improvements for geneforge 3.... your thoughts

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AuthorTopic: improvements for geneforge 3.... your thoughts
Shock Trooper
Member # 3683
Profile #175
I agree about the trainer's cap, especially it seems illogical to place Learn Guass at the hardest area which by that time, the char should have been quite strong anyway.

Also, having some early quests that give a free stat only means that we get cheated on the available trainer's offer in the next area - that is quite frustrating.

Actually, instead of larger areas, I'd rather see work done on tidbit things that have been discussed here like better use of wands, two handed weapon ability, etc.
Posts: 266 | Registered: Wednesday, November 12 2003 08:00
Member # 3698
Profile Homepage #176
u play guardian?

with the two handed weapon wielder thing(2 weapons). I think that it is a great idea but you would need to be able to defend yourself. Maybe you could defend with the two weapons (swords, daggers, etc., not wands)?

Hi. Why is the universe so BIG? Why am I human? How come hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns 8? This will all be solved in time young padawan. Your quest for the ultimate Aztec manuer is coming to a climax. May the force be with you!!!
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10101 Software - You can take my iMac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the wireless mouse!
Posts: 179 | Registered: Tuesday, November 18 2003 08:00
Member # 3698
Profile Homepage #177
how would you controll your weapons?

Lets say you have a sword in one hand and a baton in the other.
lets also say that you are fighting a Battle Gamma.
How would you controll which weapon to use?

Could it be a pop up window like the spells? You click on the gloved hand in the bottom left corner of the screen during combat mode and a window would come up (like with spells). Then you could choose to attack from the left or right hand. It would tell you what you had in your hands also.

Hi. Why is the universe so BIG? Why am I human? How come hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns 8? This will all be solved in time young padawan. Your quest for the ultimate Aztec manuer is coming to a climax. May the force be with you!!!
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10101 Software - You can take my iMac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the wireless mouse!
Posts: 179 | Registered: Tuesday, November 18 2003 08:00
Member # 3698
Profile Homepage #178
Also, could you select which hand is better (right handed, left handed) in the statistics screen when you made your character? This would have to be permanant though the game so all it would show you when the game has started is what hand you are better in. You could not edit it.

The better hand would do more damage or somthing. It could improve your armor if you had a shield on that hand(better use of the shield. If you have played warcraft III you would understand (playing humans and research defend))

Hi. Why is the universe so BIG? Why am I human? How come hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns 8? This will all be solved in time young padawan. Your quest for the ultimate Aztec manuer is coming to a climax. May the force be with you!!!
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10101 Software - You can take my iMac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the wireless mouse!
Posts: 179 | Registered: Tuesday, November 18 2003 08:00
Member # 4324
Profile Homepage #179
Leave the Gazers as they were, or make them stronger, they're my favorite creation so don't bring them down, you need the common, middle, and royal classes.
They should allow us to make serviles, and creations should carry our stuff, just like slaves would, just carry. The mighty Shapers, creators of life, has to lug around 200 pounds of stuff while his creations walk around carefree.
Also, why are some in-game Shapers able to make thousands of creations and use them for their benefits and we get to make 7.

"My warriors desire your blood, mortal, and by the will of my dark masters, it shall not be denied," The Warlord of Blood.
Posts: 4 | Registered: Tuesday, April 27 2004 07:00
Member # 3698
Profile Homepage #180
yeah, you should be able to make more creation than seven. Maybe there could be a little scrolling bar under the character tracker thing in the upper right corner.

I think that there should be a kind of a sting-ray/scorpion creation that hovers by beating it's wings. It would not go over trees though.

Hi. Why is the universe so BIG? Why am I human? How come hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns 8? This will all be solved in time young padawan. Your quest for the ultimate Aztec manuer is coming to a climax. May the force be with you!!!
This is where I want you to click! Rate me! Ha Ha
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10101 Software - You can take my iMac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the wireless mouse!
Posts: 179 | Registered: Tuesday, November 18 2003 08:00
Member # 4345
Profile #181
Well if serviles were a creation they probably should be able to use weapons and armour, because they arent incredibly strong otherwise, and they also have that slow walking speed like Ornks.

You could make it an online multiplayer thing so you could fight other teams or something

"Damn Scots. They ruined scotland!"-Groundskeeper Willy, the Simpsons
Posts: 96 | Registered: Tuesday, May 4 2004 07:00
Member # 3698
Profile Homepage #182
It needs more different sound effects.

Hi. Why is the universe so BIG? Why am I human? How come hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns 8? This will all be solved in time young padawan. Your quest for the ultimate Aztec manuer is coming to a climax. May the force be with you!!!
This is where I want you to click! Rate me! Ha Ha
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10101 Software - You can take my iMac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the wireless mouse!
Posts: 179 | Registered: Tuesday, November 18 2003 08:00
Member # 3349
Profile Homepage #183
more weapon options. (sorry if his was mentioned before)

And everybody say....Yatta!
Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00
Member # 4415
Profile #184
Well, one thing it needs is to be slightly more -responsive-.

By which I mean, things you do need to have noticable effects whether or not you do them as part of quests. For example - Recently, in my game, I killed Barzahl, and... Well, weird things happened. Not surprisingly, the Barzites started attacking me on sight - but surprisingly, so did the Awakened sympathizers and Awakened spy in North Rising Gates! Hostility needs to be painted less broadly than region by region - I don't know enough about programming to really know what I'm doing, but it seems to be like it should be possible to make more specific changes - attacked by the guards and not by the civilians, for example.

In fact, I KNOW you can do that because you did it in the Qurem-usss (or whatever the Taker stronghold is called) power supply - the Power Golems don't attack you even if they're right next to Guard Golems or Miner Golems who are attacking you, and they also don't attack the other golems or vice versa. If you applied that script to 'noncombatants' in towns, things would have more versimilitude.

Plus, more events should trigger those text boxes - When you kill a faction leader, you should be instantly aware of what a profound effect you have just had on the area. Maybe guards flee before your profound power. Hell, maybe you can even dominate the town and make them pay tribute.


I want to second the earlier request to be able to speak to your creations. It would be a convenient method of setting their base A.I., and it could be very interesting when dealing with intelligent creations such as Drakons or Eyebeasts. If your creature begs for a second chance when you absorb it, it forces you to really confront the morality of what you're doing.

Pack animals! More specifically, Pack Serviles! I want to see outraged Awakened trying to talk your loyal shaped steward in to seeking freedom, and then outright rioting a week later when you casually menton you absorbed him to free up the essence.


Creatures who join up with you, such as Xander or Herst Blade, should also be 'talkable'. Additionally, they should kick up a little text box when they die, and open up a quest to notify their next of kin.

In fact, they should be open for more quests in general. Imagine if you take Herst Blade in to the Taker town, and his old commander recognizes him! The town might riot to see you dominating him in town, especially when he defends you from them! Or if you take Xander, a free servile caster, to meet Zakary!

There's a lot of opportunity for inter-character interaction that is lost due to admittedly inescapable limitations on free time to program and cash. If possible, if you get enough cash out of Geneforge 2, I'd love to see more of those opportunities taken in Geneforge 3.
Posts: 9 | Registered: Friday, May 21 2004 07:00
Member # 4263
Profile #185
Originally written by Publicly Displayed Name:

1. Fire Creations need more power. Getting hit by a giant fireball spewed by a 20-foot tall dragon is supposed to hurt more than getting stared at by some freakishly large eyeball.

2. Make Eyebeasts weaker! The game doesn't need a high-damage, stunning Aura of Flames.

1.being killed by the phsycic power of a gazer/eyebeast is ment to hurt more thank being stomped on by some stupid lizard.
I mean Eyebeast are waaaaaaaaay more powerful than ur-drakons.....and cheaper :o does.

Custer is the worlds biggest noob
Custer is the worlds biggest noob
Custer is the worlds biggest noob
Posts: 54 | Registered: Thursday, April 15 2004 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #186
Heh, you (RiotGearEpsilon) must be the only person who thinks that the GFs aren't responsive enough. I think this is more of an individual bug than a system-wide issue, though.

If you want text boxes that tell you what you've just done, play Avernum. I thought the GFs were interesting in their setup. I didn't know exactly what would happen (or what had just happened, in some cases) as a result of my actions. I liked this effect. *shrug*

A quest to notify their next of kin? I really don't like this idea, but I'm not sure why, so I can't justifiably say anything bad about it. I liked the way Nethergate handled joinable NPCs, that they would give dialog boxes ("talk" to the party, kind of) at certain times, mid-dungeon.

I would really like to see GF3 be to GF1 and GF2 what A3 was to A2 and A1: a truly monumental epic, the culmination of everything that preceded it. Although hopefully he won't throw combat out of whack, the way he has done for thirds in a series before.

[ Friday, May 21, 2004 23:20: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

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Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 4415
Profile #187
Don't get me wrong - the game is super-responsive. The thing is that seeing all that responsiveness only makes me want MORE responsiveness. Why miss heaven by inches, after all?

The notify-next-of-kin thing is a little silly, I admit, but I think the death of a party member should be a significant enough event to make you recognize the fact that someone just _died_. Something should be done to notify it, and make it less of a "Dammit! This dumb A.I. refused to retreat again! Now I have to start that fight all over again."

Of course, that might be better solved by allowing direct control of joinable NPC's instead of continuous A.I. control.

The text boxes don't necessarily have to tell you what the RESULTS of your action should be, but they should, in some way, hint to you that you have done something that will have a dramatic, possibly violent effect on the landscape.

And as you said, huge, epic games are never a bad thing.
Posts: 9 | Registered: Friday, May 21 2004 07:00
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #188
Has anyone turned this thread into a concise list yet?

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Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 3349
Profile Homepage #189
Yeah, I agree. I'd like gender and color options too. My favorite character is the agent but since I'm male I feel uncomfortable playing as an Agent.

And everybody say....Yatta!
Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00
Member # 4385
Profile #190
What about some more magic and spells?
Posts: 1 | Registered: Friday, May 14 2004 07:00
Member # 3698
Profile Homepage #191
Here you guys, I'll make a list of all this stuff (coming soon for Alex)

Hi. Why is the universe so BIG? Why am I human? How come hot dogs come in packages of 10 and buns 8? This will all be solved in time young padawan. Your quest for the ultimate Aztec manuer is coming to a climax. May the force be with you!!!
This is where I want you to click! Rate me! Ha Ha
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10101 Software - You can take my iMac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the wireless mouse!
Posts: 179 | Registered: Tuesday, November 18 2003 08:00
Member # 3797
Profile #192
what would be cool, for geneforge 3, if you make an editor, or even for yourselves, make real colour maps, with displacement maps and models, using a true 3d environment with sprites or whatever... thats the concept used comercially almost 6 years ago, it shouldnt be that hard now... even so, you guys seem to be more gameplay based than graphics based. and if you need colour maps or models, I make them for alot of games, just ask. Another thing geneforge lacked was bonds with well anyone... i dont my character really being able to depend on anythign through the entire game, simpl because of how badly the evolution was, i just had to start again, with a new creature...
Posts: 13 | Registered: Wednesday, December 17 2003 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3862
Profile #193
I was thinking that maybe you could possibly control the entire group but only for certain areas. Like all 3 types of characters come in at the beginning of the level and you split up. You would then control each one at a time on their different paths. For example you would control the Agent along her entire path until she gets to a certain spot or gets stuck, you could then move onto your guardian or shaper, and they would all come together at one spot for a big battle, give each other items which would benefit the others best, talk about stuff they found and split up again. This would give the game an aspect of a further advanced level of team work and even some degree of puzzle making.

[ Tuesday, June 08, 2004 14:34: Message edited by: Martyrfox ]

Legends tell that Avernum,
Is a gateway to the underworld,
from which the dead never return,
Well thats a lie because im here now aren't I.
"Never get into a fight with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
Posts: 312 | Registered: Tuesday, January 6 2004 08:00
Member # 3349
Profile Homepage #194
I'd also like it if you could leave creations in a different town where you are. When I was going into another town the loading screen came up and said, "Press = to keep your monsters inactive for a while" and I thought I could keep one of my Thalds in Drypeak while I investigated Sharon's Grove and I got really mad when I saw I couldn't.

Yeah I'd like it if I could leave my creations around for a while so I didn't have to feed them...

And everybody say....Yatta!
Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00
Member # 4498
Profile #195
I already sent Spiderweb an e-mail about this, but Geneforge 3 needs a charcter editor, like in the Avernum games and basically all the other Spiderweb RPGs. This was one of the main reasons I didn't buy Geneforge off the bat. :( I think this would make people a bit happier if they get stuck. The editor would allow how many spells you know at what level and the creations you can make at what level. Also, make male/female genders for each character type. Also, if there is not going to be a "Blades" of Geneforge, maybe there could be a World Editor where people could make entirely new scenarios for people to play (these would be massive and few in number.) Just a suggestion... :D
Posts: 6 | Registered: Wednesday, June 9 2004 07:00
Member # 4513
Profile #196
"Also, why are some in-game Shapers able to make thousands of creations and use them for their benefits and we get to make 7."
I think that there should be a house or mansion or fortress, etc. Where you can have many servants waiting for you, your party would still have a maximum of 7. This would also be part of having your servants wait in other cities as was mentioned earlier. Also, in order to make this work, the permanent missing essence thing would have to be scrapped (I, personally, wouldn't miss it anyway.)
Also, Ornks should be left the way they are, sort of a useless easter egg kind of thing. But that you should be able to shape serviles, to carry stuff for you.
Last but not least, there should be some sort of creation mutating ability to further the uniqueness of each creation.

Praise the wine
So divine and it stings like a rose
Allow the night to flow inside
open the window
let the wind blow
Highlight of the night is the unhappy ending
You keep refusing to answer my calls
Drop the bending
stop the pretending
You say get ready for the last waltz
Posts: 1 | Registered: Thursday, June 10 2004 07:00
Member # 3349
Profile Homepage #197
Good idea Semmiel, having a couple slaves would be usefull for carrying all my gold...

And everybody say....Yatta!
Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00
Member # 4112
Profile #198
Originally written by Semmiel:

"Also, why are some in-game Shapers able to make thousands of creations and use them for their benefits and we get to make 7."

That is because our PC is not a fully extensively educated shaper ... it takes years of experience et expensive equipment to create awesome amounts of beneficious beings.

AKA xKiv : I/O,I/O, it's off to disk I go ...
Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, March 18 2004 08:00
Member # 4574
Profile #199
I think that we should be able to be serviles. I would also like to be able to have packmules like ornks, roamers, etc. Of cours more creations and spells. One spell I definetly would like to see is a spell that allows me to completly mind control a creation. A wand that could do that would also be great.

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