improvements for geneforge 3.... your thoughts

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AuthorTopic: improvements for geneforge 3.... your thoughts
Member # 3742
Profile Homepage #0
i see i'm not the only one that wishes your creations could carry things, or wishes that you could fit them with boots, swords and armor.

what are some of your other things you would like to see changed? i personnally would love to see the following "improvements":
1) to make the EXITZONE cheat part of the game. (put in the rules) cant tell you how many hours i wasted walking around and when i found it out, i was miffed!
2)allow creations to equip weapons/armor as described.
3)make it easier to select creatures. cant tell you how many times i went to select an enemy with a artilla to hit him at long range, only to accidentally click next to the monster and the creature would lose a turn, but also get clobbered with a melee attack. (also works in reverse when i go to heal a character, but clicked on the ground instead and lost my turn)
Posts: 26 | Registered: Monday, December 1 2003 08:00
Member # 3521
Profile #1
Allowing all creations to bear weapons or don armor would ruin the uniqueness of the creations, much of which is due to their differences in body structures and attack styles. Rather, I would propose only allowing the humanoid creations (serviles, thahds, battle alphas, rothgroths) to bear armor at all. However, perhaps it would be best if only serviles were allowed to bear armor, as they are the only humanoid creations that lack potent natural armor. Likewise, weapon-bearing should only be allowed for those creations which lack a natural attack, and have dextrous hands capable of grasping such weapons. Again, it would pretty much only make sense to allow serviles to bear weapons. If any humans are available as pick-up creations in GF3 (like Zora in GF2) they should likewise be capable of bearing weapons and armor.

One definite problem I would like to see corrected in GF3 is the problem of moving creations around obstacles and around other creations in combat mode. Creations standing side-by-side should be able to move forward rather than locking each other in place. Another thing I'd like to see, which several other people have also mentioned, is male and female graphics for each player character, or at least for the Guardian and Agent. Sorry to sound sexist, but having to play as a woman when playing the Agent took a lot of the fun out of the character for me. Just couldn't really get into the game, because it didn't feel like role-playing at all. Likewise, several female players have balked at the only graphic for the guardian being a huge burly creature with an undeniably masculine build. And of course, I'd like to see more creations. Hugely powerful ones would be cool, of course, but it would also be nice to have some new lower-end, cheap creations to allow for a respectable alternative to an arms race for gazers and drakons.


"Delusion arises from anger. The mind is bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. One falls down when reasoning is destroyed."- The Bhagavad Gita.
Posts: 1798 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00
Member # 2607
Profile #2
Hear hear! I personally don't mind what my character looks like, but it's bothering me, wondering why there's never any male agents around. The guardian, well, I can live with that one looking rather masculine - bulky armor and all that. But the agent should either have different graphics for either gender, or be less feminine.
Not that I really mind the gender of my characters.
Although, I did name my Shaper 'Sandra' instead of the default Andras.. Renamed just about all the pickup creations I gathered in that game to 'real' names, too... Then abandoned that pre-patch game in favour of a guardian. "Me smash!" ;)

More low end creations would actually be pretty cool. There's just something disturbing, to me anyway, about having creations that are far stronger than the supposed apprentice that shaped them...

Also, a 'pack mule' creation ... Maybe this could be a use for those create Ornk canisters? Ornks could probably carry stuff for you, since they don't seem much good for anything else.
Well, other than comedic value... I was playing GF1 the other day, and the 'Ornk Lord' still cracks me up every time.

1. Forge my Genes, will you!? (attack!)
2. That's all for now. Thanks.
Posts: 82 | Registered: Saturday, February 8 2003 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3022
Profile #3
More low end creations would actually be pretty cool. There's just something disturbing, to me anyway, about having creations that are far stronger than the supposed apprentice that shaped them...
Maybe Jeff is trying to make a point here? ;) Especially as the *really* powerful creations requires some dubious morality and loss of sanity (through canister abuse) to acquire.... Something about power without control?
Posts: 269 | Registered: Saturday, May 24 2003 07:00
Member # 3704
Profile #4
Originally written by FZ:

Maybe Jeff is trying to make a point here? ;) Especially as the *really* powerful creations requires some dubious morality and loss of sanity (through canister abuse) to acquire.... Something about power without control?[/QB]
your probably right but ive beaten the game withought augmentation or canister use and its quite fun ive also learned how to make fairly strong monsters :cool:

awesome geneforge 1 editor
cool g2 editor

Posts: 30 | Registered: Thursday, November 20 2003 08:00
Member # 1418
Profile Homepage #5

The Story
1. Let us use the Geneforge! I want to be a power-hungry, psychopathic, glow-in-the-dark rogue shaper.

2. Bring back Clois! :(

3. What happened to Sharon? It never mentioned her in the endings.

4. We've had two games that take place in the middle of nowhere. Can we have a game that takes place near real Shaper cities?

The Technical Junk:

1. Fire Creations need more power. Getting hit by a giant fireball spewed by a 20-foot tall dragon is supposed to hurt more than getting stared at by some freakishly large eyeball.

2. Make Eyebeasts weaker! The game doesn't need a high-damage, stunning Aura of Flames.

3. Please, we don't need occasionals. A 200 HP Charged Artila in a demo area isn't going to make anyone happy.

Geneforge 2 Editor-Use it, or die by the hands of 7 Level 64 Eyebeasts.
Do NOT click here.
Posts: 406 | Registered: Tuesday, July 2 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 549
Profile #6
Being able to dual wield weapons would be nice, especially batons since they're like guns. It would also be nice if you can create beasts of burden to carry around your stuff. It would also be nice if there are class specific skills and some more passive skills. The Shaper could have some kind of aura that gives creations within a certain radius extra hp and resistance, the Agent can have a magic deflection/reflection skill, and the Guardian can have some kind of regeneration skill. I think it would be reasonable if you were able to capture rogues and either have them brought to a NPC to be converted into one of your creations or if you had enough leadership and shaping skills, control them yourself.
Posts: 227 | Registered: Thursday, January 24 2002 08:00
Member # 3376
Profile #7
i would think having trainers improving our skills is a good thing, cap it at 2, but not to the extent of base + 2.
Our primary stats shld influence more skills, example intelligence, it shld affect leadership and lockpicking.
Make the monsters auto level based on the players level.
Posts: 71 | Registered: Friday, August 22 2003 07:00
Member # 3748
Profile #8
I think that you should be able to interact with some of your smarter creations like the ones that can talk. Or maybe if you brought up thier intelligence to a certian level you would be able to talk with them.
Posts: 1 | Registered: Tuesday, December 2 2003 08:00
Member # 169
Profile #9
Do you have any clue how difficult and/or pointless that would be? Seriously, what are you going to talk to them about?
Posts: 422 | Registered: Tuesday, October 16 2001 07:00
Member # 3746
Profile #10
Hmm... Well, in the case of my Drakon, it would be interesting to get his opinion on Shaping in general. Considering he's still completely obedient, yet intelligent. To be honest, it might end up being something like one of those annoying desktop pets. :(

I'd like to see Shapers be able to make serviles. Obviously, they can carry things. They can talk, even if not well. They can use weapons. I'd like to be able to custom equip them. Heust Blade was really useful, but his weapon array was limited to javalins and a sword. What about those nasty shaped lances, the more powerful version of javalins? Or thorn batons?

Which reminds me. How is it that Drayks, even though they have no hands, can still carry around 60 coins each?

Chance Forums
Posts: 153 | Registered: Tuesday, December 2 2003 08:00
Member # 656
Profile Homepage #11
Jeff should really bring back the GF1 version of unlocking doors. I find it extremely annoying that i have to use, say, 4 living tools instead of 1 living tool and the unlock spell.

*I am not a guest. A Board
Posts: 127 | Registered: Wednesday, February 20 2002 08:00
Member # 656
Profile Homepage #12
Something is wrong here, how could I possible TRIPLE post!?

[ Wednesday, December 03, 2003 16:11: Message edited by: Melaw the Mage ]

*I am not a guest. A Board
Posts: 127 | Registered: Wednesday, February 20 2002 08:00
Member # 3746
Profile #13
(erases double post)

Curses! I hate double posts!

Melaw, agreed. At the end of the game, I had to search about 12 areas to find one.

[ Wednesday, December 03, 2003 16:08: Message edited by: Arcblade ]

Chance Forums
Posts: 153 | Registered: Tuesday, December 2 2003 08:00
Member # 656
Profile Homepage #14
I double posted! This topic must be cursed

[ Wednesday, December 03, 2003 16:10: Message edited by: Melaw the Mage ]

*I am not a guest. A Board
Posts: 127 | Registered: Wednesday, February 20 2002 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 549
Profile #15
Being able to hire mercenaries or creations would be great for Guardians and Agents. You wouldn't be able to control the hirelings and they would take a percentage of the gold you pick up and you should be able to dismiss them if you want. You should be able to select what kind of attack your creations use. All creations should have their own spells or abilities that uses energy. Especially battle creations, they have nothing better to do with their energy. Thahds could have some kind of skill that increases their attack damage. Clawbugs could have a poison sting. Battle Alphas can have some kind of regneration. Rotgroths can have an acid spit attack.
Posts: 227 | Registered: Thursday, January 24 2002 08:00
Member # 3521
Profile #16
The entire point of having the "Magic Shaping" division of creations is to distinguish magic-using creations from simple "straight-damage" creations. Giving Battle Shaping creations the power to cast spells would effectively remove the division between creations like, say, clawbugs and glaahks. Also, Rothgroths already have an acid attack; it's part of their standard melee attack. I do agree, though, that the player should be able to set a default attack form for those creations that have both a melee and a missile attack.

Your point about the energy for Battle and Fire Shaping creations is a good one. I would suggest that this problem be remedied in GF3 not by granting these creations spells to use up their energy, but by providing all Fire and Battle Shaping creations with a fast-recharging "Shielding Energy" bar which would take all the damage in battle for the creation until exhausted, at which time damage would begin to be subtracted from HP. Shielding energy would recharge partially between rounds of combat. Perhaps this innovation would even things out for Battle and Fire Shaping creations and reduce the near-complete dominance Magic Shaping holds in GF2.

As for the mercenaries idea, it could work. Being able to hire powerful human warriors or mages, or perhaps even Shapers, would be very interesting indeed. However, I think the "percentage of gold" thing would be rather hard to implement. A flat cost to purchase the services of a given mercenary would make things simpler.


"Delusion arises from anger. The mind is bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. One falls down when reasoning is destroyed."- The Bhagavad Gita.
Posts: 1798 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00
Member # 1451
Profile Homepage #17
i on the other want a wait button on the quickspell bar so's i dont have to click myself, and some kind of field lines in combat mode so i'd be able to see how many aps my avatar will use. EOT

I am pleased to make contact with your entities.
Posts: 123 | Registered: Sunday, July 7 2002 07:00
Member # 3521
Profile #18
Originally written by Abu Dhabi:

i on the other want a wait button on the quickspell bar so's i dont have to click myself, and some kind of field lines in combat mode so i'd be able to see how many aps my avatar will use. EOT
Avatar? What avatar? Are you just talking about your character in the game?


"Delusion arises from anger. The mind is bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. One falls down when reasoning is destroyed."- The Bhagavad Gita.
Posts: 1798 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 58
Profile #19
I would like the action point consumption to be modified. I dislike the fact that if I accidentally use an attack or magic spell with 9 or less AP remaining, I lose the other four minus. Most of the time I'd like to use the remaining AP to move away from the enemy or use an item. It works the other way around, so I see no reason why it shouldn't be symmetric.
Posts: 286 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 3742
Profile Homepage #20
i started this topic, but forgot my number one pet peeve: there should be a "on guard" option. say my thaad has 8 hp, but i dont want him to use 7 of it just getting to the enemy, and then not have enough AP to take a swing and thus leaving him vulnerable for the round. If he has at least 5AP left, you should be able to click a STAND ON GUARD button, and this means he'll stay where he is, but if an enemy comes within his range, he's able to take a swing before the enemy does. (again, providing he had enough AP to do his attack. You wouldnt be able to use the button if the character has 4 or less AP) This is used effectively in other RPG games.
Posts: 26 | Registered: Monday, December 1 2003 08:00
Member # 1877
Profile #21
The only thing that has not been said before that i can come up with is: Please, i want more graphs for the agent, shaper and guardian. Not just new paint jobs!

Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00
Member # 3608
Profile Homepage #22
Originally written by Stughalf:

Another thing I'd like to see, which several other people have also mentioned, is male and female graphics for each player character, or at least for the Guardian and Agent. Sorry to sound sexist, but having to play as a woman when playing the Agent took a lot of the fun out of the character for me. Just couldn't really get into the game, because it didn't feel like role-playing at all. Likewise, several female players have balked at the only graphic for the guardian being a huge burly creature with an undeniably masculine build.
It HAS been said, kthxbai.

The Great Mister[/url]
Posts: 972 | Registered: Tuesday, October 28 2003 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 549
Profile #23
Originally written by Stughalf:

The entire point of having the "Magic Shaping" division of creations is to distinguish magic-using creations from simple "straight-damage" creations. Giving Battle Shaping creations the power to cast spells would effectively remove the division between creations like, say, clawbugs and glaahks. Also, Rothgroths already have an acid attack; it's part of their standard melee attack. I do agree, though, that the player should be able to set a default attack form for those creations that have both a melee and a missile attack.

Your point about the energy for Battle and Fire Shaping creations is a good one. I would suggest that this problem be remedied in GF3 not by granting these creations spells to use up their energy, but by providing all Fire and Battle Shaping creations with a fast-recharging "Shielding Energy" bar which would take all the damage in battle for the creation until exhausted, at which time damage would begin to be subtracted from HP. Shielding energy would recharge partially between rounds of combat. Perhaps this innovation would even things out for Battle and Fire Shaping creations and reduce the near-complete dominance Magic Shaping holds in GF2.

As for the mercenaries idea, it could work. Being able to hire powerful human warriors or mages, or perhaps even Shapers, would be very interesting indeed. However, I think the "percentage of gold" thing would be rather hard to implement. A flat cost to purchase the services of a given mercenary would make things simpler.

I'm not talking about spells for battle creations, I'm talking about natural abilities. Like Thahds using their energy to do an extra powerful punch or Clawbugs using their energy to add some poison to their sting. As for the mercenary, the percentage of gold thing would not only make more sense than the flat fee, it would also prevent the Guardian and Agent from being more powerful than the Shaper. Since mercenaries will compensate for the Agent and Guardian's lack of shaping skills, having a flat fee would make Agents and Guardians like super powerful Shapers, unless the mercenaries are really expensive.

[ Thursday, December 04, 2003 10:30: Message edited by: vicheron ]
Posts: 227 | Registered: Thursday, January 24 2002 08:00
Member # 2128
Profile #24
I would not only like less sexistic graphics (though they don't really annoy me, since I prefer to play the agent), but I'd like more colour schemes. I'd really like to play a shaper (of any type) with black robes.
I find the idea of shops running out of money unrealistic. Am I their only client?
They way of travelling in Geneforge is far faster than in Exile/ Avernum, but it is highly unrealistic, too.
I'd like to be able to equip two kinds of weapons (short-range and wide-range).

Oh, and the difficultes area should be at the end, and not on some sidekick-dungeon.
And I'd like to learn who's the bad guy earlier. Who was Eass? And why was he (or the other dragons) important?

I do not like this "letting stuff lie around". The idea of the charms was great, but why do they take so much of my expensive storeroom?
Posts: 55 | Registered: Tuesday, October 22 2002 07:00
