Profile for Casual Moose

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Who has the REAL OLD Exile: Escape From The Pit??? in The Exile Trilogy
Member # 5573
Profile #24
Is there a chance that one could convince him to host the full versions of Exile 1, 2 and 3 on Spiderweb Software's main site?

... just wondering ;)
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Mmm, Saganaki... Flaming Karma in General
Member # 5573
Profile #31
I have rating 1.30, from 4 votes. It's slightly irratating, despite being meaningless.

EDIT: Voted fatman's karma as 5! "w00t"

[ Saturday, March 25, 2006 03:20: Message edited by: Casual Moose ]
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Response in General
Member # 5573
Profile #48
Originally written by Casual Moose:

I recall Omlette saying something a long time ago about a member called ef ... a long time ago ...
Ho hum.

"Omlette 313: ef's a bit strange, isn't she
Anama Freak: I haven't had a chance to get a good look at her yet."

Memory is a wonderful thing. :D
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Response in General
Member # 5573
Profile #1
I recall Omlette saying something a long time ago about a member called ef ... a long time ago ...

G'bye Thuryl. Even though you'll never read this, you deserve paying tribute to.

Casual Moose bows, salutes and exits.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Terror's Martyr for General Mod! in General
Member # 5573
Profile #6
Ahem. The situation is being delt with. We've only lost three hundered and thirty-four security guards trying to restrain him, but we're moving in with the tanks and security choppers. Oh wait, he's hijacked one of the tanks. A loud explosion is heard. The flames from the derelict tank are quickly extingushed and a Search is made. Suddenly, TM pops up holiding promotional leaflets.

TM: TM for General Mod! TM for General Mod!

Before the tranq darts can hit him, however, TM pulls a Device from his pocket and keys a code into the touch pad.

TM: See ya'll later!

TM disappears. And then reappears a few seconds later. Holding a 200 calibre machine gun.

TM: Party time!


The contents of the post are in no way based upon reality. :P
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Which are windowed? Why not all? in General
Member # 5573
Profile #1
If you go into the game, press Ctrl + Esc you will the be back on your desktop. Then right click on the window in the task bar. There should be an option to Restore.

If that dosen't work, I'm out of guesses.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
items you'd like to see in The Exile Trilogy
Member # 5573
Profile #12
Well, the wand of unusal results produces flowers.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Two Handed or Pole in The Exile Trilogy
Member # 5573
Profile #24
Meh. PE teachers around here get confused easily:

"Why haven't you brought your PE kit to the lesson?"

"I forgot it."

"And you?"



They deserve to be hung.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Less than 2 seconds of amusement... in General
Member # 5573
Profile #13
Stew Boy: Don't worry. It won't be funny now you've seen it and not understood it.

"The servile is saying "Die, weed!" Ripper is twisting it so it means "Die, drug!". Which is why Serviles say NO to drugs. If you still don't get it then your dense, or you have no sense of humor."

Or perhaps you didn't think twice before making that post.

Oh, and about the joke: I'm still laughing :P
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Two Handed or Pole in The Exile Trilogy
Member # 5573
Profile #22
Ash Lael: I can't see how it is that hard to work out what I am saying. You do have an IQ greater than that of a PE teacher's, no?

"Either that, or he gives them human graphics and names, but makes them Sliths just for the stat bonuses."

Ah, now the interesting thing about that is that all you get is the equivilant of two level's worth of exp which are altomatically spent. Which sucks, considering the amount of extra epx you have to get to level up. Sliths aren't worth it unless you're planning on getting all your characters to level 50 (or of course you want a pole weapon at the start, but it's easy to get one - the place at the top where there's the shambler. Up 'til then, repeatedly cast bless whenever he gets into combat and he'll have a reasonable chance of hitting.).
The one good thing about having a slith character is that if you make him the third pre-fabricated character down the list (Frrrrrr) then you have enough exp to be able to give him 20 strenght, lots of health and a good few levels on dexterity and pole weapons. When you start, you then get +2 strenght (yay). This then results in your character's health going up more slowly than if you had 20 Strenght.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
I protest. in General
Member # 5573
Profile #21
And that's so true.

Congrats. I won't ever reach 2000 posts, that's for sure.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Bye in General
Member # 5573
Profile #24
Ah HAH! He posted! This is good news indeed! It's a cry for help!

Don't frikkin' leave. It dosen't help anything. It's just giving up and not bothering when you don't have to because you can just walk away and forget about everything that happened here and you'll never be any worse because of it due to the fact that you don't care about it. But the point is that this dosen't actually have to end here. You could come back and try to make things less hostile. Don't be put off by the retards on this forum that don't have any sense of sympathy for the person that they are mindlessly insulting. Come back, act your age, ignore those that insult you, don't do all those things that people hate like quoting a massive post and then saying, "I agree.", stop feeling sorry for yourself and be sensible.

On a more sever note:
You blatently do care if we like you, because that's why you're leaving.
You're the one not leaving everyone else alone by continuing to post.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Bye in General
Member # 5573
Profile #18
Originally written by Early Bird:
(Takes a very deep sigh)

Ed, no one here hates you.

Speak for yourself.

Ppft. There are more people here that can tolerate him than there are that can't.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Two Handed or Pole in The Exile Trilogy
Member # 5573
Profile #16
I never play a 6 CP party. Always 4 CP, or fewer (once, once, I played 5, but it's almost exactly the same as four).

For 4 CPs I have ...

Slith Halbard Bloke
Human Two Cool Swords Dude
Human (Slith) One Sword And Unencumbering But Cool Shield.
Human (Slith) With Two Swords.

Da daa!
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Bye in General
Member # 5573
Profile #13
No, actually, don't leave. Leaving is the ultimate depth of self pity. It's a bit like commiting suiside. If you want to comit suiside, you've got to be so stuffed up with self pity that you don't even think about the concequences of what that's going to do. You're doing the same. You're crying over spilt milk. There are members that here that should be hung for the way they behave and you're taking the brunt of their mindless attacks, but leaving is never going to accomplish anything. If you leave, the hatred stays, and nothing happens other than everyone will have bad memories of this member that left repeatedly and got dissed. If you stay, then there is a chance to heal those wounds.
You're not a loser, merely someone that has unfortunately been picked on by the members of this site that seem to have left their scruples lying in a ditch somewhere. They reacted to your enthusiastic posting badly. You reacted badly back. And guess what ... ? They were better at it than you. But that's only a minority (only about 2 people). The majority of members here have enjoyed what you have brought to the site. Don't ruin what good you have done so far by leaving and blotting all that out with bad memories.

Those that have been insulting him, take it from a virtually-unknown-8-posts-lurker, you're acting like five year olds. Nothing comes before politeness.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
The End of Spiderweb in General
Member # 5573
Profile #44
Where can I find the iGod thing? Link?
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Testing in General
Member # 5573
Profile #2
I have. Some short ones, though. Nothing big.

That's a good one that you've made though; lots of frames - something I could never be bothered to do. The result being a jurky animation. And then my 30 day Jasc Animation Program Free Trial This Sucks And Does Funny Stuff To Your Computer thing expired.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
What is canned? in General
Member # 5573
Profile #54
Canned is one letter away from Banned, in the same way that God is only one letter away from Mod.

God --> Mod is slightly easier to grasp, although if you're still having trouble, try working out how many letters away "be" and "me" are.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
souls to take in The Exile Trilogy
Member # 5573
Profile #34
I've never used caprture soul. It's far too spell point expensive and takes far too much time (AP) to do. Major Summon (which you can get quite quickly if you put your mind to it) creates lots of powerful-ish monsters and it only costs 14 spell points and can beat your 30 spell point guard. (It is also similar with Deamons - summon Deamon costs a lot less spell point wise than getting a deamon via simulacrum does)

The only time I've ever found Capture Soul useful was when I got lots empire archers against the massive drake onslaught vs the king drake. They mopped the drakes up really, really quickly.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Move mountains spell in The Exile Trilogy
Member # 5573
Profile #0
Where can I get it?

Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
More ST2 bugs in SubTerra
Member # 5573
Profile #9
Kinghts are a very buggy thing. They are always disappering. All the time. And them and teleporters... ugh... I have so much trouble with that.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Crystal Soul: Exile 3 in The Exile Trilogy
Member # 5573
Profile #0
Sorry about the knew topic; I couldn't be bothered to find the topic inwhich this was mentioned previously (if, indeed, it exists). Basically, What I want to know is: where can I find the soul crystal or crystal sould or what ever it is in the bandit placey place in Exile. You know, the first mission that Anixemander gives you.

Thanks, CM
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Radiant's Relevancy: another sequel update in SubTerra
Member # 5573
Profile #19
Dunno if omlette mentioned this but a sorceor facing left with nothing infornt of him will go spaz and turn into all sorts of things and then trigger the knight disapear bug.

*sends level off to Radiant*

Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Heya! in General
Member # 5573
Profile #0
Meh, there isn't a place to say hi on this board... so I'll just have to say it here.

Bit about me:

I'm the brother to "omlette" who has dissapeared off to uni in Bath to study maths. I occasionally pop up as him and say something just to keep his account alive... :D

I'm 12 and live somewhere England. Probably off the west coast in a pineapple inder the sea actually. There are lots of other things I could say about myself but a the moment cant be bothered to edit in anything constructive.

I made 2 levels for ST2 both of which (I hope) were sent off and play most of the other Spiderweb games.

Anyways, HI GUYS!

Cheers, Casual Moose

"A blunt object allways wins over a witty remark."
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00