Thursday, October 23 2003 15:27
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! your character is 11!!!? #1 where would he get canisters? #2 how the heck did he suddenly get here #3 and most of all!!! THIS ISN'T A GENEFORGE RP Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
To speak english or not to english speak veeri vel... in General | |
Member # 1695
written Thursday, October 23 2003 13:41
Bonjour à tout ceux qui parlent franÇais. here you go and dont you mean Québecois? Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
Zombie Attack RP 2 in General | |
Member # 1695
written Thursday, October 23 2003 13:20
OOC: maybe im just to old for this, but: #1 Shaper in Avernum world? #2 11 y/o shaper? first doesnt it take years to be a shaper second WTH??? #3 whats the age average, i like RPs be it let your creativity flow, but there are limits to that, i am sorry but zephyr, you remember me of a kid in BC, ten years ago, who used to think he was a power ranger so bad he acted like one all day long... #4 as for the vampire, the three i mentioned as evil could be used by anyone, probably them being controlled by zane would be cool, think of them as future sub-bosses, as for the other two, they are just your typical physophical vampire who feed but try not to kill... but the heroes dont know that, so they might well attack them on sight anyway, on the basis that they are abominations.... Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
To speak english or not to english speak veeri vel... in General | |
Member # 1695
written Thursday, October 23 2003 13:12
stupid board, cant even understand russian character Mor Xehwnha ot bawa xehwnha ??? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |
To speak english or not to english speak veeri vel... in General | |
Member # 1695
written Thursday, October 23 2003 13:10
Holà a todos que hablan espanol Hello to all who speak english Bonjour à tous ceux qui parle francais ??? ??????? ?? ???? ??????? arigato gosaimasu Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, August 8 2002 07:00 |