Profile for The Crimson Coyote
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Displayed name | The Crimson Coyote |
Member number | 8036 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 67 |
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Registered | Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
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Author | Recent posts |
Naming Trakovites in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Friday, November 9 2007 18:50
I kind of agree with the Trakovites. But I do think that Shaping should not be thrown to waste. -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Thursday, November 8 2007 22:20
that actually sounds cool... Map Quest! An adventure game where you go on a Quest, over a **** load of maps! -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, November 7 2007 21:09
My comp is out of date. There for, if it runs on Winblows its not worth playing, end of story... -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, November 7 2007 09:25
No... is it any good? Can it run on Macs and is there a Demo i can Sample? -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, November 7 2007 07:24
What ever.... Well, my earlier idea (shock points etc) was for a stand alone game idea based off of a engine similar to BoA. only problem is I cant program... :( I have this idea you see. I think its a great idea, and although its not the fantasy stuff that you are all familiar with, it would make a good Multiplayer or mini game. Its an Armed Defenders Tactical Combat Simulation game with a few RPG elements. Its based more around the Devastation of gun fire, and the use of cover and what ever one can use to prevent there Team from getting slaughtered as they try to under go missions. One thing is, the game is played entirely in a combat mode system similar to Avernum's combat system. The game is more oriented on sneaking up on your foe and cutting his throat or using flash bombs on a room to knock everyone out. Rather than the system of Creating characters, I have this idea, you hire randomly created and skilled characters. as you play though the game, you loose people so you have to replace them (no Load save stuff) If you loose all your men, you have to hire a new team. I really think some one should try to create the game, even as a Freeware game. -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Creation Armour in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, November 7 2007 03:56
Anything we say sadly, has a 000000000000.01% chance of being implemented. No, Im not saying it won't be included, that would be insulting, Im just saying there is a slim chance of anything being used. (yes, an obscure movie reference that fits with the occasion. neon genesis: evangelion) -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Luck in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, November 7 2007 03:48
WTF dose luck EXACTLY do, What special encounters is it useful, and how dose it affect game play. I also ask the same question... -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Do you like changes in Avernum or not in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, November 7 2007 03:40
personally, I loved the Avernum 3 UI. press M for magical spells, and a little pop up comes up. You are how ever able to click it away and continue using your movement, without having to CLOSE the window. The ice lances spell was an easy to cast spell (a,b,c,f,g Space, Crack crack crack, crack, splatter crack) I could quickly use my items on the fly with the I button, and quickly go back to my map to see my current position. Also, I liked the One title dedicated to your party in Out doors exploration. It gave the world a bit more of a larger feel than the tiles are. It made the world seem bigger and believable. The Graphics to BoA had there own charm, and I believed that they were very well done and were very well done isometric 2D characters. They reminded me of the Infantry in Tiberium sun. For some reason or other, I just have a love for characters like that. I use to (when I was on a PC) use Paint to create some really highly detailed pixel people like the Original Avernum games. Although I understand that Jeff probably wanted to make a change in graphics, I think using graphics that we have seen before in other games he had made, was a very bad turn. I too also like the Geneforge graphics, but they are like putting an Oak Tree in the Sahara. Personally, I believe Avernum 4 is a bit of a Joke compared to what Jeff can do... I don't mean that to be mean, I know I have seen much better from the man. As a Story teller, I respect Jeff. I Belive Its time for a New story. -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, November 7 2007 03:06
Another idea I just came up with is a Physics engine, combined with pauses to represent rounds/turns in combat to allow many choices in the way you fight. Do you kick the Monster in the head, while trying to elbow the other guy behind you? Don't think its possible? have a look at Tori bash and HL2. Also, additionally, I wish to remind everyone what an RPG is: Role Playing Game. Half Life could be an RPG, as you are PLAYING, the ROLE, of Gordon Freeman, in a Game. There for, any game where you play as a character, is a RPG. is there a game where you DO NOT play the role of some one? Look at the mindless game Tetras. -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Creation Armour in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Saturday, November 3 2007 02:37
ok it is official: Creations need more power! (last game I played I used no creations what so ever) -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Saturday, November 3 2007 02:33
Do you think Jeff is interested in starting a new RPG universe around realism over Fantasy? I did have a wicked sick idea for a Si-fi TRPG but do not have the Know how or the facilities to make it more than just a game that I tried to make with %d/10D games with my friends who have little interest to being with of such things. (geeze they are usless at RPG games, they call there toons ****ed up names like Peta Chenie and try to play a Pedofile toon :( and there toons fate usually ends up being bashed to death by Town drunks, and large quantities of household vermin because they refuse to adventure, and rather act like some lvl 1 noob from Goldshire in Warcraft) [ Saturday, November 03, 2007 02:34: Message edited by: The Crimson Coyote ] -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fan Art in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Friday, November 2 2007 18:31
The Tree! lol Nah, the Shaper with the Artilla -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Dualrunning in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Friday, November 2 2007 00:31
hmm... ... Ever considered we are part of a Computer game? And when the application closes, all existence is lost until its reloaded? -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Friday, November 2 2007 00:27
that reminds me of an RPG on computer I wanted to create, but don't have the skills to make. :( At the moment I'm getting sick of allot of RPG games out on the market. They are Cliché in story, enemies are ether too hard or too easy and mathematically impossible to beat, and the Path of the story's are too linear for my tastes. If I dont like the story, I cant play the game well. What made me come to GF4 was that these flaws in many of games, are just about non existent. How ever, one thing I do like in most of the P&PRPGs is that the GM can emphasize on the frailness of a human. I think there should be permeant consequences for going down to %15 health. Things like a Limp, loss of eye, or limb. I remember in Dominions 3 an item that if equipped forced you to cut out the Character using its eye out. If I personally wrote the game I would add a chance of going insane because of the Injury, etc. (yes, you can tell my Favorite spell was mass MADNESS in GF4) -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Creation Armour in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Friday, November 2 2007 00:00
I like the Idea personally. I also have a good idea: pack mules! Each Creation has his on inventory, and things it may use? Of corse, some creations may be limited to what they can use. -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fan Art in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Thursday, November 1 2007 23:57
Yes... I went for a more anime approach. The Tree was initially suppose to be the starts of a frosts but I scraped the idea when I drew the Shaper in the Back ground. Then I wanted him to have a companion, and I suck at drawing Fyoras so I stuck with the Artilla. Then I felt he needed a life crafter or a rouge to take on. Since I just finished watching Hellsing, I felt like an excuse to draw an overcoat or robe. The Wingbolt came into the equation after getting my ass kicked by the bloody things on the Torment mode. -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
More Melee attacks in Avernum in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Thursday, November 1 2007 01:08
ok... Thank you for your coment first of all... quote:Second is a Joke that I hope no one will take to heart, its simply light hearted. Q: What dose Blizzard and Jeff have in common? A: There both evil when it comes to Nerfing. -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
More Melee attacks in Avernum in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, October 31 2007 20:05
I have a few Ideas of what could be added as more attacks. They are simple, and at the same time, useful. ill start with Backstab: When you have your main warrior PC in combat, and they are attacking securely, you can use another PC with reasonable melee ability to sneak in behind and sit behind the target. He will automatically use backstab, but he looses the bonus if he is attacking or attacked. ... My next idea is with the pole arm weapons. In RL we used them over swords because they have a good range in melee to hold ground with. my idea is that when charged, your PC with a pike will get a free attack, and you can melee with some one two tiles away from you without worry of being counter attacked. Another idea I have is Barricade. It acts sort of like the Roman method of locking shields and taking up more of a defensive position. In game play Terms, this means that all ranged attacks like Arrow fire and fire bolt (although it may be volleyed) can not directly hurt party members/Frendly NPCs behind the target, allowing them to fire back with spells and such. I also have an idea for a passive ability, similar to the AP modifications in G4. A Standard PC/NPC has to have five AP to attack, but some on with this ability, when used can attack with as little as even one AP, but is vulnerable to Counter attack. (the above Pole arms, etc) but his damage is doubled for the turn that he charges only. particularly this question is aimed at Jeff, but... what do all of you think so far? (I think I can come up with more) -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fan Art in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, October 31 2007 19:32
an Earlyer peace I did. I have not started on the sky, but over that, what do you think of it? ![]() -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fantastical Thoughts On RPG Game Mechanics in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, October 31 2007 02:07
Ok... Screw reading though all of that... Ill just add my 2 cents. Ok, I find too many games use a Hit point system. I have a Better Idea to add more of a real life feel: The System of Shock points. If you have played P&PRPG games you would know what this system is, but I will tell you all any way: The System works with the character having a paper Doll representing his physical body. Each arm and leg has maybe six shock boxes. His body has eight, and his head have four. When you are attacking some one with this system, you get to first attack where you suspect may be the easiest point to attack or you use the best attack for the job. If he is using a shield in one hand it may make it difficult to attack particular limbs. The % is worked out with the Weapon sills, melee skills/Gunnying skill etc, and Prime Request stat of Strength, Agility etc. Once you lay an attack on, and you hit, you hit that limb, the victims armor reduces some of the damage by absorbing its Shock Damage. Damage: There are two kinds of damage; Shock and Killing. Shock is like a superficial hit that fades off after a turn, killing is like a big critical injury that would require medical attention. When all the Shock Boxes on a damaged limb are filled with shock, any further damage becomes killing damage, and killing damage doubles. Killing is always added first. Armor: Shock damage is applied to the Clothing Durability and dose not apply to the player. All Killing damage is converted to Shock that can not be removed. Ill let you guys play with this... -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Another Poll (Yay!) in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Wednesday, October 31 2007 01:27
All humans are unreasonable to an extent. and also, I like the Shapers as there way did work. How ever, I would be allot kinder to my creations than the Shapers, though I agree with there control over such powerful and easy to misuse magic/science. I also DO agree with the Trakovites that Shaping is the root cause of all the destruction, but I don't believe that It is a power that can be used for a greater good, and should not be wasted. It dose not mater how much you try to turn a blind eye, and pretend something dose not exists, it dose! Some may say Ignorance is bliss, but to me, Forced ignorance its an excuse to be a fool. ... What am I? -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fan Art in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Sunday, October 28 2007 15:03
Thank you :D , and Please explain what you meant by over doing it? -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fan Art in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Friday, October 26 2007 15:12
I thought all Life crafters were suppose to be androgynous? -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
G5 wishlist. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Friday, October 26 2007 03:32
I think thats a good idea -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
Fan Art in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 8036
written Thursday, October 25 2007 19:42
quote:Thanks for your comment. I still want to know WHAT makes that guy look like a Digimon though... my sis calls him Boobymon and makes fun of his pecks. The second one, I was aiming for a manic look, its a life crafter casting Essence lances. I don't think she Looks too altered as I wanted her to be, but I am happy how she turned out. Also... Nice Guardian! The characters How ever could use a little beefing up. Love the Helmet BTW! I use to have one of those Helms in my Wargaming Gear. -------------------- Put your heart into all you do, even when it seems your are diving head first to your demise, for your heart knows the right path to a true victory! Posts: 67 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |