More ST2 bugs

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AuthorTopic: More ST2 bugs
Member # 2836
Profile #0
1. The 'change all' option doen't work when you click with the middle mouse button, only changing the object currently at first mouse button.

2. As you can cross gates and ports onto marble, shouldn't passage boxes do that too?

3. You can only buy things from Shoppes after you have collected at least 1 gem (i.e. you can't buy stuff right at the start), and also the gem quota can't go over the original gem quota.

4. You can pick up multiples of the same tool, but you can't buy multiples of the same tool.

5. When a granite rock lands on a box generator, naturally it doesn't fall through, but when the player walks on and off the generator, it falls through with no box-destroying graphic.

6. In the master object list, the doggie prefers up, down, left, and right pretzels in that order, but actually it prefers right, left, down and up pretzels in that order.
Posts: 587 | Registered: Tuesday, April 1 2003 08:00
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
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Okay, thanks, I'll start working on the next beta.

Pieter Simoons, aka Radiant

Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage
Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00
Member # 2836
Profile #2
Incidentally, Radiant, this is not a bug but I couldn't find any other useful topic I could put it into, in 'oops' I think the hard gem quota was 27 and the easy gem quota was 29. Could you change that please? (ie change the easy quota to 27 and the hard quota to 29)

[ Thursday, September 30, 2004 00:08: Message edited by: The Stew Boy ]
Posts: 587 | Registered: Tuesday, April 1 2003 08:00
Member # 2907
Profile #3
Originally written by The Stew Boy:

3. You can only buy things from Shoppes after you have collected at least 1 gem (i.e. you can't buy stuff right at the start), and also the gem quota can't go over the original gem quota.
I think the reason is that you first need to have 'money' in order to buy something. If the gem quota would go over the original gem quota, it would imply that you are carrying a negative amount of gems.

4. You can pick up multiples of the same tool, but you can't buy multiples of the same tool.
Why would you want to buy a tool you already have? By /picking up/ multiples of the same tool, you probably want to make some empty space, but I see absolutely no need why anyone would want to lose money and get nothing extra in return.
Posts: 4 | Registered: Tuesday, April 22 2003 07:00
Member # 2836
Profile #4
I've just realised something. While I was looking at the ST2 level list, I noticed a few levels had things like 'spring' or 'slimey' in their names.
Because of graphic changing, these objects are no longer called their original names, so probably the level names need changing too.
Posts: 587 | Registered: Tuesday, April 1 2003 08:00
Master Jeweller
Member # 409
Profile Homepage #5
Stewboy -> quota fixed.

PMBert -> absolutely correct.

Stewboy -> probably should do that, yeah.

Pieter Simoons, aka Radiant

Official Crystal Shard and SubTerra webpage
Posts: 798 | Registered: Monday, December 17 2001 08:00
Member # 2836
Profile #6
I shouldn't really bring back a dead topic, but I didn't see any point in making a new one.
A bug:
When you have two figures of the same player, and one pushes linkboxes and the other is not, the other player acts like it's pushing a linkbox too. This means, oddly, that the second player can walk thru a wall while still 'pushing'. The wall then stays open.
Posts: 587 | Registered: Tuesday, April 1 2003 08:00
Member # 2836
Profile #7
Deja vu.
When you drop a rock (I did it with a friction stone) on a demon, and the demon is not fully in the square directly below, not only does the explosion miss out the centre bit, but you cannot walk on the centre bit either.
Posts: 587 | Registered: Tuesday, April 1 2003 08:00
Member # 5167
Profile #8
I dont know if this has been posted, but:
In munchkin mines, the knight dissapears.

Finished Sub2 levels:
Machinery Complex
Machinery Complex2
Machinery Complex3
Machinery Complex4
Munchkin City
In progress:
Posts: 80 | Registered: Saturday, November 6 2004 08:00
Member # 5573
Profile #9
Kinghts are a very buggy thing. They are always disappering. All the time. And them and teleporters... ugh... I have so much trouble with that.
Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, March 4 2005 08:00
Member # 73
Profile #10
Refresh my memory, what does the knight do? Radiant keeps changing the graphics and names of the monsters and my level's text doesn't make any sense anymore. Is the knight the one that follows you around?

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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 4614
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SubTerra 2, huh? When do you think that will be released?

Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00
Member # 73
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As soon as there are enough levels and no bugs, which seems to be taking a long time.

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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 2836
Profile #13
As for the levels, I seem to have run out of ideas for them. And I think it would be a good idea if Radiant updated the ST2 level list again.
As for the bugs, well no game is without its bugs, no matter how hard to find.
Posts: 587 | Registered: Tuesday, April 1 2003 08:00