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I'm Baaaaak in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #22
Being the perfectionist I am, I am going to read the pertinent threads on this board before I prove my utter stupidity.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
I'm Baaaaak in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #19
Dear guy with not so perfict grammer,
May I introduce myself, I have found this board by coincidence and got a little addicted to relax by posting my ramblings here.
From the descriptions of the famous arctic wolf, I guess I could be pretty much of an antipode to him although I have not had the pleasure yet.

I am here for the RPs - and try to learn to know people who are around beforehand - as I have not taken part in any play-by-post RP yet.
I enjoy having anonymous contact with the members here in a loose manner without - I hope - imposing myself to much.

What I really, really would like is to have an RP about real people, e.g. a close friend of mine who lives in the same small village as I do and with whom I have not had direct contact since we graduated from high school. I would like to understand his strange behavior and might create an RP character with his traits for this purpose.
Could be in a fantasy world - but I would have to watch out in order not to make a caricature out of him. It is essential to stay anonymous for that purpose, because I would want to prevent ANY chance that he is identified as such.
BTW, I am straight and married and father of two friends of mine.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Suicide in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #84
ef wrote (previous page of this thread):
Machos do not see their soft side; perfectionists do not see that they try to freeze themselves into the 'perfect form', while what makes them lovable is their openness to movement and change. Depressed people feel the heavy weight of power they possess but block and cannot use.

ef wrote
We often fight in others what we are not able to accept within ourselves, what we do not want to know about ourselves, what we do not want to see. But hiding from my shadow is hiding from myself. Being willing to see myself is being on my side. Why should I not want to be on my side? Why should I want to be less than I am?

This makes sense in theory, but to make a right theory useful, is has to trickle through into everyday life.
Does learning have to make us old or is there a short-cut?
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Suicide in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #77
Chuck, this is a very complex subject that affects most of us very deeply.
It goes to the limits of what we can express in writing and probably beyond the limits of what we can understand. When I I try to reread the thread from the beginning, i get lost before I get to the end.
Let us assume that we all try our best and not get saddened by the unintented (I am sure) misunderstandings of our partners who are trying to contribute their best too.
Don't be sad!
I have learned more in this thread than I ever imagined would be possible without personal contact. In addition, I think that this community may come out profoundly changed. How about you?
Remember the post by Jorgos Olympos written February 20, 2004 01:26

That doesn't still change the fact that this whole damn thing is getting quite pathetic. If you're leaving, leave. If not, don't. That simple. We're not changing. ...

The attitude of the poster's in this thread is very much changed with respect to that.

Hmmh, now that I write this - it is a pity that I cannot update the karma ratings I have submitted earlier for member whom I had not understood properly.

[ Friday, March 12, 2004 09:55: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Suicide in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #72
I find it remarkable that so much encouragement originates from the relatively few experienced females on this board. Thank you!
I still try to analyse though because I am afraid that just "feeling my felings"(ef) would carry me away, I might loose control - call that a male weakness if you want to.
I sense there is something to learn, however, from what Kyna and ef wrote:
ef wrote:
And working with depressive women has taught me how extraordinarily strong they are.


Kyna wrote:
Some of us learn that it's not ok to make mistakes - and when we screw up we can carry the guilt for a very long time. For people who learn to be perfectionists, when our lives screw up it's a MAJOR disaster psychologically. We think that nobody likes us, that we're total failures, that nobody will miss us, that the world would be a far better place if we'd never existed and the only thing to do is to remove ourselves from the world - with the added benefit that this would end the pain we're feeling.
We tend to see only part of ourselves - call it tunnel vision or a huge blind spot.
Machos do not see their weak side, perfectionists do not see their failures and the fact that they may be loveable even if they are not perfect, and depressed people (at least women according to ef) do not see their strength.
It can be overwhelming if we start so see something completely unexpected about ourselves.
It is the same power that depresses the perfectionist who has failed and that gives hope to the depressive patient who sees that others value his/her life more than (s)he him/herself.
Let us not forget to tap that power as soon as we can in favor of the helpful pills. We may all be at risk of depression but we cannot all take pills.

[ Friday, March 12, 2004 03:25: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Suicide in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #66
You understood me better than I could have imagined. However, you did not need to be convinced - I guess.
I tried to take the perspective of a macho male adolescent, who - deep down - is not very secure about his male (heterosexual) and sane identity, because this perspective is not uncommon on this board. I can identify with this perspective because it is still in my repertoire and I am still not sure in how far it influences my feeling and thinking (keeping it in check most of the time ,I hope).
The contradictions that you pointed out are part of the perspective and imho are the cause of the anxiety I mentioned.
Did you grow up without internal contradictions in your role? Lucky you. But then how can you formulate so well what I tried to suggest (albeit clumsily):
Nothing wrong with accepting our fear. But neither depression nor homosexuality are weaknesses that you have to protect your identity from.
Will you allow me to use this idea in my signature?

[ Thursday, March 11, 2004 13:32: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Suicide in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #63
The belief of chemical/bioligical causes for suicide may be related to the genetic cause-claim for homosexuality (I am not in the least implying that homosexuality is a disease, thank you).
In both cases, the proclaimed physical touchable nature of the condition may bring a recognized status in our imperfect society with it.

in Alorael's words:
somehow mental problems are considered failures while physical problems are considered unfortunate coincidences. Why is it that amputation of every limb is considered a tragedy but amputation of the will to use them is considered shameful?
Deplorable as this may be, imho it does not help to denigrate ourselves for refusing such a recognized status in our heart to the respective minority - because denigration of anxiety is no remedy against it.

My hypothesis is that strong, non-depressed, heterosexuals tend to be afraid of questions concerning their rightful belonging to the majority and relish the enhanced self-assurance and righteousness that results if they can see themselves standing out against some minority (Crusaders need infidels to confirm their identity to themselves). It is not politically correct and even stupid - but that is the way we are.

I do not think that attributing depression to a physical or homosexuality to a genetic cause will help against this anxiety about our own identity - but accepting that we have a weak side in ourselves might help a long way (read the e.g. "Kiss of the spiderwoman" for details) so that whatever minorities can feel accepted in our midst.

[ Thursday, March 11, 2004 11:09: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Suicide in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #35
Concerning adolescent suicide ideas:
I recall one 16-year old patient who had taken a huge overdose of some diazepam somewhere in a raised blind in the woods and slept for more than two days before he was found.
He had got bedsore and a palsy in the arm on which he had lain - talked about a mood swing he had had reading too much of Hermann Hesse.
Remarkably, he felt some sort of relief of doing it and surviving - in hindsight, like a Bungee-jumper.
I just thought of it because of the desperate lack of communication mentioned by Timber-wolf no2.
I find it easier to talk to people who have survived some sort of crisis.

So for any potential suicide candidate around here who feels desperate for lack of communication with friends - or worse for lack of friends at all:

Consider whether there is any other spectacular thing that you can do that is not as destructive
as taking your or somebody else's life. I respect that you do not value your own life your independance of the common will to live - it gives you room to put something else important in that place. Could be your family - could be something that you would really grant yourself some respect for. If nothing else helps, maybe start a new life.
Is there not something that you always wanted to do? It might help if you focus on that instead of on yourself. Give yourself another chance.

[ Wednesday, March 10, 2004 02:55: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Suicide in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #22
On the other hand, I remember working night shifts in an internal medicine ICU and being faced with a woman in her thirties who had taken rat poison (Do not do this, ever!). It had been her third or fourth attempt and whenever she was awake, she would tell us that our efforts would be to no avail. It was her life and she wanted to take it. None of anybody else's business...

I remember angry feelings - being overstrict in changing infusions or measuring blood pressure in regular intervals during the night.
I feel ashamed of that now.
It was my own anxiety about questions which this patient forced me to face.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Suicide in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #19
Morgan wrote:
You are not the benchmark of humanity.

I have not read any post in this thread in which I could remotely recognize a any claim to the benchmark of humanity.
Are we not trying to help each other understand suicide by exchanging different points of view and experiences as far as we can face past experience, and insights into our own nature.
There is no doubt in my mind that this well help us to avoid rather than promote suicides.
Let me apologize for us all in case anybody has offended anybody else - up to now I am sure that is nobodies intention.

I do not understand what Morgan means by "weakness" - aside from the moral repugnance that is a personal reaction which we may try to understand in a second step.

Take the statement:
"Suicide as a sign of weakness"
What meaning does this have without context.
Weakness can mean all kind of things, and maybe there are contexts where moral repugnance may be a remedy. I know none. Tell me.

The statement reminds me in its categorical nature of "We are all sinners." in that it says more about the speaker's own frame of mind and system of values than about anything outside the speaker.

The context that comes to my mind is the memory of a loved one of mine who was weakened by her disease and felt too overwhelmed to carry on with her life. She felt forgotten by her God and doomed to live on far beyond ninety. She begged her children to kill her.
If she had taken some lethal overdose, would that have been out of weakness? I think so.
Would it have been humane to tell her: "That is morally repugnant!" I do not think so.

Please help me to understand!

[ Tuesday, March 09, 2004 15:38: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Suicide in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #13
Loss of hope applies to all three items listed so far -and probably to those that I did not list too.

Did not dare to list suicide bombers...
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Suicide in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #7
Among the people I have known to attempt to or succeed in kill(ing) themselves I would have identified three attitudes. At times I have experienced only the first two - fortunately - and there may be more:

1. Facing life and trying to show something to the world, to the friends or parents: Suicide is an ultimate means of forcimng the others to see something so they will be sorry.
If this results in death it is sometimes more of an accident because some prearranged opportunity to be found and rescued in time did not work out.
My impression is that the underlying cause is lack of communication and recognition by the surround. Family and friends can see ir coming and do something about it if they care.
I would not take it lightly and show respect for the person who is threatening to kill him/herself. Tell him/her that ultimately there is no way to force anybody to live - if have had similar thoughts in the past - and show some solidarity.

2. Fleeing life - retreating from some shame, some insult or pain. You do not really want to kill yourself but you get the feeling that you do not have the power to go on and the only way out is death. Taking a step back, sleep and some relaxation help a lot.

3. Taking control of one's own life. There may be many other ways to do this for most of us. But there are situations that make us feel utterly powerless - like e.g. tinnitus a constant ringing in the ears, or other debilitating possibly progressing diseases. Who am I to judge in such a case. Since I have seen a loved one battle cancer over a year, I do no longer fend off if someone starts talking about his/her own death. Instead I see it as a way of sharing some extremely personal

[ Tuesday, March 09, 2004 11:18: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Looking for someone in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #9

I'm not sure what an hex editor is. Sounds illegal though...
A hexeditor lets you see the machine code byte by byte and also the string data that the program uses. A full function evaluation 30day license from
should do.
Don't worry, doing anything illigal with a hexeditor -like reverse engineering a key code etc. - requires considerable skill and patience.
However, as you have the name, the best way would be contact.
The guys name is apparently Paul D Rotter, which I doubt, if that helps. There is an address to somewhere in Germany for sending donations

What address? Let's check.

Could it be this guy:
IMAGE(Looking for someone_files/us_small.jpg)

wrote this scenario or game:

Try to write to

[ Monday, March 08, 2004 09:22: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
This sentence describes a topic containing an entirely self-referential short story. in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #3
The story demonstrates that we become immobilized by analyzing what we do.
Why not stop punishing ourselves?
Let us go out and play! Bye!

[ Sunday, March 07, 2004 02:44: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Purpose? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #66
To be specific, Arancaytar's picture appears to show a mango (just look at the properties of the image with yourright mouse button - it says It may not be gigantic - as Arancaytar is soft spoken - but a mango it is.

Now did the real Mr. Kirk celebrate his innocence with relish?
The real Sherlock Holmes at least would have searched the archives about any special connotation that this fruit might have had on this board and he would have found (all emphasis is mine):
iDavid wrote on February 24, 2004 05:21 PM
Drakey likes mango juice, but... that's different.

Drakefire wrote on February 23, 2004 04:13 PM
James loves mangos


Alorael wrote on December 22, 2003 12:34 PM
The people have a voice in locking topics. Let's hear it for popular moderation! For future reference, the yaoi really isn't necessary, though. A simple gigantic picture of a mango will get the message across quite nicely.

So what is the message? Just look at the context.
The CONTEXT makes or breaks the meaning!
Take for example the previous message in the same threat "Where did that come from?":
ArcticWaffles wrote on December 22, 2003 09:05 AM
Locking topics is easy, although saying so is a bit misleading. First you post some yaoi
(Yaoi is the Japanese word for slash or male-to-male relationships/sex. For those who are culturally deficit, ignorant or just plain clueless, this means GAY SEX!![yap]Ah no I understand: 'mango' is derived from the Tamil word 'mangkay' or 'man-gay'[yap})
with Shinji and Kaworu, then TM goes YAY, Alec goes AAAHH, DB starts purring and then Imban will also go AAAHH and lock the topic. Saunders will also lock the topic, but she makes comments about cuteness. Drakefyre shares his links to before locking the topic. Dingy is a party pooper and just locks the topic... [Razz]
Alorael will surely make a witty comment before locking the topic.

In case Alec, TM or DB isn't available, do not worry. Khoth and TGM both might join the fun by posting pictures. Then there is also Thuryl, so no worries. You have plenty of people there ensuring the loxxor of the topic in question.

What could Mr. Kirk learn if he tried to do his homework instead of procrastinating and filibustering?

It is the context that makes the meaning.
IMAGE( <a href="" title=""></a> )

[ Saturday, March 06, 2004 09:31: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Looking for someone in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #6
What is the email address?
Any name or company mentioned, e.g. in the copyright notice?
If we cannot get at the game, let us try to go for the author or whoever owns of the copyright.
Have you looked into the binary with a hex editor.? Sometimes there are interesting char strings at the very end of the file.

[ Friday, March 05, 2004 05:17: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Purpose? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #53
The sex & marriage issue is hypothetical with marriage so far off for many of us here and sex close at hand.
The point is rather does sex fit our present individual relationships or those that we dream of or not.
Is it not a little bit simple-minded to think that there is one answer applicable to all of us - not to mention our partners or even prospective partners?

[ Wednesday, March 03, 2004 15:02: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
For all the English kniggets out there... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #10
Old Europe - which according to Rummy appears to exclude England for some incomprehensible reason.
I wonder whether fervent listening to the BBC mitigates my Old European age somewhat.

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
I know, I know.. it's just that in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #4
Congratulations - how very nice of you to try to share that joy with all of us!

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Purpose? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #15
At first sight, I agreed with Alorael's and Syntyrael's answer "It is what you make of it." -even if this is no answer at all, as they do not write what they make of it in their lives.
However, having read the other posts - sex appears to me as the easy part of MSW's original question.

I keep wondering about the idea of a purpose of sex at all - not to mention thepurpose of sex.
Look at what different meanings we are attaching to "purpose":

Religious imperialistic:
Some unique destiny, i.e. an intention of a creator, that can be discovered and that applies to all of mankind so that it can be proclaimed with that feeling "I am right - everybody else is a poor/ignorant/evil/stupid/infidel (whatever you choose)."

Scientific evolutionary ("biologic"):
A mechanism of physical differentiation in two phenotypes that allows to find new combinations of genetic material and allow species to adapt and evolve.

What can we make of it?
One might count Boeing's post here - even if its lgic appears to be directed at the purpose of the hands rather than of sex.

A collection of allour our associations we have when we think of it.

A kind of transcendent explanation/camouflage for our common desire to be close to someone else or to even imagine to be close (the desire to control/subdue/possess that partner may be seen as an escalation following deprivation.)

Maybe the question about a purpose is too advanced for me. Let me answer instead the easier question:
What role does sex play in my life?

It is a way how I make sure that I live and do not dream - the ultimate form of communication.
I experience a similar feeling when I discuss with an open-minded partner or even when I sense the triumph of success of one of my better explanations - when I have been understood before the victim of my explanation has lost interest or - even worse - escaped.
What about this lustful moment right now?
Do you understand what I mean?

Sure, there are other aspects of sex like
identifying a potential mate and working hard for acceptance and one's own physical climax.
But that maybe taboo here anyway...

[ Saturday, February 28, 2004 16:08: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
What Kinds of Girls do you Like? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #186
I appreciate your sarcastic advice about grizzlies and non-sentient beings for desperate emergencies. May internet pictures and certain games scavenge the desperate drive of the shy guys and distract them from sticking it everywhere they can imagine without bothering to ask (being too shy).

Would it help you to share any personal experiences here that might be compatible with the policies of this board?

Many Mexicans (beware of the burly ones in particular) will probably take exception to be subsumed in this way and rightfully so.

As for the kids you mentioned, let me get serious.
This is not funny. Are you a small child or would you want to be looked upon as the opposite?
Would you want to explain about your "reasonable morality" in this context?

[ Monday, February 23, 2004 15:20: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
rBST: Boon or Bane? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #4
Most of us are probably too young to remember the Diethylstilbestrol (DES) catastrophe that was a principle reason to establish the FDA.

Skip the following if you know it:
DES was the first affordable synthetic hormone ever produced and it was embraced by the US-cattle industry as it allowed to shorten the feeding period just enough to convert to stable feed. Thousands of adolescent girls got a new sort of cancer - about two decades after their mothers had been exposed to DES during pregnancy - a fact that was discovered by a most unlikely coincidence.
It then still took many years before DES-use was banned. DES is a reference carcinogen today.

Low-risk long term effects are extremely difficult to study before large-scale application - and the consequences can be desasterous!
Call me a crazy softie, but I try to minimize exposing my eyes to mobile phone radiation, avoid food that is genetically modfified and - in particular - hormones - apart from clearly indicated cases.

Let us talk again about this in twenty years from now.

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
What Kinds of Girls do you Like? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #184
The Most Guru of the Gurus wrote:
Are you really that goddamn stupid? Inquiring minds wish to know.

My best guess would be that you should get a clue. ^_____^

[edit:] wider smile lol

Is the strident cryptic tone here meant to leave newbies puzzled, feeling small und ugly in front of The Most Guru of Guru?

[ Monday, February 23, 2004 14:41: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
What Kinds of Girls do you Like? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #181
I wonder, what kind of girls would be attracted to such impatience (above post)?
And I wonder whether this selectivity about communication partners is really intended.

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
Join the revolution! in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3980
Profile Homepage #8
originally written by "Generic Wise Man"
then what makes it so good?
The idea of having one's own message board is a fairly recent form of the much older appeal of "owning" some structure of communication.

As wise ladies and gentlemen may recall, there were some pathetic attempts to design even complete new languages, more than a hundred years ago.
One notorious example by the name of Volapük was created and de facto copyrighted by a German priest Schleyer.
His idea was that this language was so much better than any other language because he could use it so very well - forget about the group of people who were supposed to pay for the right to use it and might have wanted to have it adapted to their needs.
Does this sound familiar?
Well we were saved from the fate of speaking Volapük XP today as there was no well-heeled wiz-kid around with the necessary marketing skills...

Schleyer's basic misunderstandig - namely that a language "consists" of a grammar and a dictionary - is still alive today apart from a migration to the message board version.

Before anybody is offended, may I recommend to study the corresponding GNU-Ansatz to the problem of language design implemented at around the same time by a polish eyedoctor Zamenhof aka Dr. Esperanto. There is a lot that can be learned about establishing a new means of communication from Zamenhof's example - probably the most important thing is modesty and adaptation to the needs of the users. But judge yourself.

[ Sunday, February 22, 2004 16:09: Message edited by: yet another procrastinator ]

Wisdom grows from trying to find structure in our experience - looking backwards in time - while living goes forward.
Theories are expectations that help us live forward - like possible ways to put the mosaic together. If they are worth the effort to remember, they should predict something and in case the prediction does not work out with time they should autodestruct.
And then there is something that we cannot test - something we have inherited in form of customs, attitudes, culture and the spirit of stories told and retold - that is like our individual SQUARE ONE.
This runs deeper than we can know.
Posts: 311 | Registered: Friday, February 13 2004 08:00
